29 research outputs found

    Context-Aware Personalized Activity Modeling in Concurrent Environment

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    Activity recognition, having endemic impact on smart homes, faces one of the biggest challenges in learning a personalized activity model completely by using a generic model especially for parallel and interleaved activities. Furthermore, inhabitant’s mistaken object interaction may entail in another spurious activity at smart homes. Identifying and removing such spurious activities is another challenging task. Knowledge driven techniques used for recognizing activity models are static in nature, lack contextual representation and may not comprehend spurious actions for parallel/interleaved activities. In this paper, a novel approach for completing the personalized model specific to each inhabitant at smart homes using generic model (incomplete) is presented that can recognize the sequential, parallel, and interleaved activities dynamically while removing the spurious activities semantically. A comprehensive set of experiments and results based upon number of correct (true positivity) or incorrect (false negativity) recognition of activities assert effectiveness of presented approach within a smart hom

    An Adaptive Software Fault Tolerant Framework for Ubiquitous Vehicular Technologies

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    Probability for the occurrence of faults increases manifolds when program Lines of Code (LoC) exceeds a few thousand in ubiquitous applications. Faults mitigation in ubiquitous applications, such as those of autonomous Vehicular Technologies (VTs), has not been effective even with the use of formal methods. Faults in such applications require exhaustive testing for a timely fix, that seems infeasible computationally. This emphasizes the imperative role of Software Fault Tolerance (SFT) for autonomous applications. Several SFT techniques have been proposed but failures revealed in VT applications imply that existing SFT techniques need to be fine-tuned. In this paper, current replication-based SFT techniques have been analyzed and classified with respect to their diversity, adjudication, and adaptivity. Essential parameters (such as Reliability, Time, Variance, etc) for adjudication, diversity, and adaptiveness were recorded. The identified parameters were mapped to different techniques (such as AFTRC, SCOP, VFT, etc) for observing their shortcomings. Consequently, a generic framework named ”Diverse Parallel Adjudication for Software Fault Tolerance (DPA-SFT)” has been proposed. DPA-SFT addresses the shortcomings of existing SFT techniques for VTs with the added value of parallel and diverse adjudication. A prototype implementation of the proposed framework has been developed for assessing the viability of DPA-SFT over modules of VT. An empirical comparison of the proposed framework was performed with prevalent techniques (AFTRC, SCOP, VFT, etc). A thorough evaluation suggests that DPA-SFT performs better than contemporary SFT techniques in VTs due to its parallel and diverse adjudication

    An Exploratory Framework for Intelligent Labelling of Fault Datasets

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    Software fault prediction (SFP) has become a pivotal aspect in realm of software quality. Nevertheless, discipline of software quality suffers the starvation of fault datasets. Most of the research endeavors are focused on type of dataset, its granularity, metrics used and metrics extractors. However, sporadic attention has been exerted on development of fault datasets and their associated challenges. There are very few publicly available datasets limiting the possibilities of comprehensive experiments on way to improvising the quality of software. Current research targets to address the challenges pertinent to fault dataset collection and development if one is not available publicly. It also considers dynamic identification of available resources such as public dataset, open-source software archieves, metrics parsers and intelligent labeling techniques. A framework for dataset collection and development process has been furnished along with evaluation procedure for the identified resources

    A Context-aware and Intelligent Framework for the Secure Mission Critical Systems

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    Recent technological advancements in pervasive systems have shown the poten-tial to address challenges in the military domain. Research developments in mili-tary-based mission-critical systems have refined a lot as in autopilot, sensing true target behavior, battle damage conditions, acquiring and manipulating command control information. However, the application of pervasive systems in the military domain is still evolving. In this paper, an intelligent framework has been pro-posed for mission-critical systems to incorporate advanced heterogeneous com-munication protocols; service-oriented layered structure and context-aware infor-mation manipulation. The proposed framework addresses the limitation of “time-space” constraints in Mission-critical systems that have been improved signifi-cantly. This improvement is courtesy to enhancing situation-aware tactical capa-bilities such as localization, decision significance, strategic span, strategic inten-tions, resource coordination and profiling concerning the situation. A comprehen-sive use case model has been presented for a typical battle-field scenario followed by a comparison of the proposed framework with existing techniques. It is evi-dent from experiments and analyses that the proposed framework provides more effective and seamless interaction with contextual resources to improve tactical capabilities. This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: A Context-aware and Intelligent Framework for the Secure Mission Critical Systems, which has been published in final form in Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Version

    Servicing Delay Sensitive Pervasive Communication Through Adaptable Width Channelization for Supporting Mobile Edge Computing

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    Over the last fifteen years, wireless local area networks (WLANs) have been populated by large variety of pervasive devices hosting heterogeneous applications. Pervasive Edge computing encouraged more distributed network applications for these devices, eliminating the round-trip to help in achieving zero latency dream. However, These applications require significantly variable data rates for effective functioning, especially in pervasive computing. The static bandwidth of frequency channelization in current WLANs strictly restricts the maximum achievable data rate by a network station. This static behavior spawns two major drawbacks: under-utilization of scarce spectrum resources and less support to delay sensitive applications such as voice and video.To this point, if the computing is moved to the edge of the network WLANs to reduce the frequency of communication, the pervasive devices can be provided with better services during the communication and networking. Thus, we aim to distribute spectrum resources among pervasive resources based upon delay sensitivity of applications while simultaneously maintaining the fair channel access semantics of medium access control (MAC) layer of WLANs. Henceforth, ultra-low latency, efficiency and reliability of spectrum resources can be assured. In this paper, two novel algorithms have been proposed for adaptive channelization to offer rational distribution of spectrum resources among pervasive Edge nodes based on their bandwidth requirement and assorted ambient conditions. The proposed algorithms have been implemented on a real test bed of commercially available universal software radio peripheral (USRP) devices. Thorough investigations have been carried out to enumerate the effect of dynamic bandwidth channelization on parameters such as medium utilization, achievable throughput, service delay, channel access fairness and bit error rates. The achieved empirical results demonstrate that we can optimally enhance the network-wide throughput by almost 30% using channels of adaptable bandwidths

    Context aware ontology‐based hybrid intelligent framework for vehicle driver categorization

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    In public vehicles, one of the major concerns is driver's level of expertise for its direct proportionality to safety of passengers. Hence, before a driver is subjected to certain type of vehicle, he should be thoroughly evaluated and categorized with respect to certain parameters instead of only one‐time metric of having driving license. These aspects may be driver's expertise, vigilance, aptitude, experience years, cognition, driving style, formal education, terrain, region, minor violations, major accidents, and age group. The purpose of this categorization is to ascertain suitability of a driver for certain vehicle type(s) to ensure passengers' safety. Currently, no driver categorization technique fully comprehends the implicit as well as explicit characteristics of drivers dynamically. In this paper, machine learning–based dynamic and adaptive technique named D‐CHAITs (driver categorization through hybrid of artificial intelligence techniques) is proposed for driver categorization with an objective focus on driver's attributes modeled in DriverOntology. A supervised mode of learning has been employed on a labeled dataset, having diverse profiles of drivers with attributes pertinent to drivers' perspectives of demographics, behaviors, expertise, and inclinations. A comparative analysis of D‐CHAIT with three other machine learning techniques (fuzzy logic, case‐based reasoning, and artificial neural networks) is also presented. The efficacy of all techniques was empirically measured while categorizing the drivers based on their profiles through metrics of accuracy, precision, recall, F‐measure performance, and associated costs. These empirical quantifications assert D‐CHAIT as a better technique than contemporary ones. The novelty of proposed technique is signified through preprocessing of feature attributes, quality of data, training of machine learning model on more relevant data, and adaptivity This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Context aware ontology‐based hybrid intelligent framework for vehicle driver categorization, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/ett.3729. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions

    Context-Aware Personalized Activity Modeling in Concurrent Environment

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    Activity recognition, having endemic impact on smart homes, faces one of the biggest challenges in learning a personalized activity model completely by using a generic model especially for parallel and interleaved activities. Furthermore, inhabitant’s mistaken object interaction may entail in another spurious activity at smart homes. Identifying and removing such spurious activities is another challenging task. Knowledge driven techniques used for recognizing activity models are static in nature, lack contextual representation and may not comprehend spurious actions for parallel/interleaved activities. In this paper, a novel approach for completing the personalized model specific to each inhabitant at smart homes using generic model (incomplete) is presented that can recognize the sequential, parallel, and interleaved activities dynamically while removing the spurious activities semantically. A comprehensive set of experiments and results based upon number of correct (true positivity) or incorrect (false negativity) recognition of activities assert effectiveness of presented approach within a smart hom

    Mitigating MAC Layer Performance Anomaly of Wi-Fi Networks through Adaptable Channelization

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    . 802.11 wireless local area networks (WLANs) can support multiple data rates at physical layer by using adaptive modulation and coding (AMC) scheme. However, this differential data rate capability introduces a serious performance anomaly in WLANs. In a network comprising of several nodes with varying transmission rates, nodes with lower data rate (slow nodes) degrade the throughput of nodes with higher transmission rates (fast nodes). The primary source of this anomaly is the channel access mechanism of WLANs which ensures long term equal channel access probability to all nodes irrespective of their transmission rates. In this work, we investigate the use of adaptable width channelization to minimize the effect of this absurdity in performance. It has been observed that surplus channel-width due to lower transmission rate of slow nodes can be assigned to fast nodes connected to other access points (APs), which can substantially increase the overall throughput of the whole network. We propose a medium access control (MAC) layer independent anomaly prevention (MIAP) algorithm that assigns channel-width to nodes connected with different APs based on their transmission rate. We have modeled the effect of adaptable channelization and provide lower and upper bounds for throughput in various network scenarios. Our empirical results indicate a possible increase in network throughput by more than 20% on employing the proposed MIAP algorith

    Ontology Evolution for Personalized and Adaptive Activity Recognition

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    Ontology-based knowledge driven Activity Recognition (AR) models play a vital role in realm of Internet of Things (IoTs). However, these models suffer the shortcomings of static nature, inability of self-evolution and lack of adaptivity. Also, AR models cannot be made comprehensive enough to cater all the activities and smart home inhabitants may not be restricted to only those activities contained in AR model. So, AR models may not rightly recognize or infer new activities. In this paper, a framework has been proposed for dynamically capturing the new knowledge from activity patterns to evolve behavioural changes in AR model (i.e. ontology based model). This ontology based framework adapts by learning the specialized and extended activities from existing user-performed activity patterns. Moreover, it can identify new activity patterns previously unknown in AR model, adapt the new properties in existing activity models and enrich ontology model by capturing change representation to enrich ontology model. The proposed framework has been evaluated comprehensively over the metrics of accuracy, statistical heuristics and Kappa Coefficient. A well-known dataset named DAMSH has been used for having an empirical insight to the effectiveness of proposed framework that shows a significant level of accuracy for AR models This paper is a postprint of a paper submitted to and accepted for publication in IET Wireless Sensor Systems and is subject to Institution of Engineering and Technology Copyright. The copy of record is available at the IET Digital Librar