15 research outputs found

    Acute pancreatitis due to pancreatic hydatid cyst: a case report and review of the literature

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    Hydatid disease is a major health problem worldwide. Primary hydatid disease of the pancreas is very rare and acute pancreatitis secondary to hydatid cyst has rarely been reported. We report the case of a 38-year-old man who presented acute pancreatitis. A diagnosis of hydatid cyst of the pancreas, measuring 10 cm, was established by abdominal computed tomography before surgery. The treatment consisted of a distal pancreatectomy. The postoperative period was uneventful. Additionally, a review of the literature regarding case reports of acute pancreatitis due to pancreatic hydatid cyst is presented

    Hydatid Cyst of the Adrenal Gland: A Clinical Study of Six Cases

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    Hydatid cyst of the adrenal gland (HCAG) is an exceptional occurrence. We report our experience of six cases of HCAG and discuss the diagnosis and treatment of this hydatid localization. We retrospectively reviewed and analyzed the clinical files of six patients admitted to our institution from January 1990 to December 2000 for HCAG. Patients varied in age from 24—59 years. They were five males and one female. One patient had a history of pulmonary hydatidosis treated surgically 10 years previously. Five patients presented with lumbar pain and one patient had bouts of hypertension, headache, and palpitation. Physical examination was normal except in one patient who was hypertensive. Preoperative diagnosis was highly suggested by ultrasonography. CT scan performed in all cases clearly showed the relationship of the cyst with adjacent organs. Serology tests were positive in two cases. One patient had elevated urine VMA and was operated on with the diagnosis of cystic phaeochromocytoma. All six patients were operated on and had either an adrenalectomy (two cases) or partial pericystectomy (four cases). In one case, partial pericystectomy was conducted through a retroperitoneal laparoscopic approach. The hydatid nature of the cyst was confirmed pathologically. All patients had a smooth postoperative course with no cystic recurrence on follow-up. The diagnosis of HCAG is based mainly on ultrasonography and CT scan. Surgery with either partial or total excision of the cyst, with or without preservation of the adrenal gland, is the treatment of choice

    RĂ©sultats de la chirurgie laparoscopique pour la hernie de l’aine: l’expĂ©rience Tunisienne

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    La hernie de l'aine de l'adulte reste une affection frĂ©quente en chirurgie digestive. De nombreuses techniques de rĂ©paration ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©crites Ă  ce jour dont les procĂ©dĂ©s laparoscopiques. Deux mĂ©thodes furent rapidement adoptĂ©es par les diffĂ©rents praticiens pour le traitement chirurgical des hernies de l'aine par laparoscopie: la mĂ©thode laparoscopique totalement extra pĂ©ritonĂ©ale (TEP) et la mĂ©thode laparoscopique transpĂ©ritonĂ©ale (TAPP). Le but Ă©tait d'Ă©tudier la faisabilitĂ© de la cure de hernie de l'aine par coelioscopie et de dĂ©crire ses rĂ©sultats du point de vue rĂ©cidive herniaire et douleur post opĂ©ratoire. Ce travail Ă©tait une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective, uni centrique, et transversale, portant sur des patients opĂ©rĂ©s par des chirurgiens du service de chirurgie A La Rabta pour hernie de l'aine par voie laparoscopique, sur une pĂ©riode de 8 ans allant de janvier 2006 Ă  dĂ©cembre 2013. Le principal critĂšre de jugement Ă©tait la rĂ©cidive herniaire. La douleur post opĂ©ratoire et les complications Ă©taient les critĂšres de jugement secondaires. Nous avons colligĂ©s 104 hernies chez 92 patients respectant les critĂšres d'inclusion de notre Ă©tude. La moyenne d'Ăąge de nos patients Ă©tait de 48 Ans (19-83). L'approche TAPP Ă©tait la plus utilisĂ©e: 94 cas (90%) TAPP contre 10 cas TEP. Aucune complication per opĂ©ratoires n'a Ă©tĂ© signalĂ©e. Le taux de conversion de notre sĂ©rie Ă©tait nul. La mortalitĂ© opĂ©ratoire Ă©tait aussi nulle. La morbiditĂ© postopĂ©ratoire Ă©tait de 5% (5 patients). Elle Ă©tait Ă  type d'hĂ©matome dans 3 cas et de sĂ©rum dans 2 cas. La durĂ©e moyenne d'hospitalisation Ă©tait de 1.2 jours (1- 4jours). Le sĂ©jour post opĂ©ratoire n'avait pas dĂ©passĂ© 2 jours chez 94% des patients. Seulement 2 patients avaient prĂ©sentĂ© une rĂ©cidive. Les douleurs chroniques postopĂ©ratoires Ă©taient notĂ©es chez seulement 3 patients. Notre Ă©tude a montrĂ© que la cure de hernie de l'aine par laparoscopie a apportĂ© un confort considĂ©rable Ă  nos patients en ce qui concerne les phĂ©nomĂšnes douloureux, les durĂ©es d'hospitalisation et d'arrĂȘt de travail. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus dans cette sĂ©rie sont bons et conformes aux rĂ©sultats dĂ©jĂ  publiĂ©s dans la littĂ©rature. Ceci nous encourage Ă  poursuivre l'utilisation de ces techniques et Ă  contrĂŽler nos rĂ©sultats Ă  plus long terme

    Retroperitoneal Abscess: A Rare Localization of Tubercular Infection

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    Incidence of tuberculosis infection has considerably increased during the past 20 years due to the HIV pandemic and continues to be one of the most prevalent and deadly infections worldwide. Extrapulmonary tuberculosis lacks specific clinical manifestation and can mimic many diseases. It can invade neighbouring tissue and form a big cyst with manifesting clinical symptoms. We describe a rare case of 31-year-old immunocompetent man affected by a retroperitoneal abscess secondary to tubercular infection. Exploratory laparotomy and histopathological examinations of tissue were required for achieving diagnosis of tuberculosis. No pulmonary or spinal involvement was identified. The patient was successfully treated with standard four-drug antitubercular therapy

    Left-sided gallbladder: An incidental finding on laparoscopic cholecystectomy

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    Transposition of the gallbladder to the left side without situs inversus viscerum is rare. These gallbladders are situated under the left lobe of the liver between Segment III and IV or on Segment III to the left of the falciform ligament. This is a report of a 50-year-old woman who was admitted to our department with a history of pain in her right upper abdomen. The physical examination showed tenderness in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen without a Murphy's sign. Abdominal ultrasonography showed gall bladder stones without dilatation of the bile ducts. The patient underwent a laparoscopic cholecystectomy using the French position and four ports positioned as usual. We discovered a left-sided gallbladder located on the left of the round ligament. The gallbladder was excised as usual. Intraoperative cholangiogram showed neither dilatation of the bile ducts nor associated congenital anomalies of the biliary tree. The patient was discharged on the first postoperative day. Because routine preoperative examinations may not detect the anomaly, the latter may take surgeons by surprise during laparoscopy. Awareness of the unpredictable confluence of the cystic duct into the common bile duct and selective use of intraoperative cholangiography both contributed to the safe laparoscopic management of this unusual problem

    Pancréatite aiguë médicamenteuse: à propos de 10 cas

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    La pancrĂ©atite aiguĂ« mĂ©dicamenteuse reprĂ©sente environ 2% des pancrĂ©atites aiguĂ«s. Son incidence est actuellement en augmentation avec plus de 260 mĂ©dicaments incriminĂ©s. Cependant, cette pathologie reste encore peu rapportĂ©e dans la littĂ©rature, car se pose le problĂšme de l'imputabilitĂ©. Nous rapportons notre expĂ©rience Ă  travers une sĂ©rie de 10 patients colligĂ©s sur une pĂ©riode de 7 ans. La prĂ©sentation clinique de la PA Ă©tait souvent non univoque. Le score de Ranson variait de 0 Ă  5. Nous avons recensĂ© 5 cas de pancrĂ©atites oedĂ©mateuses et 5 cas de pancrĂ©atites nĂ©crotico-hĂ©morragiques. Ces pancrĂ©atites Ă©taient souvent rĂ©solutives et sans rĂ©cidive aprĂšs arrĂȘt dĂ©finitif du mĂ©dicament incriminĂ©

    Left-sided gallbladder: An incidental finding on laparoscopic cholecystectomy

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    Transposition of the gallbladder to the left side without situs inversus viscerum is rare. These gallbladders are situated under the left lobe of the liver between Segment III and IV or on Segment III to the left of the falciform ligament. This is a report of a 50-year-old woman who was admitted to our department with a history of pain in her right upper abdomen. The physical examination showed tenderness in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen without a Murphys sign. Abdominal ultrasonography showed gall bladder stones without dilatation of the bile ducts. The patient underwent a laparoscopic cholecystectomy using the French position and four ports positioned as usual. We discovered a left-sided gallbladder located on the left of the round ligament. The gallbladder was excised as usual. Intraoperative cholangiogram showed neither dilatation of the bile ducts nor associated congenital anomalies of the biliary tree. The patient was discharged on the first postoperative day. Because routine preoperative examinations may not detect the anomaly, the latter may take surgeons by surprise during laparoscopy. Awareness of the unpredictable confluence of the cystic duct into the common bile duct and selective use of intraoperative cholangiography both contributed to the safe laparoscopic management of this unusual problem

    Tumeur pseudo papillaire et solide du pancréas

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    Les tumeurs pseudopapillaires et solides du pancrĂ©as (TPPS) sont des tumeurs Ă©pithĂ©liales rares. Dans la plupart des cas, il s’agit de tumeurs survenant chez la femme jeune dans la deuxiĂšme ou la troisiĂšme dĂ©cennie de la vie. La survie aprĂšs rĂ©section primaire approche 90% Ă  5 ans. Nous rapportons le cas d’une jeune patiente de la vingtaine qui prĂ©sente une tumeur pseudopapillaire et solide du pancrĂ©as dĂ©couverte devant des douleurs abdominales sans perturbations des bilans biologiques. La tomodensitomĂ©trie (TDM), l'imagerie par rĂ©sonance magnĂ©tique (IRM) et l'Ă©chographie endoscopique ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© une masse bien limitĂ©e se dĂ©veloppant au dĂ©pend de l'isthme pancrĂ©atique. L'exĂ©rĂšse complĂšte de la tumeur a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e. L’examen anatomopathologique confirmait le diagnostic de tumeur pseudopapillaire et solide du pancrĂ©as. En conclusion, les tumeurs pseudopapillaires et solides du pancrĂ©as doivent ĂȘtre Ă©voquĂ©es comme un des diagnostics diffĂ©rentiels de toute masse pancrĂ©atique en particulier chez les jeunes femmes. L'exĂ©rĂšse chirurgicale procure un bon pronostic