352 research outputs found

    Breit Interaction and Parity Non-conservation in Many-Electron Atoms

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    We present accurate {\em ab initio} non-perturbative calculations of the Breit correction to the parity non-conserving (PNC) amplitudes of the 6s7s6s-7s and 6s5d3/26s-5d_{3/2} transitions in Cs, 7s8s7s-8s and 7s6d3/27s-6d_{3/2} transitions in Fr, 6s5d3/26s-5d_{3/2} transition in Ba+^+, 7s6d3/27s-6d_{3/2} transition in Ra+^+, and 6p1/26p3/26p_{1/2} - 6p_{3/2} transition in Tl. The results for the 6s7s6s-7s transition in Cs and 7s8s7s-8s transition in Fr are in good agreement with other calculations while calculations for other atoms/transitions are presented for the first time. We demonstrate that higher-orders many-body corrections to the Breit interaction are especially important for the sds-d PNC amplitudes. We confirm good agreement of the PNC measurements for cesium and thallium with the standard model .Comment: 9 pages, 1 figur

    Excitation energies, hyperfine constants, E1, E2, M1 transition rates, and lifetimes of (6s2)nl states in Tl I and Pb II

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    Energies of np (n=6-9), ns (n=7-9), nd (n=6-8), and nf (n=5-6) states in Tl I and Pb II are obtained using relativistic many-body perturbation theory. Reduced matrix elements, oscillator strengths, transition rates, and lifetimes are determined for the 72 possible electric-dipole transitions. Electric-quadrupole and magnetic-dipole matrix elements are evaluated to obtain np(3/2) - mp(1/2) (n,m=6,7) transition rates. Hyperfine constants A are evaluated for a number of states in 205Tl. First-, second-, third-, and all-order corrections to the energies and matrix elements and first- and second-order Breit corrections to energies are calculated. In our implementation of the all-order method, single and double excitations of Dirac-Fock wave functions are included to all orders in perturbation theory. These calculations provide a theoretical benchmark for comparison with experiment and theory.Comment: twelve tables, no figure

    Scientometric Characteristic of Theses on Criminal Law Defended At the Universities of the Russian Empire (1815-1917)

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    There are analyzed the works of scientists who defended their criminal law theses at the universities of the Russian Empire. The chronological scopes of the research are limited by the date of defense of the first and the last theses on criminal law which are known to the authors. The territorial scope of this article covers the limits of the Russian Empir

    Magic wavelengths for the 5s18s5s-18s transition in rubidium

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    Magic wavelengths, for which there is no differential ac Stark shift for the ground and excited state of the atom, allow trapping of excited Rydberg atoms without broadening the optical transition. This is an important tool for implementing quantum gates and other quantum information protocols with Rydberg atoms, and reliable theoretical methods to find such magic wavelengths are thus extremely useful. We use a high-precision all-order method to calculate magic wavelengths for the 5s18s5s-18s transition of rubidium, and compare the calculation to experiment by measuring the light shift for atoms held in an optical dipole trap at a range of wavelengths near a calculated magic value

    Проблеми впорядкування рекламно-інформаційного простору міста Києва

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    The article reveals the essence of a systematic approach to develop of the concept of placement of outdoor advertising in the urban environment (for example, Kiev), taking into account historical and town-planning zoning; It is given a meaningful analysis of the concept, the state of its implementation in Kiev and development prospects.В статье раскрыта сущность системного подхода к разработке концепции размещения наружной рекламы в городской среде (на примере г. Киев ) с учетом историко-градостроительного зонирования; дан содержательный анализ концепции, состояния ее реализации в городе Киеве и перспектив развития.У статі розкрито сутність системного підходу до розробки концепції розміщення зовнішньої реклами в міському середовищі (на прикладі м. Києва) з урахуванням історико-містобудівного  її реалізації в місті Києві і перспектив розвитк

    Correlation potential and ladder diagrams

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    The all-order correlation potential method of accurate atomic structure calculations for atoms with one external electron is extended to include one more class of correlation diagrams to all orders. These are the so-called ladder diagrams which describe residual Coulomb interaction between an external electron and atomic core. This is in addition to the screening of Coulomb interaction by core electrons and the hole-particle interaction in the core polarization operator which are also included in all orders. Calculations of the energies of the lowest ss, pp and dd states of cesium and thallium show that inclusion of the ladder diagrams leads to significant improvement of the accuracy of the calculations. The discrepancy between theoretical and experimental energies is reduced to a small fraction of a per cent in all cases. This widens the range of atoms and atomic states for which the correlation potential method can produce very accurate results.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Dynamical evolution of asteroid pairs with close orbits

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    Dynamical evolution of paired asteroids sharing close orbits was investigated. Candidates were chosen from AstDyS database by Kholshevnikov metric value. Only 33 of 105 pairs with close orbits were associated as family members. Further orbit evolution modeling was performed by Orbit9 software. Each pair had 49 overall model scenarios due to different Yarkovsky drift values for semimajor axis. Close encounters between paired objects providing time estimations and feasible mechanisms of formation were evaluated. Uncertainties of Yarkovsky drift values affected orbit evolution and caused substantial distinctions in time formation evaluating. Dwarf planet Ceres and massive asteroids (Pallas, Vesta, etc.) perturbations should be taken into account and dynamical evolution research for asteroid pairs in close orbits under passing through resonances is considered in future numerical simulations. © 2019 Author(s).The reported study was funded by RFBR according to the research project no. 18-02-00015

    Relativistic coupled-cluster calculations of 20^{20}Ne, 40^{40}Ar, 84^{84}Kr and 129^{129}Xe: correlation energies and dipole polarizabilities

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    We have carried out a detailed and systematic study of the correlation energies of inert gas atoms Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe using relativistic many-body perturbation theory and relativistic coupled-cluster theory. In the relativistic coupled-cluster calculations, we implement perturbative triples and include these in the correlation energy calculations. We then calculate the dipole polarizability of the ground states using perturbed coupled-cluster theory.Comment: 10 figures, 6 tables, submitted to PR

    Length of legal proceedings and the pilot judgment procedure of the European Court of Human Rights: new challenges and problems

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    The article examines issues related to the impact of the pilot judgment procedure of the ECtHR on the problems of excessive length of legal proceedings in national legal systems. A brief overview of some of the pilot judgments adopted in relation to Respondent States is provided, and an assessment of the effectiveness of the general measures taken is given. Conclusions are drawn about the criteria for determining reasonable terms of legal proceedings in the practice of the ECtHR. As recommendations, a number of measures are proposed that will help states eliminate the excessive length of legal proceedings