10 research outputs found

    Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Berbasis Model Edutechnopreneur Islami

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    Islamic character values should be the spirit that colors all aspects of education delivery, both in class-based learning, the climate of school life, and in the context of interaction with community life in general integrated into learning starting from planning, implementing, and evaluating in accordance with the characteristics of Basic Competencies (KD). Learning at SMK needs to be designed in accordance with the demands of the curriculum in an effort to instill islamic values through the practice of production-based training / production-based education and training learning and Islamic Edutechnopreneur. The purpose of this study is to describe the model  of providing education based on  the Islamic Edutechnopreneur model.  This research uses a qualitative approach.  The importance of this research is carried out because vocational and school teachers really need a model of providing education based on Islamic Edutechnopreneurs and their implementation in school life. The results showed that the success of  the Edutechnopreneur production unit  at SMK Negeri 7 Lhokseumawe really depends on the management implemented in the school. Therefore, it is important to strengthen the management of SMK so that  the Islamic Edutechnopreneur production unit  can be developed in an effort to strengthen the competitiveness of graduates. Teachers are an important resource, participating teachers in various trainings that allow them to develop in mastery of competencies and achieve increased insight and entrepreneurial skills

    Development of learning media of motorcycle brake light electrical systems for motorcycle business engineering students

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    Making this learning media aims to determine the results of the manufacture and feasibility of learning media for electric motorcycle brake lights. This study uses the Research and Development (R&D) method. The subjects used were media experts and material experts consisting of two lecturers and two automotive engineering experts. The object of this research is students and the media of electrical circuits. Data collection techniques in this study used the methods of observation, interviews and questionnaires. The study was conducted at SMK Negeri 7 Lhokseumawe with a periods of 6 months. Based on the results of data analysis carried out, the results of the study are in the form of the potential to make an electrical circuit for a motorcycle brake light system. The validation of learning media in this study obtained the average percentage value of the two validators of media expert I 100% and media expert II 90%. Furthermore, validation of the guidebook obtained the average value of the two validators material expert I 87% and material expert II 82%. In addition, the results of student responses with an average percentage value of 85%. Based on the four validators and student responses, it was shown that the electric motorcycle brake light learning media with the category was very feasible to use


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pemakaian serat daun nenas terhadap kekuatan tarik komposit berpenguat resin getah pinus pada kondisi beban tarik optimum untukmenghasilkan kekutan tarik pada masing-masing variasi arah serat acak dan ayaman. Penelitian dilakukan secara kontinyu dengan alat mesin uji tarik Multi Testing Machine (MTM). Variabel yang digunakan serat susunan acak dan anyaman dengan   ststandar specimen ASTMD 638-02 tipe 4 dengan dimensi specimen ( p= 110 cm, L = 19 cm, dan tebal t = 5 cm). Pengujian yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini antara lain pengujian tarik berdasarkan susunan laminat acak, anyaman dan photomakro. Hasil yang didapatkan dalam penilitian ini, susunan manufaktur yang tepat pada komposit serat nanas dengan susunan laminat acak dengan  nilai kekuatan tarik rata-rata  sebesar  148.14 MPa, sedangkan untuk susunan anyaman memiliki kekuatan tarik 112.26. Hasil penilitian ini kekuatan tarik optimasi fraksi volume 20%, 30% dan 40% bermatrik resin getah pinus dapat di ketahui bahwa susunan laminat acak lebih unggul dari susunan anyaman. Hasil photomakro pada penampang patahan komposit serat  nanas terdapat karakteristik patahan yang khas yaitu terdapat serabut serat yang tertarik keluar (Fiber Pull Out)

    Analysis of the influence of temperature and hold time in the solid carburization process on the hardness and microstructure of AISI 1020 and 1045 using Oil Cooling

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    This study aims to determine the effect of variations in temperature and holding time on the value of hardness and microstructure in the carburizing process of low-carbon steel and medium-carbon steel. The temperature variations used during the carburizing process were 850oC and 950oC with variations of the holding time used being 15 minutes and 30 minutes. The types of materials used are AISI 1020 steel and AISI 1045 steel. In the carburizing process, the carbon source used is wood charcoal powder. After the process of adding carbon elements, the material will be quenched in the oil medium. The tests carried out were hardness testing and microstructure observations. The hardness test used the B-scale Rockwell hardness test method. The surface etching process of the material used a nital etching solution, namely a mixture of 3% nitric acid (HNO3) and 97% ethanol. The results showed that the lowest increase in hardness occurred at 850oC with a holding time of 15 minutes, namely 82.00 HRB for AISI 1020 steel and 95.66 HRB for AISI 1045 steel. Meanwhile, the highest increase in hardness occurred at a temperature of 950oC with a holding time of 30 minutes. namely 93.00 HRB on AISI 1020 steel and 105.33 HRB on AISI 1045 steel. This shows that the higher the temperature and the longer the holding time, the higher the hardness value


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    Salah satu pencemar yang berbahaya dalam limbah buangan industri yaitu logam berat besi (Fe2+). Banyak teknik pengolahan yang dilakukan untuk mwnurunkan kadar logam berat besi. Salah satunya diantaranya adalah dengan teknik adsorbs.  Adsorpsi sering digunakan karena prosesnya yang sederhana dan efektif untuk mengurangi kadar logam berat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektifitas karbon aktif kulit singkong sebagai adsorben pada penyerapan logam besi (Fe2+), mengkaji pengaruh waktu kontak dan variasi konsentrasi aktivator terhadap daya serap besi (Fe2+) serta mekanisme penyerapan melalui metode pendekatan isotherm adsorpsi Freundlich dan Langmuir. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan suhu karbonasi 300 ÂșC selama 2 jam dengan variasi konsentrasi aktivator 10%, 20%, 25%, dan 30% serta memvariasikan waktu kontak selama 30, 60, 90, dan 120 menit. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah, % efisiensi adsorpsi maksimum yaitu 94,07% serta kapasitas adsorpsi maksimum yaitu 470,35 mg/g pada konsentrasi aktivator 30% dan waktu kontak 120 menit. Mekanisme adsorpsi yang terjadi mendekati persamaan isotherm Langmuir dengan nilai R2 = 0,9999, diduga proses penyerapan terjadi secara kimisorpsi monolayer. Dari hasil yang diperoleh dapat disimpulkan bahwa semakin lama waktu kontak dan semakin tinggi konsentrasi aktivator maka semakin tinggi kapasitas adsorpsi dan % efisiensi adsorpsi Fe2+ yang diperoleh

    Optimum Temperature and Time for Acid Hydrolysis in Reducing Sugar Manufacturing from Arabica Coffee Cascara with Response Surface Methodology (RSM)

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    This research aims to utilize the Arabica coffee cascara waste as a resource for reducing sugar production, including the investigation on the temperature and time required of the acid hydrolysis. The samples were initially pretreated (drying and milling), followed by delignification with the organosolv technique using alcohol. Then, the hydrolysis was carried out using sulfuric acid (1%) at a particular temperature (95, 100, and 105 °C) and time (2, 4, and 6 h) variations. Yield percentage, density, and reducing concentration were analyzed in each trial to generate a response surface methodology model. Based on the results, the hydrolysis can be optimized at 96.46 °C for 2.59 h, yielding 16.7696% reducing sugar

    Sosialisasi K3 (Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja) di Miing Bengkel Cunda

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    Peningkatan jumlah kendaraan bermotor di Indonesia, terutama mobil, telah mendorong kebutuhan akan bengkel perawatan kendaraan. Namun, lingkungan kerja di bengkel mobil memiliki potensi risiko tinggi terhadap kecelakaan dan kesehatan pekerja. Sosialisasi Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) bertujuan untuk melindungi karyawan bengkel dengan meningkatkan kesadaran tentang bahaya potensial dan langkah-langkah pencegahan. Melalui sosialisasi K3, budaya keselamatan dan kesehatan dapat dikembangkan di bengkel, menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang lebih aman dan sehat. Sosialisasi ini juga memberikan kesempatan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan karyawan tentang risiko potensial dan cara menerapkan K3, yang dapat mengurangi biaya perawatan dan pemeliharaan mesin. Kegiatan ini diharapkan akan menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang lebih produktif dan berkelanjutan di bengkel kendaraan. Dari hasil sosialisasi K3 di Miing Bengkel dapat dilihat bahwa terjadi peningkatan yang cukup signifikan terhadap pemahaman peserta sosialisasi. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan sosialisasi ini memiliki dampak yang sangat besar untuk meningkatkan pemahaman peserta dalam penerapan K3 di lingkungan bengkel. Jika peserta memiliki tingkat pemahaman yang baik/tinggi terhadap pentingnya penerapan K3 saat bekerja, maka dapat meminimalisir terciptanya kondisi tidak aman saat bekerja sehingga dapat menurunkan angka kecelakaan kerja di lingkungan bengkel. Oleh karena itu, kegiatan sosialisasi ini direncanakan akan terus dilakukan dan dikembangkan, agar cakupan peserta semakin banyak.  Sehingga akan membantu masyarakat untuk meningkatkan standar keselamatan dan Kesehatan kerja dalam berkegiatan sehari-hari

    Analysis of tensile strength of composite fiber reinforced with areca Nut Skin Fiber using BQTN 157 EX Resin

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    In the development of materials science, especially polymers, natural fibers such as areca nut shell fiber are increasingly attractive to use. The use of synthetic polymer materials made from fiber can replace conventional materials such as metal, wood and leather. They can replace conventional materials with the advantages of lower price, environmental friendliness, and recyclability. Areca nut shell fiber, as an example of a natural fiber, has great potential in the furniture industry, crafts, and as an ingredient in traditional medicine. This fiber is used as a reinforcing material in composites with an Unsaturated Polyester Yukalac resin matrix. Unsaturated Polyester Yukalac resin, with characteristics such as stiffness, flexibility, water resistance, chemical resistance and weather resistance, is used as a matrix in making composites. The aim of this research is to make a plastic composite prototype reinforced with areca palm fiber, varying the volume fraction of areca nut shell fiber by 30%:50%, 50%:60%, 70%:70%, 90%:80% and for the matrix using polyester resin. BQTN 157 EX. The fiber composition is arranged in a mold in the same direction using the hand lay up method. Composite testing is in the form of a tensile test referring to the ASTM 638-03 standard. The results of the largest tensile testing process were with a volume fraction of 50% with an average value of 7.11 MPa, and for tensile testing the lowest was a volume fraction of 70% with an average value of 6.17 MPa, it can be concluded for reinforced plastic composites Areca nut shell fiber has considerable ability to be applied as a structural material. This is a step towards the development of innovative and environmentally friendly composite materials for various industrial applications