22 research outputs found

    Research and automation of the process of electrocoagulation wastewater treatment on the basis of the developed mathematical model

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    The paper presents the principles of the construction of an automated wastewater treatment system based on a generalized spatial model. A model problem, which contains descriptions of the main processes occurring in the electrocoagulation reactor taking into account the placement of the plates was developed. To verify the adequacy, a comparison between computer simulations and the results of a field experiment was made. The influence of reactor size, current density, location of electrode plates on the efficiency of chromium extraction was investigated. As a result of the study, it was proved that the mathematical model is effective for determining the parameters of the purification process, and the obtained coefficients are effective for optimizing the purification process. Based on these studies, a scheme for automation of the process of wastewater treatment from chromium was built. With the help of SCADA - WinCC, a flexible control system with the ability to control the performance of the entire installation in real time was developed

    Solving scheduling problems with integrated online sustainability observation using heuristic optimization

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    The paper deals with the issue of production scheduling for various types of employees in a large manufacturing company where the decision-making process was based on a human factor and the foreman’s know-how, which was error-prone. Modern production processes are getting more and more complex. A company that wants to be competitive on the market must consider many factors. Relying only on human factors is not efficient at all. The presented work has the objective of developing a new employee scheduling system that might be considered a particular case of the job shop problem from the set of the employee scheduling problems. The Neuro-Tabu Search algorithm and the data gathered by manufacturing sensors and process controls are used to remotely inspect machine condition and sustainability as well as for preventive maintenance. They were used to build production schedules. The construction of the Neuro-Tabu Search algorithm combines the Tabu Search algorithm, one of the most effective methods of constructing heuristic algorithms for scheduling problems, and a self-organizing neural network that further improves the prohibition mechanism of the Tabu Search algorithm. Additionally, in the paper, sustainability with the use of Industry 4.0 is considered. That would make it possible to minimize the costs of employees’ work and the cost of the overall production process. Solving the optimization problem offered by Neuro-Tabu Search algorithm and real-time data shows a new way of production management


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    For the purification of liquid media from ferromagnetic impurities, it isproposed to use electromagnetic filter-precipitators with tangentialferromagnetic cores which adjacent of its poles lateral surface to thecylindrical surfaces of the filter body. The results of researches on thedistribution of magnetic field induction in a cylindrical body filled witha ferromagnetic nozzle on the height of the body at different bodydiameters are presented. The poles of the cores of the electromagnetswith the face surface are close to the surface of the cylindrical body.On the basis of the principle of superposition of magnetic fields andgraphical dependences, distances between the cores of adjacentelectromagnets at different body diameters were established. Thediameters of the cores of electromagnets at different values of fieldtension and body diameters were calculated. The researchesestablished the character of the magnetic field induction distributionin a ferromagnetic nozzle holded in a cylindrical body, to whichelectromagnetic poles are placed on opposite sides. Measurementsshows that when electromagnets shifted by 162 mm from each otherin the nozzle there are areas in which the induction is practicallyunchanged. This allows to place the adjacent electromagnets at such adistance that, along the axis of the body, the ferromagnetic nozzlezones will have the same magnetization. This distance is 440-450 mm.Depending on the required length of the filter nozzle electromagnetsmay be several. It is proposed to install the poles of theelectromagnets with the special recesses adjacent to the side surfaceof the filer body, which allows to increase the surface area of theelectromagnets. This reduces the number of zones in the volume offerromagnetic nozzle with a minimum value of field induction. Thisallows, by means of the superposition principle, to establish a rationalplacement of the electromagnets along the height of the filter body, inwhich the filter nozzle is magnetized uniformly. Based on theresearch, the design of the electromagnetic filter using tangentialelectromagnets placed in the perpendicular planes with filter body isproposed. The proposed technical solution allows to create the sameconditions for all height of ferromagnetic nozzle for efficientdeposition of magnetic impurities.Наведені результати досліджень з розподілу індукції магнітного поля у циліндричному корпусі, заповненому феромагнітною загрузкою, вздовж висоти корпусу при різних діаметрах корпусів. На основі принципу суперпозиції магнітних полів і графічних залежностей встановлено відстані між осердям суміжних електромагнітів при різних діаметрах корпусів. На основі досліджень запропоновано конструкцію електромагнітного фільтра з використанням тангенціальних електромагнітів, розміщених по відношенню до корпусу з загрузкою у взаємно перпендикулярних площинах. Запропоноване технічне рішення дозволяє створити по висоті корпусу у феромагнітній загрузці однакові умови для ефективного осадження магнітних домішок


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    Розроблено математичну модель магнітного фільтра, яка дозволяє визначити час захисної дії фільтра при змінній концентрації феромагнітних домішок, що надходять у фільтр, і перепад тиску, який виникає при цьому. Проведено дослідження даної системи з використанням додатку Simulink програмного середовища Matlab. Наведені результати розрахунків розподілу концентрації домішок та осаду по довжині магнітного фільтра. Отримані результати моделювання з використанням додатку Simulink корелюють з експериментальними даними, що підтверджує адекватність отриманих розрахунків


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    Розв’язана модельна задача типу „конвекція-масообмін” для процесу біологічного очищення води у регенераторі аеротенка. Виконаний математичний аналіз параметрів і моделі процесу