141 research outputs found

    Analisis Belanja Langsung Berdasarkan Peraturan Walikota Palu Nomor 19 Tahun 2014 Di Kecamatan Pada Pemerintah Daerah Kota Palu

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    One of essencesin the law number 23 in 2014 states that The Camat (The District Chief) has partial authority to implement the government affairs in his territory. Delegation of authority in Palu City is regulated in the mayor's rule number 19 in 2014. This research objects to explore the extent of direct expenditure to be implemented in district in Palu City and applies a qualitative approach. The study covers all district offices in Palu and selects 7 key informants from Palu Regional Secretary, DPPKAD of Palu, BAPPEDA and Penanaman Modal (invesment agency) both in district and municipally areas. The result of the study shows that : 1) delegation of authority is not effective; 2) the allocation budget is not in accordance with budget proposed by the district based on rule no. 19, 2014; 3) budget allocation is limited by budget constraints relating to local revenues

    A Study on Politeness Strategies of Characters in the Big Wedding Movie Directed by Justin Zackham

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    Key words : Politeness strategies, characters, the big wedding movie.In every place have some unwritten rules depend on the countries, beside people use a language, they use a politeness also. Politeness is important thing that people must know when they communicate with other people and make a polite conversation. Politeness strategies are used to formulate messages in order to save hearer's face when face-threatening acts are invitable or desire. Brown and Levinson stated four main types of politeness strategies: bald on-record, positive politeness, negative politeness, and off-record (indirect). In this study is intended to analyze politeness strategies that used by characters in “The Big Wedding Movie”. There is a problem that is discussed in this study (1) what politeness strategies are used on “The Big Wedding Movie”? (2) why do characters in “The Big Wedding Movie” use politeness strategies? This analysis focus on the politeness strategies that used by characters in the conversation of “The Big Wedding Movie”.The researcher applied the qualitative research and used descriptive methods in this study because all data are in the form of words. Meanwhile, the type of the research is content analysis because it intended to analyze the content of the data which are in the form of movie script to find the politeness stretegies. When analyze the data, the researcher used the theory of Brown and Levinson about politeness strategies.Based on the result of the analysis, it is found that there are eighty six utterances that use four politeness strategies. They are bald on-record with twenty nine utterances, positive politeness with thirty eight utterances, negative politeness with ten utterances, and off-record with twelve utterances. The most frequently used politeness is positive politeness, bald on-record, off-record, and the less frequently used is negative politeness.For supporting the study, the researcher needed source of the theories related to politeness strategies such as : bald on-record, positive politeness, negative politeness, and off-record (indirect). From the findings, the researcher expected that the result of this study will useful for English learners to get the information from politeness strategies found in the movie of “The Big Wedding Movie”

    Pemanfaatan Cangkang Telur Ayam Sebagai Adsorben Untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Minyak Jelantah

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    - Chicken egg shells produced in Samarinda in 2013, as much as 307.22 tons and mostly just dumped it into the trash. In this study, the shell activated and then used as an adsorbent for reducing the acid value and peroxide value on frying oil. Frying oil adsorption process was done by varying the mass of adsorbent that is 7, 8, 9 and 10 gram and time stirring for 45, 60 and 75 minutes. The research showed the optimum conditions for a decrease in acid number on the use of adsorbent mass of 9 grams and the time of stirring for 60 minutes to produce the acid value of 0.3923 mgKOH / g with a decrease in acid number of 91%, while for the peroxide value decreased by 58% with a value of 7.516 meq O2/kg. Numbers acid and peroxide obtained at the optimum condition has met the SNI 3741-2013 standards for edible oil is 0.6 mgKOH / g and 10 meq O2/k

    RancangBangunAplikasiPencarianLokasiWisata Kota Bogor Menggunakan Algoritma Greedy Berbasis Android

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    Bogor is one city that became the destination of the tourists, the ignorance of the tourists on the attraction and route to attractions in the city of Bogor can cause a lot of waste of time. This study aims to facilitate the tourists in a search for a route to the location of objects and attractions using Android-based phones. In making this application, use Eclipse and the Java programming language that is used for mobile phones based on Android, this app uses Google Maps as content for searching a tourist location. This application implements the algorithm method Greedy, Greedy algorithms solve problems step by step, at every step to make the optimum choice at each step in the hope that the next step leading to a global optimum solution

    The Risk of Exposure to Cigarette Smoke in Anemia During Pregnancy

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    Anemia is a state of hemoglobin levels in the RBC (Red Blood Cells) are lower than normal according to age and gender. The prevalence of anemia during pregnancy according Riskesdas 2007,2010, and 2013 tend to increase. One of risk factor isenvironmental tobacco smoke (ETS). This research was study the comparative risk of ETS exposure of anemia in pregnant woman. This study used case control design. Research sample consisted of two groups, case and control sample with the comparative at 1:2. Sample cases were pregnant women anemia (n=18) who control in Puskesmas Mojo Surabaya on 2015 while samplescontrol were pregnant woman who did not anemia (n=36), collected by simple random sampling. to determine the influence of risk by calculating the value on OR 95% CI with Statcalc in Epi Info. The independent variables were age, education level, employement status, family income, gestational age, gestational spacing, history of pregnant double, parity, antenatal care (ANC), LILA, Fe tablets. Results showed the risk exposure to ETS on the incidence of anemia in pregnant woma to the OR = 4.09 (1.07 < OR < 16.26), time of beginning the exposure 1st trimester OR = 5.43 (1.12< OR < 34.41), the number of active smokers 1-2 OR = 5.54 (1.20 < OR < 34.28), exposure duration ≤ 15 minute/day OR = 6.33 (1.28 < OR < 40.53).The conclusion is the exposure to cigarette smoke can causeanemia in pregnant woman. It is recommended for pregnant woman to avoid ETS exposure during pregnancy


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    AbstractThe tittle of this thesis is: The Implementation Of Learning Cross-Interest And Students’ Learning Achievement Of Class X MIA 1 MAN 2 Pontianak. The sub-problems in this study are 1. how is the meaning of learning cross-interest 2. how is the implementation of learning cross-interest in the students of class X MIA 1 MAN 2 Pontianak 3. How do students’ achievement of class X MIA 1 MAN 2 Pontianak on subjects cross-interest. This research uses qualitative approach with descriptive method. To collect the data, the writer uses observation, interviews and documentation studies with data collection tool of observation guides, interview guides, notebooks and archives. The informants in this study are the subjects of teachers cross-interest and students of class X MIA 1. From the results of this study indicates that the subject teachers have implemented learning cross-interest well, both the way of learning and learning tools required to exist. From the implementation of learning that has been so adequate that supported by facilities and teacher and established a good interaction between teachers and students, so the purpose of learning the students on across interest can be achieved by subject that has been given.Keywords: Implementation of Learning, Across Interest, LearningAchievemet

    The Relation of Viewing Intensity and Perception of Indosiar's Bintang Pantura Talent Show Participant's Personal Branding Performance Towards Public Impression of Dangdut Music Development Among FISIP Undip's Students

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    The background of this study is one of Indonesia TV station that serves Dangdut Pantura talent show program on the primetime period within 4 hours duration, 5 days a week. Will it gives any positive or not to dangdut music that already got a negative perception in Indonesia people's mindset, that will make an effect to public impression about development of dangdut music. This study aims to analyze the relation of viewing intensity and perception of Indosiar's Bintang Pantura talent show participant's personal branding performance towards public impression of dangdut music development among Fisip Undip's students. This study is a kind of explanatory study, that explain the connection between the variables. Population number of this study are 5.153 person, the sample number user got by using Frank Lynch formula are 97 person. Sample choosen by using probability sampling technique with proporsional random sampling method. Data collected by using self-administered survey (quesioner) technique, and using Rank Kendall analytic method. User used theory of finite effect of mass media to get know about the relation of viewing intensity of Indosiar's Bintang Pantura talent show among Fisip Undip's students (X1) with public impression of dangdut music development among Fisip Undip's students (Y). User used theory of interpersonal perceiption and public opinion to connected perception of Indosiar's Bintang Pantura talent show participant's personal branding performance among Fisip Undip's students (X2) towards public impression of dangdut music development among Fisip Undip's students (Y) . The study result showed : (1) There is a positive relation between viewing intensity of Indosiar's Bintang Pantura talent show among Fisip Undip's students with public impression of dangdut music development among Fisip Undip's students, it proved by the value of r (0,200) &gt; r tabel (0,1996) and signification standard at 0,007 &lt; 0,01. (2) There is a positive reason between perception of Indosiar's Bintang Pantura talent show participant's personal branding performance among Fisip Undip's students towards public impression of dangdut music development among Fisip Undip's students proved by the value of r (0,206) &gt; r tabel (0,1996) and signification standard at 0,005 &lt; 0,01

    The Influence of Price and Product Quality on Purchase Decisions on Thrift Clothes at Shabira Store, Tulang Bawang Regency

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of price and product quality on purchasing decisions. The subject used in this study is a picture of a secondhand shop from the Shabira Store, Tulang Bawang Regency. The method used is a questionnaire instrument, the sample used is consumers at the Shabira Store, Tulang Bawang Regency, totaling 66 respondents. The statistical test used is PLS-based Structural Equation Modeling. Validity test using Factor Loading then Reliability Test using Cronbach'c Alpha, Composite Reliability and Average Variance Extracted (AVE) values. Thus, all the results of the index items used in this study are valid and reliable, thu

    Measuring Selectivity and Market Timing Performance of Mutual Funds in Indonesia Using Single and Dual Beta Models

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    This study aims at measuring the performance of mutual funds based on the ability of investment managers in conducting selectivity and market timing by using the Treynor-Mazuy Model. The method used in this study is explanatory survey method or explanatory research. The populations in this study were 167 mutual funds in Indonesia in the period of 2008-2014. Based on purposive sampling criteria, the samples were 29 mutual funds. The data analysis technique used was two-pass regression model. The first pass regression was based on time series data and the second pass regression was based on cross-section. Testing the model was based on single beta model and dual beta model. This study showed that in single beta model, without separating bullish and bearish market conditions, mutual fund investment managers in Indonesia did not have selectivity ability, but had market timing capability. If a dual beta model that separated the bullish and bearish market conditions was used, the difference of the performance of the investment managers was showed. In bullish market condition, mutual fund investment managers in Indonesia did not have selectivity capability but had market timing capability. On the other hand, in bearish market condition, mutual fund investment managers in Indonesia did not have selectivity capability and did not have market timing capability. &nbsp; &nbsp; Keywords: Single and Dual Beta, Selectivity, Market Timing