14 research outputs found

    Polymer - Silicon Sensor For Determination Flow

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    Research stream in sea is an actual problem for studying the physical processes proceeding at oceans and the seas. There are two main problems at development of the sensor contacting to an aquatic environment: if electrodes of the sensors measuring a stream are isolated from water, water pressure renders destroying influence on the sensor measuring a stream; if electrodes of the sensor adjoin to water, the water environment shunts electrodes and brings distortions in physical value of electric parameters of the sensor. We offer the hybrid organic-silicon sensor for measuring simultaneously temperature fields and the space a profile of the heat stream of an aquatic environment. The measurement can be carried out both in near-surface areas, and on various depths in an aquatic environment. The application for this purpose of organic-composite materials allows extending a research range

    System Monitoring of the Emotional State of Students in High School

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    The resistance of skin is measured by means of special elastic bracelet which is connected to fingers and then is transmitted to measuring device. The control is based on the method of measurement impedance of students. After this, the detected signal from output of the measuring device is sent to PC. Special software treats this information and diagnoses the students. This system is basically able to: to determine the emotional status of students; to create daily archive database for each student; to make analysis accordingly to this archive

    Investigations of mathematical models in solar collectors

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    There has been prepared the calculations methods of heat productivity of sun collectors which enables to determine the expedient of maintenance of polymers in sun collectors in the temperature mode given for different region and climate conditions. Show that, thermo endurance - T0 maybe using as characteristic of thermo endurance of optic materials. If heating flow, destruction temperature and internal surface temperature is measured during test, it is possible to determine value T0 and other necessity characteristics. As a result of the taking test was lead to comparison evaluation of considered materials. Working range of heating flow and up level heating embark have been determined

    Absorption Coefficient of Bi2Tе2.5Se0.5 Structures Applicable to the Creation of Photoelectric Converters

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    The dependences of the light absorption coefficient in the film structures Bi2Те2.5Se0.5 on the photon energy have been experimentally studied. It is shown that the profiles of the distribution of selenium atoms over the thickness of the surface layer of unannealed and depleted thin Bi2Те2.5Se0.5 films. It is also shown that the release of selenium during heat treatment is due to the relatively high vapor pressure of selenium in a three-component semiconductor compound. As a result of work are received Si - Bi2Те3-хSeх heterojunctions in thin-film execution, described by high values of differential resistance. Results of researches show, that the structures Bi2Те2.5Se0.5 received by a method of discrete thermal evaporation in a uniform work cycle, are suitable for use in low-voltage devices

    Alternative-Renewable Energy Complex on the University Base

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    Creation of local alternative energy complexes can provide serious assistance to the development of alternative energy sphere in Azerbaijan by the ratio of the educational process and research work. Such complexes are favorable from the point of view of research of renewable energy problems of the republic networks. The issue of creating a common electronic catalog on alternative energy sources in Azerbaijan can be solved through such network

    Survey of Filter Bank Multicarrier (FBMC) as an efficient waveform for 5G

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    Filter bank multicarrier is a multicarrier scheme. It is a modulation technique to overcome the Inter Symbol Interference (ISI) and Inter Carrier Interference (ICI). The inter symbol interference is a big challenges in network systems. FBMC is a modification of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). In OFDM cyclic prefix are used for robustness of signal, but by using cyclic prefix orthogonal frequency division multiplexing has some drawbacks. To overcome the drawback of OFDM, use the Filter Bank Multicarrier (FBMC). It provides the efficient bandwidth. To handle this situation modulation techniques are used and other new methods will be used in future. One of them is Filter Bank Multicarrier; it provides high efficiency rather than OFDM

    Efficiency in Solar Photovoltaic Systems Under High Temperature Conditions

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    Alternative energy sources already today can satisfy human needs for energy. A spectrum of natural sources different from region to region. Intensity sunlight and a wind, existence or absence of water energy, geothermal sources, wood potential, quality soil and quantity of dropping out deposits for cultivation of a biomass influence a choice of that combination in which kinds of renewed energy in this or that country will be combined. From here follows, which energy needs in various regions should be satisfied with various ways

    Electret composite with deep trapping centers on the interphase boundary

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    An electret composite comprising a polymer matrix material that contains particles of a piezoelectric material with deep trapping centers on the interphase boundaries between the matrix and particles of a piezoelectric material. The piezoelectric material may have a tetragonal or a rhombohedral structure, and the polymer matrix material may be selected from high-density polyethylene, polyvinylidene fluoride, and a copolymer of vinylidenechloride and tetrafluoroethylene. The composite has a potential difference> 500V, lifespan> 10 years, dielectric permeability≧ 20, specific electric resistance≧ 10 14 Ohm· m; provision of deep trapping centers on the interphase boundaries with activation energy in the range of 1 to 1.25 eV, and stable electret charge

    Composites with high photoquenching factor of electroconduction based on polymer-metalorganic compounds

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    A composite material with a high photoquenching factor of electroconductivity comprising a multiple-component system which is a combination of a polymeric material matrix and a ferrocene-type compound contained in the polymeric material matrix. In one or more aspects of the invention, the polymer material matrix may be formed with polypropylene, high-density polyethylene, low-density polyethylene, polyvinyl alcohol, polyvinyl chloride, polyvinylidene fluoride, or a copolymer of vinylidene chloride and trifluoroethylene. Additionally, the ferrocene-type compound may be contained in the composite in an amount of 10 vol. % to 50 vol. % per 100 vol. % of the matrix, an, depending on the type of the polymer used as a matrix and on the content of the ferrocene-type compound in the matrix, the Rf/R0 ratio, where Rf is electrical resistance of the composite under illumination conditions, and R0 is electrical resistance of the composite without illumination, may be increase under illumination with a factor of up to 960