5 research outputs found

    The Examination of the Reasons for the Need to Change and Integrate in the Dental Curriculum in Iran and the World

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    Objectives The aim of this research was to examine the reasons for the need to change and bring about integration in the dental curriculum in Iran and worldwide.Methods The qualitative method was used in this research. The real experiences of some reliable universities over the world and in Iran were studied on the necessity to change the dental curriculum and the integrated curriculum through library studies. In addition, the information obtained from this study was analyzed and interpreted based on the theoretical reasoning and empirical achievements of the authoritative and reliable universities.Results The result of the examination of these experiences of the various universities on the modification and integration of the dental curriculum showed that the high cost of education in this discipline and dissatisfaction of the students with the teaching methods in this field were among the most important reasons for the change in the dental curriculum in Iran and globally.  The integrated pattern of the curriculum of the universities was associated with the positive consequences on the review and applied changes in the dental curriculum.Conclusion In total, the axis of the activities of changing and modifying the curriculum in these universities was established by the focus on the integrated approaches, including  " educating research", "the evidence-based dental”, and "entering new knowledge in the dental curriculum"

    Lecturers' and Students' Perception of Using a Study Guide

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    Background & Objective: Today, using new educational strategies and methods is of great importance. Using a study guide is one of these new methods of teaching and learning. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the perception of lecturers and students of the School of Dentistry, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran, toward the use of a study guide. Methods: In this quasi-experimental study, 25 students of the School of Dentistry of Tehran University of Medical Sciences who had chosen the community dentistry course were randomly selected. A study guide was given to students before their briefing session and 2 sessions in the school. A questionnaire was designed in order to collect data on the perception of students toward the study guide and was used after the completion of the course. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire were verified. The questionnaire was also filled out by a professor of the Department of Oral Health. Data was analyzed by SPSS software. Results: The survey of the students' and lecturers' perception of the study guide showed that 76.5% and 86%, respectively, chose agree and completely agree with the use of the study guide options. Conclusion: Using the study guide was rated as a suitable method; thus, it can be used to help students in the efficient use of training time. Keywords Study guide Dental students Community dentistr

    Designing A Model of Educational Guidance for the First Period of Secondary School Students (Tehran City Case Study)

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    This study aimed to design an educational guidance model for the students in the first period of secondary school students in Tehran. The field of research included experts in the field of academic guidance who were selected by purposeful sampling. The sample size after reaching the theoretical saturation stage was 21 people. A semi structure interview was applied to collecting data. Data analysis was through open, central and selective coding. The results revealed six dimentions and 18 components. In the first dimension (student), three components were identified include: 1- intelligence and talent 2- motivation, interest, desire and spirit of the student 3- abilities and skills. In the second (family) three components were identified include:  1- providing comprehensive information to parents 2- family economy 3- cultural and social background of parents. In the third dimension (the teacher) three components were identified include: 1- access to expert teachers 2- professional commitment of teachers in correct guidance 3- continuous training of teachers. In the fourth dimension (counselor) three components were identified include: 1- Desirable counseling and psychological services 2- Using an expert in the field of educational guidance planning 3- Improving the level of knowledge and qualification of educational guides. In the fifth identified dimension (school) three components were identified include: 1- Implementation of intelligence and talent tests 2- Academic records of students 3- Providing counseling and online tests. Finally in the sixth dimension (society) three components were identified include: 1- Considering the needs of the country 2- Guiding the student without compulsion, 3- Paying attention to the labor market. In general, our findings contribute to the development of an native model of educational guidance for use in the first period of secondary schools in Iran

    The Level of Attention to Life Skills in the Elementary School Curriculum

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    The aim of this research was to investigate the degree of attention given to skill development in the elementary school curriculum. This study was a descriptive survey conducted to explore and assess the current status of skill development in the elementary school curriculum. The statistical population consisted of elementary school teachers in government schools in Tehran, who were selected using a random sampling method, and the sample size was determined to be 196 individuals based on Cochran's formula. A researcher-made questionnaire consisting of 104 questions was used to collect data. The hypotheses were tested using a one-sample t-test. The results showed that the level of attention given to skill development in the elementary school curriculum was inadequate for the following skill components: self-awareness, courage, emotional and behavioral control, empathy, peer relationships, cooperation, speaking skills, effective listening, honesty, trustworthiness, non-jealousy, creative thinking, critical thinking, problem-solving, time management, hardware and software, global internet network, environmental awareness, optimal energy consumption, waste management, entrepreneurship, financial management, healthy eating, appropriate clothing, and disease awareness. Based on these findings, practical suggestions were provided to enhance the development of these skills in the elementary school curriculum

    Developing a Model for Identifying the Talents in Elementary schools: A Case study of Schools in Tehran

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    The purpose of this study was to develop a model for identifying talents in elementary schools in Tehran using a qualitative approach. The sample consisted of 22 experts in the field, chosen through purposive sampling. Data was collected through interviews, and triangulation was used to validate the results. Reliability was established using a Kappa test of 0.651. Analysis of the data involved open, axial, and selective coding. The study resulted in the identification of 126 indicators, 21 components, and 5 dimensions. These dimensions are: students' talent (observing intellectual and behavioral habits, preparing checklists, organizing friendly competitions, conducting aptitude tests), multiple intelligences (logical and mathematical intelligence, physical and motor intelligence, verbal intelligence, naturalistic intelligence, musical intelligence, individual/social intelligence, visual/spatial intelligence), individual differences and learning (learning abilities, students' interests and hobbies, personality traits), quality of executive processes (employing professional teachers, improving the curriculum, supplementary and extracurricular education, guidance and counseling), and effective interaction between home and school (holding meetings with families, building trust, empowering parents). The findings could be useful for school counselors and psychologists in guiding students academically in the future