616 research outputs found

    Evaluation of coliform bacteria and nematode eggs in Haraz River runoff

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    Haraz River is an important river in north of Iran. This river is one of the vital importances in Mazandaran province and cities of Amol, Babol, Fereidoon'kenar and Nour. This river is considered the largest and most beautiful tourist destinations of Mazandaran because it has the path and landscape of the mountainous and forest. This study was conducted for survey the coliforms and nematode eggs in runoff of Haraz River. Forty eight samples from four stations were taken during a year and samples examined for total coliform, fecal coliform and nematode eggs. The results showed that maximum and minimum of total coliforms in runoff was observed in Nourrod (3.1 ±1.95 CFU/100ml) and Shahrak Esar Amole (2.2 ± 1.77CFU/100ml) and also maximum and minimum of fecal coliforms was in Nourrod (1.6 ± 1.23 CFU/100ml) and Shahrak Esar Amole (1.2 ±.54 CFU/100ml) respectively. Also, the average annual number of nematode worm's eggs in the studied stations was varied between 30 in Nourrod to 124 ±41 in Shahrak Esar Amole.The results of this study showed that due to discharging of wastewater, sewage and runoff into the River result in decrease of water quality. Low quality of this river is caused distribution of microbial and parasites infections and is also contaminated of water used for agriculture, fish farms and horticulture

    Lack of association between two ACE gene polymorphisms (rs4291 and Alu I/D) and late onset Alzheimer’s disease

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a prevalent disorder and the most common cause of dementia in elderly populations. Genetic and environmental factors together play a role in developing late onset Alzheimer's disease (LOAD). According to the recent published papers, ACE is one of the candidate susceptibility genes for LOAD. In this study, allele and genotype frequencies for rs4291 and rs1799752 polymorphisms of ACE gene, for 100 Iranian patients, affected with AD and 100 healthy controls were compared using Chi-square test. No statistically significant differences were found in genotype and allele frequencies of rs4291 and rs1799752 polymorphisms between our LOAD patients and controls. The pair-wise haplotype analysis of rs4291 -240 A/T and rs1799752 Alu I/D polymorphisms were also performed, but no significant associations were identified.Key words: ACE, Alzheimer’s disease, Iranian, association, polymorphism

    Controlling Insider Dealing Through Criminal Enforcement in China

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    The enforcement of the new Securities Law (SL 2020) of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in March 2020 presents a perfect opportunity to review the criminal enforcement of insider dealing cases in China’s securities market and to provide feasible suggestions for improvement for a more coherent and streamlined insider dealing regulatory framework in the PRC. Through analysing the previous literature on public interest theories and economic theories of regulation, this article examines the necessity to regulate insider dealing in China with criminal law to ensure fairness and avoid monopolies in its securities market. The article reviews the criminalising of severe insider dealing cases in China from the Nanking National Government in the 1920s to the inception of the securities market of the PRC in the 1990s to the present day. The investigation, prosecution, enforcement, and trial of criminal offences of insider dealing in China are thoroughly examined. The article finds a tendency for over reliance on the investigation and the administrative judgement of the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) in criminal investigation, prosecution, and trial in the PRC. The article is one of the first articles to critically and thoroughly analyse the criminal enforcement of insider dealing in China following the recent enforcement of China’s new Securities Law in March 2020

    Structure Formation in Dark Matter Particle Production Cosmology

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    We investigate a cosmological scenario in which the dark matter particles can be created during the evolution of the Universe. By regarding the Universe as an open thermodynamic system and using non-equilibrium thermodynamics, we examine the mechanism of gravitational particle production. In this setup, we study the large-scale structure (LSS) formation of the Universe in the Newtonian regime of perturbations and derive the equations governing the evolution of the dark matter overdensities. Then, we implement the cosmological data from Planck 2018 CMB measurements, SNe Ia and BAO observations, as well as the Riess et al. (2019) local measurement for H0H_0 to provide some cosmological constraints for the parameters of our model. We see that the best case of our scenario (χtot2=3834.40\chi_{{\rm tot}}^{2}=3834.40) fits the observational data better than the baseline Λ\LambdaCDM model (χtot2=3838.00\chi_{{\rm tot}}^{2} = 3838.00) at the background level. We moreover estimate the growth factor of linear perturbations and show that the best case of our model (χfσ82=39.85\chi_{f\sigma_{8}}^{2}=39.85) fits the LSS data significantly better than the Λ\LambdaCDM model (χfσ82=45.29\chi_{f\sigma_{8}}^{2}=45.29). Consequently, our model also makes a better performance at the level of the linear perturbations compared to the standard cosmological model.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figure

    Pelaksanaan Dispensasi Nikah di Bawah Umur di Desa Kulim Jaya Kecamatan Lubuk Batu Jaya Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu Menurut Undang-undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 Tentang Perkawinan

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    Underage marriage is a marriage that is performed by someone who has not met the minimum age limit for marriage . Underage marriage actually be done with specific reasons and must be accompanied by a decree of the Court of Religion according to the contents of Article 7 paragraph ( 2 ) of Law No. 1 of 1974 About Marriage ( hereinafter called the Marriage Act ) . In fact, in the village of Kulim Jaya there are still underage marriage that is not accompanied by a decree granting a dispensation marriage of Islamic Court . The purpose of this thesis research is to determine how the implementation of the dispensation of marriage in the village Kulim Lubuk Batu Jaya Jaya District of Indragiri Hulu , and to know the reason KUA Lubuk Batu Jaya remained married couples under age without a dispensation giving marriage of Religious Court and to know the reasons actors marriage minors do not follow the trial court granting the dispensation of Religion .The method used is Observation Research with juridical sociological approach , sedangkat nature of this thesis research is descriptive . The way research is by way of surveys and structured interviews . Results of the study found is still the presence of underage marriage in Kulim Jaya village which is not accompanied by a decree granting marriage dispensassi of Religious Court . KUA Lubuk Batu Jaya remained married couples under age without a court order as a state religion pregnant outside marriage and economic circumstances are not allowed to attend the session in the Religious . Performers underage marriage did not follow the trial in court to obtain a dispensation Religious marriage by reason of distances , complicated procedures and a long time . Suggestions author , the first expected to KUA Lubuk Batu Jaya in order not to marry underage partner without marriage dispensation decree of Islamic Court . Both the KUA Lubuk Batu Jaya to be more prudent in giving the decision to marry couples under age , and the third to parents whose children will marry underage dispensassi it has obtained a marriage in the Religious

    Production of single cell protein from bowels and viscera of tuna fish by Bacillus sp.

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    In this research, were used from Bacillus licheniformis and Bacillus subtilis (spore-forming gram positive bacteria) for single cell protein production from tuna fish viscera (Thannus tonggol). Examination was done in two laboratory and fermentor scales. The used fermentor was Continues Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR). Influence of several parameters such as pH, temperature, rpm, and fermentation time was evaluated on SCP production process. The result showed that value of SCP was 30- 45 g/l of aliquot substrate. Growth of isolates in 35°C and pH=6.9 were more than 32°C pH=6.5. Time fermentation in lab and fermentor scales was 54h and 21h respectively. Production of SCP in rpm =600 in fermentor scale was more than rpm=300. With complementary examination, can be used from SCP produced from tuna viscera, as probiotic, in fish feed

    Industry Collaboration Program (ICP): Empowering Technology Development for National Economic Growth

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    Malaysia is currently aiming to become a developed nation by year 2020. In doing so, Malaysia leverages on many platforms/programs to achieve the goals. Malaysia needs to be aggressive in moving forward in particular in the area of technology and economy development to stay as a competitive economy globally. The New Economic Model (NEM) introduced aims to create high income society, sustainability and inclusiveness which lead to high quality of life. Therefore, Malaysia needs to further develop the required capability and capacity in particular related to technology as a catalyst to leap-frog the nation to become a knowledge-based economy. Apart of having long term development plans such as the New Economic Model, Industrial Master Plan, the Five-Year-Plan and Science & Technology Policy, the Government is currently exploring another platform namely the Industrial Collaboration Program (ICP). It is envisaged that the ICP platform is able to create ‘value for money’ in forms of economic returns based on the procurement made by the Government. It is capitalized to further enhance national local technology capacity and capability development activities by ensuring participation of local resources in high technology sectors, such as transportation and security; with the aim to create employment, skills enhancement and technology development capability within the local firms
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