4 research outputs found

    Ensanchamiento y elevaci贸n del suelo sinusal maxilar con osteotomos compresivos

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    Objetivo: El objetivo de este art铆culo es evaluar la eficacia de la t茅cnica del ensanchamiento alveolar posterior y elevaci贸n del reborde alveolar del maxilar superior mediante el uso de los oste贸tomos compresivos ( Quirurgical Bontempi, Espa帽a) especialmente dise帽ados para los implantes Osseotite NT y Osseotite NT Certain de 3i ( Implants Innovations, USA). Material y m茅todos: En el estudio se incluyeron 24 pacientes (16 mujeres y 8 hombres) siguiendo los criterios de inclusi贸n y exclusi贸n de Albrektsson, que presentaban un d茅ficit 贸seo en anchura y altura del maxilar superior. Se colocaron 48 implantes Osseotite ( cuatro Osseotite Standard, seis Ossoetite NT y treinta y ocho NT Certain (3i, Implantes Innovations, CA, USA). El di谩metro de los implantes fueron 44 de 4 mm y 4 de 5 mm con longitudes que variaban entre 11.5 (n=4) y 13 mm (n= 44). La cresta alveolar inicial ten铆a una anchura que variaba de 1.5mm a 5 mm y una altura que oscilaba entre 5 mm y 13 mm en los 24 pacientes. Resultados: Los datos obtenidos fueron analizados con el programa SPSS 11.0. En los 48 sitios tratados donde se colocaron los implantes inmediatos se obtuvo un aumento de altura 贸sea de 6.75 mm 卤 1.25 mm. En el ensanchamiento alveolar de los 48 sitios implantados la media fue de 3.2 mm 卤 0.15 mm. Conclusiones: La t茅cnica de ensanchamiento y elevaci贸n alveolar del maxilar superior con oste贸tomos compresivos permite obtener un porcentaje de 茅xito de un 100 % a los 9 meses de seguimiento en los implantes y pr贸tesis colocadas. Es un procedimiento quir煤rgico con alta predictibilidad y adem谩s permite la colocaci贸n los implantes en el mismo acto quir煤rgico reduciendo el n煤mero de cirug铆as, devolviendo la est茅tica y funci贸n del paciente perdidas.Aim: The aim of this article is to assess the efficiency of the technique for the posterior alveolar expansion and elevation of the upper maxillary alveolar ridge through the use of compressive osteotomes (Quirurgical Bontempi, Espa帽a) which have been specifically designed for Osseotite NT and Osseotite NT Certain of 3i implants (Implants Innovations, USA). Materials and Methods: 24 adult patients (16 female and 12 male), who were selected according to Albrektsson's inclusion and exclusion criteria, took part in the study. All the patients presented bone deficiency in the width and height of the upper maxilla. 48 Osseotite implants were performed (four Osseotite Standard; six Osseotite NT; 38 NT Certain (3i, Implants Innovations, CA, USA)). Implant diameters were 4 mm in 44 cases and 5 mm in 4 cases with lengths varying between 11.5 (n = 4) and 13 mm. (n = 44). The alveolar ridges of the 24 patients had initial widths from 1.5 mm to 5 mm and heights between 5 and 13mm. Results: The data obtained were analysed using the SPSS 11.0 program. In the 48 areas treated with immediate implants, an increase in bone height of 6.75 mm 卤 1.25 mm. was achieved. In the case of the alveolar expansion for the 48 implants, the average was 3.2 mm. 卤 0.15 mm. Conclusions: The technique for alveolar expansion and elevation of the upper maxilla with compressive osseotomes can lead to a 100% success rate after a 9-month follow-up of the implants and insertion of prostheses. It is a highly predictable surgical procedure which allows implants to be performed at the same time as surgery, thus reducing the number of such interventions while recovering aesthetic and functional losses in the patient

    Compressive osteotomes for expansion and maxilla sinus floor lifting

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    Aim: The aim of this article is to assess the efficiency of the technique for the posterior alveolar expansion and elevation of the upper maxillary alveolar ridge through the use of compressive osteotomes (Quirurgical Bontempi, Espa帽a) which have been specifically designed for Osseotite NT and Osseotite NT Certain of 3i implants (Implants Innovations, USA). Materials and methods: 24 adult patients (16 female and 12 male), who were selected according to Albrektsson?s inclusion and exclusion criteria, took part in the study. All the patients presented bone deficiency in the width and height of the upper maxilla. 48 Osseotite implants were performed (four Osseotite Standard; six Osseotite NT; 38 NT Certain (3i, Implants Innovations, CA, USA)). Implant diameters were 4 mm in 44 cases and 5 mm in 4 cases with lengths varying between 11.5 (n = 4) and 13 mm (n = 44). The alveolar ridges of the 24 patients had initial widths from 1.5 mm to 5 mm and heights between 5 and 13 mm. Results: The data obtained were analysed using the SPSS 11.0 program. In the 48 areas treated with immediate implants, an increase in bone height of 6.75 mm 卤 1.25 mm was achieved. In the case of the alveolar expansion for the 48 implants, the average was 3.2 mm 卤 0.15 mm. Conclusions: The technique for alveolar expansion and elevation of the upper maxilla with compressive osseotomes can lead to a 100% success rate after a 9-month follow-up of the implants and insertion of prostheses. It is a highly predictable surgical procedure which allows implants to be performed at the same time as surgery, thus reducing the number of such interventions while recovering aesthetic and functional losses in the patien

    Sleep apnea and mandibular advancement device : revision of the literature

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    Sleep apnea and hypopnea syndrome (SAHS) is a disorder characterized by intermittent and repetitive obstruction of the upper airway provoking pharyngeal collapse. It is characterized clinically by a triad of daytime hypersomnia, snoring and pauses in breathing during sleep that are normally reported by the partner. Polysomnography is the chosen method for diagnosing this pathology. Patients with this disorder tend to have the following dental and orofacial signs: a retrognathic jaw, a narrow palate, a wide neck, deviation of the nasal septum and relative macroglossia, among others. Dentists should be ready to evaluate the risk-benefit of certain dental treatment options for this public health problem. The treatment of this problem will depend on its severity, with one of the options being the Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD) that is used especially in the treatment of slight or moderate SAHS and in the treatment of snoring, with results that are occasionally very successful. The objective of this study is to carry out an up-to-date literature review of SAHS and to evaluate the role of the dentist when faced with this pathology

    Neurofibromatosis tipo 1 (NF1) revisi贸n y presentaci贸n de un caso cl铆nico con manifestaciones bucofaciles

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    La neurofibromatosis es una enfermedad hereditaria de transmisi贸n autos贸mica dominante que compromete el desarrollo de las c茅lulas de la cresta neural. Las manifestaciones bucofaciales de la neurofibromatosis tipo 1 (NF1) son muy escasas, presentando una prevalencia de 1:16.000. El caso que se presenta es de un paciente var贸n de 10 a帽os de edad, de raza negra, que acudi贸 al Servicio de Cirug铆a Oral y Maxilofacial del Hospital Universitario de Cartagena de Indias (Colombia) por presentar un n贸dulo en el suelo de la boca y una ligera asimetr铆a facial provocada por una hipertrofia fibrosa que compromet铆a el maxilar superior y el cuerpo mandibular izquierdo. En el examen f铆sico se encontraron, a nivel cut谩neo, numerosas manchas caf茅 con leche dispersas por todo el cuerpo, mientras que la exploraci贸n oftalmol贸gica revel贸 m煤ltiples n贸dulos de Usch (hamartomas del iris). Las im谩genes radiogr谩ficas mostraron una compresi贸n extra贸sea y la tomograf铆a computadorizada (TC) descart贸 la presencia de glioma de los nervios 贸pticos. Como antecedentes familiares, el padre, una hermana y una t铆a del paciente presentaban una NF1 confirmada cl铆nicamente. De acuerdo con la determinaci贸n de los criterios diagn贸sticos de la NF1 establecidos en 1987 por el "National institut of health concensus development conference on neurofibromatosis", esos tres hallazgos permitieron hacer un diagn贸stico de NF1 y orientar la impresi贸n cl铆nica de las lesiones bucofaciales hacia neurofibromas, lo que fue confirmado histol贸gicamente. El manejo de los pacientes con NF1 es dif铆cil, como tambi茅n lo es el tratamiento de las complicaciones que pueden producir las lesiones tales como deformidades (con el consiguiente problema psicol贸gico), gliomas de los nervios 贸pticos (ceguera) o un alto riesgo de malignizaci贸n. La ayuda del consejo gen茅tico, el aislamiento del gen implicado y los 煤ltimos avances en el campo de la gen茅tica, son muy esperanzadoras en cuanto al diagn贸stico prenatal