63 research outputs found

    Educating a Healthy Lifestyle using the ‘Children-Friendly’ Approach in Early Childhood Education

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    This paper reports the partial findings of a study on a health program that aims to explore the changes in lifestyle of children before and after the implementation of the health program. This health program involved 40 parents and 40 children from the ages of 3-6 years, which was implemented for 32 weeks in kindergartens that use the ‘children friendly’ approach. This approach refers to a concept that prepares learning notes and activities that comprises special features, which are well liked and suitable for children. It also facilitates the learning process without any coercion involved. Data related to the number of television viewing hours among the children were gathered from reports given by parents during the program. The data were then analysed using the SPSS software. The findings of the study show that educating a healthy lifestyle by using the ‘children friendly’ approach had contributed towards decreasing the number of television viewing hours among children as seen before and after the health program was introduced. Hence, it can be concluded that the research findings support the educating of a healthy lifestyle using the ‘children friendly’ approach in early children education. This effort focuses on engendering children to cultivate a healthy lifestyle, which then enables them to obtain learning experience that satiates the instinct and emotions of children to carry on learning and practicing health conscious behaviour. Keywords: children friendly, early child education, healthy life style

    Las emociones en el aprendizaje de las matemáticas y su relación con la memoria: una visión desde la neurociencia hasta los hallazgos del aula

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    Neuroscientific research has revealed that brain and emotion processing are closely interwined. This is important because emotional response modulete and guide cognitive to enable adaptive responses to the classroom enviroment. This study aims to identify negative emotions in learning mathematics and its relationship to memory. The questionnaire was used to collect data to identify negative emotion consist of anger, anxiety, boredom and shame and students memory in learning mathematics.  The sample of the study consisted of 644 secondary school students in learning mathematics.  The statictical analysis of the data showed a negative correlation between students negative emotions and their memory in learning mathematics.  This indicates that negative emotions can be negative attributed to the students’ memory.We also demonstrate that integrating perspectives from education, psychology and neuroscience contributes to a greater understanding of negative emotions in learning mathematics. Research from neuroscience and psychology illustrates the effect of negative emotion in learning mathematics and memory can be used to conceptualise the negative emotions and its impact on avoidant behaviour and students wellbeing. Therefore, using this transdisciplinary framework to consider emotions make it possible to identify strategies to reduce negative emotions in mathematics learning. Implementation of these strategies among teachers and policy makers could be beneficial to improve learning environment that emphasizes positive emotions and minimizes negative emotions that can enhance students’ memory.La investigación neurocientífica ha revelado que el procesamiento del cerebro y las emociones están estrechamente entrelazados. Esto es importante porque el módulo de respuesta emocional y la guía cognitiva permiten respuestas adaptativas al entorno del aula. Este estudio tiene como objetivo identificar las emociones negativas en el aprendizaje de las matemáticas y su relación con la memoria. El cuestionario se usó para recopilar datos para identificar emociones negativas que consisten en ira, ansiedad, aburrimiento y vergüenza y memoria de los estudiantes en el aprendizaje de las matemáticas. La muestra del estudio consistió en 644 estudiantes de secundaria en el aprendizaje de las matemáticas. El análisis estadístico de los datos mostró una correlación negativa entre las emociones negativas de los estudiantes y su memoria en el aprendizaje de las matemáticas. Esto indica que las emociones negativas pueden atribuirse negativamente a la memoria de los estudiantes. También demostramos que la integración de las perspectivas de la educación, la psicología y la neurociencia contribuye a una mayor comprensión de las emociones negativas en el aprendizaje de las matemáticas. La investigación de la neurociencia y la psicología ilustra el efecto de las emociones negativas en el aprendizaje de las matemáticas y la memoria puede usarse para conceptualizar las emociones negativas y su impacto en el comportamiento evitativo y el bienestar de los estudiantes. Por lo tanto, el uso de este marco transdisciplinario para considerar las emociones hace posible identificar estrategias para reducir las emociones negativas en el aprendizaje de las matemáticas. La implementación de estas estrategias entre maestros y formuladores de políticas podría ser beneficiosa para mejorar el ambiente de aprendizaje que enfatiza las emociones positivas y minimiza las emociones negativas que pueden mejorar la memoria de los estudiantes

    The development of METAKU to support learning in hypermedia environment

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    The development of learning skills is not given attention in many classrooms in all levels of education in our education system today. We assume that students will be able to develop their own learning skills. The challenges students face in hypermedia learning environment need to be considered to help them learn effectively in this type of learning environment. METAKU is developed to assist students to apply metacognitive learning strategies, that is, planning, monitoring and evaluation during the learning process in hypermedia learning environment. This paper discusses the development of METAKU which employed the first three stages of a generic instructional design model - ADDIE which consists of the following stages: 1)Analysis, 2) Design, 3) Development, 4) Implementation and 5) Evaluation. In the analysis stage, the data was collected using a triangulation method done concurrently: a survey of student’s preference of studying online versus offline; a focus group interview to identify challenges they face and strategies they use whilst accessing and studying the hypertext materials; and a record of student’s interaction with the computer using captivation software. A total of 240 second year university students in two public universities in Malaysia were involved in this study. The analysis stage provides information for stage 2 and 3 where the data collected was used in formulating the content and design of METAKU. It is hoped that METAKU will be able to help students develop learning skills in hypermedia learning environment


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    The learning environment plays important roles in the cognitive, effective and social students. Reviewing the learning environment is given due attention to this day because of its importance in helping to improve learning outcomes. This study will look at the selection and review of the measurement items of learning environment factors in Technical Institutions in the country. Variables to be examined in this study are assessment, teaching approaches, learning community, learning resources, work load, the clear objectives. Respondents consisted of 455 final semester engineering students. Data were analyzed descriptively for reliability (Cronbach Alpha values) and factor analysis was used to obtain 6 factor solutions (Eigenvalues and KMO) using SPSS 17 software. Results showed that 6 factor solutions with Eigen values above 1.0. The value of Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy 0.868> 0.6 is adequate for inter-correlation while Barlett Test was significant(Chi Square = 5962.485, p <0.05). The anti-image correlation matrix by The Measure of Sampling Adequacy (MSA) is more than the value of 0.5. Items O2, PP6, PP7, PP5, P1, SP3 and SP4 dropped based on the criteria by Hair et al (2006), where each item should exceed the value of 0.50. Total variance explained for this loading was 61.51%assessment, teaching approach, learning community, learning resources, work load, clear objectives

    A Delphi study analysis of ICT skills in secondary vocational schools

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    The development of a high-quality education system is one of Malaysia's main priorities. Focus has centred on the development of experienced, competent, progressive human capital bearing high moral and ethical standards. The Education Development Master Plan (EDMP) 2006-2010 submitted by the Ministry of Education implements 22 vocational subjects (VS) in secondary schools. This is to develop vocational skills in preparing students to meet the need for skilled and semi-skilled workers after graduating high school to support economic development. This study identifies the elements of sustainability for the implementation of VS in secondary schools in Malaysia based on the strategy outlined by the International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (UNEVQC) based in Bonn, Germany. The methodology used for this study is the Delphi study. Twelve panels of experts in the field of technical and vocational education in Malaysia were involved in the study consisting of four rounds of Delphi. In the first round, interviews were conducted on a panel of experts on the basis of interview protocols. The results of these interviews showed that ICT skills are one of the elements necessary for the preservation of VS teaching in secondary schools. Subsequently a questionnaire was developed with the aid of an expert panel in the second to fourth rounds of the Delphi study. The questionnaires developed will be used by VS teachers in order to gain a perception of ICT skills in the conservation of VS teaching in secondary schools

    Revisiting an engaging experience to identify metacognitive strategies towards developing a multimedia design model

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    Looking at metacognitive strategies on the way children think when playing an engaging computer game could help designers design educational game courseware that engages children to learn. This paper will analyze the strategies children use in their thinking to overcome problems whilst still remains engaged when interacting with an engaging multimedia application, The Sims. The Sims is an Edutainment Multimedia CD chosen as a vehicle to discover more about engagement under varying interactive conditions and experiments. The CD was found to have features of what children want in a multimedia design for them. A theoretical model “An Engaging Multimedia Design Model” [1] renamed, after an extended research, The NEMD Model (Norma™ Engagement Multimedia Design Model) [2] was developed from this study using this application. This paper is a result of revisiting the recorded engaging experience the children encountered whilst doing the experiments to design, test, redesign, and retest the final form of the engagement model. A number of metacognitive strategies were detected during the interaction. Analysis of the metacognitive strategies used will help designers design multimedia game courseware that is engaging as well as educational for children

    The Development Of Expert Learners In The Classroom

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    The term &lsquo;expert learner&rsquo; refers to students who are actively engaged with the materials learned and take responsibility for their own learning. Literature reviews suggested the use of metacognitive approach to help develop students to become expert learners. Research on development of expert learners can be traced from movements that focused on the importance of learning strategies and &ldquo;learning how to learn&rdquo; approach. Some researchers combined the role of teachers and students in formulating a framework on how to develop expert learners. This study aimed to identify issues related to the development of expert learners in the classroom. Data were collected from focus group with students and teachers in Malaysia.&nbsp; Findings were reduced into thematic categories representing students&rsquo; and teachers&rsquo; perceptions on the issues. Results of the study showed that the use of metacognitive strategies among students is very minimal and many teachers did not aware the benefit of making the learning process visible to students. The implementation of &ldquo;learning to learn&rdquo; approach in the teaching and learning process remain one of the key problem need to be address in order to help students learn effectively in the classroom


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    This survey study was carried out to review the generic skills (GS) model for engineering students. A total of 527 respondents were involved in this research. The variables presented in this research were the skill of gathering and analyzing information, communication skill, team working skill, problem solving skill, life long learning skill, technology utilization skill, critis and creative thinking skill, entrepreunuership, leadership and personal qualities. Data were analyzed descriptively for reliability (Cronbach Alpha values) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to obtain 10 factor solutions using AMOS software. The results showed that the Cronbach Alpha was on the classification of high and very high which was higher than 0.70. Result of second order CFA confirmed 10 factors solution with data collected was fit with model. The study also proposed a model of generic skills for engineering students. KEYWORDS: generic skills, engineering students, confirmatory factor analysi

    ESl Lecturers’ Voices on Tell Me More

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    In the past, the cost of computers and courseware greatly restricted the use of computers in education. However, computers and courseware are now becoming important tools for learning in the institutions. In order to maximize the utilization of the courseware, it is important to get to know how the teachers perceive the use of the courseware in their classroom.  Therefore, this paper aims to investigate how ESL lecturers in a polytechnic in Malaysia perceive the ease of use, usefulness and suitability of a courseware named TELL ME MORE.  Data was collected via semi-structured interviews with four ESL lecturers at the polytechnic.  Findings show that ESL lecturers indicated positive perceptions on the ease of use, usefulness and suitability of the courseware.  However, it was found that the courseware is not quite suitable for the teaching and learning of writing.  Key words:  Innovative teaching; CALL; ESL; courseware; language learnin

    Learning environment and the development of student's generic skills

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    This study aimed to identify the influence of learning environment on the development of student's generic skills in technical institution. The research instrument consists of 16 constructs measuring six scales of learning environment and ten scales to measure student's generic skills. The instrument was administered to 147 engineering students in one polytechnic in Malaysia. Result of multiple-regression analysis showed significant contribution of four learning environment factors to the variation of generic skills among the respondents. Clarity of the program objective is the most significant predictor to the development of generic skills in this study followed by the assessment, teaching approach and, community of learning. Examining aspects that contribute to the development of student's generic skills in these four elements is important in designing a curriculum that support and promote the development of generic skills among students