279 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of self- management educational program on fatigue in sickle cell patients

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    زمینه و هدف: خستگی یکی از علائم شایع در بیماران مبتلا به بیماری سلول داسی شکل است که با ایجاد خلق و خوی افسرده در بیماران و کاهش فعالیت های روزمره زندگی منجر به کاهش کیفیت زندگی این بیماران می گردد. هدف این مطالعه تعیین تأثیر برنامه خودمدیریتی بر خستگی در بیماران مبتلا به بیماری سلول داسی شکل است. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه نیمه تجربی 69 بیمار مبتلا به بیماری سلول داسی شکل مراجعه کننده به درمانگاه تالاسمی بیمارستان شفا اهواز به روش سرشماری وارد مطالعه شدند. برنامه خودمدیریتی طی دو جلسه آموزش انفرادی، یک جلسه آموزش گروهی بزرگ و دو جلسه آموزش گروهی کوچک به مدت 12 هفته اجرا شد. میزان خستگی قبل از مداخله، هفته دوازدهم و هفته 36 با استفاده از پرسشنامه سنجش خستگی FSS ارزیابی گردید. یافته ها: یافته ها نشان داد میانگین نمرات خستگی بیماران بعد از مداخله در مقایسه با قبل از مداخله به طور معناداری کاهش یافته است. آزمون اندازه های تکراری نشان داد میانگین خستگی در هفته 36 نسبت به هفته 12 افزایش یافته با این حال در مقایسه با پایه مداخله بطور معنی داری کاهش یافته است. نتیجه گیری: به کارگیری برنامه خودمدیریتی به عنوان یک مداخله پرستاری کم هزینه و غیر تهاجمی بر کاهش سطح خستگی در بیماران سلول داسی شکل مؤثر بوده است. بنابراین اجرای برنامه های خودمدیریتی به عنوان یک روش مؤثر در توانمندسازی بیماران سلول داسی شکل جهت مدیریت مشکلات سلامتی خود قابل توصیه است

    Study effect of relaxation technique on anxiety and stress in elders with hypertension

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    چکیده: زمینه و هدف: استرس و اضطراب در زندگی پیچیده امروزی، به خصوص در سالمندان که قدرت تطابق و سازگاری آنان کاهش می یابد می‌تواند باعث عوارض وخیم و جبران ناپذیری در ابعاد سلامت آنان شود. این مطالعه با هدف کاهش میزان اضطراب و استرس افراد به منظور کاهش و یا جلوگیری از عوارض و اثرات منفی ناشی از این عوامل با بکار گیری تکنیک آرامسازی پیشرونده عضلانی در سالمندان مبتلا به هیپرتانسیون انجام شد. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه نیمه تجربی که در مرکز سالمندان کهریزک تهران در سال 1383 انجام گرفت 55 نفر سالمند مبتلا به فشارخون بالا به روش در دسترس انتخاب و به طور تصادفی به دو گروه آزمون و شاهد تقسیم شدند. در گروه آزمون تکنیک آرامسازی پیشرونده عضلانی به مدت 6 هفته و هفته ای سه بار به مدت 20 دقیقه اجرا گردید. میزان اضطراب و استرس هر دو گروه قبل از مداخله، هفته سوم و در پایان مداخله با استفاده از پرسشنامه DAS (Depression Anexiety Stress) ارزیابی گردید. از آزمون های من ویتنی، ویلکاکسون و آنالیز واریانس تکرار شونده جهت تجزیه و تحلیل اطلاعات استفاده شد. یافته ها: با بکارگیری آرامسازی پیشرونده عضلانی، میانگین نمره اضطراب و استرس در گروه آزمون از 02/4±8/38 قبل از مداخله به 7/3±3/34، در هفته سوم به 17/5±33 در پایان مداخله رسید (01/0

    A study of pain and anxiety/ depression severity on patients with nonspecific chronic low back pain

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    Background and aims: Patients with low back pain like other chronic diseases, may experience psychological symptoms in addition to physical symptoms which leads to the exacerbation of the condition of these patients and reduce their quality of life. Due to lack of clinical studies in this field, this study was conducted to investigate the relationship between pain and severity of depression and anxiety in patients with nonspecific chronic low back pain. Methods: This analytic- descriptive study was performed on 250 patients with nonspecific low back pain referring to the orthopedic clinic in Shahrekord selected by convenience sampling. Demographic questionnaire, visual analogue scale of pain, Beck Depression Inventory and Beck Anxiety Inventory were used to collect the patient’s information, pain severity, anxiety and depression. Stata software 14 was used for data analysis. Results: Mean ± SD of pain in women was 4.6±1.21 and higher than in men (4.1±1.25). Pain severity showed a significant difference between the groups of patients with different levels of anxiety and depression (P<0.01). There was a significant difference among non-smokers for pain rate between the groups, according to the levels of depression (P<0.05). Conclusion: Patients with nonspecific chronic low back pain experience higher level of pain with increasing severity of depression and anxiety. It is necessary in treatment of patients with nonspecific low back pain to pay attention to their psychological dimensions in addition to treating physical problems to reduce pain, and take action to relieve for the modulation of anxiety, depression and quality of life in these patients

    Overwintering biology of the carob moth Apomyelois ceratoniae (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)

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    The pomegranate fruit moth, Apomyelois ceratoniae (Zeller), is the most important pest of pomegranate orchards in Iran, where infestations lead to 20%–80% fruit loss. A. ceratoniae overwinters as larvae in several instars. The success in overwintering determines the fruit loss in the following season, thus overwintering physiology of A. ceratoniae could provide insights into population prediction. To this end, overwintering strategy and some seasonal physiological and biochemical changes were investigated in the field-collected larvae of A. ceratoniae. The lowest supercooling point was recorded in November (−14.6 ± 0.9 °C) and the highest in both October and March (−10.2 ± 0.9 °C). The median lethal temperature (LT50) of larvae was higher than supercooling point, suggesting that A. ceratoniae is chill-susceptible. Overwintering larvae had slightly higher concentrations of glycerol and sorbitol compared to summer larvae. There were no significant seasonal changes in body water content or hemolymph osmolality. Current winter temperatures in Iranian orchards are higher than the cold tolerance thresholds of A. ceratoniae, suggesting that overwintering mortality is not a key factor in determining A. ceratoniae populations

    Evaluation of the effect of self-care program based on the Orem framework on the physical quality of life in multiple sclerosis patients

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    قدمه: بيماري مولتيپل اسكلروزيس يك بيماري مزمن، پي شرونده سلولهاي عصبي مركزي است . غالباًدرافراد جـوان كـهدرمرحلـهفعـال زندگي خودقراردارند ودرباره نقش ومسئوليتهاي خانوادگي خودنگران هستند بروز كردهو كيفيت زندگي آنهارا تحت تأثيرقرارمي دهد. يكي از شاخصهاي موفقيت مداخلات درماني ومراقبتي دربيماري هاي مزمن بهبود كيفيت زندگي است. ايـن مطالعـهبـاهـدف تعيـين تـأثير برنامه خودمراقبتي مبتني برالگوي اورمبرابعاد جسمي كيفيت زندگي بيماران مبتلا بهمولتيپل اسكلروزيس انجام گرفت. روشبررسي: اين مطالعه با طراحي كارآزمايي باليني(Trial Clinical (و با حضور 70 بيمار مبتلا به مولتيپل اسكلروزيس انجام شد. 6 جلسه برنامه آموزشي بر اساس نيازهاي آموزشي بيماران و مبتني بر الگوي اورم در طول چهار ماه توسط بيماران به كار گرفتـه شـد و بـا استفاده از چكليستهاي خودگزارشدهي ميزان به كارگيري برنامهها پيگيري و اندازهگيري گرديد. ابعاد جسمي كيفيت زندگي بيماران گروه آزمون و شاهد قبل و چهار ماه بعد از اجراي برنامه مورد ارزيابي قرار گرفت . دادهها بـا اسـتفاده از آزمـونهـاي آمـاري اسـتنباطي مورد تجزيه و تحليل قرار گرفتند. نتايج: آزمون آماري تي مستقل اختلاف معناداري در ابعاد جسمي كيفيت زندگي بيماران گروه آزمون و شاهد قبل از مدا خلـه نـشان نداد(33/0=P .(در حالي كه همين آزمون اختلاف معناداري در دو گروه بعد از اجراي مداخله نشان داد (001/0=P .(آزمون آماري تـي زوجي نيزتفاوت معناداري در جهت افزايش در ابعاد جـسمي كيفيـت زنـدگي بيمـاران گـروه آزمـون چهـار مـاه بعـد از مداخلـه نـشان داد(001/0=P ،(در حاليكه همين آزمون تفاوت معناداري در ابعاد جسمي كيفيت ز ندگي بيماران گـروه شـاهد بعـد از چهـار مـاه نـشان .(P=0/95)نداد نتيجهگيري: طراحي و به كـارگيري برنامـه خـودمراقبتي مبتنـي بـر الگـوي اورم بـر ابعـاد جـسمي كيفيـت زنـدگي بيمـاران مولتيپـل اسكلروزيس ميتواند مؤثر باشد. لذا اگربرنامهاي بر اساس نيازهاي آموزشي و با توجه به اصول آموزش به بيمار و با رويكرد مدل علمي خودمراقبتي اورم طراحي گردد، مي تواند به عنـوان يـك مداخلـه پرسـتاري در ارتقـا ي ابعـاد جـسمي كيفيـت زنـدگي بيمـاران مولتيپـل اسكلروزيس مؤثرباشد

    The relationship between proactive personality and employees’ creativity: the mediating role of intrinsic motivation and creative self-efficacy

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    Employees’ creativity is one of the most important factors in the success of organizations which has attracted the attention of researchers in recent years. Recent research has suggested that proactive personality fosters creativity. However, there is a lack of research into the mechanisms that make this link possible. The main purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between proactive personality and employee creativity by focusing on the mediating roles of intrinsic motivation and creative self-efficacy. Data from 178 Iranian agriculture experts were collected and analyzed by conducting structural equation modeling. The results indicated that proactive personality was directly and positively related to employees’ creativity. Additionally, the results showed that intrinsic motivation and creative self-efficacy partially mediated the relationship between proactive personality and employees’ creativity. The findings not only shed light on mechanisms that underlie in the proactive personality -creativity linkage but they also highlight the importance of intrinsic motivation and creative self-efficacy in the linkage. Together, the study extends the effect of proactive personality on creativity and the mediation mechanisms underlying this relationship. The theoretical and practical implications, limitations, and future research directions are discussed

    The relationships between parenting styles and addiction potentiality among students

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         Family is considered as the most fundamental and basic shaping, and underlies drug abusing. This research aimed to investigate the relationships between parenting styles (authoritative, permissive and despotic) as one of the most effective family factors on child growth and addiction potentiality among the students. The statistical population of research consisted of all student of Medical Ilam University of Medical Sciences in the second semester 2012-2013 academic years. Therefore 220 students selected with multistage random sampling, and completed the Baumrind parenting styles questionnaire (1972) and addiction potentiality (Zargar, 1996). Data has been analyzed by Pearson correlation tests and regression using SPSS 16. The outcomes of pearson correlation analysis showed that there have been negative relationships between authoritative parenting style and addiction potentiality and between permissive, despotic parenting styles and addiction potentiality positive and meaningful relationships reported. The results of regression analysis showed that parenting styles (authoritative, permissive and despotic) described about 38 percentages of addiction potentiality variances, too. According to present research results, parenting styles is one of the most effective reasons on students’ tendency to the drug abusing. With this mind, the hygienic officials and activists should make suitable policies to increase parent’s information in parenting styles education field

    Prediction of noise using artificial neural networks modeling and statistical methods in the woodworking industry

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    Introduction: Noise pollution is one of the most important pollutants in the work environment and is almost one of the harmful factors for workers' health. Sound prediction is one of the important aspects of sound control in industries. Forecasting is important in the carpentry industry, which is an important part of the woodworking industry and workers are exposed to excessive noise. There are many methods for predicting noise. Materials and Methods: This research is a study Descriptive, analytical - cross-sectional that was carried out in 6 main phases, which include: 1- Identifying and collecting data 2- Determining the evaluation criteria of statistical models and artificial neural networks 3- Constructing multiple regression 4- Implementing artificial neural networks 5- Optimizing the weights of artificial neural networks It is model sensitivity analysis with genetic algorithm. In the first stage, data was collected from 375 carpentry workshops in Tehran province, Khavaran, Chahardangeh, Nematabad and Delavaran industrial towns. From the 10 main characteristics of acoustic, structural and carpentry processes that affect sound, in the next step, evaluation criteria were presented for comparison and accuracy of both statistical models and artificial neural networks. Then statistical analysis of multiple regressions was done. Then, artificial neural network modeling was implemented with the help of MATLAB software. In the next step, the weights of artificial neural networks were optimized using the genetic algorithm, then the sensitivity analysis of the model was performed using calculations. Discussion: With the help of evaluation criteria, two models of artificial neural networks and statistical methods were compared. The results showed that artificial neural networks provide more accurate prediction than multiple regression. The best neural network can accurately predict the equivalent sound level, our results showed that the developed experimental methods can be a useful tool for the analysis of noise pollution and enable occupational health professionals to use these methods. Conclusion: The artificial neural network model showed higher accuracy compared to linear and non-linear regression statistical models. In this study, the artificial neural network was trained 13,000 times by the gradient descent algorithm, which showed higher accuracy compared to similar studies where the repetition rate of the training algorithm was much lower, so this study showed that by increasing the repetition, the prediction accuracy can be increased. . Finally, a graphical user interface program was presented using factors affecting sound to predict noise in the woodworking industry. Key word: Sound prediction, artificial neural networks, wood industry, sound exposur