534 research outputs found

    Determinants of Profitability of Commercial Bank in Afghanistan

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    Over the past two decades, the global financial sector, particularly the banking industry, has undergone significant transformations impacting its performance. Recognizing the pivotal role of the financial sector in economic growth, this study focuses on Afghanistan\u27s banking sector, tracing its roots to the establishment of the first commercial banking institution, Bank Millie Afghan, in 1933. Following decades of war, the banking sector experienced revitalization after 2001, marked by the emergence of a new government, international aid inflow, and increased business activities. Despite remarkable growth, Afghanistan\u27s banking sector faces challenges such as security concerns, cultural issues, and a developing banking culture. The sector comprises 15 banks, with growth attributed to market economy reforms. However, the sector\u27s vitality poses opportunities and challenges, necessitating attention to technology, experience, and regulatory frameworks. The 2010 Kabul Bank crisis underscored weaknesses in banking regulation and international standards enforcement. This study addresses the problems and gaps in the literature concerning Afghanistan\u27s banking sector, focusing on factors influencing bank profitability. The research questions explore determinants of profitability, the Central Bank\u27s role, and factors affecting bank performance. The study aims to investigate these factors for 11 Commercial Banks from 2015 to 2019, examining internal and external elements and their impact on profitability ratios. The significance of the study lies in its contribution to identifying determinants of profitability, benefiting bank managers, regulators, depositors, investors, and policymakers. Findings may guide policies to stabilize, profit, and make the banking system investor-friendly. Additionally, the study is a reference for future research on the relationship between risks and bank profitability in Afghanistan, offering insights into research procedures and unexplored areas. The banking sector in Afghanistan, with both Islamic and commercial banks, provides a choice between risk and security, catering to diverse preferences for stability and potential profits

    Intense Pulsed Light and Red Light Photo Rejuvenation for Skin Rejuvenation: A Split Face Clinical Trial

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    INTRODUCTION: Intense pulsed light (IPL) has long been used for skin rejuvenation. Photo rejuvenation with red light (with or without photo sensitizer) is a newer noninvasive way for this purpose; but, until now few comparative studies between these modalities have been performed. The aim of this study was to compare efficacy, adverse effects, and compliance of intense pulsed light rejuvenation and red light photo rejuvenation in a homogeneous group of women.METHODS: In this clinical trial, ten female volunteers with Fitzpatrick skin types I, II, and III were enrolled. Patients underwent 6 sessions of IPL rejuvenation at 4-week intervals on one side, and 30 photo rejuvenation sessions (twice a week) with red light on the other side of their face. Improvement of the skin texture and reduction in the wrinkles were determined in two ways. Firstly, by comparing the photographs, and secondly, by measuring the skin elasticity with Reviscometer MPA 9 system, before and after the procedure.RESULTS: Both treatments were associated with improvement in the skin texture and wrinkle depth, but red light was more effective on the nasolabial fold and IPL was more effective on the fine wrinkles.CONCLUSIONS: Red light photo rejuvenation without the use of photosensitizer can be a new, effective and safe procedure for rejuvenatio

    Treatment of a Pigmented Hypertrophic Scar by Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT): a Case Report

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    A hypertrophic scar is defined as an excess healing response that is a dilemma for physicians. Several therapies are available: intralesional corticosteroids, topical treatments, cryotherapy, surgery, radiation, silicone gel dressing and laser therapy.Pulsed-dye, Nd-Yag and CO2 lasers have been used for treatment of keloids and hypertrophic scars but recurrence is common. Recently Low-Level Laser Therapy(aluminum-gallium-arsenide (AlGaAs) Diode 980nm, red light (Mustung, KLO4,Helium Neon 630 nm) and blue light LED lasers have been used for closure of wounds. The aim of this report is to show the effectiveness of these lasers for the treatment of a hypertrophic scar on the forearm of a 40 year-old woman due to burning by gas explosion

    Possible immunological mechanisms in COVID-19 patients with immune thrombocytopenic purpura

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    Millions of people around the world were, or are still involved with COVID-19 due to infection with SARS-CoV-2. In addition to hallmark symptoms, thrombotic problems, lymphopenia, and thrombocytopenia have also been reported in COVID-19 patients, of which ITP is the most common and occurs in more than one-third of COVID-19 patients. Hyperinflammation, cytokine storms, and generally immune dysregulation in a percentage of patients develop the main consequences of diseases such as ALI, ARDS and multiple organ failure. Some of the important events in the immunopathogenesis of this disease are disruption of T-cell effector differentiation and the destructive role of Th17 lymphocytes, neutrophil function and inflammatory macrophages. NLRP3-inflammasome hyperactivity causes serious dysfunction of innate immune cells and, consequently, T lymphocytes in many inflammatory disorders, most notably in the COVID-19. A closer look at the immunopathogenesis of ITP and COVID-19 brings us to common ground. The purpose of this study was to review and summarize the findings of various studies on the immunopathogenesis of ITP and its possible causes in COVID-19. Finally, enhanced differentiation of Th17 and Th1, the cell death called as pyroptosis, hyperinflammation and dysfunction of inflammatory neutrophils and macrophages, and NLRP3- inflammasome hyperactivity are important factors in the development of thrombocytopenia in patients with COVID-19. Further studies are needed to better understand immunopathogenesis and effective treatments for ITP, especially in inflammatory disorder

    The Effect of Stretching Exercises and Caffeine Tablets on Reducing Headache after Spinal Anesthesia; A Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Abstract Introduction: We performed this study to compare the effect of Caffeine and stretching exercise on Post Dural Puncture Headache (PDHP). Methods: In this Randomized Clinical Trial, 160 candidates for elective inguinal hernia surgery or varicocele surgery in Shahid Modares Hospital in Tehran, were assigned into the following groups using a computer-generated randomization table: caffeine group received Caffeine tablet (200 mg TDS); exercise group received stretching exercise; caffeine combine exercise group received Caffeine tablet (200 mg TDS ), and stretching exercise and control group received placebo tablets. After the end of the surgery, up to 48 h, the Visual analog scale (VAS) was recorded every 6hours by the same clinician. Results: The occurrence of PDPH was less in the caffeine and exercise combined group than in the control group. Also, the headache was more severe in the control group than in the caffeine group. Furthermore, the need for rescue analgesics was more in the control group than in the caffeine group. Conclusion: caffeine and exercise combined had better outcomes than placebo regarding PDHP. &nbsp


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    Face failure is a typical phenomenon in longwall coal mines that can have a wide range of consequences. Face failure, which includes wall spall and roof collapse occurrences, is a hazardous virus that, if not managed, spreads fast across all stages of coal mining and has the potential to disable the mine. Based on this research, face failure may have a detrimental influence on technical, environmental, community, safety, and economic concerns, and its negative effects will leave an unfavourable legacy for the future. As a result, these impacts can be mitigated by effective management and risk management approaches. The quantitative and qualitative face failure risk model provided in this study has a considerable potential as a suitable tool for decision makers to analyse failure risk. Face failure-related high-risk variables can be discovered using this approach, which also makes comparing various mines easier from a face failure aspect. For validation, the model was evaluated in the Parvadeh, Negin and Pabedana coal mines. The study’s findings revealed that Parvadeh’s face failure risk factor was 5058, indicating a high risk in this mine due to mechanized mining. Furthermore, the scores of the Negin and Pabedana mines were computed as 3019 and 3165, respectively, indicating that they were in the moderate risk category owing to traditional mining.Slom čela tipična je pojava u širokočelnim rudnicima ugljena koja može imati širok raspon posljedica. Slom čela, što uključuje pojavu loma u bokovima prostorija i urušavanje krovine, opasna je pojava koja se, ako se ne kontrolira, brzo širi u svim fazama eksploatacije ugljena i ima potencijal da onesposobi rudnik. Ovo istraživanje pokazuje kako slom čela može imati štetan utjecaj na tehničke, ekološke, društvene, sigurnosne i ekonomske aspekte, a njegovi negativni učinci ostavit će nepovoljne posljedice za budućnost. Ovi se utjecaji mogu ublažiti učinkovitim pristupima upravljanja i upravljanja rizikom. Kvantitativni i kvalitativni model rizika od kvara predočen u ovoj studiji ima znatan potencijal kao prikladan alat za donositelje odluka u analizi rizika štete. Pomoću ovoga pristupa mogu se otkriti varijable visokoga rizika povezane s kvarom na čeonim dijelovima, što također olakšava usporedbu rudnika s aspekta sloma na radnom čelu Za validaciju model je evaluiran u rudnicima ugljena Parvadeh, Negin i Pabedana. Nalazi studije otkrili su da je faktor rizika sloma čela Parvadeha bio 5058, što upućuje na visok rizik u ovome rudniku zbog mehaniziranoga rudarenja. Nadalje, rezultati rudnika Negin i Pabedana izračunani su kao 3019 odnosno 3165, što upućuje na to da su oni bili u kategoriji umjerenoga rizika zbog tradicionalnoga rudarenja