6,659 research outputs found

    Diffusive Logistic Equations with Harvesting and Heterogeneity Under Strong Growth Rate

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    We consider the equation −Δu=au−b(x)u2−ch(x) in Ω,u=0 on ∂Ω, where Ω is a smooth bounded domain in RN, b(x) and h(x) are nonnegative functions, and there exists Ω0⊂⊂Ω such that {x:b(x)=0}=Ω¯¯¯0. We investigate the existence of positive solutions of this equation for c large under the strong growth rate assumption a≄λ1(Ω0), where λ1(Ω0) is the first eigenvalue of the −Δ in Ω0 with Dirichlet boundary condition. We show that if h≡0 in Î©âˆ–Î©ÂŻÂŻÂŻ0, then our equation has a unique positive solution for all c large, provided that a is in a right neighborhood of λ1(Ω0). For this purpose, we prove and utilize some new results on the positive solution set of this equation in the weak growth rate case

    Utilising semantic technologies for decision support in dementia care

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    The main objective of this work is to discuss our experience in utilising semantic technologies for building decision support in Dementia care systems that are based on the non-intrusive on the non-intrusive monitoring of the patient’s behaviour. Our approach adopts context-aware modelling of the patient’s condition to facilitate the analysis of the patient’s behaviour within the inhabited environment (movement and room occupancy patterns, use of equipment, etc.) with reference to the semantic knowledge about the patient’s condition (history of present of illness, dependable behaviour patterns, etc.). The reported work especially focuses on the critical role of the semantic reasoning engine in inferring medical advice, and by means of practical experimentation and critical analysis suggests important findings related to the methodology of deploying the appropriate semantic rules systems, and the dynamics of the efficient utilisation of complex event processing technology in order to the meet the requirements of decision support for remote healthcare systems

    Semantic-based decision support for remote care of dementia patients

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    This paper investigates the challenges in developing a semantic-based Dementia Care Decision Support System based on the non-intrusive monitoring of the patient's behaviour. Semantic-based approaches are well suited for modelling context-aware scenarios similar to Dementia care systems, where the patient's dynamic behaviour observations (occupants movement, equipment use) need to be analysed against the semantic knowledge about the patient's condition (illness history, medical advice, known symptoms) in an integrated knowledgebase. However, our research findings establish that the ability of semantic technologies to reason upon the complex interrelated events emanating from the behaviour monitoring sensors to infer knowledge assisting medical advice represents a major challenge. We attempt to address this problem by introducing a new approach that relies on propositional calculus modelling to segregate complex events that are amenable for semantic reasoning from events that require pre-processing outside the semantic engine before they can be reasoned upon. The event pre-processing activity also controls the timing of triggering the reasoning process in order to further improve the efficiency of the inference process. Using regression analysis, we evaluate the response-time as the number of monitored patients increases and conclude that the incurred overhead on the response time of the prototype decision support systems remains tolerable

    Buckling and strength analysis of panels with discrete stiffness tailoring

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    Continuous variation of stiffness across flat plates has been shown, theoretically, to improve buckling performance by up to 60%. However, steered fibre manufacturing methods cannot achieve the minimum radius of curvature required for improvement whilst maintaining a high deposition rate. An alternative concept, Discrete Stiffness Tailoring (DST), which varies stiffness within a ply through discrete changes of angle, is compatible with high rate deposition methods such as Advanced Tape Laying. Through the simple example of redistribution of the material in a quasi-isotropic [±45/90/0]2S laminate whilst maintaining ply percentages, DST is shown both experimentally and theoretically to improve buckling stress by at least 15% with no indication of failure in regions of discrete angle change (seams). However, the reduced tensile strength of seams obtained by virtual and experimental testing means that increased buckling performance in the principle load direction needs to be balanced against loss of transverse strengthThis work was supported by the UK EPSRC ADAPT research project (grant number EP/N024508/1) which is gratefully acknowledged. Richard Butler is supported by a Royal Academy of Engineering and GKN Aerospace Research Chair. Lucie Culliford’s PhD studentship is 50% funded by GKN Aerospace

    Coherent Topological Charge Structure in CPN−1CP^{N-1} Models and QCD

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    In an effort to clarify the significance of the recent observation of long-range topological charge coherence in QCD gauge configurations, we study the local topological charge distributions in two-dimensional CPN−1CP^{N-1} sigma models, using the overlap Dirac operator to construct the lattice topological charge. We find long-range sign coherence of topological charge along extended one-dimensional structures in two-dimensional spacetime. We discuss the connection between the long range topological structure found in CPN−1CP^{N-1} and the observed sign coherence along three-dimensional sheets in four-dimensional QCD gauge configurations. In both cases, coherent regions of topological charge form along membrane-like surfaces of codimension one. We show that the Monte Carlo results, for both two-dimensional and four-dimensional gauge theory, support a view of topological charge fluctuations suggested by Luscher and Witten. In this framework, the observed membranes are associated with boundaries between ``k-vacua,'' characterized by an effective local value of Ξ\theta which jumps by ±2π\pm 2\pi across the boundary.Comment: 26 page

    Dynamics and microscopic origin of fast 1.5 ÎŒm emission in Er-doped SiO<inf>2</inf> sensitized with Si nanocrystals

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    We investigate the origin of fast 1.5 ÎŒm photoluminescence from Er-doped SiO2 sensitized with silicon nanocrystals, which appears and decays within the first microsecond after a short laser excitation pulse. Time-resolved and temperature-dependent measurements on the 1.5 ÎŒm emission from Er-doped and Er-free samples reveal that the major part of this emission is Er related. A possible contribution from other photoluminescence bands, specifically of the defect-related band centered around 1.3 ÎŒm, has also been considered. All the results obtained indicate the dominant contribution of Er3+ ions to the fast 1.5 ÎŒm emission in the investigated materials. We propose two possible mechanisms behind the fast excitation and quenching of Er3+ 1.5 ÎŒm emission, which are both facilitated by Er-related trap centers with ionization energy of EA ∌60 meV. © 2011 American Physical Society

    Emergence of Wigner molecules in one-dimensional systems of repulsive fermions under harmonic confinement

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    A Bethe-Ansatz spin-density functional approach is developed to evaluate the ground-state density profile in a system of repulsively interacting spin-1/2 fermions inside a quasi-one-dimensional harmonic well. The approach allows for the formation of antiferromagnetic quasi-order with increasing coupling strength and reproduces with high accuracy the exact solution that is available for the two-fermion system.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, submitte

    Rutting assessment of crumb rubber modifier modified warm mix asphalt incorporating warm asphalt additive

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    Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) as a green technology, permits production of asphalt mixtures at lower temperatures compared to conventional HMA; emissions and energy consumption reduction, were among the key success of this technology, thus, enhancing social, economic, and environmental sustainability. But due to the reduced production temperature, WMA are more prone to rutting, to improve the rutting resistance of WMA mixtures and minimize pollution resulting from waste rubber tire. Therefore, the effect of wet processed Crumb Rubber Modifier (CRM) on rutting depth of WMA mixtures incorporating 2.5% Sasobit by weight of base binders were assessed in the laboratory. In this study, the asphalt mixtures were fabricated in accordance with Superpave, using; crush granite aggregate of 9.5mm NMAS and the four binders that were produced by blending the PG 64 binder with different contents of 40 mesh size CRM (0%, 5%, 10%, and 15%, by weight of the base binder). Rutting depths of the mixtures were assessed on 150mm diameter and 70mm thick cylindrical samples using wheel tracker, the wheel tracking test were carried out at 45oC and 60oC, in accordance with BS 598 Part 110 (1998). Based on the results of wheel tracking tests, CRM could improve the resistance of the WMA mixtures to rutting. It was also found from statistical Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), that the two influence factors; CRM, and the test temperature both having p-values less than the assumed significance at 95% confidence level, therefore they have significant effect on rutting in WMA
