1,582 research outputs found

    Effect of Chop Length and Level of Molasses on Chemical Composition of Yellow Corn Stover Silage

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    This factorial study was carried out from 15/10/2020 to 31/6/2021 to investigate the effect of chop length (CL) and level of molasses (M) added at ensiling on chemical composition of yellow corn stover including leaves and stems. Those materials were chopped into 4 lengths, 5, 10, 15 and 20 mm and molasses was added as a source of soluble carbohydrates at 3 levels, 6, 8 and 10% of dry matter (DM). Urea was added to all samples at 2% to enhance nitrogen content. Samples of ensiled materials were packed in double plastic bags and preserved for 60 days. Results revealed that there was a significant (P˂0.01) increase in DM content with increasing CL and level of M, and a significant (P˂0.05) increase in crude protein (CP) content with increasing level of M. Ether extract content was significantly (P˂0.05) decreased with increasing CL but (P˂0.01) increased with increasing level of M. Regarding cell wall components, neutral and acid detergent fibers (NDF, ADF) and cellulose contents were significantly (P˂0.01) decreased in silage samples prepared at fine CL. Lower (P˂0.01) NDF and cellulose contents were associated with those prepared with addition of M at 10%. In general, it was concluded that better results were achieved when samples of yellow corn stover silages including leaves and stems were prepared at 5 mm of chop length and addition of molasses at 10%. &nbsp

    Effect of Feeding Pellets Containing Different Concentrate to wheat Straw Ratios on the Rumen Fermentation Characteristics of Awassi Lambs

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    اجريت الدراسة في منطقة السياحي- محافظة بابل للتحري عن تأثير تغذية نسب مختلفة من العلف المركز الى تبن الحنطة على خصائص تخمرات الكرش. حضرت خمسة علائق خليطة كلية تضمن تركيبها 30:70 و40:60 و 50:50 و 60:40 و 70:30 من العلف المركز الى تبن الحنطة كبست بصورة مكعبات وقدمت بصورة حرة الى الحملان العواسية. اظهرت النتائج ان زيادة نسبة العلف المركز الى الخشن قد ارتبطت بانخفاض معنوي (P<0.01) في الاس الهيدروجيني في سائل الكرش وسجلت اقل القيم,  6.60و 6.50 و 6.53 في النماذج المسحوبة من مجموعة الحملان المغذاة على المكعبات الحاوية على العلف المركز الى التبن بنسبة 50:50 و 60:40 و 70:30 على التوالي. كما تميزت تلك النماذج باقل (P<0.01) تركيز نيتروجين الامونيا,  4.85و 4.45 و 4.35 ملغم/100  مل, وأعلى (P<0.01) تركيز للأحماض الدهنية الطيارة الكلية.This study was carried out in Alsiyahii area– Babylon Province to investigate the effect of feeding Awassi lambs different ratios of concentrate: wheat straw (C: R) on rumen fermentation characteristics. Five pellets of total mixed rations (TMR) containing 30:70, 40:60, 50:50, 60:40 and 70:30 of C: R ratios were prepared and offered to lambs ad libitum. Results revealed that increasing C: R ratio was associated with a significant (P<0.01) reduction in pH, lower values of 6.60, 6.50 and 6.53 were recorded in samples of rumen liquor collected from lambs fed pellets containing C: R ratios of 50:50, 60:40 and 70:30, respectively. Those samples were also characterized with lower (P<0.01) concentration of ammonia nitrogen, 4.85, 4.45 and 4.38 mg/100 ml, and higher (P<0.01) concentration of total volatile fatty acids.&nbsp

    Effect of Feeding Pellets Containing Different Concentrate to Wheat Straw Ratios on the Blood Parameters of Awassi Lambs

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    اجريت الدراسة للتحري عن تأثير تغذية الحملان العواسية على نسب مختلفة من العلف المركز الى تبن الحنطة على معايير الدم. حضرت مكعبات خمسة علائق خليطة كلية تضمن تركيبها 30:70 و40:60 و 50:50 و 60:40 و 70:30 من العلف المركز الى تبن الحنطة وقدمت بصورة حرة الى الحملان. اظهرت النتائج ان زيادة نسبة العلف المركز الى الخشن ادت الى حصول زيادة معنوية ((P<0.01 في تركيز الكلوكوز وسجلت اعلى القيم, 75.38 و 75.59 ملغم/100 مل في نماذج الدم المسحوبة من الحملان المغذاة على المكعبات الحاوية على العلف المركز الى التبن بنسبة 40:60 و 30:70 على التوالي. كما تميزت تلك النماذج بأعلى ((P<0.01 تركيز للبروتين الكلي والكليسريدات الثلاثية في الدم. اما تركيز نيتروجين اليوريا فقد سجلت اعلى ((P<0.01 القيم, 44.15 و 42.68 و 44.98 ملغم/100 مل في نماذج الدم المسحوبة من الحملان المغذاة على المكعبات الحاوية على العلف المركز الى التبن بنسبة 50:50 و 40:60 و 30:70 على التوالي.This study was carried out to investigate the effect of feeding Awassi lambs different ratios of concentrate: wheat straw (C: R) on blood parameters. Five pellets of total mixed rations (TMR) containing 30:70, 40:60, 50:50, 60:40 and 70:30 of C: R ratios were prepared and offered to lambs ad libitum. The results showed that increasing the C: R ratio significantly (P<0.01) increased the blood glucose. Higher concentration, 75.38 and 75.59 mg/100 ml were recorded in blood samples withdrawn from lambs fed on pellets containing 60:40 and 70:30 of C: R ratios respectively. similarly, those blood samples were characterized with higher (P<0.01) concentrations of total protein and triglycerides. With regard to urea nitrogen, higher (P<0.01) concentration, 44.15, 42.68 and 44.98 mg/100 ml were detected in blood samples withdrawn from lambs fed pellets containing 50:50, 60:40 and 70:30, respectively

    Emotion and polarity prediction from Twitter

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    Classification of public information from microblogging and social networking services could yield interesting outcomes and insights into the social and public opinions towards different services, products, and events. Microblogging and social networking data are one of the most helpful and proper indicators of public opinion. The aim of this paper is to classify tweets to their classes using cross validation and partitioning the data across cities using supervised machine learning algorithms. Such an approach was used to collect real time Twitter microblogging data tweets towards mentioning iPad and iPhone in different locations in order to analyse and classify data in terms of polarity: positive or negative, and emotion: anger, joy, sadness, disgust, fear, and surprise. We have collected over eighty thousand tweets that have been pre-processed to generate document level ground-truth and labelled according to Emotion and Polarity. We also compared some approaches in order to measures the performance of K-NN, Nave Bayes, and SVM classifiers. We found that the K-NN, Nave Bayes, SVM, and ZeroR have a reasonable accuracy rates, however, the K-NN has outperformed the Nave Bayes, SVM, and ZeroR based on the achieved accuracy rates and trained model time. The K-NN has achieved the highest accuracy rates 96.58% and 99.94% for the iPad and iPhone emotion data sets using cross validation technique respectively. Regarding partitioning the data per city, the K-NN has achieved the highest accuracy rates 98.8% and 99.95% for the iPad and iPhone emotion data sets respectively. Regarding the polarity data sets using both cross validation and partitioning data per city, the K-NN achieved 100% for the all polarity datasets