85 research outputs found

    Asynchronous group review of EFL writing: Interactions and text revisions

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    The current paper reports an empirical study of asynchronous online group review of argumentative essays among nine English as foreign language (EFL) Arab university learners joining English in their first, second, and third years at the institution. In investigating online interactions, commenting patterns, and how the students facilitate text revisions, a three-level analysis of learners’ comments in terms of the language functions, nature and focus area, and connections to subsequent text revisions was conducted. The learners produced a number of 1792 comments which were exploratory, including scaffolding and non-scaffolding (72%), procedural (11%), and social (17%) comments. In relation to the nature and focus area, 53% of the exploratory comments were revision-oriented comments—focusing on global (n = 799; 84%) and local (n = 149; 16%) issues of learners’ essays—whereas non-revision-oriented comments (47%) focused on learners’ socio-relational space (74%), task management (23%) and technical challenges (3%). The findings also showed that 46% of the overall global (n = 615) and only 10% of the overall local (n = 838) text revisions were connected to learners’ comments, indicating the value of global oriented comments in facilitating learners’ global text revisions. Differences of occurrence of these commenting patterns among the three groups were found. Such findings suggest that global text revisions need to be modelled by instructors

    Transforming the EFL pedagogical approach towards digital age through online communities of practice (CoPs)

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    Since most conventional classroom learning in which English is a Foreign Language (EFL) is still characterized by learners‟ traditional roles and lacks such dynamic collaboration and interaction, EFL learners are increasingly using Social Network Sites (SNSs) as online Communities of Practice (CoPs) in adopting collaborative learning and transforming the EFL pedagogical approach as a new strategy towards achieving success in the modern digital age. Based on the theoretical background of CoPs, the current study aims to investigate the application of SNSs as a CoP in providing EFL students with the opportunity to use English, and to improve their learning through collaborative interaction in the language. The subjects of this study were 24 active and regular members of the Only for English Learning Facebook (FB) Community– a group developed and maintained by the researchers – for EFL learners coming from different countries. As to gain further information and understanding from the participants of how such EFL learning practice could be improved, online questionnaire, semi-structure interview and commentary exchanges of interaction posts were used for data collection and analysis. The findings proved that such online CoPwas perceived as an effective learning environment conducive to promoting the EFL learners‟ writing, grammar, reading andpersonal and socio- cultural skills and domains. Their perception of this CoP significantly increased during the period of collaborative learning

    Climate-Resilient UAVs: Enhancing Energy-Efficient B5G Communication in Harsh Environments

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    This paper explores the crucial role of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in advancing Beyond Fifth Generation (B5G) communication networks, especially in adverse weather conditions like rain, fog, and snow. The study investigates the synergy between climate-resilient UAVs and energy-efficient B5G communication. Key findings include the impact of weather elements on UAV coverage and communication dynamics. The research demonstrates significant enhancements in energy efficiency, reduced interference, increased data transmission rates, and optimal channel gain under various weather conditions. Overall, this paper emphasizes the potential of climate-resilient UAVs to improve energy-efficient B5G communication and highlights technology's role in mitigating climate change's impact on communication systems, promoting sustainability and resilience

    Dentulous versus edentulous mandibles : CBCT-based morphometric assessment of mandibular canal and alveolar bone

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    Precise preoperative knowledge of the mandibular canal (MC) variations and alveolar bone dimensions are vital elements for a successful dental implant. Thus, this study aimed to describe the three-dimensional morphology of the MC and alveolar bone dimens

    Effect of different levels of bio and nitrogen fertilization on the fresh yield, dry matter content and dry matter yield of Sorghum bicolor L.

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    This study was carried out at the research farm of the faculty of agriculture at Sana\u27a University during the season of 2008 and 2009 for study the effect of four levels of Bio-fertilizer fertilization (0, 1,2, 3) Letters/ha and four levels of nitrogen fertilizer (0, 50,100, 150) kg N /ha on the fresh forage yield, dry matter percentage and dry matter yield of Sorghum (local Varity). The considered characters included fresh forage yield, dry matter percentage and dry matter yield. The results showed that the treatment (3 letters/ha) gave a higher value of fresh forage yield, for the first and second cuts during the seasons of 2008 and 2009 and a higher value of dry matter percentage for the first cut during season 2009, and the seam treatment exceeded in dry matter yield during the first season 2008 for the first and second cuts, and gave the higher value for the seam character in the first cut during season 2009, while the third treatment (2 letters/ha) gave the higher value of fresh forage yield for the first and second cuts during season 2009, and in dry matter percentage in the first and second cuts during season 2008, and gave the highest mean in the second cut during 2009, and exceeded in dry matter yield in the second cut during season 2009. There was a significant effect return to Nitrogen fertilizer treatments, the results showed that the (150kg N/ha) treatment exceeded in fresh and dry matter yield for the first and second cuts during the season of 2008 and 2009, and gave the higher value in dry matter percentage during season 2009 in the first and second cuts. While the treatment (100 kg N/ha) gave the highest mean in dry matter percentage during season 2008 in the two cuts. The results showed an interaction between Biofertilizer fertilization and Nitrogen fertilizer on fresh forage yield, dry matter percentage and dry matter yield during the 2008 and 2009 seasons

    Terbufos sulfon pogoršava srčane lezije u štakora koji boluju od dijabetesa: studija subakutne toksičnosti

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    Organophosphorus compounds (OPCs) have a wide range of applications, from agriculture to warfare. Exposure to these brings forward a varied kind of health issues globally. Terbufos is one of the leading OPCs used worldwide. The present study investigates the cardiac effect of no observable dose of a metabolite of terbufos, terbufos-sulfone (TS), under nondiabetic and streptozotocin-induced diabetic condition. 100 nmol per rat (1/20 of LD50) was administered intraperitoneally to adult male Wister rats daily for fifteen days. The left ventricle was collected for ultrastructural changes by transmission electron microscopy. The blood samples were collected for biochemical tests including RBC acetylcholinesterase, creatinine kinase (CK), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), cholesterol, high density lipoprotein (HDL), low density lipoprotein (LDL), triglycerides, ALT, AST, and GGT. The study revealed about 10 % inhibition of RBC-AChE in two weeks of TS treatment in non-diabetic rats whereas RBC-AChE activity was significantly decreased in diabetic TS treated rats. CK, LDH, and triglycerides were significantly higher in diabetic TS treated rats. Electron microscopy of the heart showed derangement and lesions of the mitochondria of cardiomyocytes in the TS treated groups. The present study concludes that a non-lethal dose of TS causes cardiac lesions which exacerbate under diabetic condition. Biochemical tests confirmed the ultrastructural changes. It is concluded that a non-lethal dose of TS may be a risk factor for a cardiovascular disease, which may be fatal under diabetic condition.Organofosforni spojevi (eng. Organophosphorous Compounds - OPCs) imaju široku primjenu, od one u poljoprivredi do one u vojne svrhe. Izlaganje takvim spojevima izaziva niz različitih zdravstvenih problema od globalnog značaja. Terbufos je jedan od vodećih OPC-a koji se koriste diljem svijeta. U ovom je istraživanju na modelu štakora bez dijabetesa sa streptozotocinom izazvanim dijabetesom ispitivan metabolit terbufos-sulfon (TS) u najvišoj dozi koja ne izaziva učinak te njezin utjecaj na srce. Odrasli mužjaci štakora soja Wistar dobivali su petnaest dana dnevnu dozu od 100 nmol štakor-1 (1/20 LD50) intraperitonealno. Transmisijskim elektronskim mikroskopom istražene su ultrastrukturne promjene lijeve klijetke. Na krvnim uzorcima provedeni su biokemijski testovi, uključujući aktivnost acetilkolinesteraze u crvenim krvnim stanicama, razinu kreatinin kinaze (CK), laktat dehidrogenaze (LDH), kolesterola, lipoproteina visoke gustoće (HDL), lipoproteina niske gustoće (LDL), triglicerida, ALT, AST i GGT. Istraživanjem je otkriveno oko 10 % inhibicije AChE-a u crvenim krvnim stanicama nakon dva tjedna izlaganja štakora bez dijabetesa TS-u, dok je u štakora s dijabetesom aktivnost AChE-a bila značajno smanjena. Razine CK, LDH i triglicerida bile su značajno više u TS tretiranim štakorima s dijabetesom. Elektronsko-mikroskopska analiza srca upućuje na narušenu strukturu i lezije u mitohondrijima u kardiomiocitima skupina štakora koji su tretirani TS-om. Zaključuje se da nesmrtonosna doza TS-a uzrokuje srčane lezije koje se pogoršavaju u prisutnosti dijabetesa. Biokemijski testovi potvrdili su ultrastrukturne promjene. Navedena doza TS-a može biti rizični čimbenik za kardiovaskularne bolesti, koje se mogu pokazati smrtonosnima uz istovremeno postojanje dijabetesa

    Flexible Beamforming in B5G for Improving Tethered UAV Coverage over Smart Environments

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    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are being used for wireless communications in smart environments. However, the need for mobility, scalability of data transmission over wide areas, and the required coverage area make UAV beamforming essential for better coverage and user experience. To this end, we propose a flexible beamforming approach to improve tethered UAV coverage quality and maximize the number of users experiencing the minimum required rate in any target environment. Our solution demonstrates a significant achievement in flexible beamforming in smart environments, including urban, suburban, dense, and high-rise urban. Furthermore, the beamforming gain is mainly concentrated in the target to improve the coverage area based on various scenarios. Simulation results show that the proposed approach can achieve a significantly received flexible power beam that focuses the transmitted signal towards the receiver and improves received power by reducing signal power spread. In the case of no beamforming, signal power spreads out as distance increases, reducing the signal strength. Furthermore, our proposed solution is suitable for improving UAV coverage and reliability in smart and harsh environments.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Knowledge and Awareness of Diabetes Mellitus Disease among High School Students in King Abdulaziz Military City, Tabuk, Saudi Arabia

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    BACKGROUND: Saudi Arabia is considered to be one of the highest countries in the Middle East for the incidence of diabetes mellitus (DM). Data are lacking regarding knowledge and awareness about DM among school students in Saudi Arabia. AIM: The study aimed to assess the level of knowledge and awareness of DM among high school students within the military city, Tabuk, Saudi Arabia. METHODS: A descriptive type of cross-sectional study was conducted among 278 high school students applying a convenience sampling technique. The sample size was calculated using OpenEpi, Version 3. Self-administered questionnaires were distributed to the high school students (male and female) after official communication with the school’s dean. The level of knowledge and awareness was categorized into “adequate” and “inadequate” as per each topic/question, and also as per each response/answer. Data entry and analysis were carried out using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Pearson’s Chi-square tests were performed to explore if there is any significant association between the knowledge and awareness level of the high school students and their (i) gender, (ii) age, and (iii) level of education. RESULTS: More than half of the high school students had adequate level of knowledge and awareness about DM in terms of symptoms (67.3%), complications (56.5%), monitoring method (62.6%), lifestyle modifications (63.7%), frequency of routine eye check-up (63.3%), important factors for blood sugar control (79.1%), treatment (56.5%), and management of hypoglycemia symptoms (57.6%). On the contrary, a large number of the students showed inadequate level of knowledge and awareness about the disease in terms of definition (80.6%), major causes (57.9%), effect of high blood pressure (51.8%), frequency of routine blood pressure check-up (55%), rationale of a regular urine test (58.3%), medication for DM (66.9%), and duration of medication (69.8%). However, no significant associations were found between the knowledge and awareness level of the high school students about the definition or major causes of DM and the (i) gender, (ii) age group, and (iii) level of education of the students. CONCLUSION: The level of knowledge and awareness of a considerable number of high school students regarding DM was inadequate, and some of them possessed various misconceptions about this particular chronic disease. Health authorities and school authorities in the region should offer special efforts to improve the level of knowledge and awareness of the students through regular health education campaigns

    Stereological Evidence of Non-Selective Hippocampal Neurodegeneration, IGF-1 Depletion, and Behavioral Deficit following Short Term Bilateral Adrenalectomy in Wistar Rats

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    The development of animal models to study cell death in the brain is a delicate task. One of the models, that was discovered in the late eighties, is the induction of neurodegeneration through glucocorticoid withdrawal by adrenalectomy in albino rats. Such a model is one of the few noninvasive models for studying neurodegeneration. In the present study, using stereological technique and ultrastructural examination, we aimed to investigate the impact of short-term adrenalectomy (2 weeks) on different hippocampal neuronal populations in Wistar rats. In addition, the underlying mechanism(s) of degeneration in these neurons were investigated by measuring the levels of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and β-nerve growth factor (β-NGF). Moreover, we examined whether the biochemical and histological changes in the hippocampus, after short-term adrenalectomy, have an impact on the cognitive behavior of Wistar rats. Stereological counting in the hippocampus revealed significant neuronal deaths in the dentate gyrus and CA4/CA3, but not in the CA2 and CA1 areas, 7 and 14 days post adrenalectomy. The ultrastructural examinations revealed degenerated and degenerating neurons in the dentate, as well as CA4, and CA3 areas, over the course of 3, 7 and 14 days. The levels of IGF-1 were significantly decreased in the hippocampus of ADX rats 24 h post adrenalectomy, and lasted over the course of two weeks. However, β-NGF was not affected in rats. Using a passive avoidance task, we found a cognitive deficit in the ADX compared to the SHAM operated rats over time (3, 7, and 14 days). In conclusion, both granule and pyramidal cells were degenerated in the hippocampus following short-term adrenalectomy. The early depletion of IGF-1 might play a role in hippocampal neuronal degeneration. Consequently, the loss of the hippocampal neurons after adrenalectomy leads to cognitive deficits