136 research outputs found

    The correlation between linguistic and conceptual worldviews: The role of metaphor

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    The present work considers correlation between linguistic and conceptual worldviews, the role of metaphor in forming conceptual worldview, the development of semantic and cognitive trend in the framework of cognitive linguistics, interpretation of notions 'concept' and 'sphere of concepts' as basic categories of cognitive linguistics, basics of the cognitive approach to the analysis of conceptual metaphor. Metaphor allows structuring and comparing segments of national conceptual worldviews. It establishes association correspondence between spheres of concepts of cognitive consciousness of native speakers, plays the role of a tool to implement categorization and organized classification of human experience set in the language and represented by the linguistic units

    The semantic and cognitive characteristics of metaphorically redefined vocabulary (on the material of 'building' vocabulary)

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    The study of metaphor is based on combining semantic and cognitive aspects of its functioning. Metaphor is viewed both as a semantic phenomenon, being special or derivative meanings of words, and as a cognitive phenomenon, being a method of perception of reality. In the framework of semantic and cognitive approach, the study of concepts is conducted by distinguishing and analysing the means of their linguistic objectivization. The modeling of the structure and the content of the concept implies its ordered, structured description with cognitive terms. A sphere of concepts is interpreted as an ordered set of concepts peculiar to a certain nation, information base of thinking, which is determined by a number of mental stereotypes in the consciousness of native speakers

    The aspects of modern phraseology modeling

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    This paper is devoted to the problems of presentation of phraseological units in contextual use, allowing to establish the most widespread phraseological transformations in English and Russian languages. It provides a systematization of these approaches to the study of idioms and offers an integrated modeling method of phraseological transformations based on the identification of syntactic, logico-semantic, motivational, structural, derivational and nominative models of phraseological transforms. A brief analyses is given to the description of all the stages in the formation of phraseological transforms: occasionalisms and neologisms. The main focus is on the need for revealing the most essential language processes found its reflection in the phraseological fund, which have not been investigated by researchers earlier. © IDOSI Publications, 2013

    The study of occasional words: Theoretical sspect

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    The notion 'occasional word' or 'nonce word' has a very disputable character in linguistics. Language creativity is a peculiar feature of spoken communication and fiction works, which are a great source for enriching vocabulary of a certain language. The article is devoted to the problem of defining the notion of occasional words in Russian and Western linguistic schools, dealing with the typological peculiarities of author's or speaker's creativity in language. The research is a part of a great work on studying morphological, derivational, semantic, idiomatic, syntactic transformations, aiming to find a unified approach to the study of occasional words and phrases typical to almost all known languages

    Правові презумпції у справах про захист авторських прав

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    Садикова Я. М. Правові презумпції у справах про захист авторських прав [Електронний ресурс] / Я. М. Садикова // Форум права. – 2015. – № 3. – С. 205–211 . – Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/j-pdf/FP_index.htm_2015_3_37.pdfМетою статті є визначення переліку і змісту правових презумпцій, які використовуються при розгляді цивільних справ про захист авторських прав. Визначено, що в цивільному судочинстві з розгляду спорів, що витікають з авторських правовідносин, застосовними є такі правові презумпції: презумпція авторства, презумпція творчості, презумпція наявності шкоди у справах про стягнення компенсації за неправомірне використання об’єкту права інтелектуальної власності; презумпція вини.The aim of the article is to define the list and content of legal presumptions used in civil cases of copyright protection. It was determined that in civil proceedings to hear disputes arising from the legal copyright applicable are those legal presumptions: the presumption of authorship, creativity presumption, the presumption of the availability of harm for the recovery of compensation for the misuse of intellectual property rights; presumption of guilt.Целью статьи является определение перечня и содержания правовых презумпций, используемых при рассмотрении гражданских дел о защите авторских прав. Определено, что в гражданском судопроизводстве по рассмотрению споров, вытекающих из авторских правоотношений, применимыми являются такие правовые презумпции: презумпция авторства, презумпция творчества, презумпция наличия вреда по делам о взыскании компенсации за неправомерное использование объекта права интеллектуальной собственности; презумпция вины

    Functional-technological specificity of metaphors in process of teaching foreign languages

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    © 2017 Serials Publications.The relevance of the study due to the fact that the process of conceptualizing of reality, mechanisms of formation of a conceptual picture of the world and the individual concepts in the cognitive consciousness of native speakers and their metaphorical representation in various types of discourse is one of the major areas of consideration in modern cognitive linguistics. The purpose of the article is to identify the characteristic of functional and typological features of the regular reconsideration of tokens metaphorical semantic field of building vocabulary in English and Russian and to teach them on the lesssons. The leading approach in the study of this problem is a semantic-cognitive semantics of language reveals the relationship with people's conceptosphere, enabling metaphorical models of analysis of their functional properties. The article presents a comparative study of the laws of metaphorical representation of objective reality; identified both general and specific features of the differential cognitive consciousness carriers of different languages and lacunarity metaphorical representation of concepts, convincingly demonstrated that metaphorically reinterpreted token semantic field of building vocabulary can be used cognitive awareness of a native speaker for the nomination of their diverse characteristics and concepts existing conceptosphere; it proved that the functional-typological diversity of metaphorical transfer study in the languages of different language show the great potential of building vocabulary in the formation of an extensive fragment of the conceptual picture of the world media in English and Russian languages; on empirical material orthodoxy proved the existence of generalized postulates - hypothesis of cognitive theory of conceptual metaphor. The relevance of this research lies in the functioning metaphorically reinterpreted lexemes in the categorization, representation and organizing conceptual picture of the world in English and Russian languages and their usage in teaching process. The focus of cognitive science was the study of the processes of perception, categorization, classification and understanding of the world. And the representation and storage of knowledge. Materials of article represent practical value in the writing of textbooks in lecture courses on comparative, cognitive semantics, discourse analysis, in special courses on the theory of metaphor

    Social and pedagogical conditions of formation the students culture of communication by means of socio-cultural creativity

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    © 2017 Serials Publications.The article is devoted to the research of formation the student's culture of communication between different nationalities. The main directions of the organization of formation of culture of international dialogue related to the implementation of multicultural environment, ensuring the development of native culture, its history, traditions and moral values. Socio-cultural creativity as a means of formation of culture of international dialogue presented in this study is aimed at providing opportunities for young people to gain access to cultural values, to create favorable conditions for the creation, development and implementation of measures aimed at the organization and support of the national, national and international festivals, as well as support for the priority areas of innovation in the social and cultural sphere. The article presents the results of the research of formation the culture of international dialogue of students by means of social and cultural creativity. Materials of article can be recommended for the development the culture of communication in future work of teachers, organizers, managers

    Проблема глаукомы в системе офтальмологической службы в Таджикистане: становление, развитие и перспективы

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    The article recaps the aspects of the formation, development and reform of the ophthalmological service of the Republic of Tajikistan, highlights the main stages of its development, which include: the emergence and establishment of the service, years of active struggle with trachoma, systematization and profiling of the ophthalmological institutions of the country, the beginning of the microsurgical era in ophthalmology. After the “second birth of the ophthalmologic service” in the post-conflict period, its development during the period of the state independence of Tajikistan required colossal work to restructure and re-equip all parts of the service, to actively work on staff training, taking into account the need for high-tech medical care. In 2011, a new, sixth stage of development began — the “century of high technologies in medicine”, including the application of innovative approaches to the detection and treatment of eye diseases, as well as the introduction of modern technologies and medicines. Thus, along with the traditions established over the past years, the accumulated experience in the treatment and diagnosis of the most complex diseases in ophthalmology, and the inclusion of new developing measures allow us to hope that the new model of patient care will improve the performance of visual functions and reduce still high disability rates of visual impairment in the country.В статье рассмотрены аспекты становления, развития и реформирования офтальмологической службы Республики Таджикистан, выделены основные этапы её развития, которые включают зарождение и становление службы, годы активной борьбы с трахомой, систематизации и профилизации офтальмологических учреждений страны, начало микрохирургической эры в офтальмологии. После «второго рождения офтальмологической службы» в постконфликтном периоде её развитие уже в период приобретения государственной независимости Таджикистана потребовало колоссальной работы по реструктуризации и переоснащению всех звеньев службы, активной работы по подготовке кадров с учетом обеспечения потребности в высокотехнологичной медицинской помощи. С 2011 года начался новый, шестой этап развития — «век высоких технологий в медицине», включающий применение инновационных подходов к выявлению и лечению заболеваний органов зрения, а также внедрение современных технологий и лекарственных препаратов. Таким образом, наряду с установленными традициями, заложенными в прошедшие годы, накопленный опыт в лечении и диагностике самых сложных заболеваний в офтальмологии и включение новых разрабатываемых мероприятий позволяют надеяться, что новая модель обслуживания пациентов позволит улучшить показатели зрительных функций и снизить всё ещё высокие цифры инвалидности по зрению в стране.

    Independent work of students

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    В статье обосновывается актуальность самостоятельной студенческой работы, дается толкование понятия «Самостоятельная работа студентов».The article substantiates the relevance of independent student work, given the interpretation of the concept of "independent work of students"

    Possibilities of lipid clinics in identifying patients with familial hypercholesterolemia

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    Aim. To assess the detection rate of familial hypercholesterolemia among outpa­tients visiting a lipidologist.Material and methods. We analyzed the causes and nature of lipid metabolism disorders in patients of the Adult Lipidology Center as follows: 1233 people aged 18-84, including 777 women (63,02%) and 456 men (36,98%). Biomaterial samples from 421 patients with the phenotype of definite, possible or probable familial hypercholesterolemia were studied by massive parallel sequencing using a panel of 5 genes associated with familial hypercholesterolemia (LDLR, LDLRAP1, APOB, APOE, PCSK9). For statistical processing, descriptive statistics methods were used.Results. Working-age patients apply 1,56 times more often than patients of the older age group (60,91% vs 39,09%), and the vast majority of them were referred by a primary care physician based on data from periodic health examinations. The mean level of total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in the lipidology center was 7,58 and 4,8, respectively. Out of 421 samples, 127 patients (10,3% of the total number of patients and 30,16% of the number of biosamples) had previously described variants of the LDLR, APOB and/or PCSK9 genes associated with familial hypercholesterolemia.Conclusion. The detection rate of definite familial hypercholesterolemia ranges from 5,51 to 8,43% of outpatients visiting a lipidologist, while the proportion of verified carriers of gene mutations related to familial hypercholesterolemia is 10,3%. The diagnosis should not be rejected with a formally low probability according to the S. Broom and DLCN criteria, as well as when identifying data suggestive of secondary lipid metabolism disorders