2,673 research outputs found

    Peculiarities of gamma-quanta distribution at 20 TeV energy

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    The angular distribution of protons from the fragmentational region is analyzed. The gamma-quanta families are generated in a dense target by cosmic ray particles at 20 Tev energy. Families were found which had dense groups (spikes) of gamma-quanta where the rapidity/density is 3 times more than the average value determined for all registered families. The experimental data is compared with the results of artificial families simulation

    Characteristics of anomalously high multiplicity cosmic ray interactions

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    Six events with the number of secondaries ranging from 250 to several thousands were registered by an installation consisting of a thin graphite target, above and under which are placed photolayers followed by the usual lead X-ray film and emulsion chambers. Data concerning the number of secondaries and their angular distribution are given. The variance of the angular distribution is compared with data obtained at accelerator energies

    A big data approach towards sarcasm detection in Russian

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    We present a set of deterministic algorithms for Russian inflection and automated text synthesis. These algorithms are implemented in a publicly available web-service www.passare.ru. This service provides functions for inflection of single words, word matching and synthesis of grammatically correct Russian text. Selected code and datasets are available at https://github.com/passare-ru/PassareFunctions/ Performance of the inflectional functions has been tested against the annotated corpus of Russian language OpenCorpora, compared with that of other solutions, and used for estimating the morphological variability and complexity of different parts of speech in Russian.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1706.0255

    Spectro-Polarimetric Properties of Sunquake Sources in X1.5 Flare and Evidence for Electron and Proton Beam Impacts

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    The first significant sunquake event of Solar Cycle 25 was observed during the X1.5 flare of May 10, 2022, by the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory. We perform a detailed spectro-polarimetric analysis of the sunquake photospheric sources, using the Stokes profiles of the FeI 6173A line, reconstructed from the HMI linear and circular polarized filtergrams. The results show fast variations of the continuum emission with rapid growth and slower decay lasting 3-4 min, coinciding in time with the hard X-ray impulses observed by the Konus instrument onboard the Wind spacecraft. The variations in the line core appeared slightly ahead of the variations in the line wings, showing that the heating started in the higher atmospheric layers and propagated downward. The most significant feature of the line profile variations is the transient emission in the line core in three of the four sources, indicating intense, impulsive heating in the lower chromosphere and photosphere. In addition, the observed variations of the Stokes profiles reflect transient and permanent changes in the magnetic field strength and geometry in the sunquake sources. Comparison with the radiative hydrodynamics models shows that the physical processes in the impulsive flare phase are substantially more complex than those predicted by proton and electron beam flare models currently presented in the literature.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ, for associated mpeg file, see https://spaceweather.com/images2022/12may22/Sunquake_X1.5_flare_051022_1.mp

    Vocational work abroad as a prerequisite successful adaptation and integration of foreign students in russian universities

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    Авторы рассматривают профориентационную работу российских вузов как условие успешной адаптации и интеграции студентов-иностранцев в российских вузах; предлагают меры по повышению эффективности в части набора абитуриентов других стран в вузы России, а также протекания процесса их адаптации в студенческом коллективе.The authors review the professional work of Russian universities as a prerequisite for successful adaptation and integration of foreign students in Russian universities; propose measures to improve efficiency in terms of recruitment of students from other countries in universities of Russia, as well as the process of their adaptation in the student team

    The impact of globalization on higher education system in Russia: the principles of individual approach to students

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    Авторы рассматривают вопросы влияния глобализации на систему высшего образования в России, а также адаптации студентов-иностранцев к неродной среде с позиции необходимости индивидуального подхода в оценке их успеваемости.The authors consider the impact of globalization on higher education system in Russia, as well as adaptation of foreign students to non-native environment position required an individual approach in the assessment of their learning

    Electrotransport and magnetic properies of Cr-GaSb spintronic materials synthesized under high pressure

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    Electrotarnsport and magnetic properties of new phases in the system Cr-GaSb were studied. The samples were prepared by high-pressure (P=6-8 GPa) high-temperature treatment and identified by x-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). One of the CrGa2_2Sb2_2 phases with an orthorhombic structure Iba2Iba2 has a combination of ferromagnetic and semiconductor properties and is potentially promising for spintronic applications. Another high-temperature phase is paramagnetic and identified as tetragonal I4/mcmI4/mcm