9 research outputs found

    La práctica intertextual de F. M. Dostoievski y la novela “¿Qué hacer?” Por N.G. Chernyshevsky

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    The article deals with the phenomenon of intertext and intertextuality as a property of literary discourse as applied to the novels of F.M. Dostoevsky. The article identifies the intertextual transformations of the plot “What is to be done?” by N.G. Chernyshevsky, which became a pretext for the works of Dostoevsky. The article indicates the qualitative and quantitative presence of the other writers’ text in the novels of Dostoevsky. The conclusion is made about the polemical interaction “What is to be done?” with Dostoevsky’s novels.El artículo aborda el fenómeno del intertexto y la intertextualidad como una propiedad del discurso literario tal como se aplica a las novelas de F.M. Dostoievski. El artículo identifica las transformaciones intertextuales de la trama “¿Qué se debe hacer?” Por N.G. Chernyshevsky, que se convirtió en un pretexto para las obras de Dostoievski. El artículo indica la presencia cualitativa y cuantitativa del texto de los otros escritores en las novelas de Dostoievski. Se llega a la conclusión sobre la interacción polémica “¿Qué se debe hacer?” con las novelas de Dostoievski


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    So-called “metabolic” direction has been developing intensively during last decades. Its aim is the theoretical and practical analysis of the role of metabolic disorders in initiation and progression of many diseases. The pathogenic peculiarities of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) which result in developing of secondary mitochondrial dysfunction are considered as a subject of this review. The methods of laboratory diagnosis of mitochondrial dysfunction and possibilities of its pharmaceutical correction in patients with ACS are reviewed.</p


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    Aim. To assess influence of combined antihypertensive (captopril or metoprolol) and antidepressant (thianeptin or sertralin) therapy on clinical status, blood pressure (BP) and myocardial function in patients with arterial hypertension (HT) and affective disorders (AD).Material and methods. 106 patients with HT were involved in the study. 64 patients (60,4%) had concomitant AD. All patients were divided into 3 groups. 46 patients with HT and AD were included in the 1-st group. They received metoprolol or captopril in combination with tianeptine or sertaline. The 2-nd group included 18 patients with HT and AD who received only antihypertensive therapy. The 3-rd group consisted of 42 patients with HT without AD. They also received only antihypertensive therapy.Results. After 6 month therapy patients of the 1-st and the 3-rd groups had more significant clinical improvement and BP reduction (according to 24- hour BP monitoring) as well as more farourable structural and functional changes of left ventricular in comparison with patients of the 2-nd group.Conclusion. In patients with HT and concomitant AD combined antihypertensive and antidepressant therapy result in favourable clinical changes, effectively reduce BP, improve left ventricular structure and function


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    Aim. Assessment of structural and functional condition of the left and right heart chambers related to the level of NT-proBNP and clinical signs of CHD in AH patients.Material and methods. Totally, 137 AH patients studied (45 men, 92 women) with sinus rhythm and EF LV ≥50%. All patients underwent standard investigations, 6-minute walking test, two-dimension EchoCG, transvalvular and tissue Dopplergraphy, treadmill-test, NT-proBNP concentration in plasma. Assessment of structural and functional heart condition was done in three defined groups according to NT-proBNP level (norm, “grey” zone, elevated NT-proBNP).Results. The level of NT-proBNP is related to the age, sex, therapy intake regularity and does not relate to body mass, BP level, heart rate. The relation revealed for NTproBNP level and diastolic dysfunction of the LV by the data of transmitral and tissue Doppler-graphy. Modified Tei index, obtained during impulse-wave tissue Dopplergraphy, was the most informative marker of LV dysfunction, relevant of NT-proBNP levels. The increase of NT-proBNP followed by significant increase of RV wall thickness. Evaluation of NT-proBNP together with EchoCG led to revelation of asympthomatic LV dysfunction in 13,1% of patients.Conclusion. Interpretation of NT-proBNP level in hypertensive must complex, taking into consideration clinical factors as risk factors, gender and age. Evaluation of NT-proBNP with echocardiography helps to identify groups of patients of higher cardiovascular risk and to optimize further treatment


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    Aim.  To assess the influence of retinol-binding protein synthetized by adipose tissue, on clinical course and prognosis of arterial hypertension (AH).Material and methods. Totally, 168 patients included, with AH of 1-3 grade. Study protocol included general clinical investigation (at inclusion, in 1, 4 and 9 months) with analysis of complaints, anamnesis, physical examination, additional laboratory and instrumental methods. In 78 patients among the included, the level of retinolbinding protein RBP4 was measured in blood serum.Results. Increased level of RBP4 correlated significantly with the age, body mass index, duration of AH, raised level of uric acid, pulse wave velocity signs, endogenic nitrite. Only in the group with raised RBP4 there was stroke anamnesis noted, and obesity of III grade. Dynamics of the level of RBP4 during 9 months treatment, depending on cardiometabolic risk, showed some specifics: at inclusion, in the group with high cardiometabolic risk there was significantly increased RBP4 comparing to the groups of patients with low and moderate cardiometabolic risk.Conclusion. Increased level of retinol-binding protein is associated with higher cardiometabolic risk and adverse prognosis

    La práctica intertextual de F. M. Dostoievski y la novela “¿Qué hacer?” Por N.G. Chernyshevsky

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    The article deals with the phenomenon of intertext and intertextuality as a property of literary discourse as applied to the novels of F.M. Dostoevsky. The article identifies the intertextual transformations of the plot “What is to be done?” by N.G. Chernyshevsky, which became a pretext for the works of Dostoevsky. The article indicates the qualitative and quantitative presence of the other writers’ text in the novels of Dostoevsky. The conclusion is made about the polemical interaction “What is to be done?” with Dostoevsky’s novels.El artículo aborda el fenómeno del intertexto y la intertextualidad como una propiedad del discurso literario tal como se aplica a las novelas de F.M. Dostoievski. El artículo identifica las transformaciones intertextuales de la trama “¿Qué se debe hacer?” Por N.G. Chernyshevsky, que se convirtió en un pretexto para las obras de Dostoievski. El artículo indica la presencia cualitativa y cuantitativa del texto de los otros escritores en las novelas de Dostoievski. Se llega a la conclusión sobre la interacción polémica “¿Qué se debe hacer?” con las novelas de Dostoievski

    Intertextual Practice of F. M. Dostoevsky and the Novel “What is to Be Done?” by N.G. Chernyshevsky

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    The article deals with the phenomenon of intertext and intertextuality as a property of literary discourse as applied to the novels of F.M. Dostoevsky. The article identifies the intertextual transformations of the plot “What is to be done?” by N.G. Chernyshevsky, which became a pretext for the works of Dostoevsky. The article indicates the qualitative and quantitative presence of the other writers' text in the novels of Dostoevsky. The conclusion is made about the polemical interaction “What is to be done?” with Dostoevsky's novels


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    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains the leading cause of death in most developed countries. Morphological and functional status of large arteries plays an important role in the pathogenesis of CVD. At the moment, there are two main methods of aortic stiffness assessment: pulse wave velocity (PWV) measurement and central PW analysis. In advanced age, aortic stiffness increases, which manifests in increased PWV, elevated central blood pressure, and increased parameters of reflected PW. Similar changes can be observed in young patients with arterial hypertension. The existing evidence concerning obesity effects on aortic stiffness is contradictory and warrants further clarification

    Rivaroxaban with or without aspirin in stable cardiovascular disease

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    BACKGROUND: We evaluated whether rivaroxaban alone or in combination with aspirin would be more effective than aspirin alone for secondary cardiovascular prevention. METHODS: In this double-blind trial, we randomly assigned 27,395 participants with stable atherosclerotic vascular disease to receive rivaroxaban (2.5 mg twice daily) plus aspirin (100 mg once daily), rivaroxaban (5 mg twice daily), or aspirin (100 mg once daily). The primary outcome was a composite of cardiovascular death, stroke, or myocardial infarction. The study was stopped for superiority of the rivaroxaban-plus-aspirin group after a mean follow-up of 23 months. RESULTS: The primary outcome occurred in fewer patients in the rivaroxaban-plus-aspirin group than in the aspirin-alone group (379 patients [4.1%] vs. 496 patients [5.4%]; hazard ratio, 0.76; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.66 to 0.86; P<0.001; z=−4.126), but major bleeding events occurred in more patients in the rivaroxaban-plus-aspirin group (288 patients [3.1%] vs. 170 patients [1.9%]; hazard ratio, 1.70; 95% CI, 1.40 to 2.05; P<0.001). There was no significant difference in intracranial or fatal bleeding between these two groups. There were 313 deaths (3.4%) in the rivaroxaban-plus-aspirin group as compared with 378 (4.1%) in the aspirin-alone group (hazard ratio, 0.82; 95% CI, 0.71 to 0.96; P=0.01; threshold P value for significance, 0.0025). The primary outcome did not occur in significantly fewer patients in the rivaroxaban-alone group than in the aspirin-alone group, but major bleeding events occurred in more patients in the rivaroxaban-alone group. CONCLUSIONS: Among patients with stable atherosclerotic vascular disease, those assigned to rivaroxaban (2.5 mg twice daily) plus aspirin had better cardiovascular outcomes and more major bleeding events than those assigned to aspirin alone. Rivaroxaban (5 mg twice daily) alone did not result in better cardiovascular outcomes than aspirin alone and resulted in more major bleeding events