62 research outputs found

    Semantic context of professional identity crisis experience by teachers

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    The topicality of the problem under research is predetermined by the need of psychology and pedagogy for the study of the phenomenology of professional identity crisis, the process of its experience by school teachers as well as for the development of the system of psychological and pedagogical support of teachers' professional development in the situation of permanent changes in the education system. The objective of the study is to reveal the content of the professional identity crisis, to describe its main features and analyze the semantic context of its experience by teachers. The principal methods of study of this problem are the phenomenological method, tests to identify the semantic context of the process of the professional identity crisis experience by teachers. The results of the study broaden the understanding of the phenomenon of professional identity crisis and its experience, the content of professional crisis and the phenomenology of professional development of teachers. The materials of the article may be useful for psychologists when designing programs of psychological support of teachers´ professional development. © 2017, Slovenska Vzdelavacia Obstaravacia. All rights reserved.Russian Humanitarian Foundation: No.16-36-01031The research is performed thanks to the support of the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation within the framework of scientific and research project "Psychological mechanisms of professional identity crisis experience by teachers", project No.16-36-01031

    Specifics of defense and coping behavior among teachers experiencing a professional identity crisis

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    The issues addressed in the article are of particular relevance due to the necessity to provide research background for creating the system of psychological and pedagogical support for the professional development of teachers in the conditions of permanent changes in the system of education. The aim of the article is to describe specific interrelations between the reflection and the parameters of the teacher's axiological sphere (in particular, life-purpose orientations). The following research methods were used: theoretical analysis of psycholog-ical and educational literature, phenomenological method, questionnaires, and methods of mathematical and statistical data processing (descriptive statistics, comparative analysis (the Mann-Whitney U test). The results of the theoretical and empirical research provide ade-quate grounds for the conclusion that there is a definite interrelation between the parameters of reflection and the parameters of life-purpose orientations. It is proved that in the conditions of a professional identity crisis the teachers experience a significant reduction in the levels of life-purpose orientations, which in turn leads to intensification of reflection processes. At the same time, the obtained results suggest that the teachers can successfully overcome their professional crisis in case of formation of the cognitive component of the biographical reflection, aimed at the analysis of actions and means of understanding and organizing their life events. Implications of the research results. The research results expand our understanding of the essence and emotional experience of the professional identity crisis. They can be used in the designing the process of psychological support for the activities and professional development of teachers. © 2018 Authors

    Foundation of psychological support in the emotional experience of professional identity crisis by teachers

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    The background of the researched problem is determined by the psychological and pedagogical science’s and practice’s need to supplement the ideas about teachers’ professional development and about the course of their getting through the emotional experience due to difficulties of this process; as a result, it is necessary to study psychological foundations of building of psychological support programs in the process of school teachers’ getting through a professional crisis under conditions of permanent changes in the educational system. The main approach to studying this problem is the interview and phenomenological method that allows to identify and justify psychological basis of building of teacher support programs. The theoretical analysis allows to identify the nature of the support process, its goals and objectives, and to justify the methodological basis of the support program realization. The empiric results demonstrated that the process of teachers getting through the professional identity crisis goes hand in hand with the value-semantic transformation of a person and with “launching” of reflexive processes which, in turn, justifies resorting to them as to the psychological basis of building of teacher support programs. The research results expand the understanding of the nature of professional identity crisis phenomenon, the process of coming through it and supplement the data of the basis of building of teacher support programs. © 2018 by the authors

    Inequality degree within the country in the context of realising the Sustainable Development Goals

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    The article assesses the inequality degree within Russia in the context of realising the Sustainable Development Goals. The review of foreign and domestic scholarly writings, focusing on current issues of implementation and achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, is presented. The authors reviewed the indicators development degree of sustainable development in Russia as of December 2021. It is determined that Goal 3 “Ensure healthy lifestyles and promote well-being for all at all ages” is the most fully disclosed. Based on the National Indicators of Goals 3, an original system of statistical indicators for assessing inequality between regions has been compiled and substantiated. According to the indicators presented in the above-mentioned system, the clustering procedure of the Russian regions was carried out, and the assessment and interpretation of the selected clusters were given. The content distribution into typological groups was practically not influenced by territorial affiliation. A significant role was played by direct indicators, included in the indicator system, and indirect factors, affecting both the development of the region and the socio-economic well-being of the inhabitants of these regions. The authors believe that there remains relevant to study the transformations that the two divergent flows will take place in the coming years: 1) existing national projects and state programmes to solve the tasks and achieve the planned values formulated in the National Set of Sustainable Development Goals Indicators in the part of Goal 3; 2) the current epidemiological situation, which in the period 2020–2021 has already made tangible changes in the size and composition of the population

    Technology psycho-pedagogical assistance to development of new types of activities of teachers of vocational school in terms of networking

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    The relevance of the problem stated in the article is due to the fact that currently the process of interaction between a person and a profession is complicated.Актуальность заявленной в статье проблемы обусловлена тем, что в настоящее время усложняется процесс взаимодействия человека и профессии

    On the Formation of Readiness of Future Police Officers to Implement Social and Pedagogical Rehabilitation Activities with Supervisory Citizens

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    В данной статье авторы рассматривают социально-педагогическую реабилитационную деятельность как специфическую трактовку понятия профилактика, а также концентрируют внимание на необходимости формирования готовности у будущих полицейских к осуществлению данного направления деятельности.In this article, the authors consider socio-pedagogical rehabilitation activities as a specific interpretation of the concept of prevention, and also focus on the need to form the readiness of future police officers to implement this area of activity

    Training of police officers for socio-pedagogical rehabilitation activities with deviant adolescents: a competence-based approach

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    В данной статье рассматриваются различные аспекты причин и профилактики девиантного поведения несовершеннолетних, определена субъектная роль сотрудника полиции в данной деятельности, а также обоснован компетентностный подход в формировании готовности полицейских к социально-педагогической реабилитационной деятельности.This article examines various aspects of the causes and prevention of deviant behavior of minors, defines the subjective role of a police officer in this activity, and also substantiates a competence-based approach in the formation of police readiness for socio-pedagogical rehabilitation activities

    Перспективы развития инновационной деятельности

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    The transition to a market economy requires a significant increase in production flexibility and receptivity to innovations. Newly created enterprises of knowledge-intensive sectors, in contrast to the conventional focus on full cycle, including the stage of R & d and production of new products and services. Innovations link the different character and methods of management activity: science, production, investment, sales. The improvement of the styles and techniques of innovation management, quick and adequate response to changing market conditions, the development of new lines of instruments in the companies, etc. allow the innovators to use all kinds of resources for successful innovation. In recent years Russia has made a serious step towards innovative development to a greater extent by providing a system for encouraging innovation and technological development of sectors of the economy. Active development and modernization of technology, introduction of various technological projects is one of the driving forces of the innovation process. That is why the creation of new, unique cutting-edge production technologies is an important element of innovative development of the economy. And as shown by the forecast values, the prospects for development in this area is very high. However, many domestic enterprises follow the «conservative» paths of development, the essence of which is to maximize the preservation of existing company structures, technology of production, even in the transition to the new generation of products. Such a scenario for many years preserves the situation of backwardness of the domestic industry from the leading countries of the West. The way out of this situation - a complete overhaul of the company based on innovation. Therefore, the development of industrial design is one of the main stimulating factors of innovative development of Russia. Be aware that the development of the innovation sector through which progress in manufacture of achievements of scientific and technological progress, is a particularly relevant area of research, and needs serious attention at all levels of management.Переход к рыночной экономике требует существенного повышения гибкости производства и восприимчивости к инновациям. Вновь создаваемые предприятия наукоемкого сектора, в отличие от обычных, ориентируются на полный цикл, включающий стадию НИОКР и освоение производства новых продуктов и услуг. Инновации связывают различные по характеру и способам управления области хозяйственной деятельности: науку, производство, инвестиции, реализацию продукции. Совершенствование стилей и приемов инновационного управления, быстрое и адекватное реагирование на изменение конъюнктуры рынка, развитие новых направлений инструментов в работе предприятий и т.д. дают возможность инноваторам использовать все виды резервов для успешной инновационной деятельности. В последние годы Россия сделала серьезный шаг на пути к инновационному развитию в большей степени за счет обеспечения системного стимулирования инноваций и технологического развития секторов экономики. Активное создание и модернизация технологий, внедрение различных технологических проектов является одной из движущих сил инновационного процесса. Именно поэтому создание новых, уникальных передовых производственных технологий выступает важнейшим элементом инновационного развития экономики страны. И как показывают прогнозные значения, перспективы развития в этой области весьма велики. Однако многие отечественные предприятия следуют по «консервативному» пути развития, суть которого состоит в максимальном сохранении существующей структуры предприятия, технологии производства даже при переходе на выпуск нового поколения продукции. Такой вариант развития на многие годы консервирует сложившуюся ситуацию отставания отечественной промышленности от ведущих стран Запада. Выход из данной ситуации – полная перестройка предприятия на базе инноваций. Именно поэтому развитие производственного проектирования является одним их основных стимулирующих факторов инновационного развития России. Необходимо учитывать, что развитие инновационной сферы, через которую продвигаются в производство достижения научно-технического прогресса, является особенно актуальной областью исследований, и нуждается в серьезном внимании на всех уровнях управления


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    Cells of the host containing special proteins-transporters, so-called proteins of multiple drug resistance (MDR proteins) can contribute to the drug resistance formation.Goal of the study: to define specific expression of gene and distribution of main MDR proteins (MDR1/Pgp, MRP1, lRP, BCRP) in the pulmonary cells in case of active tuberculosis.Materials and methods. Expression of MDR protein genes was evaluated by RT-PCR for mRNA isolated from the surgical specimen of fibrous cavernous tuberculosis patients. Localization of MDR proteins was performed by immunohistochemical staining and confocal laser microscopy. Main results. Intensity of MDR protein genes expression varies in different zones of tuberculous lesions: MDR1 and BCRP are characterized by the highest level and MRP1 gene is characterized by the minimum level. The level of lRP gene expression depends on the inflammation zone and it is maximum in perifocal zone where protein is detected in the cells of alveolar epithelium and macrophages. High expression of MDR protein genes in various parts of tuberculous lesions witnesses about the potential involvement of these proteins in the development of drug resistance to anti-tuberculosis drugs