20 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Penyertaan Ayat-ayat Al-Quran Terkait Ekologi dalam Pembelajaran Ekologi terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa di MTsN Singkut Kabupaten Sarolangun.

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    Tujuan dari Pendidikan Nasional kita adalah mencerdaskan bangsa dan mengembangkan manusia Indonesia seutuhnya.(UU RI No.2 Tahun 1989). Manusia Indonesia seutuhnya yang unggul dalam ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologinya (IPTEK) maupun iman dan Taqwanya (IMTAQ) kepada Tuhan yang maha esa. Artinya cerdas dalam arti keseluruhan baik intelektual quitionnya (IQ), emosional quitionnya (EQ), maupun Spritual Quitionnya (SQ) dalam hasil belajarnya. Sebab manusia yang paripurna adalah manusia yang memiliki kecerdasan intelektual quitionnya (IQ), emosional quitionnya (EQ), maupun Spritual Quitionnya (SQ). (Ary Ginanjar Agustian, 2006). Biologi sebagai salah satu bidang ilmu pengetahuan alam memiliki peran penting dalam mencerdaskan anak bangsa baik dari segi intelektual, emosional maupun spritual Quition dalam hasil belajarnya. Dengan cara disertakan ayat-ayat Al-Quran terkait biologi disetiap pokok bahasa. Salah satunya adalah pokok bahasan ekologi. Dengan mengajar materi ekologi yang disertakan ayat Al-Quran terkait ekologi atau yang berhubungan dengan ekologi maka diharapkan peserta didik akan meningkat hasil belajarnya. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di MTsN Singkut Kab.Sarolangun Jambi. Dengan menggunakan sampel sebanyak 2 kelas yang berjumlah 72 orang, yang terdiri dari kelas eksperimen 36 orang siswa, dan kelas kontrol 36 orang siswa. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis Tes β€œt” dua sampel besar, satu sama lain tidak berhubungan. Hasilnya adalah terdapat pengaruh ayat- ayat Al-Quran terkait ekologi terhadap meningkatnya hasil belajar siswa di MTsN Singkut Kab.Sarolangun Jambi

    The Effect of Ownership Structure, Profitability, Leverage, and Firm Size on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

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    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), indicator used was the index of CSR disclosure with 64 companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange period of 2012 as the samples. This research used multiple regression analysis. The results show that institutional ownership, managerial and foreign has no effect on CSR. This indicates that the ownership structure could not improve CSR in the company. On the contrary, profitability has an influence on CSR. It indicates that companies with high profits have the fund flexibility to implement CSR programs that have been set. Moreover, corporate debt levels also affect the CSR with the negative direction. This means that companies with high debt levels will usually focus more on managing faced business risks rather than on CSR program. Last, company size has no effect on the company CSR

    Profil Berpikir Kritis Mahasiswa Tipe Phlegmatis Dalam Pemecahan Masalah Biologi

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    The purpose of this reseach is to derseribe the phlegmatics types of students' critical thinking in biology problem solving. The descrieptive qualitative is applied in this research. Data collecting process is done by doing interview which is based on question sheets of biology. The subjects of the phlegmatics type of students. According to Polya, critical thinking process in problem solving steps and in thinking process characteristic that consists of step (1) the identification of problem, (2) exploring interpretation and connection, (3) priorirating alternatives, (4) strategies used to resolve the problems. The research result shows that phlegmatics types of students are likely to possess critical talents. They are able to solve the problem in critical ways. Critical thinking process is seen in every step except in recheck step. They directly use planning in problem solving

    Perancangan Sistem Pengolahan Data Jemaat Berbasis Web pada Gereja Gkpi Kota Jambi

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    The data processing systems is a very necessary way to manipulate a data into useful information. The system makes data storage, adding, changing, scheduling to reporting well integrated, so that it can help parts to exchange information and make decisions quickly. The problems faced by GKPI Pal Merah Jambi are currently still using Microsoft Office Word and in disseminating information such as worship schedules, church activities and other worship routines through paper and wall-based worship services. To print worship and report reports requires substantial operational funds, in addition to data collection and storage there are still deficiencies including recording data on the book, difficulty in processing large amounts of data and stored in only one special place that is passive. Based on the above problems, the author is interested in conducting research with the title Designing Data Processing Systems for Web-Based Churches in the GKPI Pal Merah Church in Jambi. The purpose of this study is to design and produce a data processing system for the church. Using this system can facilitate data processing in the GKPI Pal Merah Jambi Church. This study uses a waterfall development method, a method that provides a systematic and sequential approach to system needs analysis, design, implementation and unit testing, system testing and care. Applications built using the web with MySQL DBMS database, PHP programming language and Laravel

    The Implementation of Learning Journal to Improve University Students' Motivation in Basic and Process of Learning Biology Subject

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    This research conducted to improve university students' motivation in basic and process of learning biology subject in Biology Education Study Program Universitas Jambi through implementation of learning journal. This research have done by two cycle, which each cycle done with four steps, include planning, action, observation, and reflection. The result show that percentation score before action is 67% in enough criteria, in first cycle up to be 76,25% with good criteria, and in the second cycle increase to 76,25% also in good criteria. In conclusion, implementation of learning journal can increase learning motivation

    Tingkat Kesukaan Konsumen terhadap Tepung dari Beberapa Jenis Pisang dengan Lama Penyimpanan Berbeda

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    Bananas including fruits are perishable, one way to enhance the value to bananas by processing into flour. The layout of the plantations that far with the treatment site causes bananas harvested storage should experience some time before it is processed into flour, but still can be processed into flour with good quality. This study aims to understand the interaction between the types of bananas with storage time, and to determine the type and duration of storage of bananas which have characteristics that best banana flour. This research was conducted at the Laboratory of Plant Physiology, Laboratory of Agricultural Product Processing and Basic Laboratory University Mangkurat Banjarbaru for 4 months. The design environment used in this study is a randomized block design (RAK) while the design of the treatment is the draft Petak Separated (Split-Plot Design) where the main plot is a type of banana (A), which consists of 3 levels, while the subplot is the storage time (B) consisting of 6 level. Bananas (A), which consists of three levels, namely: a1 = Banana Kepok / Descending, a2 = Bananas Cotton and a3 = Banana Awa and retention (B) consisting of six levels ie: b0 = Not saved (0 days), b1 = Saved (1 day), b2 = Saved (2 days), b3 = Saved (3 days), b4 = Saved (4 days) and b5 = Saved (5 days) were tested with non-parametric statistical Kruskal hedonic method -Wallis , The results showed that the organoleptic test by using the Kruskal-Wallis analysis of the level of consumer preferences in color, texture and smell indicates that no significant effect on the level of consumer preferences. This means, any kind of bananas gives the same effect on everyone's favorite will be the color, texture and smell of banana flour

    Pengembangan Multimedia Interaktif Biologi Berbasis Website dalam Menghadapi Revolusi Industri 4.0

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    Web-based interactive biology multimedia to support the learning of the revolution 4.0 era is not yet available to the fullest. The purpose of this research is to develop interactive biology-based website multimedia in the face of the industrial revolution 4.0. The research method used, namely research & development with ADDIE product development models that include the analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation stages. The research instruments used were interview transcripts, observation sheets, material and media expert questionnaires, and product trial questionnaires for 46 students. Qualitative data in the form of expert validator suggestions and comments were analyzed descriptively. Quantitative data is processed into interval data using a Likert scale. The results showed that website-based interactive multimedia biology was declared valid in the media aspect (90%, very good criteria), material aspects (87.5%, very good criteria), and attractiveness aspects (88%, very good criteria). The conclusion of this research, which is interactive multimedia based on website biology, is suitable for biology learning

    Pengaruh Pupuk Fosfor Dan Pupuk Kotoran Ayam Terhadap Kandungan Serat Dan Produksi Tanaman Kenaf (Hibiscus Cannabinus) Pada Tanah Ultisol

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    Lahan kering di Kalimantan Selatan didominasi dengan tanah ultisol yang mempunyai tingkat kesuburan yang rendah dan masam, sehingga sangat diperlukan pemupukan yang dapat memperbaiki kondisi tanah seperti dengan pemberian pupuk fosfor (P) dan pupuk kotoran ayam. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kombinasi perlakuan pemberian pupuk P dan kotoran ayam terhadap produksi tanaman kenaf pada tanah ultisol. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kecamatan Cempaka, depan kantor gardu induk PLN Banjarbaru selama 5 bulan. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan dua faktor. Faktor pertama dosis pupuk fosfor (p) terdiri dari 5 taraf dan faktor kedua adalah pupuk kotoran ayam (k) terdiri dari 4 taraf. Pada setiap penelitian diulang sebanyak 2 ulangan sehingga keseluruhan ada 40 kombinasi perlakuan. Variabel yang diamati kandungan serat dan produksi tanaman kenaf. Data yang diperoleh dari setiap perlakuan dianalisis dengan analisis ragam menggunakan uji F pada taraf nyata 5% dan 1%. Bila pengaruh interaksi pada uji F nyata atau sangat nyata maka analisis dilanjutkan dengan Uji Jarak Berganda Duncan (DMRT) pada taraf 5% jika interaksi perlakuan tidak berpengaruh nyata, sedangkan perlakuan tunggal pada uji F nyata atau sangat nyata maka analisis dilanjutkan dengan Uji Beda Nyata Terkecil (BNT) pada taraf nyata 5% untuk mengetahui perlakuan mana yang memberikan pertumbuhan terbaik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat interaksi antara pemberian dosis pupuk P dan pupuk kotoran ayam pada kandungan serat tertinggi pada perlakuan P4K3 yaitu 60.04 g, dan terdapat interaksi antara pemberian dosis pupuk P dan pupuk kotoran ayam pada produksi serat tertinggi pada perlakuan P4K3 yaitu 1,50 ton ha-1