52 research outputs found

    Tetraspanin CD151 is a novel prognostic marker in poor outcome endometrial cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Type II cancers account for 10% of endometrial cancers but 50% of recurrence. Response rates to chemotherapy at recurrence are poor and better prognostic markers are needed to guide therapy. CD151 is a small transmembrane protein that regulates cell migration and facilitates cancer metastasis. High CD151 expression confers poor prognosis in breast, pancreatic and colorectal cancer. The prognostic significance of tetraspanin CD151 expression in poor outcome endometrial cancers was evaluated, along with oestrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), p53, human epidermal growth factor receptor -2 (HER-2), and CD 151 staining compared with α6β1, α3β1 integrins, and E-cadherin. METHODS: Tissue microarray constructed from 156 poor outcome endometrial cancers, tested with immunohistochemistry and staining correlated with clinicopathological data were used. A total of 131 data sets were complete for analysis. RESULTS: Expression of CD151 was significantly higher in uterine papillary serous and clear cell carcinoma than in grade 3 endometrioid carcinoma, sarcoma or carcinosarcoma (P<0.001). In univariate analysis, age, stage, histology type and CD151 were significant for both recurrence free (RFS) and disease specific survival (DSS). In multivariate analyses, CD151 was significant for RFS and DSS (P=0.036 and 0.033, respectively) in triple negative (ER, PR and HER-2 negative) tumours (88/131). The HER-2, p53, ER and PR were not prognostic for survival. There was strong concordance of CD151 with E-cadherin (98%), but not with α6β1 (35%), α3β1 staining (60%). CONCLUSION: The CD151 is a novel marker in type 2 cancers that can guide therapeutic decisions. CD151 may have an important role in tumourigenesis in some histology types

    Lack of CD151/integrin alpha 3 beta 1 complex is predictive of poor outcome in node-negative lobular breast carcinoma: opposing roles of CD151 in invasive lobular and ductal breast cancers

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    background: The proposed involvement of CD151 in breast cancer (BCa) progression is based on findings from studies in invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC). The IDC and invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC) represent distinct disease entities. Here we evaluated clinical significance of CD151 alone and in association with integrin α3β1 in patients with ILC in context of the data of our recent IDC study. methods: Expression of CD151 and/or integrin α3β1 was evaluated in ILC samples (N=117) using immunohistochemistry. The findings were analysed in relation to our results from an IDC cohort (N=182) demonstrating a prognostic value of an expression of CD151/integrin α3β1 complex in patients with HER2-negative tumours. results: Unlike in the IDCs, neither CD151 nor CD151/α3β1 complex showed any correlation with any of the ILC characteristics. Lack of both CD151 and α3β1 was significantly correlated with poor survival (P=0.034) in lymph node-negative ILC N(−) cases. The CD151−/α3β1− patients had 3.12-fold higher risk of death from BCa in comparison with the rest of the ILC N(−) patients. conclusions: Biological role of CD151/α3β1 varies between ILC and IDC. Assessment of CD151/α3β1 might help to identify ILC N(−) patients with increased risk of distant metastases

    Remodeling of extracellular matrix by normal and tumor-associated fibroblasts promotes cervical cancer progression

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    Background: Comparison of tissue microarray results of 29 cervical cancer and 27 normal cervix tissue samples using immunohistochemistry revealed considerable reorganization of the fibrillar stroma of these tumors. Preliminary densitometry analysis of laminin-1, α -smooth muscle actin (SMA) and fibronectin immunostaining demonstrated 3.8-fold upregulation of laminin-1 and 5.2-fold increase of SMA in the interstitial stroma, indicating that these proteins and the activated fibroblasts play important role in the pathogenesis of cervical cancer. In the present work we investigated the role of normal and tumor-associated fibroblasts. Methods: In vitro models were used to throw light on the multifactorial process of tumor-stroma interaction, by means of studying the cooperation between tumor cells and fibroblasts. Fibroblasts from normal cervix and cervical cancers were grown either separately or in co-culture with CSCC7 cervical cancer cell line. Changes manifest in secreted glycoproteins, integrins and matrix metallo-proteases (MMPs) were explored. Results: While normal fibroblasts produced components of interstitial matrix and TGF- β 1 that promoted cell proliferation, cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) synthesized ample amounts of laminin-1. The following results support the significance of laminin-1 in the invasion of CSCC7 cells: 1.) Tumor-associated fibroblasts produced more laminin-1 and less components of fibrillar ECM than normal cells; 2.) The production of laminin chains was further increased when CSCC7 cells were grown in co-culture with fibroblasts; 3.) CSCC7 cells were capable of increasing their laminin production; 4.) Tumor cells predominantly expressed integrin α 6 β 4 laminin receptors and migrated towards laminin. The integrin profile of both normal and tumor-associated fibroblasts was similar, expressing receptors for fibronectin, vitronectin and osteopontin. MMP-7 secreted by CSCC7 cells was upregulated by the presence of normal fibroblasts, whereas MMP-2 produced mainly by fibroblasts was activated in the presence of CSCC7 cells. Conclusions: Our results indicate that in addition to degradation of the basement membrane, invasion of cervical cancer is accomplished by the remodeling of the interstitial stroma, which process includes decrease and partial replacement of fibronectin and collagens by a laminin-rich matrix

    Zawartosc C oraz N w glebie uksztaltowana jednostronnym wieloletnim nawozeniem a szkodliwa makrofauna glebowa

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    Unidirectional fertilization, if applied for many years, has a strong and sometimes negative effect on soil and natural environment. Such fertilization can cause unfavourable processes including humus degradation, the leaching of nutrients (mainly nitrogen), soil erosion as well as accumulation of weed seeds, pathogens and plant pests. In the last ten years threats caused to agricultural habitats by noxious soil macrofauna, particularly polyphagous insects representing Agrotinae, Elateridae, Scarabaeidae and Tipilidae, have become more explicit. Long-term unidirectional organic or mineral fertilization applied in a long-term static experiment established in 1972 on grey-brown pozdolic soil caused elevated concentrations of organic carbon and total nitrogen in soil. The highest increase was observed when farmyard manure had been used. Unidirectional application of organic fertilizers in rates balanced for the amount of nitrogen added to soil (rate I of liquid manure and FYM), when carried out for many years, caused a significant increase in the density of soil macrofauna. Fertilization with liquid manure balanced with FYM in terms of organic carbon added to soil as well as with mineral fertilizers did not favour presence of macrofauna.Jednostronne nawożenie stosowane przez wiele lat ma znaczący, nie zawsze pozytywny, wpływ na środowisko glebowe, a także przyrodnicze. W wyniku takiego systemu nawożenia mogą zachodzić w glebie procesy polegające na degradacji próchnicy, wymywaniu składników pokarmowych, głównie azotu, erozji oraz nagromadzaniu się nasion chwastów, patogenów i szkodników. W ostatnim dziesięcioleciu szczególnie uwidoczniły się w agrocenozach zagrożenia ze strony szkodliwej makrofauny glebowej, zwłaszcza polifagów reprezentujących Agrotinae, Elateridae, Scarabaeidae i Tipulidae. Wieloletnie jednostronne nawożenie organiczne i mineralne stosowane w doświadczeniu statycznym założonym w 1972 r. na glebie płowej spowodowało wzrost zawartości węgla organicznego i azotu ogólnego w glebie, najwyższy w przypadku stosowania obornika. Stwierdzono istotny dodatni wpływ zawartości węgla organicznego oraz dodatni wpływ azotu ogółem na zagęszczenie potencjalnie szkodliwej makrofauny glebowej

    Zespoly dzdzownic [Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae] warstwy ornej gleby plowej w rozny sposob uzytkowanej

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    Studies on the presence of earthworms in the grey-brown podzolic soil were conducted based on a statistical 31-year-long fertilisation experiment and two fallow fields. Among the species present, Apporectodea caliginosa was found to be dominant (87% of the total population of earthworms). The most numerous occurrence of Lumbricidae was observed in the first ten days of August. The number and biomass of earthworms were significantly influenced by physicochemical properties of soil and the way the soil was utilised. The highest mean density and the highest biomass of earthworms were found on a field left fallow for the previous ten years. The results obtained there were much higher than those from the arable field with classica crop rotation. Among the objects on which three fertilisation systems were assessed, the highest density was found at the sites fertilised every year with manure as compared to those fertilised with liquid manure and NPK.Badania nad występowaniem dżdżownic w glebie płowej przeprowadzono w oparciu o statyczne 31 letnie doświadczenie nawozowe oraz dwa pola odłogowane. Wśród występujących gatunków stwierdzono dominację Apporectodea caliginosa, który stanowił 87% populacji dżdżownic. Najliczniejszy pojaw Lumbricidae odnotowano w pierwszej dekadzie sierpnia. Na liczebność i biomasę dżdżownic istotny wpływ miały właściwości fizykochemiczne gleby, a także sposób jej użytkowania. Najwyższe średnie zagęszczenie oraz najwyższą biomasę stwierdzono na odłogu 10-letnim. Uzyskane wartości były znacznie wyższe niż na polu uprawnym, gdzie stosowano klasyczny płodozmian. Na obiektach, na których porównywano trzy systemy nawożenia, największe zagęszczenie wystąpiło na stanowiskach nawożonych corocznie obornikiem w porównaniu z nawożonymi gnojowicą i NPK

    Wplyw lubinu trwalego i sosny pospolitej na zmiany skladnikow odzywczych gleby lesnej

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    Przeprowadzone badania z uprawą łubinu trwałego i sosny pospolitej wykazały, że uprawa tych roślin wpływa na nieznaczne obniżenie kwasowości gleby badanych obiektów. Jednocześnie porównanie składników odżywczych wykazało nieznaczny wzrost zawartości azotu ogółem, w szczególności w obiektach z łubinem oraz nieznaczny spadek zawartości przyswajalnych form fosforu. Większą zawartość azotu amonowego i azotanowego stwierdzono w glebie obiektów z sosną i łubinem. Zawartość potasu i magnezu niepodlegała wyraźnym zmianom. Nie stwierdzono wyraźnych zmian zawartości mikroskładników w glebie porównywanych obiektów po zakończeniu wegetacji roślin.The research carried out on long-standing lupine and a common pine showed that the cultivation of these plants causes a slight lowering of soil acidity on the studied objects. At the same time the comparison of nutritional components revealed a slight increase of total nitrogen content especially in soil with long-standing lupine, and a slightly decreased content of available forms of phosphorus. The larger content of ammonia and nitrate nitrogen was observed in soil of objects soil of after common pine and lupine. The contents of potassium and magnesium were not clearly changed. The clear changes of micro-component content were not noted in soil of compared objects after ending of those plants’ vegetation

    Synthesis of novel ( E

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