289 research outputs found

    TEACHNJ: An Evaluation of Two Years Implementation

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    The Teacher Effectiveness and Accountability for the Children of New Jersey (TEACHNJ) Act was adopted by the New Jersey legislature in August 2012 with the intent to raise student achievement by improving the overall quality of instruction. As a result of this act, new teacher evaluation systems are being introduced in school districts across the state in an effort to more accurately assess teacher performance. The new teacher evaluations will be based on multiple classroom observations as well as the academic achievement of their students as measured on standardized tests. In addition, professional development opportunities are likely to change under this legislation, with schools customizing professional development programs to more effectively meet the needs of their teachers. The overarching question that informs our research is what impact will TEACH NJ have on the overall value of teacher evaluations and the quality of professional development opportunities offered to teachers. Data collected through survey research presents the pre-implementation practices (2011-2012 school year) as well as one year post-implementation practices (2013-2014) taking place in school districts throughout New Jersey. The findings reflect teachers’ perceptions of the value of the current teacher evaluation practices, the quality of the current professional development opportunities and the value the school administration places on teacher evaluations

    Identification and classification of open book accounting dimensions by considering inter-organizational cost management: A case study of petrochemical companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange

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    This study aims to identify and to classify Open book accounting (OBA) dimensions according to inter-organizational cost management (IOCM) in petrochemical companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange. In this research, there are 18 statistical society financial and accounting experts listed in Tehran Stock Exchange. By studying the theoretical literature and conducted investigations inside and outside of the country and also the experts’ comments, the OBA dimensions were identified and then classified by analytical hierarchy process technique. According to the studies and experts’ ideas, four dimensions including nature of data and accounting data disclosure practices, uses of disclosed accounting data, conditions of OBA, cost implementation of OBA were identified as OBA dimensions. The results of examinations were shown that, considering the comments on dimensions of nature of data and accounting data disclosure practices, the form of data disclosure plays a more important role. In uses of disclosed accounting data dimension, coordination and planning among team members play the most important role. According to conditions of OBA dimension, trust is the most important one and in cost implementation of OBA dimension, the cost of the other party plays the most important role

    Asian academic immigrants in Portugal : integration or re-emigration?

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    A União Europeia depara-se com a falta de trabalhadores qualificados devido ao crescimento da idade média da sua população. Durante as últimas décadas, enquanto a América do Norte atraía muitos trabalhadores qualificados, a Europa era também um destino de imigração, mas devido à falta de uma política coerente de imigração muitos eram imigrantes ilegais que por sua vez não eram trabalhadores altamente qualificados. Tem havido muita pesquisa sobre a imigração na Europa e em Portugal, mas nenhuma focou o assunto da re-emigração de trabalhadores estrangeiros qualificados para fora de Portugal. O estudo que aqui se apresenta foca-se nos investigadores / académicos que vieram para Portugal por um período de tempo, e visa identificar os factores que levaram estes académicos a estabelecerem-se em Portugal ou a ir para um terceiro país. À medida que estes académicos vêm para Portugal para fazer as suas pesquisas para o seu Doutoramento e Pós-doutoramento eles são considerados trabalhadores qualificados, que podem ser um recurso útil para o mercado Português após terem terminado os seus estudos. Para executar esta pesquisa foi usado um questionário na web que foi aplicado a 46 académicos iranianos e indianos e foram feitas entrevistas aleatórias. O questionário possui uma grande variedade de questões que podem ser úteis para outros estudos similares. Através dos resultados deste estudo, foram revelados os principais factores que contribuíram para a tomada de decisão dos investigadores (estabelecerem-se em Portugal ou ir para um terceiro país). Estes factores ajudam na construção de um sistema de avaliação no que respeita à aceitação de imigrantes qualificados baseado naqueles que têm mais probabilidades de integração. ABSTRACT: The European Union is confronted to the lack of skilled workers due to the increasing of the average age of its population. During recent decades, while North America was attracting many skilled workers, Europe was also a destination for immigrants, but due to the lack of a consistent immigration policy, many of these were illegal immigrants and thus were not highly educated workers. Much research has been conducted about immigration in Europe and Portugal, but none has focused on the subject of re-emigration of non- Portuguese skilled workers out of Portugal. This study focuses on Iranian and Indian academics who have come to Portugal for a period of time, and attempts to identify the factors which impact on the decision of these academics to settle in Portugal or to re-emigrate to a third country. As these academics came to Portugal to do their PhD and post-doctoral research, they are considered skilled workers who can be a useful resource for the Portuguese market after finishing their studies. To carry out this research, a web-based questionnaire was used to investigate 46 Iranian and Indian academics and random interviews were conducted. The questionnaire covers a broad range of questions which can be useful for similar studies. From the results of this study the main factors contributing to the decision making of academics (to settle in Portugal or to re-emigrate to a third country) was revealed. These factors may help in the design of an evaluation system for accepting skilled immigrants in Portugal based on those who have more probability of integration

    Investigation of Coronavirus disease 2019 virus in vaginal fluid and menses blood and the effect on menstrual cycle duration and sexual desire: A cross-sectional study

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    Background: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was detected in the throat, urine, and feces but has little evidence documented of sexual transmission. Objective: Here, we aimed to diagnose the presence of COVID-19 in vaginal fluids and menses blood. Menstrual cycle duration and sexual desire were the other aims. Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 300 individuals with clinical approval of COVID-19 infection who were referred to the ALzahra hospital of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran were divided into mild (n = 178, partial pressure of oxygen ≥ 91) and severe (n = 122, partial pressure of oxygen ≤ 91) groups, also based on clinical signs and hospitalization, from January to May 2021. Demographic characteristics, menstruation, and sexual desire of individuals were recorded in the questionnaire blood sampling was done on days 2-4 for menses, and vaginal fluid after menses for polymerase chain reaction by using a Dacron tip swab. Results: Participants were studied in the mild (mean age: 43.32 ± 7.41) and severe (mean age: 47.15 ± 6.9) groups. COVID-19 infection resulted in shortening the menstrual cycle duration in the severe group (30.15 ± 2.9 vs. 25.12 ± 2.1 days, p = 0.01). Polymerase chain reaction test for vaginal fluid and menses blood was negative for all cases. Sexual desire declined in both groups, significantly. Conclusion: This virus was not present in the menses blood and vaginal fluid of women with COVID-19 infection, which proposed a low risk of virus transmission via vaginal tracts. Severe COVID-19 infection may affect the menstrual duration. Key words: Coronavirus, COVID-19, Vagina, Menstruation

    Identification and classification of open book accounting dimensions

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    This study aims to identify and to classify Open book accounting (OBA) dimensions according to inter-organizational cost management (IOCM). The study selects six university professors in the field of accounting and by studying the theoretical literature and conducted investigations inside and outside of the country, the OBA dimensions were identified and then they were classified by analytical hierarchy process technique. According to the studies and experts’ ideas, four dimensions including nature of data and accounting data disclosure practices, uses of disclosed accounting data, conditions of OBA, cost implementation of OBA were identified as OBA dimensions. The results of our survey indicate that the form of data disclosure as well as coordination and planning among team members played essential role for OBA development. In addition, trust and the cost of the second party were other important factors, which must be considered when OBA is applied in any industry

    Biochemistry of Nutritional Sciences.

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    Biochemistry provides knowledge about commonality principles, explains particularities of individuals, and discloses targets for therapeutic approaches. Although common biochemical pathways have been conserved during evolution, and although molecules and pathways have been generated based on existing ones, a one-fitsall medicine is about to be more and more replaced by personalized medicine. The declared objective of personalized medicine is to either predict a person’s risks for developing a disease or to treat a patient according to his or her metabolic predisposition and capacity, genetic mutations, or polymorphisms. The genotype of a person can hint at imminent risks and prevent the outbreak of diseases if lifestyle or behavior is changed according to the risk profile. The phenotype does not only describe proteins, enzymes and metabolites from the expression of the person’s genes, but provides data to recognize patterns belonging to an existing or eventually silent disease which can be treated effectively

    Evaluating the implementation potential of a transcultural tool for Tamil migrants with gestational diabetes mellitus living in Switzerland

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    Background: Gestational diabetes mellitus is a condition that affects many pregnancies and ethnicity appears to be a risk factor. Data indicate that approximately 18% of Tamil women are diagnosed with gestational diabetes mellitus. Today, approximately 50,000 of Tamils live in Switzerland. To date, there is no official tool available in Switzerland that considers the eating and physical activity habits of this migrant Tamil population living in Switzerland, while offering a quick overview of gestational diabetes mellitus and standard dietetics management procedures. The NutriGeD project led by Bern University of Applied Sciences in Switzerland aimed at closing this gap. The aim of this present study was to evaluate the implementation potential of the tools developed in the project NutriGeD for dietetic counseling before their wide scale launch in Swiss hospitals, clinics and private practices. Method: An online survey was developed and distributed to 50 recruited healthcare professionals working in the German speaking region of Switzerland from October – December 2016 (31% response rate). The transcultural tools were sent to participants together with the link to the online survey. The evaluation outcome was analysed using binary logistic regression and cross tabulation analysis with IBM SPSS version 24.0, 2016. Results: 94% (N=47) respondents believed that the transcultural tools had good potential for implementation in hospitals and private practices in Switzerland. A binary logistic regression analysis revealed that the age of participants had a good correlation (42.1%) on recommending the implementation potential of the transcultural tool. The participants with age group 34- 54 years old where the highest group to recommend the implementation potential of the transcultural tool and this was found to be statistically significant (p=0.05). 74% (34 out of 50) of the respondents clearly acknowledged the need for transcultural competence knowledge in healthcare practices. 80% (N =40) of the respondents agreed that the information presented in the counseling display folder was important and helpful while 60% (N= 30) agreed to the contents being clinically applicable. 90% (N=45) participants recommended the availability of the evaluated transcultural tools in healthcare settings in Switzerland. Conclusion: The availability in healthcare practice of the evaluated transcultural tools was greatly encouraged by the Swiss healthcare practitioners participating in the survey. While they confirmed the need for these transcultural tools, feed-backs for minor adjustments were given to finalize the tools before their official launch in practice. The developed materials will be made available for clinical visits, in both hospitals and private practices in Switzerland. The Migmapp© transcultural tool can serve as a good approach in assisting healthcare professionals in all fields, especially professionals who practice in areas associated with diet - related diseases or disorders associated with populations at risk

    Attribution of ghrelin to cancer; Attempts to unravel an apparent controversy

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    Ghrelin is an endogenous peptide hormone mainly produced in the stomach. It has been known to regulate energy homeostasis, stimulate secretion of growth hormone, and mediate many other physiologic effects. Various effects attributed to ghrelin contribute to many aspects of cancer development and progression. Accordingly, a large body of evidence has emerged about the association of ghrelin with several types of cancer in scales of cell-line, animal, and human studies. However, existing data are controversial. This controversy occurs in two main domains: one is the controversial results in local effects of ghrelin on different types of human cancer cell-lines; the second is the apparent disagreement in the results o