19 research outputs found

    Brand Value, Intellectual, and Financial Performance in Indonesia Stock Exchange

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of brand value on intellectual, the influence of intellectual to financial performance, and also the influence of brand value to financial performance with control variable. The populations of this research are 76 companies with observation period 2014–2016. According to the outer analysis model, it is found that VAHU and STVA don’t fit the criteria, only VACA meets the criteria being an indicator to measure intellectual performance. The age meets the criteria being an indicator to measure performance variable control. Return on equity meets being an indicator to measure financial performance. The result shows that intellectual performance has no effect on brand value. Brand value has no effect on financial performance. Lastly, intellectual has positive effect on financial performance.     Keywords: brand value, intellectual performance, financial performanc

    The Effect of Marketing Mix on Loyalty Through Customer Satisfaction in PT. Merck Tbk Cabang Medan

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    This study aims to find the effect of marketing mix, which consists of product, price, promotion, and place, on loyalty through customer satisfaction in PT. Merck, Tbk cabang Medan. The determining sampling technique is purposive sampling method. The number of samples is 60 respondents, gathered from the pharmacies that transact in Anugrah Pharmindo Lestari distributor with the most percentage or distribution. The data were conducted through questionnaire and the data analysis is performed by using path analysis. The result of the study shows marketing mix, which consists of product, price, promotion, and place, and is simultaneously and significantly affecting customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is significantly affecting loyalty. Lastly, marketing mix, which consists of product, price, promotion, and place, is simultaneously and significantly affecting loyalty. The result also shows that product and price are the most dominant variable in affecting loyalty.     Keywords: marketing mix, product, price, promotion, place, satisfaction, loyalt

    Determinants of Capital Expenditure with Economic Growth As Moderating Variables on the Government District/City on the Island of Sumatra

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    This research aims to analyze the influence of financial self-sufficiency ratio, the ratio of the effectiveness of the PAD, the ratio, the ratio of the efficiency activity, fund balances toward capital expenditure on district/city governments in Sumatra, and also test whether economic growth is a moderator variable. The object of this research are all the countries and cities on the island of Sumatra. The data used are secondary data obtained from the Directorate General of Financial Equalization and the Central Bureau of statistics for the period 2012–2016. Statistical data analysis test used in this research is multiple linear regression using STATCAL. STATCAL is a statistical application program that can be used to perform graphical and statistical analysis. Simultaneous research results showed the ratio of financial independence, the ratio of the effectiveness of the PAD, the ratio, the ratio of efficiency activity, fund balances, and influential SiLPA significantly to capital expenditures. Partially, the financial independence of the area ratio, the ratio of the effectiveness of the PAD, the ratio of activity, and SiLPA affect significantly the capital expenditures; the ratio of funds and efficient use of perimbangan does not affect positively and is insignificant toward capital expenditures. Variable moderation is able to moderate the regional and financial self-sufficiency ratio of the effectiveness of the PAD, but can’t moderate the efficiency ratio, the ratio of the activity, fund balances, and SiLPA toward capital expenditures.     Keywords: capital expenditures, financial self-sufficiency ratio, the ratio of effectiveness efficiency ratios, PAD, the ratio of the Fund’s activity, perimbangan, SiLP

    Analysis of Development Strategy of Bio-fertilizer Market

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    This study was aimed to analyze the marketing strategy of bio-fertilizers based on product excellence, identifying attributes that affect consumers choosing bio-fertilizer, and recommends alternative strategies of bio-fertilizers. On business development, management will expand the sales area in each district. Samples consist of 100 respondents, drawn from population of farmers in Simalungun district who know about bio-fertilizer. Respondents were determined using purposive and simple random sampling. The survey was conducted through direct interview. Management of BPAM has conducted the marketing mix of product strategy, pricing, distribution, and promotion, but does not know the effectiveness. A scientifically conducted study is necessary in problems for the expansion of sales areas to measure the marketing mix and its influence on the decision, satisfaction and customer loyalty as BPAM ideas for follow-up. This study shows that the overall hypothesis is acceptable, in this case, there is a significant influence on the product, distribution, and promotion of the decision; there is a significant influence on satisfaction of products and promotion; there is a significant influence on decision satisfaction, and there is a significant influence on decisions and satisfaction to loyalty. Main attributes that influence the selection of bio-fertilizers are quality of the product, promotion, and distribution in order to win market competition. Companies must provide clear information about the advantages and how to use the product on the product packaging. Companies need to approach consumers through farmers’ groups, to do direct promotion such as demonstration plots and free samples.     Keywords: marketing mix, decision, satisfaction, loyalt

    Company Performance Predictions By Agency Cost, Earning Management Using the Z-Score (Case Study in Indonesia)

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    Investors play an important role by spending their money in the capital market. Without investors, the stock market do trade securities trading. In choosing a company, investors will evaluate the best condition of the company. So the aim of this research is to investigate whether the agency cost and earning management will give an impact to financial distress. The research object is the company listed in Indonesian Capital Market from 2012 to 2016. The regression analysis used to test the hypothesis was applied only to the final sample of 22 firms at the end of the sample period from 2012 to 2016. This study used the Modified Jones Model to measure discretionary accruals as earning management. And the dependent variables Z-score served as substitutes for financial distress. The hypothesis was tested using a regression model. The first independent variable operating expense ratio as substitutes the agency cost has a negative significant on financial distress. The smaller amount of agency cost will impact the Z-score to increase. This showed that if the Z-score is higher, it will mean that the company is in the area of no financial distress. Then, the second variable earning management has negative relationship but insignificant on financial distress.     Keywords: agency cost, earning management, financial distres

    Analysis of Impact of Consumer Emotional Aspects on Brand Loyalty in Gold Installment Product

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    The purpose of this research is to know and analyze Emotional Attachment, Brand Love, Brand Awareness effect on Brand Loyalty in Gold installment product at Bank Syariah Mandiri Office Area of Medan Gajah Mada, either partially or simultaneously. as the sample population in this study is 91 people. Data were collected through questionnaire. Data were tested using validity and reliability tests, and the data must satisfy the element of classical assumption test requirements. Furthermore, the data analysis was done using Multiple Linear Regression. The results of this study indicate that there is influence Emotional Attachment to brand loyalty on Gold installment products in Bank Syariah Mandiri Office Area Medan Gajah Mada. There is an influence of Brand Love on brand loyalty on Gold installment products at Bank Syariah Mandiri Office Area Medan Gajah Mada. There is an influence of Brand Awareness on brand loyalty on Gold installment products at Bank Syariah Mandiri Office Area Medan Gajah Mada. There is an influence of Emotional Attachment, Brand Love, and Brand Awareness on brand loyalty on Gold installment products at Bank Syariah Mandiri Office Area Medan Gajah Mada. This can be seen from the comparison of the probability value of research with the level of Alpha research. The amount of Emotional Attachment, Brand Love, and Brand Awareness in explaining brand loyalty in Gold installment product at Bank Syariah Mandiri Office Area of Medan Gajah Mada is 60.70% the remaining 39.30% is explained by other variable not included in the model of this research.     Keywords: Emotional Attachment, Brand Love, Brand Awareness, Brand Loyalt

    Analysis of Purchase Decision on Satisfaction in PT. Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero)

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    A good quality service can foster the satisfaction of customer that in time will provide a greater benefit for the company, such as, the relationship between PT. Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) and its clients that if becomes harmonious, will benefit the company, and more importantly the reputation of PT. Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) will become better in the clients’ point of view. Purposive Sampling Method is used as the sampling method, with 50 respondents who were chosen beforehand based on several criteria, namely, clients who have experienced the benefit of insurance, either claims or complaints submitted by the clients. Path analysis and multiple linear regression analysis were used to analyze the data, with three independent variables, which are Service Quality, Price, and Corporate reputation, Purchase Decision as intervening variable, and Satisfaction as dependent variable. The result of multiple linear regression analysis shows that Service Quality, Price, and Corporate Reputation variables are the most influencing and significant factors to Satisfaction through Purchase Decision of life insurance so as to increase the productivity of PT. Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) Cabang Medan Utara.     Keywords: service quality, price, corporate reputation, purchase decision, satisfactio

    The Influence of Capital Structure to the Firm Value with Profitability As Intervening Variables

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    The shareholders have the interest to increase the firm value in order to maximize its wealth. This study aims to find out the profitability ability in mediating the influence of capital structure with firm value. The population of this study is the pharmaceutical company listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). Census study method is used as sampling method by utilizing eight pharmaceutical companies. Data analysis tool used in this study is the panel data regression with 5% of significance level. The result of this study shows that profitability is able to mediate the influence of capital structure on firm value because the debt will increase the firm value, and the increase of firm value will be bigger if debt can increase the profitability of the company. The samples of this study have not reached the optimum point on their debt level, thus the addition of debt proportion that can increase the profitability can be used in order to achieve higher firm value.     Keywords: capital structure, firm value, profitabilit

    The Influence of Product Quality on Purchase Intention Through Electronic Words of Mouth in PT. Telkomsel Medan

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    The aim of this research is to discover ‘The Influence of Product Quality on Purchase Intention through Electronic Words of Mouth in PT Telkomsel Medan’. This research is an associative research. The population of this research is all of Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) students who use Telkomsel internet quota, 100 respondents were obtained using snowball sampling technique. Primary data collection was done using questionnaires, and secondary data collection is gathered using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM).     Keywords: product quality, electronic word of mouth, purchase intentio

    The Influence of the Internal Environment on the Empowerment of MSMEs Based on Environmental Management

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    The purpose of this research is to figure out how the internal environment influences the empowerment of MSMEs based on environmental management in the district of Aceh Tamiang. Research Population is 965 MSMEs in the district of Aceh Tamiang. The selected sample is 300 business practitioners in accordance to a sample fit for structural equation modeling test. Data analysis was done using descriptive statistics with SPSS analysis and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with AMOS. The research results showed that internal environmental factors significantly affect the empowerment of MSMEs based on environmental management and support the creation of ‘environment-friendly business’.     Keywords: internal environment, go green, environmental management, Industrial Micro Small And Medium Enterprises (MSMEs