3,101 research outputs found

    The Gauge Fields and Ghosts in Rindler Space

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    We consider 2d Maxwell system defined on the Rindler space with metric ds^2=\exp(2a\xi)\cdot(d\eta^2-d\xi^2) with the goal to study the dynamics of the ghosts. We find an extra contribution to the vacuum energy in comparison with Minkowski space time with metric ds^2= dt^2-dx^2. This extra contribution can be traced to the unphysical degrees of freedom (in Minkowski space). The technical reason for this effect to occur is the property of Bogolubov's coefficients which mix the positive and negative frequencies modes. The corresponding mixture can not be avoided because the projections to positive -frequency modes with respect to Minkowski time t and positive -frequency modes with respect to the Rindler observer's proper time \eta are not equivalent. The exact cancellation of unphysical degrees of freedom which is maintained in Minkowski space can not hold in the Rindler space. In BRST approach this effect manifests itself as the presence of BRST charge density in L and R parts. An inertial observer in Minkowski vacuum |0> observes a universe with no net BRST charge only as a result of cancellation between the two. However, the Rindler observers who do not ever have access to the entire space time would see a net BRST charge. In this respect the effect resembles the Unruh effect. The effect is infrared (IR) in nature, and sensitive to the horizon and/or boundaries. We interpret the extra energy as the formation of the "ghost condensate" when the ghost degrees of freedom can not propagate, but nevertheless do contribute to the vacuum energy. Exact computations in this simple 2d model support the claim made in [1] that the ghost contribution might be responsible for the observed dark energy in 4d FLRW universe.Comment: Final version to appear in Phys. Rev. D. Comments on relation with energy momentum computations and few new refs are adde

    Quasigroups, Asymptotic Symmetries and Conservation Laws in General Relativity

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    A new quasigroup approach to conservation laws in general relativity is applied to study asymptotically flat at future null infinity spacetime. The infinite-parametric Newman-Unti group of asymptotic symmetries is reduced to the Poincar\'e quasigroup and the Noether charge associated with any element of the Poincar\'e quasialgebra is defined. The integral conserved quantities of energy-momentum and angular momentum are linear on generators of Poincar\'e quasigroup, free of the supertranslation ambiguity, posess the flux and identically equal to zero in Minkowski spacetime.Comment: RevTeX4, 5 page

    Lagrangian for the Majorana-Ahluwalia Construct

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    The equations describing self/anti-self charge conjugate states, recently proposed by Ahluwalia, are re-written to covariant form. The corresponding Lagrangian for the neutral particle theory is proposed. From a group-theoretical viewpoint the construct is an example of the Nigam-Foldy-Bargmann-Wightman-Wigner-type quantum field theory based on the doubled representations of the extended Lorentz group. Relations with the Sachs-Schwebel and Ziino-Barut concepts of relativistic quantum theory are discussed.Comment: 10pp., REVTeX 3.0 fil

    Towards gravitationally assisted negative refraction of light by vacuum

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    Propagation of electromagnetic plane waves in some directions in gravitationally affected vacuum over limited ranges of spacetime can be such that the phase velocity vector casts a negative projection on the time-averaged Poynting vector. This conclusion suggests, inter alia, gravitationally assisted negative refraction by vacuum.Comment: 6 page

    Conformal Field Theory Interpretation of Black Hole Quasi-normal Modes

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    We obtain exact expressions for the quasi-normal modes of various spin for the BTZ black hole. These modes determine the relaxation time of black hole perturbations. Exact agreement is found between the quasi-normal frequencies and the location of the poles of the retarded correlation function of the corresponding perturbations in the dual conformal field theory. This then provides a new quantitative test of the AdS/CFT correspondence.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, references adde

    Entropy, Contact Interaction with Horizon and Dark Energy

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    We present some arguments suggesting that the mismatch between Bekenstein- Hawking entropy and the entropy of entanglement for vector fields is due to the same gauge configurations which saturate the contact term in topological susceptibility in QCD. In both cases the extra term with a "wrong sign" is due to distinct topological sectors in gauge theories. This extra term has non-dispersive nature, can not be restored from conventional spectral function through dispersion relations, and can not be associated with any physical propagating degrees of freedom. We make few comments on some profound consequences of our findings. In particular, we speculate that the source of the observed dark energy may also be related to the same type of gauge configurations which are responsible for the mismatch between black hole entropy and the entropy of entanglement in the presence of causal horizon.Comment: final version to appear in Phys. Rev. D (2011

    QSSC re-examined for the newly discovered SNe Ia

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    We examine the possible consistency of the quasi-steady state model with the newly discovered SNe Ia. The model assumes the existence of metallic dust ejected from the SNe explosions, which extinguishes light travelling over long distances. We find that the model shows a reasonable fit to the data, which improves if one takes account of the weak gravitational lensing effect of the SNe which have been observed on the brighter side.Comment: 13 pages including 2 figures; accepted in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Generalized observers and velocity measurements in General Relativity

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    To resolve some unphysical interpretations related to velocity measurements by static observers, we discuss the use of generalized observer sets, give a prescription for defining the speed of test particles relative to those observers and show that, for any locally inertial frame, the speed of a freely falling material particle is always less than the speed of light at the Schwarzschild black hole surface.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure, submitted to General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Asymptotic Behaviour of Inhomogeneous String Cosmologies

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    The asymptotic behaviour at late times of inhomogeneous axion-dilaton cosmologies is investigated. The space-times considered here admit two abelian space-like Killing vectors. These space-times evolve towards an anisotropic universe containing gravitational radiation. Furthermore, a peeling-off behaviour of the Weyl tensor and the antisymmetric tensor field strength is found. The relation to the pre-big-bang scenario is briefly discussed.Comment: 15 pages, Late
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