105 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional CFD simulations of natural and forced convection solar domestic water heating systems

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    The objective of the thesis is to study the thermal performance of the open loop natural convection and closed loop forced convection solar water heating system. The 3 dimensional (3D) numerical models were made in the Computer aided design (CAD) package and were simulated for the 12 hours of day time. Analysis was performed using the Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software package Star-CD. The physical system of natural convection can be used for the purpose of heating domestic hot water without the use of a circulating pump. The closed loop forced circulation system is simulated to study the numerical behavior of the system with respect to time which can further predict the performance of the system when it is connected to the water mains for actual residential applications; The solar water heater that is being simulated is a truly flat surface collector where the water is allowed to flow in a thin rectangular channel cross-section. The CFD simulations are performed to predict the velocity and temperature of the water in these systems. An accurate relationship between density and temperature of water is implemented for the purpose of predicting the buoyancy effects in the natural convection case. It is felt that the continuous rectangular cross-section chosen will tend to reduce the overall heat losses from the collector hence increasing the thermal performance as the average collector surface temperature will be reduced compared to a typical plate and tube solar collector; The open loop system is defined as the system in which the solar water heater is connected to the water mains. The cold water from the tap can be fed to the system and the hot water can be extracted from the system for utilization. The closed loop system is defined as the system in which water is circulated inside the system itself and there is no feeding or extraction of water from the system

    Representation of Non-Spatial and Spatial Information in the Lateral Entorhinal Cortex

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    Some theories of memory propose that the hippocampus integrates the individual items and events of experience within a contextual or spatial framework. The hippocampus receives cortical input from two major pathways: the medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) and the lateral entorhinal cortex (LEC). During exploration in an open field, the firing fields of MEC grid cells form a periodically repeating, triangular array. In contrast, LEC neurons show little spatial selectivity, and it has been proposed that the LEC may provide non-spatial input to the hippocampus. Here, we recorded MEC and LEC neurons while rats explored an open field that contained discrete objects. LEC cells fired selectively at locations relative to the objects, whereas MEC cells were weakly influenced by the objects. These results provide the first direct demonstration of a double dissociation between LEC and MEC inputs to the hippocampus under conditions of exploration typically used to study hippocampal place cells

    DRec:Multidomain Recommendation System for Social Community

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    The Recommendation System is the software engines and the approaches for consideration proposal to the user which might be most probably matched with the liking of users. Usually, Recommendations system recommends on various fields like what items to buy, which movies to watch even the job recommendations, depending upon the users profile. Instinctively if the domains of users are captured and filtered out accordingly to recommend them will be a very useful idea. In this paper we will be discussing about the research done by us and the limitation of the system.We design a system for recommending domains in social network, using an explicit / offline data. We have tested it on two popular dataset namely Epinions and Ciao. The ratings of items are studied and performance measures are calculated with three different ways 1) MAP (Mean Average Precision) 2)F-measure and 3) nDCG (Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain) . As well we have compared the results with 5 comparisons methods.All the techniques and methods are explained in paper. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15081

    Representation of odor habituation and timing in the Hippocampus

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    We performed simultaneous single-neuron recordings from the hippocampus and the olfactory bulb of anesthetized, freely breathing rats. Odor response properties of neurons in the olfactory bulb and hippocampus were characterized as firing rate changes or respiration-coupled changes. A panel of five odors was used. The rats had not been exposed to the odors on the panel before the experiment. The olfactory bulb and hippocampal neurons responded to repeated odor presentations in two ways: first, by changes in firing rate, and second, by respiratory tuning changes. Approximately 60% of bulbar neurons, 48% of hippocampal CA1 neurons, and 12% of hippocampal CA3 neurons showed statistically significant responses. None of the odor-responsive neurons in either the bulb or hippocampus responded to all of the odors on the panel. Repeated 10 sec odor stimuli presented at the intervals of 20, 30, 60, 110, and 160 sec were used to analyze the effect of the interval on odor response properties of the recorded neurons. Bulbar neurons were relatively nonselective for odor interval. Hippocampal neurons showed unexpected selectivity for the interval between repeated odor presentations. CA1 and CA3 neurons responded to only one to three of the intervals in the range. On the basis of these findings, we postulate that the hippocampus has the ability to keep track of the time elapsed between consecutive odor stimuli. This may act as a neuronal substrate for habituation and for complex tasks such as odor-guided navigation

    Experimental and numerical study of a proton exchange membrane electrolyzer for hydrogen production

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    Hydrogen as a fuel source has received attention from researchers globally due to its potential to replace fossil based fuels for energy production. Research is being performed on hydrogen production, storage and utilization methods to make its use economically feasible relative to current energy sources. The PEM electrolyzer is used to produce hydrogen and oxygen using water and electricity. Focus of our study is to provide a benchmark experiment and numerical model of a single cell electrolyzer that can assist in improving the current state of understanding of this system. Parametric analysis of an experimental cell was performed to understand the effect of operating parameters of electrolyzer on its performance. A CFD model was developed to model the physics of electrolyzer. The model was validated with the experiment; the information presented here can be used as a tool to improve the design from thermo-fluid aspects of the electrolyzer

    NASA-Nearest Neighbour Algorithm with Structured Robustness Algorithm to improve Difficult Keyword Queries over Database

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    This is a technique to improve difficult keyword queries over databases.Estimating query performance is the job of predicting the excellence of results returned to examine in response of a query. Keyword queries on databases provide easy access to data, but often it goes through from low ranking quality. It is defined to get queries with low ranked result, quality to improve the user satisfaction. Post-retrieval predictors analyze the o of top-retrieved documents. This paper introduced a new technique to get high-performance named as NASA, this method is based on k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) search on the top-k results of the corrupted version of database. k-NN handles complex functions during the execution and it improve the loss of information. Simultaneously it helps to reduce the execution time. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15078

    Classification of Rock Images using Textural Analysis

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    The classification of natural images is an useful task in current computer vision, pattern recognition applications etc. Rock images are a typical example of natural images, therefore their analysis is of major importance in the rock industry and in bedrock investigations. Rock image classification is based on specific textural descriptors which are extracted from the images. Using these descriptors, images are divided into various types. In the case of natural images, the feature distributions are often non-homogeneous and the image classes are also overlapping in the feature space. This can be problematic, if all the descriptors are combined into a single feature vector in the classification of an image. A method is presented for combining different visual descriptors in rock image classification. In this paper, k-nearest neighbor classification will be carried out for pair of descriptor separately. After that, the final decision is made by combining the results of each classification. The total numbers of the neighbors representing each class are used as votes in the final classification. The classification method will be tested using three types of rock. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15039

    Evaluation of used eye drop containers for microbial contamination in outpatient department of tertiary care teaching hospital

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    Background: Contaminated eyedrops are considered as serious risk factor for many iatrogenic ocular infections. Apart from the risk of infection, microbial contamination may alter the pH of the solution thereby reducing the efficacy of drugs. Presently many preservatives are added to these eye drops preparations to extend the duration of use. Hence authors aimed this study to find the contamination rates in such eye drop preparations.Methods: This was a prospective observational research conducted at Ophthalmology OPD, of tertiary care teaching hospital for the period of 2 months. Total fifty five used eyedrops were collected.Results: Authors found that 25.45% of the collected eye drops were contaminated with various organisms, viz. E. coli (10.90%), Staphylococcus aureus (9.09%), Pseudomonas aerugenosa (1.81%), Bacillus subtilis (1.81%) and Candida albicans (1.81%). Among various eyedrops, mydriatic (60%) eyedrops had the highest rate of contamination. We also found that, different preservatives in the eye drops were presents with different level of microbial contamination.Conclusions: The present study showed that there is a definite co-occurrence between eyedrop contamination and ocular infections irrespective of preservatives. This research raises a concern about questionable efficacy of preservatives.

    Concept of Satwavajaya Chikitsa (Psychotherapy)

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    Health is defined as, a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely an absence of disease or infirmity. Manas or Satwa plays an important role in keeping person healthy, even during the time of physical disorder Manas helps in relieving it. But during present day’s lifestyle and stress related environment, human beings are suffering from many psychological disorders; As many as 450 million people suffer from a mental or behavioral disorder. Among them nearly 1 million people commit suicide every year (WHO). So this balancing nature of mind nowadays is getting deprived under the influence of growing stress and strain in life. But treatment is not absolute in the modern science, but Ayurveda may provide better treatment modality in controlling or curing these then other existing sciences. Satwavajaya Chikitsa is a unique non-pharmacological approach for treating the mental disorders. It is the first of its kind and if developed can really prove much useful. So Satwavajaya plays major role to get rid of these problems. So it is very much essential to understand the concept of Satwavajaya Chikitsa

    Assessment of knowledge, attitude and practices among the residents and interns about rational fixed drug combinations in tertiary health care centre in Central India

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    Background: Fixed drug combination (FDC) is a combination of two or more active drugs in a single dosage form. Rational fixed drug combination improves patient compliance, enhances the efficacy of combination and minimizes side effects. But unfortunately, many FDCs introduced in Indian market are irrational. Prescription of irrational FDCs increases morbidity, mortality, treatment failure, emergence of resistance and financial loss to community. Since junior doctors like residents and interns are the backbone in patient care in the tertiary care hospital, knowledge of FDC in them has paramount importance.Methods: A prospective, cross sectional, observational study was carried out to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice about the use of FDC by junior resident doctors and interns. A pre-validated questionnaire was given to two hundred doctors from various departments and data was analyzed. Questions were based on knowledge of National Essential List of Medicine (NELM), rational FDC and criteria of rationality.Results: Seventy six percent health care professionals had the knowledge of FDC. Only 48% were aware about FDCs mentioned in WHO Essential List of Medicine. Most of them were aware of advantages and disadvantages of FDCs. Common sources of information were medical representatives, textbooks and Current Index Of medical Specialities (CIMS). Fifty eight percent doctors preferred to prescribe FDC, and ninety two percent avoid use of irrational FDCs. Most commonly prescribed rational fixed drug combination was amoxicillin + clavulanic acid. Paracetamol + ibuprofen was the most commonly prescribed irrational FDC.Conclusions: There is need to improve knowledge of rational fixed drug combination, NELM list