2,720 research outputs found

    Fermi surfaces and Luttinger's theorem in paired fermion systems

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    We discuss ground state properties of a mixture of two fermion species which can bind to form a molecular boson. When the densities of the fermions are unbalanced, one or more Fermi surfaces can appear: we describe the constraints placed by Luttinger's theorem on the volumes enclosed by these surfaces in such Bose-Fermi mixtures. We also discuss the nature of the quantum phase transitions involving changes in the number of Fermi surfaces.Comment: 7 pages with one figure embedded. V2: Minor modifications. Final version as appeared in prin

    Engineering correlation and entanglement dynamics in spin systems

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    We show that the correlation and entanglement dynamics of spin systems can be understood in terms of propagation of spin waves. This gives a simple, physical explanation of the behaviour seen in a number of recent works, in which a localised, low-energy excitation is created and allowed to evolve. But it also extends to the scenario of translationally invariant systems in states far from equilibrium, which require less local control to prepare. Spin-wave evolution is completely determined by the system's dispersion relation, and the latter typically depends on a small number of external, physical parameters. Therefore, this new insight into correlation dynamics opens up the possibility not only of predicting but also of controlling the propagation velocity and dispersion rate, by manipulating these parameters. We demonstrate this analytically in a simple, example system.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, REVTeX4 forma

    U(1) spin liquids and valence bond solids in a large-N three-dimensional Heisenberg model

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    We study possible quantum ground states of the Sp(N) generalized Heisenberg model on a cubic lattice with nearest-neighbor and next-nearest-neighbor exchange interactions. The phase diagram is obtained in the large-N limit and fluctuation effects are considered via appropriate gauge theories. In particular, we find three U(1) spin liquid phases with different short-range magnetic correlations. These phases are characterized by deconfined gapped spinons, gapped monopoles, and gapless ``photons''. As N becomes smaller, a confinement transition from these phases to valence bond solids (VBS) may occur. This transition is studied by using duality and analyzing the resulting theory of monopoles coupled to a non-compact dual gauge field; the condensation of the monopoles leads to VBS phases. We determine the resulting VBS phases emerging from two of the three spin liquid states. On the other hand, the spin liquid state near J_1 \approx J_2 appears to be more stable against monopole condensation and could be a promising candidate for a spin liquid state in real systems.Comment: revtex file 12 pages, 17 figure

    Quantum phases of interacting phonons in ion traps

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    The vibrations of a chain of trapped ions can be considered, under suitable experimental conditions, as an ensemble of interacting phonons, whose quantum dynamics is governed by a Bose--Hubbard Hamiltonian. In this work we study the quantum phases which appear in this system, and show that thermodynamical properties, such as critical parameters and critical exponents, can be measured in experiments with a limited number of ions. Besides that, interacting phonons in trapped ions offer us the possibility to access regimes which are difficult to study with ultracold bosons in optical lattices, like models with attractive or site--dependent phonon-phonon interactions.Comment: 10 page

    Entanglement and Quantum Phase Transition Revisited

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    We show that, for an exactly solvable quantum spin model, a discontinuity in the first derivative of the ground state concurrence appears in the absence of quantum phase transition. It is opposed to the popular belief that the non-analyticity property of entanglement (ground state concurrence) can be used to determine quantum phase transitions. We further point out that the analyticity property of the ground state concurrence in general can be more intricate than that of the ground state energy. Thus there is no one-to-one correspondence between quantum phase transitions and the non-analyticity property of the concurrence. Moreover, we show that the von Neumann entropy, as another measure of entanglement, can not reveal quantum phase transition in the present model. Therefore, in order to link with quantum phase transitions, some other measures of entanglement are needed.Comment: RevTeX 4, 4 pages, 1 EPS figures. some modifications in the text. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Quantum Disordered Ground States in Frustrated Antiferromagnets with Multiple Ring Exchange Interactions

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    We present a certain class of two-dimensional frustrated quantum Heisenberg spin systems with multiple ring exchange interactions which are rigorously demonstrated to have quantum disordered ground states without magnetic long-range order. The systems considered in this paper are s=1/2 antiferromagnets on a honeycomb and square lattices, and an s=1 antiferromagnet on a triangular lattice. We find that for a particular set of parameter values, the ground state is a short-range resonating valence bond state or a valence bond crystal state. It is shown that these systems are closely related to the quantum dimer model introduced by Rokhsar and Kivelson as an effective low-energy theory for valence bond states.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Scaling of entanglement between separated blocks in spin chains at criticality

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    We compute the entanglement between separated blocks in certain spin models showing that at criticality this entanglement is a function of the ratio of the separation to the length of the blocks and can be written as a product of a power law and an exponential decay. It thereby interpolates between the entanglement of individual spins and blocks of spins. It captures features of correlation functions at criticality as well as the monogamous nature of entanglement. We exemplify invariant features of this entanglement to microscopic changes within the same universality class. We find this entanglement to be invariant with respect to simultaneous scale transformations of the separation and the length of the blocks. As a corollary, this study estimates the entanglement between separated regions of those quantum fields to which the considered spin models map at criticality.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; comments welcom

    Effect of confinement potential geometry on entanglement in quantum dot-based nanostructures

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    We calculate the spatial entanglement between two electrons trapped in a nanostructure for a broad class of confinement potentials, including single and double quantum dots, and core-shell quantum dot structures. By using a parametrized confinement potential, we are able to switch from one structure to the others with continuity and to analyze how the entanglement is influenced by the changes in the confinement geometry. We calculate the many-body wave function by `exact' diagonalization of the time independent Schr\"odinger equation. We discuss the relationship between the entanglement and specific cuts of the wave function, and show that the wave function at a single highly symmetric point could be a good indicator for the entanglement content of the system. We analyze the counterintuitive relationship between spatial entanglement and Coulomb interaction, which connects maxima (minima) of the first to minima (maxima) of the latter. We introduce a potential quantum phase transition which relates quantum states characterized by different spatial topology. Finally we show that by varying shape, range and strength of the confinement potential, it is possible to induce strong and rapid variations of the entanglement between the two electrons. This property may be used to tailor nanostructures according to the level of entanglement required by a specific application.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures and 1 tabl

    Antiferromagnetic and spin gap phases of the anisotropic Kondo necklace model

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    We have studied the effect of anisotropies on the quantum phase transition of the Kondo necklace model in dimensions D=1, 2 and 3. Both the anisotropy δ\delta of the inter-site interaction term and anisotropy Δ\Delta of the on-site Kondo interaction have been included. We use a bond operator method with constraints implemented in mean field approximation. Starting from the paramagnetic phase we determine the critical ratio (t/J)c(t/J)_c of the quantum critical point and associated scaling exponents of the Kondo-singlet gap. We show that in the case of easy-axis type anisotropy δ>1\delta >1 a qualitatively new behavior in comparison to the conventional Kondo necklace model with (δ\delta,Δ\Delta)=(0,1) appears. We have also obtained the antiferromagnetic order parameter in the long range ordered phase for t>tct > t_c.Comment: 12 pages and 9 figures, to appear in PR

    Pfaffian-like ground state for 3-body-hard-core bosons in 1D lattices

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    We propose a Pfaffian-like Ansatz for the ground state of bosons subject to 3-body infinite repulsive interactions in a 1D lattice. Our Ansatz consists of the symmetrization over all possible ways of distributing the particles in two identical Tonks-Girardeau gases. We support the quality of our Ansatz with numerical calculations and propose an experimental scheme based on mixtures of bosonic atoms and molecules in 1D optical lattices in which this Pfaffian-like state could be realized. Our findings may open the way for the creation of non-abelian anyons in 1D systems