15 research outputs found

    Modeling the Role of Striatum in Stochastic Multi Context Tasks

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    Decision making tasks in changing environments with probabilistic reward schemes present various challenges to the agents performing the task. These agents must use the experience gained in the past trials to characterize the environment which guides their actions. We present two models to predict an agent's behavior in these tasks-a theoretical model which defines a Bayes optimal solution to the problem under realistic task conditions. The second is a computational model of the basal ganglia which presents a neural mechanism to solve the same. Both the models are shown to reproduce results in behavioral experiments and are compared to each other. This comparison allows us to characterize the theoretical model as a bound on the neural model and the neural model as a biologically plausible implementation of the theoretical model. Furthermore, we predict the performance of the agents in various stochastic regimes which could be tested in future studies

    On the role of theory and modeling in neuroscience

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    In recent years, the field of neuroscience has gone through rapid experimental advances and extensive use of quantitative and computational methods. This accelerating growth has created a need for methodological analysis of the role of theory and the modeling approaches currently used in this field. Toward that end, we start from the general view that the primary role of science is to solve empirical problems, and that it does so by developing theories that can account for phenomena within their domain of application. We propose a commonly-used set of terms - descriptive, mechanistic, and normative - as methodological designations that refer to the kind of problem a theory is intended to solve. Further, we find that models of each kind play distinct roles in defining and bridging the multiple levels of abstraction necessary to account for any neuroscientific phenomenon. We then discuss how models play an important role to connect theory and experiment, and note the importance of well-defined translation functions between them. Furthermore, we describe how models themselves can be used as a form of experiment to test and develop theories. This report is the summary of a discussion initiated at the conference Present and Future Theoretical Frameworks in Neuroscience, which we hope will contribute to a much-needed discussion in the neuroscientific community

    Hierarchical motion perception as causal inference

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    Sources of suboptimality

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    A Biologically Plausible Architecture of the Striatum to Solve Context-Dependent Reinforcement Learning Tasks

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    Basal ganglia circuit is an important subcortical system of the brain thought to be responsible for reward-based learning. Striatum, the largest nucleus of the basal ganglia, serves as an input port that maps cortical information. Microanatomical studies show that the striatum is a mosaic of specialized input-output structures called striosomes and regions of the surrounding matrix called the matrisomes. We have developed a computational model of the striatum using layered self-organizing maps to capture the center-surround structure seen experimentally and explain its functional significance. We believe that these structural components could build representations of state and action spaces in different environments. The striatum model is then integrated with other components of basal ganglia, making it capable of solving reinforcement learning tasks. We have proposed a biologically plausible mechanism of action-based learning where the striosome biases the matrisome activity toward a preferred action. Several studies indicate that the striatum is critical in solving context dependent problems. We build on this hypothesis and the proposed model exploits the modularity of the striatum to efficiently solve such tasks

    Aberrant causal inference and presence of a compensatory mechanism in Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is characterized by a panoply of social, communicative, and sensory anomalies. As such, a central goal of computational psychiatry is to ascribe the heterogenous phenotypes observed in ASD to a limited set of canonical computations that may have gone awry in the disorder. Here, we posit causal inference – the process of inferring a causal structure linking sensory signals to hidden world causes – as one such computation. We show that (i) audio-visual integration is intact in ASD and in line with optimal models of cue combination, yet (ii) multisensory behavior is anomalous in ASD because they operate under an internal model favoring integration (vs. segregation). Paradoxically, during explicit reports of common cause across spatial or temporal disparities, individuals with ASD were less, and not more, likely to report common cause. Formal model fitting highlighted alterations in both the prior probability for common cause (p-common) and choice biases, which are dissociable in implicit, but not explicit causal inference tasks. Together, this pattern of results suggests (i) distinct internal models in attributing world causes to sensory signals in ASD relative to neurotypical individuals given identical sensory cues, and (ii) the presence of an explicit compensatory mechanism in ASD, with these individuals having learned to compensate for their bias to integrate in their explicit reports