36 research outputs found

    The Right to Citizenship of Rohingya children of Bangladeshi descent under international human rights law

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    Since the outbreak of violence and persecution against Rohingyas in 2017 they have been fleeing Myanmar and taking refuge in Bangladesh. A significant number of them are married to a Bangladeshi citizen and their children are entitled to Bangladeshi citizenship by descent. However, these Rohingya children are not being registered as Bangladeshi citizen. As a result, a significant number of Rohingya children have become stateless. As Bangladesh is not a party to the statelessness conventions statelessness of these Rohingya children cannot be legally addressed under these conventions. This article explores citizenship right of these Rohingya children outside of these conventions. It argues that, although Bangladesh is not a party to the statelessness conventions it is a party to the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and other international human rights treaties under which it is obliged to grant citizenship status to the Rohingya children born to a Bangladeshi parent

    Effects of sodium nitrate on the growth and proximate composition of the indigenous marine microalgae Tetraselmis chuii (Butcher, 1959)

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    Nitrogenisoneofthefundamentalnutrientsforalgalgrowth,underpinningthemicroalgalbio-chemical composition. Therefore, this study compared the growth and proximate compositions of Tetraselmis chuii (Butcher, 1959), cultured in different nitrate (NaNO3) concentrations (25, 50, 100, 200 and 500 mg L-1). Thus, the cell density, optical density, specific growth rate and division rate of T.chuiiweremeasureddaily.Furthermore,proteinandcarbohydratecontentswerealsodeter-mined in the stationary phase. The results showed that T. chuii cultivated in a NaNO3 concentration of500mgL-1hadsignificantly(p lt;0.05)highergrowthintermsofcelldensity,biomass,opticaldensity, specific growth rate and division rates compared with other concentrations. Likewise, pro-tein content was also significantly higher under the NaNO3 concentration of 500 mg L-1, whereas significantly (p lt;0.05) higher carbohydrate content was found at 25 mg L-1 NaNO3 compared with the other concentrations, showing a contrary trend between protein and carbohydrate concentra-tions, respectively. Since the primary focus has been on improving the quality of microalgal bio-mass in order to develop novel processes and products, this is the first study to use higher concen-trationsofmodifiednitrateonT.chuiiisolatedfromthecoastalareaofBangladesh.Thustheindigenous marine T. chuii had significantly utilised NaNO3 concentrations with higher growth and proximatecontentsinthisstudy.However,furtherstudyisneededonmicroalgalgeneticsandmetabolic engineering to create a new molecular era of the indigenous marine microalgae isolated from the coastal water of Bengal

    Biological and Reproductive Indices of Mystus bleekeri (Day, 1877) in Open Water Body (Dekhar Haor) of Bangladesh

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    Some biological and reproductive aspects of the Mystus bleekeri from Dekhar Haor were investi-gated. From the commercial catches, a total of 600 sample collections were performed on a month-ly basis from July 2017 to June 2018. Total length (TL, cm), body weight (W, g) and individual’s sex were identified between 216 male (36%) and 384 female (64%) fish (ratio 1.00: 1.78). Mean TL and Wofsampleswere14.85±3.38cmand27.54±15.76g,respectively.TheTLofmaleandfemaleranged from 6.9-21.3 and 7.80-24.60 cm, respectively; and W ranged from 5.3-63.3 and 6.70-76.40 g,respectively.Inlength–weightrelationshipofthisfishdepictedanegativeallometricgrowth(b=2.408) with a condition factor (Kn) of 1.04±0.11. Fish of 16.00-16.90 and 10.00-10.90 cm length groups demonstrated the highest (1.45±0.23) and lowest (0.89±0.18) Kn values, respectively which wassignificantlyvariedamongdifferentlengthgroups.MonthlystudyofgonadosomaticindexshowedtwopeaksinthemonthofMay-JuneandNovemberforbothsexes.Theresultsofthisstudy provide baseline data on some biological aspects of M. bleekeri, which would be useful in predicting the responses of M. bleekeri populations in Dekhar Haor

    COVID-19 related anxiety and its associated factors : a cross-sectional study on older adults in Bangladesh

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    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in serious mental health conditions, particularly among older adults. This research explored the prevalence of COVID-19-related anxiety and its associated factors among older adults residing in Bangladesh. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted among 1,045 older Bangladeshi adults aged≥60 years through telephone interviews in September 2021. A semi-structured interview schedule was used to collect data on participants’ characteristics and COVID-19-related anxiety. The anxiety level was measured using the Bengali version of the five-point Coronavirus Anxiety Scale (CAS). A linear regression model explored the factors associated with COVID-19-related anxiety. Results: Overall, the prevalence of COVID-19-related anxiety was 23.2%. The regression analysis revealed that the average COVID-19-related anxiety score was significantly higher among females (β: 0.43, 95% CI: 0.05 to 0.81), and among those who faced difficulty getting medicine (β: 0.57, 95% CI: 0.16 to 0.97), felt isolated (β: 0.60, 95% CI: 0.24 to 0.95), and felt requiring additional care during the pandemic (β: 0.53, 95% CI: 0.16 to 0.91). Alternatively, the average COVID-19-related anxiety score was significantly lower among those who were widowed (β: -0.46, 95% CI: -0.87 to -0.04) and living distant from the health centre (β: -0.48, 95% CI: -0.79 to -0.17). Conclusion: The findings of the present study suggest providing immediate psychosocial support package to the older adults, particularly females and those who are vulnerable to receive health and social care support during the COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh

    The burden of chronic diseases and patients' preference for healthcare services among adult patients suffering from chronic diseases in Bangladesh

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    Background: Low‐and middle‐income countries (LMICs) have a disproportionately high burden of chronic diseases, with inequalities in health care access and quality services. This study aimed to assess patients' preferences for healthcare services for chronic disease management among adult patients in Bangladesh. Methods: The present analysis was conducted among 10,385 patients suffering from chronic diseases, drawn from the latest Household Income and Expenditure Survey 2016–2017. We used the multinomial logistic regression to investigate the association of chronic comorbid conditions and healthcare service‐related factors with patients' preferences for healthcare services. Results: The top four dimensions of patient preference for healthcare services in order of magnitude were quality of treatment (30.3%), short distance to health facility (27.6%), affordability of health care (21.7%) and availability of doctors (11.0%). Patients with heart disease had a 29% significantly lower preference for healthcare affordability than the quality of healthcare services (relative risk ratio [RRR] = 0.71; 0.56–0.90). Patients who received healthcare services from pharmacies or dispensaries were more likely to prefer a short distance to a health facility (RRR = 6.99; 4.80–9.86) or affordability of healthcare services (RRR = 3.13; 2.25–4.36). Patients with comorbid conditions were more likely to prefer healthcare affordability (RRR = 1.39; 1.15–1.68). In addition, patients who received health care from a public facility had 2.93 times higher preference for the availability of medical doctors (RRR = 2.93; 1.70–5.04) than the quality of treatment in the health facility, when compared with private service providers. Conclusions: Patient preferences for healthcare services in chronic disease management were significantly associated with the type of disease and its magnitude and characteristics of healthcare providers. Therefore, to enhance service provision and equitable distribution and uptake of health services, policymakers and public health practitioners should consider patient preferences in designing national strategic frameworks for chronic disease management. Patient or Public Contribution: Our research team includes four researchers (co‐authors) with chronic diseases who have experience of living or working with people suffering from chronic conditions or diseases

    The legitimacy and compatibility of use of force (jus ad bellum) in public international law and Islamic international law

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    Despite the general prohibition of using inter-state force imposed by Article 2(4) of the United Nations Charter, force has been used under the auspices of self-defence, collective security and humanitarian crises. Such use of force has brought challenges to international law regarding its existence and efficacy. Although no state has denied the validity of such prohibition, many attempts have been made to legitimise use of such force on different grounds, namely exception, expansion and explanation. Unlike Public international law, Islamic law of Nations (Siyar) does not provide for a general prohibition of use of force but recognises circumstances in which such force can be legitimately used. The compatibility of these conflicting provisions of legitimate inter-state use of force offered by these two systems are significant for the prevention of aggressive use of force. The assessment of legitimacy of these conflicting provisions shall reveal where the legitimacy lies - is it in Islamic international law or Public international law or both or none of them? The results of the legitimacy assessment demonstrate that these two systems could sit in plural fashion by complementing each other’s legitimacy-deficits. However, the legitimacy and compatibility of Public international law and Islamic international law significantly depend on the development of an underlying pluralistic legal framework of international law with a healthy dose of legitimacy. Therefore, a comparative analysis of these two systems reveals the extent to which a complementary legal framework could be compatible and legitimate. The comparative analysis of the legitimacy of use of force in Public international law and Islamic international law includes examination of classical and contemporary sources to identify the existing legitimacy deficits of the two systems. The analysis follows on an inquiry into the the compatibility of these potentially two conflicting legal systems to complement each other. In this regard, the research expands on another inquiry into how the existing legitimacy deficits of the two systems could be overcome. Generally, this thesis seeks to address three fundamental and interrelated research questions, namely - (1) To what extent use of force in Public international law and Islamic international law is legitimate? (2) How the legitimacy deficits of Public international law and Islamic international law could be overcome? (3) Whether use of force in Public international law and Islamic international law can be compatible in modern world to secure higher degree of legitimacy

    Inhaled ciprofloxacin-loaded poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline) nanoparticle dry powder inhaler formulation for the management of lower respiratory tract infections

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    This project developed inhaled antibiotic-loaded polymer nanoparticulate dry powder inhaler (DPI) formulation for managing lower respiratory tract infections (LRTIs). It investigated the applicability of the formulated nanoparticles (NPs) for lung delivery to treat LRTIs. The thesis revealed that the developed DPI formulation could control respiratory pathogens at a very low dose of antibiotics and be safe for lung delivery