39 research outputs found

    Usporedno istraživanje terapijskog učinka antiseptično-antibiotske paste za lokalno liječenje digitalnog dermatitisa u mliječnih krava.

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    The present study was designed to evaluate the effificacy of the concomitant use of antiseptic paste with a reduced amount of broad spectrum antibiotic as an alternative topical treatment of digital dermatitis (DD) in dairy cows. Thirty Holstein-Friesian dairy cows with active DD lesions were selected randomly from 93 diseased cases. Cows were randomly allocated for three topical treatment trials (10 each) using antiseptic paste (3 g iodine, 2 g potassium iodine and 30 g zinc oxide/100 g), antibiotic paste (250 mg/ 3gm of cefazolin) and antiseptic-antibiotic paste, under a light bandage for 72 hours. The clinical index scores and case defifinition scores were assessed on day 0, pre-treatment, and at 7, 14, 21 and 28 days post-treatment. The group treated with antiseptic-antibiotic paste showed significantly decreased scores of lesion depth (P<0.05) and size (P<0.05) when compared with the groups treated with antiseptic or antibiotic paste on the 21 and 28 days posttreatment. Collectively, the summation of clinical index scores showed a significant decrease (P<0.05) in the group treated with the antiseptic-antibiotic combination compared with the antiseptic and antibiotic groups at 14 days post-treatment. By the 28th day, the recovery rates were 9/10, 5/10 and 4/10 for the groups treated with the antiseptic-antibiotic combination, antibiotic or antiseptic paste, respectively. In conclusion, our results suggest the clinically synergistic effect of the topical antiseptic-antibiotic combination, which appears to be an effective alternative treatment for DD in dairy cows, minimizing the amount of antibiotic residues.Istraživanje je provedeno radi procjene učinkovitosti istodobne primjene antiseptične paste sa smanjenom količinom antibiotika Å”irokog spektra kao alternative za lokalno liječenje digitalnog dermatitisa (DD) u mliječnih krava. Trideset mliječnih krava holÅ”tajnsko-frizijske pasmine s aktivnim DD nasumce je bilo izabrano iz skupine od 93 oboljelih. Krave su bile nasumce raspoređene u tri pokusne skupine po 10 životinja. Jedna skupina bila je liječena antiseptičnom pastom (3 g joda, 2 g kalijeva jodida i 30 g cinkova oksida/100 g), druga antibiotskom pastom (250 mg/3 gm cefazolina), a treća antiseptično-antibiotskom pastom. Sve su životinje bile s laganim zavojem tijekom 72 sata. Klinički bodovni indeks i rezultati za pojedini slučaj bili su procijenjeni 0-tog dana, tj. prije liječenja te 7., 14., 21. i 28. dana nakon liječenja. Skupina liječena antiseptično-antibiotskom pastom ocijenjena je sa značajno manjim brojem bodova 21. i 28. dana nakon liječenja s obzirom na dubinu (P<0,05) i veličinu (P<0,05) lezija u usporedbi sa skupinama koje su bile liječene antiseptičnom ili antibiotskom pastom. Zbroj kliničkog bodovnog indeksa bio je značajno smanjen (P<0,05) u skupini liječenoj antiseptičnoantibiotskom pastom u usporedbi s rezultatima za antiseptičnu ili antibiotsku skupinu 14. dana nakon liječenja. 28. dana broj oporavljenih u skupini liječenih antiseptično-antibiotskom pastom iznosio je 9/10, u skupini liječenih antibiotskom pastom bio je 5/10, a u skupini liječenih antiseptičnom pastom broj izliječenih bio je 4/10. Zaključno se može reći da rezultati upućuju na sinergistički učinak lokalno primijenjenog antiseptičnoantibiotskog pripravka Å”to se može rabiti za liječenje DD u mliječnih krava i za smanjenje količine rezidua

    Diagnosing and treating esophageal obstruction in camels (Camelus dromedarius)

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    Background and Aim: Esophageal obstruction is a common occurrence and a serious condition in camels. This study aimed to assess the effects of mineral deficiency on esophageal obstruction rates in dromedary camels and describe their clinical presentation and treatment outcomes. Materials and Methods: Twenty-eight camels were allocated to two groups. Group 1 (control) was composed of 10 sound camels. Group 2 included 18 camels with esophageal obstruction which were based on clinical and imaging evaluations. Hematobiochemical examinations in control and affected camels were compared and statistically analyzed. Results: In camels with esophageal obstruction when compared with controls, hematological analyses showed significant increases (p < 0.05) in neutrophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes, along with significantly decreased total white blood counts. Aspartate transaminase, alanine transaminase, alkaline phosphatase, creatine phosphokinase, glucose, albumin, creatinine, and blood urea nitrogen concentrations were significantly higher in affected camels when compared with controls. Furthermore, gamma-glutamyl transferase, globulin, sodium, chloride, cobalt, iron, manganese, and selenium concentrations were significantly reduced. Affected camels were treated by stomach tube or surgery and were completely recovered, except for one camel with an esophageal fistula. Conclusion: A lack of trace elements could have a significant role in esophageal obstruction in dromedaries. Clinical, ultrasonographic, and hematobiochemical evaluations are useful for the accurate diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of esophageal obstruction in camels

    siRNA blocking of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) attenuates pathology in annonacin-induced tauopathy in mice

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    Tauopathy is a pathological hallmark of many neurodegenerative diseases. It is characterized by abnormal aggregates of pathological phosphotau and somatodendritic redistribution. One suggested strategy for treating tauopathy is to stimulate autophagy, hence, getting rid of these pathological protein aggregates. One key controller of autophagy is mTOR. Since stimulation of mTOR leads to inhibition of autophagy, inhibitors of mTOR will cause stimulation of autophagy process. In this report, tauopathy was induced in mice using annonacin. Blocking of mTOR was achieved through stereotaxic injection of siRNA against mTOR. The behavioral and immunohistochemical evaluation revealed the development of tauopathy model as proven by deterioration of behavioral performance in open field test and significant tau aggregates in annonacin-treated mice. Blocking of mTOR revealed significant clearance of tau aggregates in the injected side; however, tau expression was not affected by mTOR blockage

    A comparison of surgical outcomes of perineal urethrostomy plus penile resection and perineal urethrostomy in twelve calves with perineal or prescrotal urethral dilatation

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    Abstract The clinical diagnosis, ultrasonographic findings, surgical management, outcome, and survival rate of perineal or prescrotal urethral dilatation in 12 male calves are described. All calves were crossbred and intact males. The most noticeable clinical presentations were perineal (n= 10) or prescrotal (n= 2) swellings and micturition problems. The main ultrasonographic findings were oval shaped dilatation of the urethra in all animals with dimensions of 40-75 X 30-62 mm. The calves with perineal urethral dilatation were treated by perineal urethrostomy (n= 4) and partial penile transection including the dilated urethra and urethral fistulation (n= 6). Prescrotal urethral dilatations were treated by penile transection proximal to the dilatation site (n= 2). Cystitis and stricture of the urethra were recorded postoperatively for two of the calves that underwent perineal urethrostomy. Nine animals were slaughtered at normal body weight approximately 6-8 months after the surgical treatment. Three animals were slaughtered after approximately three to four months, two of them having gained insufficient body weight. Our study shows that ultrasonography is a useful tool for the diagnosis of urethral dilatation in bovine calves. Our study also shows that the partial penile transection may be a suitable and satisfactory choice of surgical treatment for correcting the urethral dilatation in bovine calves

    Potential risk factors associated with ill-thrift in buffalo calves (Bubalus bubalis) raised at smallholder farms in Egypt

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    Failure to grow (ill-thrift) in calves has a negative effect on animal production and health. The present study was carried out from November, 2009 to May, 2013 to investigate the risk factors of ill-thrift in buffalo calves. A total of 344 calves at 78 smallholder farms were selected randomly. A questionnaire was designed to include managemental, nutritional and disease risk factors. Serum selenium, copper, zinc, iron, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium were measured. Data were subjected to logistic regression analysis and results were expressed as p value, odds ratio (OR) and confidence interval (CI). Fifty-five calves (15.9%) showed ill-thrift. On animal level, the final multivariate logistic regression model showed a significant association between ill-thrift and early weaning (pĀ <Ā 0.01; OR: 45.755; CI: 4.35ā€“480.25), diarrhea (pĀ <Ā 0.05; OR: 41.315; CI: 1.710ā€“998.0), indoor management (pĀ <Ā 0.05; OR: 63.56; CI: 2.701ā€“14.96) and low serum phosphorus (pĀ <Ā 0.01; 292.0; CI: 5.256ā€“16.23). On farm level, inadequate mineral supplementation (pĀ <Ā 0.001; OR: 18.62; CI: 3.89ā€“88.9) and irregular use of anthelmintics (pĀ <Ā 0.05; OR: 7.95; CI: 1.53ā€“41.23) were the potential factors. Clinically, ill-thrift calves were more likely to have alopecia (pĀ <Ā 0.01), recumbency (pĀ <Ā 0.01), emaciation (pĀ <Ā 0.001), hypothermia (pĀ <Ā 0.01), inappetance (pĀ <Ā 0.001), lacrimation (pĀ <Ā 0.001), hypomotile rumen (pĀ <Ā 0.001), and pale mucous membrane (pĀ <Ā 0.001). The results of the present study indicate that ill-thrift in buffalo calves could occur as a result of interaction between management errors and disease factors. Identification of the risk factors associated with ill-thrift may provide useful information, which assist to construct the suitable preventive measures

    Combination of vitamin A, E, C and volatile oils improves somatic cell counts status and antioxidant parameters in dairy cows

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    The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of supplementation with a combination of vitamins A, E, and C and volatile oils (SuperimmuneĀ®) on milk production, somatic cell count (SCC), and antioxidant parameters in dairy cows. For this purpose, 30 lactating Holstein cows were used at an early stage of lactation. The cows were randomly allocated to five groups (six each). The first group was supplemented daily with 20 ml of SuperimmuneĀ® (200,000 IU vit. A, 100mg vit E and 20mg vit. C, Eucalyptus oil, lavender oil, and peppermint oil). The second group was supplemented with 200,000 IU vit. A: third group with 100 mg vit. E), and the fourth group (20 mg vit. C. The fifth group was maintained without treatment (control). Milk production, somatic cell counts, and antioxidant parameters were measured before treatment and at one- and two-months post-treatment. Cows that received SuperimmuneĀ® showed a significant decrease in somatic cell count compared with the other groups at one-month post-treatment (p&lt;0.05) and onward. There was also a significant increase in total antioxidant capacity (TAC) (p&lt;0.01), glutathione reductase (GR) (p&lt;0.05), and glutathione-S-transferase (GST) (p&lt;0.01) in cows that received a combination compared to the other groups). However, there was a significant decrease in the malondialdehyde (MDA) levels (p&lt;0.01). Milk production showed a non-significant increase in cows receiving a combination of vitamins compared to the other groups. The results of the present study indicate that a combination of vitamins and volatile oils may have a better effect on somatic cell counts and milk antioxidant parameters in dairy cows than supplementation with a single vitamin. &nbsp

    Investigation on Post-parturient Hemoglobinuria (PPH) in Buffalo: A case Control Study

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    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Post-parturient hemoglobinuria is a non-infectious hemolytic metabolic disorder of buffalo and cattle characterized by intravascular hemolysis, anemia, and hemoglobinuria. It may be highly fatal, if not diagnosed rapidly and treated promptly. The present study determines the clinical and biochemical alterations as well as, the risk factors associated with PPH in buffalo in Egypt. Sixty-eight buffalo displaying symptoms of hemoglobinuria, along with 24 healthy buffalo for comparison were involved. Each animal participating in the study underwent a comprehensive clinical examination, and blood and urine samples were collected for further analysis. A questionnaire was designed for the hypothesized risk factors. To determine the risk factors at the animal level, the logistic regression model was utilized. Clinically, PPH-affected buffalo had much lower ruminant movements than healthy ones, meanwhile their respiratory and pulse rates dramatically increased. The serum levels of phosphorus (P), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD), and glutathione peroxidase (GPX) showed a significant decrease in PPH-affected buffalo (p&lt;0.05), whereas potassium (K), aspartate amino transferase (AST), alanine amino transferase (ALT), and glucose serum levels all demonstrated a significant increase. (p&lt;0.05) In the final logistic regression model, which was used to identify risk factors, there was a significant correlation between PPH and parity ā‰„4 (P&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.036,&nbsp;OR:&nbsp;3.76,&nbsp;95%&nbsp;CI:&nbsp;1.09-12.96), hypophosphatemia (P = 0.003, OR: 5.55, 95% CI: 1.78-17.27),&nbsp;and hypocalcaemia (P = 0.044, OR: 3.39, 95% CI: 1.03-11.15), on the animal level. In conclusion, PPHā€“affected buffalo may demonstrate several biochemical changes, as well as the identification of PPH-associated risk factors may provide a useful approach for the prevention and control of PPH in buffalo

    A Descriptive Study of the Carpal Joint of Healthy Donkeys Using Ultrasonography, Computed Tomography, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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    This study was conducted to establish a detailed anatomic reference for the carpal joint of apparently healthy donkeys using ultrasonography (US), computed tomographic (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Ten orthopedically sound adult donkeys were used for US examination of the carpal joint in each forelimb. Additionally, the carpi of ten donkey cadavers were subjected to CT and MRI examinations. The carpal joint was divided into four zones to simplify examination. US assessment of the carpal joint included transverse and longitudinal sonograms. CT was performed using three planes: axial, sagittal, and coronal. MRI was performed using axial and sagittal planes with two sequences: gradient-echo T1-weighted and proton density. The donkeysā€™ carpus US, CT, and MRI images were labeled and serially interpreted based on references and anatomical cross-sections. The anatomical characteristics of the carpal joint and the surrounding soft tissue structures were thoroughly described and precisely differentiated on US, CT, and MRI scans. It can be concluded that US, CT, and MRI are effective noninvasive diagnostic imaging tools for evaluating the carpal joint in donkeys. Moreover, these imaging modalities can aid in establishing a reference database for the carpal joint of donkeys, which differs from that of horses