70 research outputs found

    A simple and efficient feedback control strategy for wastewater denitrification

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    Due to severe mathematical modeling and calibration difficulties open-loop feedforward control is mainly employed today for wastewater denitrification, which is a key ecological issue. In order to improve the resulting poor performances a new model-free control setting and its corresponding "intelligent" controller are introduced. The pitfall of regulating two output variables via a single input variable is overcome by introducing also an open-loop knowledge-based control deduced from the plant behavior. Several convincing computer simulations are presented and discussed.Comment: IFAC 2017 World Congress, Toulouse, Franc

    Towards a better control of the wastewater treatment process: excitation-emission matrix fluorescence spectroscopy of dissolved organic matter as a predictive tool of soluble BOD5 in influents of six Parisian wastewater treatment plants

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    The online monitoring of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in raw sewage water is expected to better control wastewater treatment processes. Fluorescence spectroscopy offers one possibility for both the online and real-time monitoring of DOM, especially as regards the DOM biodegradability assessment. In this study, three-dimensional fluorescence spectroscopy combined with a parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) has been investigated as a predictive tool of the soluble biological oxygen demand in 5 days (BOD5) for raw sewage water. Six PARAFAC components were highlighted in 69 raw sewage water samples: C2, C5, and C6 related to humic-like compounds, along with C1, C3, and C4 related to protein-like compounds. Since the PARAFAC methodology is not available for online monitoring, a peak-picking approach based on maximum excitation-emission (Ex-Em) localization of the PARAFAC components identified in this study has been used. A good predictive model of soluble BOD5 using fluorescence spectroscopy parameters was obtained (r (2) = 0.846, adjusted r (2) = 0.839, p < 0.0001). This model is quite straightforward, easy to automate, and applicable to the operational field of wastewater treatment for online monitoring purposes

    An environmentally friendly surrogate method for measuring the soluble chemical oxygen demand in wastewater: use of three-dimensional excitation and emission matrix fluorescence spectroscopy in wastewater treatment monitoring

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    International audienceGaining rapid knowledge of dissolved organic matter (DOM) proves to be decisive for wastewater treatment plant operators in efforts to achieve good treatment efficiency in light of current legislation. DOM can be monitored by application of fluorescence spectroscopy both online and in real time in order to derive an assessment of DOM oxidation potential. This work presents an eco-friendly alternative method for measuring the soluble chemical oxygen demand (COD) in raw sewage by means of three-dimensional fluorescence spectroscopy. A peak-picking approach has been developed based on a previous parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) model dedicated to Paris raw sewage. Fluorescence spectroscopy parameters were used to obtain a good prediction model of soluble COD (r(2) = 0.799; p < 0.0001; n = 80) for raw sewage. The approach employed in this study serves as a guideline for purposes of implementing online wastewater monitoring and conducting environmentally friendly soluble COD measurements in the laboratory

    Inhibition de la digestion anaérobie : cas de l'acide propionique

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    International audienceEn rĂ©ponse Ă  la loi relative Ă  la transition Ă©nergĂ©tique pour la croissance verte (17/08/2015),imposant une valorisation des rĂ©sidus d’épuration des eaux usĂ©es (boues urbaines), c’est la digestion anaĂ©robie qui est souvent choisie. Cette transformation microbienne de matiĂšres organiques en absence d’oxygĂšne, conduit principalement Ă  l’obtention de mĂ©thane (CH4), dioxyde de carbone (CO2) et digestats. De nombreux micro-organismes parmi les bactĂ©ries et les archĂ©es la catalysent et elle peut ĂȘtre mise en Ɠuvre relativement aisĂ©ment Ă  Ă©chelle industrielle.Du fait de la composition intrinsĂšque des boues urbaines, des inhibitions peuvent ĂȘtreobservĂ©es, et ce, simultanĂ©ment Ă  une accumulation de l’acide propionique, lui-mĂȘme sousproduit de la digestion anaĂ©robie. L’objectif de ce travail Ă©tait de quantifier l’effet de l’acide propionique sur la digestion anaĂ©robie.Des incubations en microcosmes de digestion anaĂ©robie ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es, avec ajout d’acide propionique Ă  concentrations croissantes (de 31 Ă  6000 mg/L) au point de temps initial. Lesvolumes de CH4 produit ainsi que la composition des communautĂ©s microbiennes par metabarcoding d’ARNr 16S ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ©s. A partir d’une concentration de 1000 mg/L, la production de mĂ©thane Ă©tait retardĂ©e mais augmentĂ©e par rapport au contrĂŽle. L’ajout de la concentration la plus Ă©levĂ©e s’est rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©toxique et a stoppĂ© la production de CH4. De plus, un effet sur la composition des communautĂ©s microbiennes a pu ĂȘtre observĂ© dans le cas d’une inhibition lĂ©gĂšre. Des taxons bactĂ©riens Ă©taientfavorisĂ©s par les concentrations importantes d’acide propionique. C’est notamment le cas de bactĂ©ries acĂ©togĂšnes productrices obligatoires d’hydrogĂšne, OHPA. En revanche, d’autrestaxons archĂ©es Ă©taient dĂ©favorisĂ©s, tel que Methanosfastidiosum. Ces rĂ©sultats encouragent Ă  poursuivre les investigations pour dĂ©finir des bio-indicateurs d’inhibition de la digestion anaĂ©robie

    Inhibition de la digestion anaérobie : cas de l'acide propionique

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    International audienceEn rĂ©ponse Ă  la loi relative Ă  la transition Ă©nergĂ©tique pour la croissance verte (17/08/2015),imposant une valorisation des rĂ©sidus d’épuration des eaux usĂ©es (boues urbaines), c’est la digestion anaĂ©robie qui est souvent choisie. Cette transformation microbienne de matiĂšres organiques en absence d’oxygĂšne, conduit principalement Ă  l’obtention de mĂ©thane (CH4), dioxyde de carbone (CO2) et digestats. De nombreux micro-organismes parmi les bactĂ©ries et les archĂ©es la catalysent et elle peut ĂȘtre mise en Ɠuvre relativement aisĂ©ment Ă  Ă©chelle industrielle.Du fait de la composition intrinsĂšque des boues urbaines, des inhibitions peuvent ĂȘtreobservĂ©es, et ce, simultanĂ©ment Ă  une accumulation de l’acide propionique, lui-mĂȘme sousproduit de la digestion anaĂ©robie. L’objectif de ce travail Ă©tait de quantifier l’effet de l’acide propionique sur la digestion anaĂ©robie.Des incubations en microcosmes de digestion anaĂ©robie ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es, avec ajout d’acide propionique Ă  concentrations croissantes (de 31 Ă  6000 mg/L) au point de temps initial. Lesvolumes de CH4 produit ainsi que la composition des communautĂ©s microbiennes par metabarcoding d’ARNr 16S ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ©s. A partir d’une concentration de 1000 mg/L, la production de mĂ©thane Ă©tait retardĂ©e mais augmentĂ©e par rapport au contrĂŽle. L’ajout de la concentration la plus Ă©levĂ©e s’est rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©toxique et a stoppĂ© la production de CH4. De plus, un effet sur la composition des communautĂ©s microbiennes a pu ĂȘtre observĂ© dans le cas d’une inhibition lĂ©gĂšre. Des taxons bactĂ©riens Ă©taientfavorisĂ©s par les concentrations importantes d’acide propionique. C’est notamment le cas de bactĂ©ries acĂ©togĂšnes productrices obligatoires d’hydrogĂšne, OHPA. En revanche, d’autrestaxons archĂ©es Ă©taient dĂ©favorisĂ©s, tel que Methanosfastidiosum. Ces rĂ©sultats encouragent Ă  poursuivre les investigations pour dĂ©finir des bio-indicateurs d’inhibition de la digestion anaĂ©robie

    Monitoring freshwater fish communities in large rivers using environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding and a long‐term electrofishing survey (1990-2018)

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    International audienceMonitoring freshwater fish communities in a large human-impacted river is a challenging task. The structure of fish assemblages has been monitored yearly in the Marne and the Seine Rivers, across the Paris conurbation, France, using traditional electrofishing (EF) surveys since 1990, in accordance with the European Water Framework Directive. in addition, metabarcoding of DNA extracted from environmental samples (eDNA) was concomitantly conducted in nine sampling sites in 2017 and in 2018 to compare the estimates of species richness and relative abundance among three methods: annual, long-term EF monitoring and eDNA. The present study confirms better detection of fish species using eDNA compared to annual EF. eDNA metabarcoding was also more efficient for species detection than a 3–6-year EF survey but was similar or less efficient than a long-term EF survey of 14 years of monitoring. In addition, the numbers of reads per species relative to the total number of reads significantly increased with (a) increasing relative abundance (relative percentage of individuals caught per species) and (b) increasing number of years that a fish species was detected during the 2000–2018 period. These results suggest that eDNA could reflect local population persistence

    QTL detection for forage biomass of alfalfa in mixture with a forage grass

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    The agronomic and environmental value of forage grass - legume mixtures has been proved but legume breeding is still mostly conductedin monoculture. A progeny of 200 F1 individuals obtained from two alfalfa parents (H1 and G4) contrasting by aerial morphology wasevaluated for biomass and plant height under two cropping conditions in micro-sward (mixture with tall fescue and monoculture) for 8consecutive cuts. Phenotypic data showed a large variation among individuals for all traits in all cuts. The correlation between traitsrecorded in mixture and in monoculture was positive but the large variation around the correlation indicated that some genotypes wererelatively more performant either in mixture or in monoculture. A genetic map of each parent was obtained from SSR and DArT markers,by using the TetraploidMap software. QTL were found on each parent and each linkage group (LG). Most QTL were common to mixture andmonoculture (LG 1 of H1; LG 1, 2 and 4 of G4) but some QTL were specific to the mixture condition (LG 3 and 7 of H1, LG 6 of G4). Theseresults indicate a partial common genetic control for biomass in mixture and monoculture but also highlight a specific genetic controlfor performance in mixture. To create alfalfa varieties adapted to monoculture and mixed cropping conditions, both common and specificQTL for biomass could be used
