779 research outputs found


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    Susu nabati merupakan produk alternatif sebagai pengganti susu hewani. Susu nnabati dianggap lebih baik daripada susu hewani karena memiliki komposisi lemak jenuh dan kalori yang lebih rendah daripada susu hewani. Konsumen memilih produk nabati dengan pertimbangan kesehatan, kepedulian terhadap hewan dan lingkungan, serta intoleransi laktosa. Penelitian mengenai senyawa bioaktif yang terkandung pada bahan pangan nabati banyak dilakukan untuk meningkatkan nilai dari susu nabati. Sumber bahan nabati yang berasal dari kacang-kacangan dan polong-polongan diketahui mengandung sejumlah senyawa bioaktif yang memberikan efek positif terhadap kesehatan manusia. Tujuan penulisan kajian ini adalah untuk memaparkan berbagai informasi terkait senyawa bioaktif yang terkandung pada berbagai susu nabati berbahan dasar kacang-kacangan dan polong-polongan, seperti peptida bioaktif, lipid bioaktif, isoflavon, fitosterol, dan tokoferol. Ulasan akan dikembangkan pada peranan positif senyawa tersebut terhadap kesehatan tubuh. Susu nabati dapat memberikan efek kesehatan yang bermanfaat sebagai antioksidan pada sistem kekebalan tubuh dan mengurangi risiko penyakit kardiovaskular

    Nachweis von Mutationen des MYD88-Gens in primären intraokulären B-Zell-Lymphomen

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    Das intraokuläre oder vitreoretinale Lymphom stellt diagnostisch eine große Herausforderung dar, da es klinisch nur schwierig von der wesentlich häufigeren Uveitis abzugrenzen ist und die spezielle anatomische Situation üblicherweise nur die Gewinnung von spärlich zytologischem Material erlaubt. Laut WHO-Klassifikation zählt das intraokuläre Lymphom zu den Lymphomen des zentralen Nervensystems, mit denen es eine auffallend hohe Assoziation aufweist. Lymphome dieser Bereiche, die zu den sogenannten immunprivilegierten Bereichen zählen, unterscheiden sich in ihrem genetischen Profil häufig signifikant von nodalen diffus großzelligen B-Zell-Lymphomen. Im Rahmen dieser Studie wurde deswegen die Mutationsfrequenz der MYD88 L265P-Mutation in intraokulären Lymphomen untersucht, da in Lymphomen des zentralen Nervensystems eine erhöhte Frequenz dieser Mutation - verglichen mit nodalen Lymphomen - nachgewiesen werden konnte. Diagnostisch konnte unter Einbeziehung dieser Mutationsanalyse eine Sensitivitätssteigerung von 62% auf 90,5% erzielt werden, weswegen die Analyse der MYD88 L265P-Mutation künftig in die Diagnostik intraokulärer Lymphome aufgenommen wird

    Surface disinfections: present and future

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    The propagation of antibiotic resistance increases the chances of major infections for patients during hospitalization and the spread of health related diseases. Therefore finding new and effective solutions to prevent the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms is critical, in order to protect hospital environment, such as the surfaces of biomedical devices. Modern nanotechnology has proven to be an effective countermeasure to tackle the threat of infections. On this note, recent scientific breakthroughs have demonstrated that antimicrobial nanomaterials are effective in preventing pathogens from developing resistance. Despite the ability to destroy a great deal of bacteria and control the outbreak of infections, nanomaterials present many other advantages. Moreover, it is unlikely for nanomaterials to develop resistance due to their multiple and simultaneous bactericidal mechanisms. In recent years, science has explored more complex antimicrobial coatings and nanomaterials based on graphene have shown great potential in antibacterial treatment. The purpose of this article is to deepen the discussion on the threat of infections related to surface disinfection and to assess the state of the art and potential solutions, with specific focus on disinfection procedures using nanomaterials

    DATACLUB 2007-2008: i CAT in Italia

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    -DATACLUB nasce nel marzo 1999 come evoluzione naturale di esperienze realizzate in modo pi? o meno compiuto e sistematico, sia in ambito nazionale (Progetto VALCAT) che regionale, tutte volte al medesimo fine: promuovere, realizzare e valutare un metodo attendibile di ricerca sulla qualit? e l\u27efficacia del lavoro dei Club. Tale progetto ? stato sempre sostenuto dallo stesso fondatore del metodo, il prof. Hudolin, il quale riteneva indispensabile l\u27organizzazione da parte dei Club di ricerche valutative sul lavoro svolto, attraverso la creazione di una Banca Dati da cui trarre le informazioni essenziali riguardanti i Club. La collaborazione con la Sezione di Epidemiologia e Ricerca sui Servizi Sanitari dell\u27Istituto di Fisiologia Clinica - CNR di Pisa nasce nel 2005 con la realizzazione condivisa di due schede di raccolta dati: una rivolta ai servitori-insegnanti l\u27altra ai componenti familiari, da compilarsi ogni anno. Questo tipo di raccolta dati ha permesso di superare il limite della precedente modalit?, basata su dati aggregati per Club, rendendo cos? possibile monitorare e approfondire gli aspetti salienti dei Club e delle persone che li frequentano. Il CNR si ? quindi occupato della creazione del software "Sistema Questionari AICAT" per l\u27inserimento dei dati raccolti. Tale sistema ? stato progettato e realizzato in modo da consentire l\u27inserimento dei dati via web, scegliendo di presentare come interfaccia il formato cartaceo del questionario, per semplificare l\u27inserimento dei dati. Questa attivit? ? stata effettuata dai membri dei Club, precedentemente autorizzati dai Presidenti delle ARCAT di appartenenza, ai quali sono state fornite una login ed una password di accesso. Al termine della fase d\u27inserimento di entrambe le tipologie di questionario, si ? proceduto all\u27esportazione dei dati a livello regionale (attraverso la login e la password, specificatamente assegnate, ? possibile scaricare i dati a livello regionale), al controllo dei dati inseriti e alla definizione del database cos? da consentire l\u27elaborazione statistica. Il Report sui dati del progetto DATACLUB relativo agli anni 2007 e 2008 ? un lavoro che permette di offrire una radiografia pi? aggiornata sul lavoro dei Club, fatto di dati essenziali, certamente non esaustivi sia rispetto alla collocazione geografica dei CAT sia soprattutto rispetto a tutte le variabili che sono in gioco quando una ricerca interessa non tanto comportamenti e stili di vita di singole persone, ma di sistemi di varia complessit? come la famiglia e la comunit? locale

    The diachronic development of Debussy’s musical style: a corpus study with Discrete Fourier Transform

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    Claude Debussy’s personal style is typically characterised as a departure from earlier diatonic tonality, including a greater variety of pitch-class materials organised in fragmented yet coherent compositions. Exploiting the music-theoretical interpretability of Discrete Fourier Transforms over pitch-class distributions, we performed a corpus study over Debussy’s solo-piano works in order to investigate the diachronic development of such stylistic features across the composer’s lifespan. We propose quantitative heuristics for the prevalence of different pitch-class prototypes, the fragmentation of a piece across different prototypes, as well as some aspect of the overall coherence of a piece. We found strong evidence for a decrease of diatonicity in favour of octatonicity, as well as for an increase of fragmentation accompanied by non-decreasing coherence. These results contribute to the understanding of the historical development of extended-tonal harmony, while representing a fertile testing ground for the interaction of computational corpus-based methods with traditional music analytical approaches

    What about TSH and anti-thyroid antibodies in patients with autoimmune thyroiditis and celiac disease using a gluten-free diet? A systematic review

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    The prevalence of celiac disease (CD) in patients with chronic autoimmune thyroiditis (CAIT) is estimated to be between 2 and 7.8%. A gluten-free diet (GFD) in patients with CD is suggested to have a beneficial effect on CAIT. Thus, the present systematic review was undertaken to achieve more robust evidence about the change in thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and thyroid-specific antibodies (T-Ab) levels obtained in CD patients following a GFD. A specific search strategy was planned. The last search was performed on March 2022. The following data were mainly searched for in order to be extracted: sample size, mean and/or median with standard deviation (SD), and error (SE), individually, of thyroid hormones and T-Ab at baseline and after GFD, and the duration of the study. The initial search retrieved 297 records and 6 articles met the inclusion criteria. In total, 50 patients with both CD and CAIT and 45 controls were reported. The effects of a GFD on the thyroid hormonal and immunological profile could be extracted only in a part of the studies. Two studies were case reports. A low risk of bias was observed. These findings advise further studies, ideally randomized, in order to better investigate the potential relationship between GFD and thyroid homeostasis. The level of evidence is not still sufficient to recommend GFD to patients with CAIT

    Links Between Painting and Neurology: The Example of Dementia.

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    Art is a system of human communication arising from symbolic cognition, conveying ideas, experiences, and feelings. The goal of this review is to describe the link between painting and dementia. Individuals with neurodegenerative diseases inevitably experience cognitive dysfunction that has the potential to limit and impair the artist's ability to realize their creative and expressive intentions through painting. The strategy to advance our understanding of the neural bases for art is to map locations and nature of neural damage to changes onto artistic production

    Design and prototyping of a family of OLED luminaires for indoor environmental applications: results from the ODALINE project

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    Results of the project ‘ODALINE’ (OLED Devices Application in Luminaires for Interior and Exterior lighting) are presented. A team of academic and industrial partners worked together to design and manufacture a family of OLED luminaires. The project went through the following phases: i) analysis of the state-of-the-art of OLED technology; ii) identification of scenarios and application fields for OLED-based lighting systems and definition of requirements and performances expected for each scenario; iii) definition of the concept of new OLED lighting systems and development of their preliminary design; iv) executive design and manufacturing of some prototypes. After the identification of the most suitable OLED unit and of the application scenarios, the concept of the new luminaires was conceived: the luminaires rely on a suitable aggregation of a base module (consisting of an array of 6 OLED units, measuring 30 cm ∗ 20 cm) to provide systems with enhanced properties in terms of high efficiency, high quality light and flexibility as the luminaires can be combined to respond to different lighting tasks for indoor environmental applications. Final output of the research project was the manufacturing of three prototypes: a suspended luminaire (6 basic modules), a free-standing luminaire (4 basic modules) and a task lighting luminaire (1 module). The power supply system, consistently with the general concept, was developed for a single module rather than for the whole luminaire. Its architecture was conceived to allow the control of the luminaire (switching on/off, dimming) through the DALI digital protocol. Furthermore, some secondary optics were conceived and designed to concentrate the Lambertian light output and to increase the utilization factor of the flux

    Tick-borne encephalitis affects sleep-wake behavior and locomotion in infant rats.

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    BACKGROUND/AIMS Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is a disease affecting the central nervous system. Over the last decade, the incidence of TBE has steadily increased in Europe and Asia despite the availably of effective vaccines. Up to 50% of patients after TBE suffer from post-encephalitic syndrome that may develop into long-lasting morbidity. Altered sleep-wake functions have been reported by patients after TBE. The mechanisms causing these disorders in TBE are largely unknown to date. As a first step toward a better understanding of the pathology of TBEV-inducing sleep dysfunctions, we assessed parameters of sleep structure in an established infant rat model of TBE. METHODS 13-day old Wistar rats were infected with 1 × 106 FFU Langat virus (LGTV). On day 4, 9, and 21 post infection, Rotarod (balance and motor coordination) and open field tests (general locomotor activity) were performed and brains from representative animals were collected in each subgroup. On day 28 the animals were implanted with a telemetric EEG/EMG system. Sleep recording was continuously performed for 24 consecutive hours starting at day 38 post infection and visually scored for Wake, NREM, and REM in 4 s epochs. RESULTS As a novelty of this study, infected animals showed a significant larger percentage of time spend awake during the dark phase and less NREM and REM compared to the control animals (p < 0.01 for all comparisons). Furthermore, it was seen, that during the dark phase the wake bout length in infected animals was prolonged (p = 0.043) and the fragmentation index decreased (p = 0.0085) in comparison to the control animals. LGTV-infected animals additionally showed a reduced rotarod performance ability at day 4 (p = 0.0011) and day 9 (p = 0.0055) and day 21 (p = 0.0037). A lower locomotor activity was also seen at day 4 (p = 0.0196) and day 9 (p = 0.0473). CONCLUSION Our data show that experimental TBE in infant rats affects sleep-wake behavior, leads to decreased spontaneous locomotor activity, and impaired moto-coordinative function