5 research outputs found

    Depth distribution in relation to latitude.

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    <p>Mean (± SD) leatherback turtle dive depth (solid and dotted blue and red lines), mean annual thermocline (gray) and nutricline (black) depth in relation to latitude (1° bins) in the a) North Atlantic (NA), and b) Eastern Pacific (EP).</p

    Frequency distributions of leatherback travel speeds.

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    <p>Speeds for turtles harness tagged on the nesting beach in a) the North Atlantic (NA) (n = 13), and b) Eastern Pacific (EP) (n = 46). The speeds for the three main migratory strategies of North Atlantic leatherbacks c) round-trip (n = 11), e) northern (n = 4) and f) equatorial (n = 3), compared with d) the single coastal forager of the EP leatherbacks.</p

    Frequency distribution of percent modal transiting speed for leatherback turtles.

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    <p>Speeds as a percentage of the modal transiting speed in the a) North Atlantic (NA) (modal transiting speed = 37.5 km d<sup>−1</sup>), and b) Eastern Pacific (EP) (modal transiting speed = 21 km d<sup>−1</sup>), showing the bimodal and unimodal distributions respectively.</p