60 research outputs found

    Study of the performance of disinfection with sodium hypochlorite on a full-scale sewage treatment plant

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    A full-scale sewage treatment plant was investigated to assess the performance of the disinfection stage. Sodium hypochlorite was used as a disinfectant agent and the process efficiency was evaluated by E.coli removal. The research took place over a period of two years in order to evaluate the effect of retention time (t) and residual chlorine (Cr) under different seasonal conditions. The effectiveness of E.coli removal with sodium hypochlorite proved to be strictly dependent on the factor CR t (product of residual chlorine with the contact time). The regression line of the experimental points was, on the whole, well comparable with the model proposed by Collins, especially in the field of CRt lower than 30 mg L-1 min

    Thermal behavior of a semibatch reactor during upset conditions as a function of dosing and temperature controller type

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    In fine chemical industries, potentially runaway reactions are often carried out in semibatch reactors to better control the heat evolution. For such processes, an uncontrolled temperature increase can trigger secondary undesired reactions or, worse, decompositions of the reacting mixture with consequent reactor pressurization and, eventually, physical explosion. For this reason, during years, it has been tried to simulate how a runaway phenomenon evolves as a consequence of a number of upset operating conditions: e.g. dosing errors, cooling system failure or external fire. In this work, a dedicated software has been developed and used to simulate a dosing error occurring during an industrial synthesis. Particularly, it has been analyzed the effect of the different industrial temperature control modes (isoperibolic and isothermal) and their related controller parameters onto the time evolution of the main process variables. Theoretical simulations have shown that dif-ferent scenarios can arise as a function of these control features

    Influence of Ground on Jet Fire Extension

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    A common accident in the industrial process industry is the puncturing of storage tanks or rupture of process pipelines containing gases. In these scenarios, the gas will escape the piece of equipment producing a single-phase gas jet. If the fluid is flammable, an ignition source is most probably encountered during the accidental scenario and a jet-fire can follow the leak. Free jets of hazardous gases and free jet-fires have been extensively analyzed in the past literature to assess their shape and extension for safety purposes. Similar analyses have been conducted to observe the effect on shape/extension of neutral jets if obstacles were present. Also, the effect of the ground proximity to the jet source has been studied. In general, the presence of obstacles and the proximity to the ground lead to enlarged hazardous areas, mainly because of the Coanda effect. In this work, flammable jets igniting and forming a jet-fire were considered. The effect of the ground proximity was analyzed, to observe the extension of the flame. Two opposed phenomena were supposed to act on the fire, differently from non-ignited jets: the Coanda effect having an attractive nature towards the ground and the buoyancy effect on the opposite direction. The relevant methane jet-fires case study was considered carrying out computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations using the Fire Dynamics Simulator software. The study considered both the jet source height from the ground and the gas relief flowrate effects. CFD results were summarized basing on simple dimensionless parameters to determine the eventual variation of jet-fire extension for preliminary safety analyses

    Integrating Recursive Operability Analysis with Different Risk Assessment Methods: Analysis of the Historical Bp American Refinery Explosion

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    The British Petroleum (BP) American Refinery accident, back in 2005, was one of the most severe explosions recorded in any industrial accident database. According to both the reconstruction and the interviews with the company, it was found that the causes of the accident where both technical, with the failure of a level controller, which was also badly designed for the isomerization unit, and human, with a very stressed and undersized personnel. In this work, a Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) based on the Recursive Operability Analysis (ROA), as hazards and accidental scenarios identification tool, was performed on the unit (BP isomerization unit) involved in the accident. The analysis was carried out exploiting many different techniques, to provide a proper assessment. The quantification of all node-deviation-variables (necessary to establish the real behaviour of the system) was performed by implementing the BP plant in CoCo simulator. Basic events were identified using a simplified Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA). Then, the magnitude of fire and explosion was estimated basing on the simulation results provided by the ALOHA software. Finally, a Fault Tree Analysis for the BP isomerization unit was performed, quantifying the probability of occurrence of all the most credible scenarios. Probabilities, magnitudes, and risk indexes (function of the distance with respect to the source point) were also estimated. From the analysis, the importance of redundant measurements of the most crucial variables, such as liquid level, and the impact of human errors was highlighted

    Analysis of the Common Ignition Sources in the Milling Industry

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    In the summer of 2007, in Fossano, Italy, one of the most catastrophic and famous dust explosions in Italy, caused by flour dust, occurred in Molino Cordero, a historic cereal milling and flour storage plant. The explosion happened during the pneumatic unloading operation of a tank truck, previously accidentally overfilled. Five people lost their lives, and the building was partially destroyed by the powerful explosion. The forensic reconstruction and investigation of this accident were carried out years after the explosion. This paper has presented an assessment of the main potential ignition sources that can be expected in a flour mill, taking into account the typical equipment that is normally installed in this process. The target is to provide the employer and the users of flour mill plants with basic information that can be helpful in carrying out the specific explosion risk assessment, necessary for every single process. Possible improvements, which could be implemented to reduce the risk of explosion to a tolerable level, will be highlighted

    Recovery from Transient Global Amnesia Following Restoration of Hippocampal and Fronto–Cingulate Perfusion

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    A patient who suffered a transient global amnesia (TGA) attack underwent regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) SPECT imaging and neuropsychological testing in the acute phase, after one month and after one year. Neuropsychological testing in the acute phase showed a pattern of anterograde and retrograde amnesia, whereas memory was within age normal limits at follow up. SPECT data were analysed with a within subject comparison and also compared with those of a group of healthy controls. Within subject comparison between the one month follow up and the acute phase detected increases in rCBF in the hippocampus bilaterally; further rCBF increases in the right hippocampus were detected after one year. Compared to controls, significant hypoperfusion was found in the right precentral, cingulate and medial frontal gyri in the acute phase; after one month significant hypoperfusion was detected in the right precentral and cingulate gyri and the left postcentral gyrus; after one year no significant hypoperfusion appeared. The restoration of memory was paralleled by rCBF increases in the hippocampus and fronto-limbic-parietal cortex; after one year neither significant rCBF differences nor cognitive deficits were detectable. In conclusion, these data indicate that TGA had no long lasting cognitive and neural alterations in this patient

    Investigation of the PI Control Parameters on the Low Temperature Synthesis of 2-octanone

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    Temperature control is probably the most important factor that influences a chemical reaction yield, in particular when working with strongly exothermic reactions. The oxidation of 2-octanol to 2-octanone is a well-known two phase (liquid-liquid) oxidation reaction, and it suffers of yield loss due to side reactions that lead to further oxidation to a mixture of carboxylic acids. As the reaction is exothermic, controlling the reactor temperature is extremely important for a safe operation. A temperature control naturally induces fluctuations within the system, which can impact the kinetics of the desired reaction. The aim of this work is to investigate the impact of the Proportional-Integral temperature controller parameters on the conversion to 2-octanone. The reaction is carried out in a semi-batch reactor, dosing 2-octanol on a solution of nitric acid. The production of nitrosonium ion is promoted by adding sodium nitrite to the nitric acid. The reaction is carried out with high stirring speed, in order to work under full chemical control regime, avoiding the effect of material diffusion between the two phases. Several simulations were done referring to an Easymax™ 402 Workstation (Mettler Toledo) under an isothermal temperature control mode. Target temperatures were chosen in the -15 - 15 °C range. The proportional parameter was tested in the range of 5-15, and the integral parameter was kept in the range of 60-600 s. Results showed that runaway boundaries are significatively affected by the values of the temperature controller parameters, highlighting how it is fundamental a calorimetric investigation of the process in view of a safe process optimization

    Study of the Electric Spark and Combustion Characteristic Times in a Mike 3 Apparatus

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    Understanding how dust can ignite and explode in an industrial contest is an important and complex task, and much of the work around this is mainly performed via experimental measurements, in accordance to specific standards. However, those same properties are straightforwardly closely related to the nature of the experimental tests. Among these, the Minimum Ignition Energy (MIE) of a dust cloud, that is usually measured in a MIKE 3 apparatus, can be affected by several factors, as: delay time of the electric spark with respect to the dust-air dispersion formation inside the apparatus, dust concentration, humidity content, dust granulometry, etc. The delay time is one of the worst parameters to adjust, because the fluid-dynamics of the dust-air mixture inside the tube is not easily predictable. Within this work, a study on the characteristic times of all the relevant phenomena occurring within a MIKE 3 apparatus was done by means of slow-motion videos of the tests. Particularly, three different characteristic times were compared referring to a given sample of niacin dust: dust lifting and settling times, effective spark delay time (that is, the time at which the spark is visible) and combustion time (that is, the time at which the flame is visible). According to the results, the effective delay time is almost always quite different with respect to the theoretical one, influencing the effective concentration of dust between the electrodes and, finally, the possibility to have a flame ignition or not within the apparatus. This means that the value of the MIE parameter can be profoundly influenced by the effective delay. Keywords: Process Safety; Dust Explosions; Minimum Ignition Energy; Spark Dela

    Predictive Models for the Estimation of the Minimum Ignition Energy of Polydisperse Organic Dusts

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    The process industry is a sector characterized by the sale of 50 % of its products in the form of powder and in which 80 % of the goods generated are made through a production system that involves the use of a powder. This sector massively employs solid materials and, using operations such as material transport, crushing, screening, sanding, trimming, feeding tanks and bins, storage of granular materials and many other activities, is very often characterized by the collateral emission of dusts. A similar scenario makes the risk of a dust explosion one of the major concerns of the process industry. In this context, to ensure the safety of people and infrastructures, it is crucial to obtain the parameters that characterize the explosiveness of the dust. Actually, these parameters are all determined experimentally, involving large economic costs, technical difficulties, and long dead times. This work focused on the estimation of one of these parameters, the Minimum Ignition Energy (MIE), which is considered to be one of the most important to assess the probability of having a dust explosion. Therefore, starting from the experimental test within a 1.2 L Hartmann tube, two new versions of a mathematical model capable of predicting the MIE for an organic powder were proposed. The models characterize the powder analysed through its particle size distribution and a few chemical-physical characteristics obtained from literature. Six organic powders were selected to validate the model (aspirin, cork, corn starch, sugar d50=135 µm, sugar d50=34 µm and wheat flour), with the intention of comparing the theoretical data obtained with literature experimental ones

    Study of the Interaction Between a High-pressure Jet and Horizontal Tanks Using CFD

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    Accidental high-pressure flammable gas releases are among the most relevant hazards in the process safety, and consequences could be severe. In the recent decades, there have been numerous efforts to study high-pressure jets in open field (i.e., free jets). Easy-to-use mathematical models have been developed, to rapidly assess the main physical variables involved in safety evaluations. However, in a realistic scenario, the accidental leak may involve either the ground or a piece of equipment. As demonstrated by recent works, when a jet interacts with an obstacle, its behavior can significantly change. Therefore, the mathematical models extrapolated for the free jet scenario could be a source of incorrect predictions. Focusing on the scenario of an accidental high-pressure unignited flammable jet, this work shows how the presence of one or two obstacles, placed at a different distance from the source of the leak, can influence the lower flammability limit cloud extent of methane. Varying the height of the source term, the effect of the interaction among the jet, both the obstacles, and the ground was systematically studied through a Computational Fluid Dynamics analysis
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