2,021 research outputs found

    Characterization of the cylinderical split internal-loop photobioreactor with scenedesmus microalgae: Advanced culturing, modeling, and hydrodynamics

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    Microalgae are fast growing photoynthetic microorganisms and it have very wide range of industrial applications such as biofuels and wastewater treatment. These cells can be grown in a wide variety of systems ranging from open culture systems (e.g., ponds) to closed culture systems of photobioreactor (e.g., airlift). The open culture systems exist in the external environment, and hence, are not intrinsically controllable. However, the microalgae production in enclosed photobioreactors faces prohibitively high production costs with special difficulty in reactor design and scale-up. The light availability and utilization efficiency in the photobioreactor in terms of design and scale-up consider as the major problem in this system. It has been found that hydrodynamics and mixing can significantly improve the biomass yield by enhanced the light use efficiency. However, the hydrodynamics analysis, and their interacts with photosynthesis in real culturing system is remain unclear. The overall objective of this study is to advance the understanding of hydrodynamics’ role in the photosynthesis and thus the photobioreactor performance. The local flow dynamics in a split internal-loop photobioreactor were study by applied a sophisticated Radioactive Particle Tracking (RPT) and advanced Computer Tomography (CT) techniques. Based on the findings, fundamentally based dynamic modeling approach is developed for photobioreactor performance evaluation, which integrates the knowledge of photosynthesis, hydrodynamics, and irradiance. Finally, Scenedesmus sp. was grown in split column. The biomass concentrations, flow dynamics, physical properties, and irradiance distribution of the culturing systems were monitored. Good agreements between the predictions by the developed dynamic model and the experimental data were achieved, indicating the applicability of the dynamic model in industrial interested condition --Abstract, page iv

    The Reliability and Construct Validity of Scores on the Attitudes Toward Problem Solving Scale

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    The Attitudes Toward Problem Solving Scale (ATPSS) has received limitedattention concerning its reliability and validity with a Malaysian secondaryeducation population. Developed by Charles, Lester & O'Daffer (1987), theinstruments assessed attitudes toward problem solving in areas of Willingness to Engage in Problem Solving Activities, Perseverance During the Problem Solving Process and Self Confidence With Respect to Problem Solving. This study addressed the lack of information about this measure by examining the scale's reliability and its factorial structure. Subjects were 233 secondary schoolstudents. Reliability coefficients of the three subscales and the total score werehigh, indicating that the scale is stable and reliable in measuring AttitudesToward Problem Solving. Results from factor analyses imply that the ATPSSmeasures more various traits in Malaysian culture

    “Interpretasi Motif Ornamen Bada Mudiak Di Minangkabau”

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    Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk memahami falsafah motif bada mudiak di Minangkabau, menafsir kembali hubungannya dengan falsafah “alam takambang jadi guru”. Tentang penciptaan motif, hubungannya dengan alam dan reinterpretasi motif yang berlandaskan doktrin adat Minangkabau yaitu Adat bersendi syara', syara' bersendi Kitabullah. Menggunakan metode kualitatif. Pengumpulan data melalui studi pustaka. Orang Minangkabau menamakan tanah airnya Alam Minangkabau. Pemakaian kata alam itu mengandung makna yang tidak bertara, seperti yang diungkapkan dalam mamangannya: Alam takambang jadi guru. Penciptaan karya ornamen Bada Mudiak di Minangkabau merupakan ekspresi dari hasil interpretasi yang berasal dari pengamatan terhadap alam, seperti tumbu-tumbuhan, hewan, serta benda keperluan sehari-hari. Seni Islam menolak untuk menggambarkan manusia dan mahkluk hidup karena ada keyakinan dan kepercayaan yang mengarahkan senimannya ke arah produk kreatif tertentu, doktrin Adat bersendi syara', syara' bersendi Kitabullah, meletakkan agama Islam sebagai sumber utama dalam pandangan hidup orang Minangkabau, sehingga visualisasinya cendrung mengarah pada seni yang abstrak (sarian) dan geometrik

    Implementasi Sistem Penjualan Toko Online Pada Verici Sport Dengan Menggunakan Pemrograman Php

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    Saat ini Toko Verici Sport dalam sistem penjualan masih secara manual. Ini menunjukkan bahwa sistem yang dipakai tidak efektif dan efisien. Untuk itu dibutuhkan suatu sistem yang dapat memberikan kemudahan bagi konsumen dalam hal mendapatkan informasi mengenai produk-produk melalui website. Sebelum pembuatan website terlebih dahulu dilakukan penganalisisan data dengan menggunakan alat bantu perancangan sistem, kemudian dirancang desain input, desain output, desain file, dan aliran program dari sistem yang baru. Hasil dari analisis tersebut diterapkan ke dalam suatu program aplikasi website penjualan yang didukung oleh PHP-MySQL. Dengan adanya sistem yang baru diharapkan konsumen mendapatkan informasi mengenai produk  lebih cepat dan akurat dan pemesanan lebih mudah. Bagi Toko Verici Sport penjualan produk diupayakanlebih meningkat sehingga dapat memberikan keuntungan bagi Perusahaan

    Ordered monolayer gold nano-urchin structures and their size induced control for high gas sensing performance

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    The synthesis of ordered monolayers of gold nano-urchin (Au-NU) nanostructures with controlled size, directly on thin films using a simple electrochemical method is reported in this study. In order to demonstrate one of the vast potential applications, the developed Au-NUs were formed on the electrodes of transducers (QCM) to selectively detect low concentrations of elemental mercury (Hg0) vapor. It was found that the sensitivity and selectivity of the sensor device is enhanced by increasing the size of the nanospikes on the Au-NUs. The Au-NU-12 min QCM (Au-NUs with nanospikes grown on it for a period of 12 min) had the best performance in terms of transducer based Hg0 vapor detection. The sensor had 98% accuracy, 92% recovery, 96% precision (repeatability) and significantly, showed the highest sensitivity reported to date, resulting in a limit of detection (LoD) of only 32 μg/m3 at 75 °C. When compared to the control counterpart, the accuracy and sensitivity of the Au-NU-12 min was enhanced by ~2 and ~5 times, respectively. The results demonstrate the excellent activity of the developed materials which can be applied to a range of applications due to their long range order, tunable size and ability to form directly on thin-films

    Penggunaan Metode Sas Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Pembelajaran Membaca Permulaan Pada Siswa Kelas 1 Madrasah Ibtidaiyah 01 Belonsat

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    : Research on the Use of Methods to Improve Learning Outcomes SAS Beginning Reading At Grade 1 Belonsat aimed at improving learning outcomes at the beginning mebaca Indonesian Islamic Elementary School 1st Grade Students 01 Belonsat. Methods The study is a descriptive method and type of classroom action research study. Engineering research is the technique of direct observation and pengukuran.Subjek techniques in this study were grade 1 teacher and 1 Belonsat.Siswa Islamic elementary schools account for 7 people, consisting of 4 women and 3 men. The experiment was conducted at odd semerter in agustus.Berdasarkan descriptions of each cycle results using SAS methods and letter cards can increase students' interest in reading, which can be seen from the results of the average acquisition cycle 1 to cycle 11. In view of cycle 1 scores 2.34. Increases in cycle 11 with a score of 3.8. Based on the description above, generally using the SAS cards and letters have managed to improve learning to read beginning grade 1 Belonsat Islamic Elementary School. Thus the SAS method is suitable cards and letters are applied during the process of learning the Indonesian language for grade 1 students improve reading Islamic Elementary School 01 Belonsat

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Langsung untuk Meningkatkan Proses Belajar Siswa pada Penjumlahan Dua Bilangan dengan Cara Menyimpan di Kelas II Sdn 05 Keluing Taja Kec. Sokan Kabupaten Melawi

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    Classroom Action Research aims to improve student learning outcomes using direct instructional model, the sum of the two numbers on the matter by way of saving. This study used a qualitative approach to the design of classroom action research. The design of this study include preliminary studies, planning, action, observation, and reflection. Preliminary studies conducted in learning about the sum of two numbers by storing the class II SDN 05 Keluing Taja, to obtain early reflections. Planning phase implemented by designing action procedures, determine the source of the data, determine the material acts, and determine the form of action observation. Phase implementation is done collaboratively between researchers with observer. Reflections conducted at the end of each lesson or meeting on each cycle. This study aims to improve student learning outcomes in the material sum of two numbers by saving through hands-on learning models. Form of research was classroom action research. The study consisted of 2 cycles with stages of planning, action, observation and reflection. Subjects of this study consisted of 23 students at SDN 05 Keluing Taja, collecting data through observation and qualitative data sheets of test results are given before the first cycle of learning pretest on the sum of two numbers by way of saving is 76.7. While the average value of the second cycle is 85. The test results show that there is a direct instructional model improved student learning outcomes at 8.3%. Direct instructional model used by teachers in learning better

    Peningkatan Aktivitas dan Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Pembelajaran Matematika Menggunakan Jaritmatika di Kelas III Sekolah Dasar Negeri 6 Emang Bemban

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    The purpose of research is the goal of research is to increase student learning activities through methods in the class III jaritmatika SDN N0.6 Weve Bemban and increase student learning outcomes through jaritmatika method in class III SDN N0.6 Weve Bemban. The method uses the experiment with the form of classroom action research. There are 19 students out of 35 students who have not reached the value of KKM (60) before being applied methods jaritmatika in learning mathematics. Motivation and learning outcomes of students has increased after learning method that is in the first cycle jaritmatika student motivation average 2.1 73.03 an outcome study. In the second cycle students' motivation has a 3.0 average was 84.95 learning outcomes. So there is an increase in motivation and student learning outcomes. It can be concluded that the learning method in class III jaritmatika SDN.6 Weve Bemban can increase student motivation and learning outcomes

    Penggunaan Metode Demonstrasi terhadap Aktivitas Belajar Matematika Kelas 1 Sdn 20 Tanjung Keramat

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    Research on the influence of the method demonstration against increasing student activity in learning mathematics summing material class 1 public primary schools sacred promontory aims to improve and enhance the learning process in class 1 primary schools Nanga Pinoh sacred promontory during the process of learning or the learning of mathematics activities through methods demonstration, the method used in this research is descriptive method. This research is a form of action research (PTK). observations made ??average pre cycle mastery 59.09% 56.80 percentage, average percentage of first cycle 65.40 mastery 86.36% in cycle 2 views I value an average of 75 percent mastery 100% value average percentage of completeness cycle 2 71.80 100%. penelitiain results indicate that the use of methods of demonstration showed effective results. students more attention and more control of the material conveyed teacher

    Korelasi Tingkat Pendidikan Orang Tua dengan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Kelas V SD Negeri 03 Pontianak

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    This research aims to find out whether there is a correlation between parents level of education and studens learning outcomes of class Vc 2012/2013 academic year publicprimary school as south Pontianak.This research used descriptive method. Total of sampel was 31 studens. Data analysing showed that the average of parents level of education was well. It caused the average of studens learning outcomes enough so that there was correlation between parents level of education and studens learning outcomes of class Vc 2012/2013 academic year of public primary school 03 south Pontianak number of r tes was 0,659 with level of relation was strong
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