1,234 research outputs found

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    The Impact of Teaching Physics via Modeling on Modifying Alternative Conception of Energy and Momentum Conservation among 11th Grade Female Students

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    This study investigated the impact of teaching physics via modeling on theacquisition of energy and momentum conservation concepts. The sample consisted of 91 female students selected from 11th grade female students in two schools in Al-Dakhiliyah Governorate in Oman. The experimental group (n = 45) was taught via the modeling method, and the control group (n = 46) was taught using a traditional method. The study lasted six weeks during the second semester of the academic year 2013/2014. A teacher guide for teaching by models was designed and validated by a group of experts. To measure the acquisition of physics concepts, energy and momentum, an achievement test was used. The test consisted of 20 multiple-choice questions. Its reliability was measured by test-retest method (r = 0.79). The results revealed a statistically significant difference (p < .05) between the means of the experimental and control groups in favor of the experimental group. The study recommends that science teachers ought to use models and modeling in their teaching. Workshops to train supervisors, in-service teachers and pre-service teachers in the construction and development of scientific models need to be conducte

    Financial socialization's impact on investment orientation and household net worth

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    This study investigates the role of financial socialization for investment orientation and household net worth. Combining consumer socialization literature with findings in the behavioural finance literature, survey data were analysed to (1) investigate the relationship among household net worth, financial socialization, indicators of investment orientation and socio-demographic investor characteristics; (2) examine the influence of socio-demographic investor characteristics and financial socialization on indicators of investment orientation; and (3) test whether financial socialization affects household wealth above and beyond socio-demographic and investment orientation factors. Parents emerged as a relevant socialization agent of investors, influencing investment regularity and household net worth above and beyond other factors. This result extends earlier findings about parents' role for a person's financial management and savings behaviour to the investment context. Based on our findings, educators may want to involve parents in their efforts. They may want to emphasize the importance of starting investing regularly at an early age and of continuing to increase involvement in investing over the years. Financial planners and financial counsellors may consider emphasizing these two practices for their clients and involve children of their clients when and where appropriate

    Evaluating the Impact of Transmission Range on the Performance of VANET

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    Recently, interest in the field of Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) has grown among research community to improve traffic safety and efficiency on the roads. Despite the many advantages, the transmission range in vehicular network remains one of the major challenges due to the unique characteristics of VANETs such as various communication environments, highly dynamic topology, high node mobility and traffic density. The network would suffer from a broadcast-storm in high vehicular density when a fixed transmission range in VANET is used, while in sparse vehicular density the network could be disconnected frequently. In this paper, we evaluated the impact of different transmission ranges and number of flows formed between vehicles in a highway scenario using AODV as routing protocol. In order to validate the simulation of VANET, traffic and network simulators (SUMO & NS-2) have been used. The performance was evaluated in terms of packet delivery ratio and end-to-end delay. The simulation results have shown that better performance was achieved in term of higher PDR and lower end-to-end delay for less than 500 meters transmission range. On the contrary, the PDR started to decrease and end-to-end delay increased when the transmission range exceeded 500 meters. The performance degraded as the number of flows increased

    Peningkatan Keterampilan Membaca Nyaring dengan Metode Demonstrasi dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di Sekolah Dasar

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    This study aims to improve the skills of reading aloud. The method used is descriptive method to get things " Improved reading skills with a loud demonstration method in teaching Indonesian Elementary School second grade 20 Turmeric River " . This research through the stages of planning , implementation , observation , and reflection phases . Findings is an increase from the first cycle , second cycle and third cycle . Cycle I mean - average percentage is 55.36 % , the second cycle average - average percentage is 70.44 % , and average Cycle III - average percentage is 90.48 % , thus the research on SDN 20 River Turmeric on " Improving the skills read aloud demonstration method in teaching Indonesian Elementary School second grade 20 Turmeric River " . Apparently based on the results of that analysis is the first cycle increased 55.36 % , < cycle II 70.44 % , < 90.48 % III cycle . This improvement both in terms of improving skills Lafa , intonation , and pause , from this study are expected to bring power to Indonesian

    Penggunaan Metode Diskusi Kelompok untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa dalam Pembelajaran IPA di SD

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    The use of group discussion method can improve student learning outcomes in the material simply classify living things IImu Sciences Elementary School third grade 21 Ambalau . This study aims to gain clarity about the use of group discussion methods to improve student learning outcomes in the material simply classify living things in the learning IImu Sciences . The method used in this research is descriptive method . This research is a form of action research ( CAR) conducted by researchers and assisted by teacher collaboration . Subjects in the study third grade students of SD Negeri 21 Ambalau . With a data collection tool that observation sheet . The study was conducted as many as 3 cycles . Once implemented corrective action discussion on the results of the use of learning methods to classify animals based on homes has increased . Based on the results of the analysis of data processing and action research which has been described that the results of science learning through discussion of the method of classification of animals based on where his life on the third grade students of SDN 21 pembelaaran Ambalau can improve student outcomes

    Kecemasan Dan Lamanya Waktu Menjalani Hemodialisis Berhubungan Dengan Kejadian Insomnia Pada Pasien Gagal Ginjal Kronik

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    Anxiety and the Length of Time Undergoing Hemodialysis Related to Insomnia in Chronic Kidney Diseases Patients. Insomnia is a sleep disorder that frequently occurs in hemodialysis patients. The prevalence was higher than in the general population. Several factors were thought having significant relationship with the occurrence of insomnia in hemodialysis patients, namely demographic, lifestyle, psychological, biological and dialysis factors. The purpose of this study was to identify factors associated with insomnia in Chronic Kidney Diseases patients undergoing hemodialysis. This study used cross-sectional study design, with a total sample of 106 respondents who visited hemodialysis unit at Tasikmalaya and Garut City Hosptal. The result showed that 58 respondents (54.7%) experienced insomnia, with an average age of 47.66 ± 13.36 years. There were no significant relationships between insomnia with demographic, lifestyle, biological factors, shift HD and Kt/V hemodialysis. Insomnia had significant relationships with psychological factors (anxiety) (p = 0.007, OR= 3.3), and the length of time undergoing hemodialysis (p= 0.040, OR= 2.48). This study concluded that anxiety and duration hemodialysis became independent factors associated with the occurrence of insomnia. Further study need to investigate other variables that experienced by hemodialysis patients