36 research outputs found

    Mechanisms and Kinetics for Sorption of CO2 on Bicontinuous Mesoporous Silica Modified with n-Propylamine

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    We studied equilibrium adsorption and uptake kinetics and identified molecular species that formed during sorption of carbon dioxide on amine-modified silica. Bicontinuous silicas (AMS-6 and MCM-48) were postsynthetically modified with (3-aminopropyl)triethoxysilane or (3-aminopropyl)methyldiethoxysilane, and amine-modified AMS-6 adsorbed more CO(2) than did amine-modified MCM-48. By in situ FTIR spectroscopy, we showed that the amine groups reacted with CO(2) and formed ammonium carbamate ion pairs as well as carbamic acids under both dry and moist conditions. The carbamic acid was stabilized by hydrogen bonds, and ammonium carbamate ion pairs formed preferably on sorbents with high densities of amine groups. Under dry conditions, silylpropylcarbamate formed, slowly, by condensing carbamic acid and silanol groups. The ratio of ammonium carbamate ion pairs to silylpropylcarbamate was higher for samples with high amine contents than samples with low amine contents. Bicarbonates or carbonates did not form under dry or moist conditions. The uptake of CO(2) was enhanced in the presence of water, which was rationalized by the observed release of additional amine groups under these conditions and related formation of ammonium carbamate ion pairs. Distinct evidence for a fourth and irreversibly formed moiety was observed under sorption of CO(2) under dry conditions. Significant amounts of physisorbed, linear CO(2) were detected at relatively high partial pressures of CO(2), such that they could adsorb only after the reactive amine groups were consumed.authorCount :7</p

    Adaptations to Endosymbiosis in a Cnidarian-Dinoflagellate Association: Differential Gene Expression and Specific Gene Duplications

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    Trophic endosymbiosis between anthozoans and photosynthetic dinoflagellates forms the key foundation of reef ecosystems. Dysfunction and collapse of symbiosis lead to bleaching (symbiont expulsion), which is responsible for the severe worldwide decline of coral reefs. Molecular signals are central to the stability of this partnership and are therefore closely related to coral health. To decipher inter-partner signaling, we developed genomic resources (cDNA library and microarrays) from the symbiotic sea anemone Anemonia viridis. Here we describe differential expression between symbiotic (also called zooxanthellate anemones) or aposymbiotic (also called bleached) A. viridis specimens, using microarray hybridizations and qPCR experiments. We mapped, for the first time, transcript abundance separately in the epidermal cell layer and the gastrodermal cells that host photosynthetic symbionts. Transcriptomic profiles showed large inter-individual variability, indicating that aposymbiosis could be induced by different pathways. We defined a restricted subset of 39 common genes that are characteristic of the symbiotic or aposymbiotic states. We demonstrated that transcription of many genes belonging to this set is specifically enhanced in the symbiotic cells (gastroderm). A model is proposed where the aposymbiotic and therefore heterotrophic state triggers vesicular trafficking, whereas the symbiotic and therefore autotrophic state favors metabolic exchanges between host and symbiont. Several genetic pathways were investigated in more detail: i) a key vitamin K–dependant process involved in the dinoflagellate-cnidarian recognition; ii) two cnidarian tissue-specific carbonic anhydrases involved in the carbon transfer from the environment to the intracellular symbionts; iii) host collagen synthesis, mostly supported by the symbiotic tissue. Further, we identified specific gene duplications and showed that the cnidarian-specific isoform was also up-regulated both in the symbiotic state and in the gastroderm. Our results thus offer new insight into the inter-partner signaling required for the physiological mechanisms of the symbiosis that is crucial for coral health

    Identification and developmental expression of the full complement of Cytochrome P450 genes in Zebrafish

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    © The Authors, 2010. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in BMC Genomics 11 (2010): 643, doi:10.1186/1471-2164-11-643.Increasing use of zebrafish in drug discovery and mechanistic toxicology demands knowledge of cytochrome P450 (CYP) gene regulation and function. CYP enzymes catalyze oxidative transformation leading to activation or inactivation of many endogenous and exogenous chemicals, with consequences for normal physiology and disease processes. Many CYPs potentially have roles in developmental specification, and many chemicals that cause developmental abnormalities are substrates for CYPs. Here we identify and annotate the full suite of CYP genes in zebrafish, compare these to the human CYP gene complement, and determine the expression of CYP genes during normal development. Zebrafish have a total of 94 CYP genes, distributed among 18 gene families found also in mammals. There are 32 genes in CYP families 5 to 51, most of which are direct orthologs of human CYPs that are involved in endogenous functions including synthesis or inactivation of regulatory molecules. The high degree of sequence similarity suggests conservation of enzyme activities for these CYPs, confirmed in reports for some steroidogenic enzymes (e.g. CYP19, aromatase; CYP11A, P450scc; CYP17, steroid 17a-hydroxylase), and the CYP26 retinoic acid hydroxylases. Complexity is much greater in gene families 1, 2, and 3, which include CYPs prominent in metabolism of drugs and pollutants, as well as of endogenous substrates. There are orthologous relationships for some CYP1 s and some CYP3 s between zebrafish and human. In contrast, zebrafish have 47 CYP2 genes, compared to 16 in human, with only two (CYP2R1 and CYP2U1) recognized as orthologous based on sequence. Analysis of shared synteny identified CYP2 gene clusters evolutionarily related to mammalian CYP2 s, as well as unique clusters. Transcript profiling by microarray and quantitative PCR revealed that the majority of zebrafish CYP genes are expressed in embryos, with waves of expression of different sets of genes over the course of development. Transcripts of some CYP occur also in oocytes. The results provide a foundation for the use of zebrafish as a model in toxicological, pharmacological and chemical disease research.This work was supported by NIH grants R01ES015912 and P42ES007381 (Superfund Basic Research Program at Boston University) (to JJS). MEJ was a Guest Investigator at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) and was supported by grants from the Swedish research council Formas and Carl Trygger's foundation. AK was a Post-doctoral Fellow at WHOI, and was supported by a fellowship from the Japanese Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS). JZ and TP were Guest Students at the WHOI and were supported by a CAPES Ph.D. Fellowship and CNPq Ph.D. Sandwich Fellowship (JZ), and by a CNPq Ph.D. Fellowship (TP), from Brazil

    Production du radical acĂ©tyle : Ă©tude radiolytique comparĂ©e des radicaux libres issus de l’acĂ©taldĂ©hyde et de l’éthylĂšne-glycol

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    En comparant les rĂ©sultats obtenus par radiolyse pulsĂ©e, sous atmosphĂšre de N2O, de solutions d’acetaldĂ©hyde tamponnĂ©es Ă  pH 7,4 Ă  ceux obtenus dans les mĂȘmes conditions Ă  partir de l’éthylĂšne-glycol, nous montrons que les mĂȘmes espĂšces radiculaires sont produites, espĂšces qui peuvent ĂȘtre attribuĂ©es aux radicaux acĂštyle et/ou mĂ©thyl-formyle. L’éthylĂšne-glycol, moins toxique que l’acĂ©taldĂ©hyde, peut donc ĂȘtre utilisĂ© comme source du radical acĂ©tyle dans le cadre d’études de sa rĂ©activitĂ© sur des cibles biologiques. De plus les radicaux issus de l’éthylĂšne-glycol rĂ©duisent le ferricytochromc c

    Inactivation de la catalase par des radicaux libres dĂ©rivĂ©s de l’oxygĂšne par radiolyse Îł

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    L’inactivation de la catalase 10-5mol.l-1 par les radicaux libres OH‱ ou OH‱/[math] Ă  pH 7.4, a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©e par radiolyse Îł (doses de 0 Ă  9000 Gy). Les valeurs maximales des rendements initiaux d’inactivation sont : G [math] = (1,25 ± 0,25).10-8 mol.J-1 et G [math] = (1,4 ± 0,2).10-8 mol.J-1 (valeurs trĂšs infĂ©rieures Ă  celles des radicaux produits par radiolyse). Les courbes d’inactivation, en fonction de la dose d’irradiation, sont biphasiques: rapides (de 0 Ă  ~ 500 Gy) puis lentes (de ~ 500 Ă  9000 Gy). L’addition d’eau oxygĂ©nĂ©e au dĂ©but des irradiations diminue le rendement d’inactivation par les radicaux OH‱, ce qui pourrait ĂȘtre dĂ» Ă  une moindre sensibilitĂ© du composĂ©-I (catalase-H2O2) vis-Ă -vis de ces radicaux

    Overproduction of a P450 that metabolizes diazinon is linked to a loss-of-function in the chromosome 2 ali-esterase (Md alpha E7) gene in resistant houseflies

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    Up-regulation of detoxifying enzymes in insecticide-resistant strains of the house fly is a common mechanism for metabolic resistance. However, the molecular basis of this increased insecticide metabolism is not well understood. In the multiresistant Rutgers strain, several cytochromes P450 and glutathione S-transferases are constitutively overexpressed at the transcriptional level. Overexpression is the result of transregulation, and a regulatory gene has been located on chromosome 2. A Gly137 to Asp point mutation in alpha E7 esterase gene, leading to the loss of carboxylesterase activity, has been associated with organophosphate resistance in the house fly and the sheep blowfly. We show here that purified recombinant CYP6A1 is able to detoxify diazinon with a high efficiency. We also show that either the Gly137 to Asp point mutation In alpha E7 esterase gene or a deletion at this locus confer resistance and overproduction of the CYP6A1 protein. Based on these findings, we propose it is the absence of the wild-type Gly137 allele of the alpha E7 gene that releases the transcriptional repression of genes coding for detoxification enzymes such as CYP6A1, thereby leading to metabolic resistance to diazinon