197 research outputs found

    Magnetic Phase Transitions in the double spin-chains compound LiCu2O2\rm LiCu_2O_2

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    We report high-resolution x-ray diffraction, muon-spin-rotation spectroscopic and specific heat measurements in the double spin-chains compound LiCu2O2\rm LiCu_2O_2. The x-ray diffraction results show that the crystal structure of LiCu2O2\rm LiCu_2O_2 ~is orthorhombic down to T=10K. Anisotropic line-broadening of the diffraction peaks is observed, indicating disorder along the spin chains. Muon spin relaxation and specific heat measurements show that LiCu2O2\rm LiCu_2O_2 \~undergoes a phase transition to a magnetic ordered state at T124K\rm T_1\sim24K. The specific heat data exhibits a second λ\rm \lambda-like peak at T222.5K\rm T_2\sim22.5 K, which increases with increasing magnetic field similarly way to that found in spin-ladder compounds.Comment: 6 pages, 6 fifures, to appear in Physica

    Ferromagnetism and strong magnetic anisotropy of the PbMnBO<inf>4</inf> orthoborate single crystals

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    © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.The PbMnBO4 orthoborate single crystals were first grown and their magnetic properties and ferromagnetic resonance were studied. It was found that the ferromagnetic state below the Curie temperature TC=31 K is characterized by the strong magnetic anisotropy. The significant effective anisotropy fields of PbMnBO4 determine the energy gap in the FMR spectrum, which is extraordinary large for ferromagnets (112 GHz at T=4.2 K). It was shown that the static Jahn-Teller effect characteristic of the Mn3+ ion leads to both the ferromagnetic ordering and the strong magnetic anisotropy in the crystal. In the strong external magnetic field the induced ferromagnetic ordering is retained in the crystal above the Curie temperature up to the temperatures multiply higher than TC. A weak anomaly of the dielectric permittivity was observed in PbMnBO4 at the Curie temperature at which the long-range ferromagnetic order is established

    Structural properties of Pb3Mn7O15 determined from high-resolution synchrotron powder diffraction

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    We report on the crystallographic structure of the layered compound Pb3Mn7O15. Previous analysis based on laboratory X-ray data at room temperature gave contradictory results in terms of the description of the unit cell. Motivated by recent magnetic bulk measurements of this system, we re-investigated the chemical structure with high-resolution synchrotron powder diffraction at temperatures between 15 K and 295 K. Our results show that the crystal structure of stoichiometric Pb3Mn7O15 has a pronounced 2-dimensional character and can be described in the orthorhombic space group Pnma.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Multidisciplinary integration of dental students’ research on relationship between dental and somatic diseases/conditions

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    This article gives the research results of the students of Dental Therapy and Propedeutics of Dental Disease Department and Intermediate Level Therapy and Geriatrics Department involving multidisciplinary integration. The research structure presented for three aspects of the student research consistently showed and evidently proved the relationship between oral diseases and somatic pathology such as iron-deficient anemia, HIV infection, vitamin D deficiency. The research activities enabled future doctors to apply knowledge and research methods as well to transfer them from one discipline to the other, thus not only the predetermined objectives within the research project were successfully fulfilled, but somatic diseases and conditions were deeply studied. All these will ensure long-term maintenance of knowledge to lead professional activities in healthcare practice in future. Collaboration of Dental Therapy and Propedeutics of Dental Disease Department and Intermediate Level Therapy and Geriatrics Department within multidisciplinary integration demonstrated successful implementation of one of the forms of cross-curricular interrelations while studying a diverse complex problem conditioned by the difficulty in interpreting the oral somatic pathology. Therefore, the presented research proves the need for multidisciplinary integration as a compulsory component of modern dental education aiming to provide healthcare organizations with high skill medical professionals in order to furnish the population with quality health care services.В статье представлены результаты научно-исследовательской работы студентов (НИРС), полученные на кафедре терапевтической стоматологии и пропедевтики стоматологических заболеваний (КТСПСЗ) и на кафедре факультетской терапии и гериатрии (КФТГ), выполненные в аспекте междисциплинарной интеграции (МИ). Описанная структура НИРС по трем исследовательским направлениям студентов последовательно раскрыла и доказательно обосновала взаимосвязь заболеваний полости рта с соматической патологией, такой как железодефицитная анемия (ЖДА), ВИЧ-инфекция, D-витаминная недостаточность. Научно-исследовательская деятельность позволила будущим врачам применить знания и методы исследования, а также перенести их из одной дисциплины в другую и не только успешно выполнить при этом поставленные задачи внутри исследова- тельского проекта, но и углубленно изучить соматические заболевания и состояния, обеспечивая долгосрочную сохранность знаний для дальнейшей профессиональной деятельности в практическом здравоохранении. Сотрудничество КТСПСЗ и КФТГ в рамках МИ продемонстрировало эффективность одной из форм реализации межпредметных взаимосвязей при изучении многообразной комплексной проблемы, обусловленной трудностью интерпретации соматической патологии в полости рта. Таким образом, на примерах НИРС, представленных в статье, подтверждается необходимость МИ как обязательной составляющей современной модели стоматологического образования, призванной обеспечить организации здравоохранения высококвалифицированными врачебными кадрами для оказания качественной медицинской помощи населению

    PP2A inactivation is a crucial step in triggering apoptin-induced tumor-selective cell killing

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    Apoptin (apoptosis-inducing protein) harbors tumor-selective characteristics making it a potential safe and effective anticancer agent. Apoptin becomes phosphorylated and induces apoptosis in a large panel of human tumor but not normal cells. Here, we used an in vitro oncogenic transformation assay to explore minimal cellular factors required for the activation of apoptin. Flag-apoptin was introduced into normal fibroblasts together with the transforming SV40 large T antigen (SV40 LT) and SV40 small t antigen (SV40 ST) antigens. We found that nuclear expression of SV40 ST in normal cells was sufficient to induce phosphorylation of apoptin. Mutational analysis showed that mutations disrupting the binding of ST to protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) counteracted this effect. Knockdown of the ST-interacting PP2A–B56γ subunit in normal fibroblasts mimicked the effect of nuclear ST expression, resulting in induction of apoptin phosphorylation. The same effect was observed upon downregulation of the PP2A–B56δ subunit, which is targeted by protein kinase A (PKA). Apoptin interacts with the PKA-associating protein BCA3/AKIP1, and inhibition of PKA in tumor cells by treatment with H89 increased the phosphorylation of apoptin, whereas the PKA activator cAMP partially reduced it. We infer that inactivation of PP2A, in particular, of the B56γ and B56δ subunits is a crucial step in triggering apoptin-induced tumor-selective cell death

    DNA damage induces reactive oxygen species generation through the H2AX-Nox1/Rac1 pathway

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    The DNA damage response (DDR) cascade and ROS (reactive oxygen species) signaling are both involved in the induction of cell death after DNA damage, but a mechanistic link between these two pathways has not been clearly elucidated. This study demonstrates that ROS induction after treatment of cells with neocarzinostatin (NCS), an ionizing radiation mimetic, is at least partly mediated by increasing histone H2AX. Increased levels of ROS and cell death induced by H2AX overexpression alone or DNA damage leading to H2AX accumulation are reduced by treating cells with the antioxidant N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC), the NADP(H) oxidase (Nox) inhibitor DPI, expression of Rac1N17, and knockdown of Nox1, but not Nox4, indicating that induction of ROS by H2AX is mediated through Nox1 and Rac1 GTPase. H2AX increases Nox1 activity partly by reducing the interaction between a Nox1 activator NOXA1 and its inhibitor 14-3-3zeta. These results point to a novel role of histone H2AX that regulates Nox1-mediated ROS generation after DNA damage

    Characteristics of organs and tissues of the oral cavity in patients of older age groups with iron deficiency anemia

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    The article analyzes the characteristics of the oral mucosa of patients with iron deficiency anemia (IDA), aged 48 to 62 years. A study of their prevalence showed that in this group of patients diseases of the organs and tissues of the oral cavity prevail, an increase in the intensity of dental caries is revealed,В статье проведен анализ особенностей состояния слизистой оболочки полости ртау пациентов с железодефицитной анемией (ЖДА), в возрасте от 48 до 62 лет. Изучение их распространенности показало, что у данного контингента пациентов превалируют заболевания органов и тканей полости рта, выявлено увеличение интенсивности поражения зубов кариесом, преобладают заболевания тканей пародонта. В ходе исследования установлено наличие при ЖДА атрофического глоссита у пациентов, сопровождающегося парестезией (100%). В 88,24% случаев диагностируется ксеростомия второй степени, что подтверждают значения МПРЖ (минерализующий потенциал ротовой жидкости). Своевременный скрининг таких пациентов на приеме у врача – стоматолога способствует ранней адекватной коррекционной терапии, направленной на нормализацию показателей гемоглобина крови, положительно изменяя качество жизни больны

    Comparative assessment of the knowledge about oral hygiene and risk factors of non-communicable diseases in the formation of students` health in different universities

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    The article deals the results of an anonymous survey of students of the Ural State Medical University (USMU), the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin (UrFU) in order to assess the degree of awareness of oral hygiene and risk factors for chronic non-communicable diseases. According to the survey, it was revealed that students of USMU perform individual oral hygiene measures largely than students of UrFU. According to the results of the study, 2.9% of students of USMU and 14.3% of UrFU have a low level of awareness about the risk factors for chronic non-communicable diseases (smoking, alcohol intake, increased blood pressure (BP), and cholesterol and glucose levels).В статье рассмотрены результаты анонимного анкетирования студентов Уральского государственного медицинского университета (УГМУ), Уральского Федерального университета имени первого президента России Б.Н. Ельцина (УрФУ) с целью оценки степени осведомленности о гигиене полости рта и о факторах риска хронических неинфекционных заболеваний (ХНИЗ). По данным проведенного опроса выявлено, что студенты УГМУ в большей степени выполняют индивидуальные мероприятия по гигиене полости рта, чем студенты УрФУ. По результатам проведенного исследования 2,9% студентов УГМУ и 14,3% УрФУ имеют низкий уровень осведомленности о факторах риска хронических неинфекционных заболеваний (курение, прием алкоголя, повышение артериального давления (АД), уровня холестерина и глюкозы)