3 research outputs found
Effets de la Pandémie de COVID-19 sur les Activités de l’Unité de Diététique Adulte de l’Institut National de Santé Publique Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
To understand the impact of covid-19 on health activities, our study set itself the objective of determining the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the activities of the adult dietary unit of the National Institute of Health Public. We carried out a cross-sectional study. It consisted of a comparison of the activities of the adult dietetics unit between March and July 2019 and March and July 2020. The reports and registers from 2019 and 2020 were used to collect data on the number of consultants and the number consultation. The data were analyzed using Rstudio studio© version 2021 software. The Student t test was used to compare the means with α = 5%. The number of consultants saw a drop in 2020, the largest of which occurred in April with a 43% reduction in consultants. In terms of consultations, the declines were estimated at 39% in March, 75% in April, 73% in May, 61% in June and 100% in July. There was a significant difference between consultant activities (t = 2.89; p = 0.020) and consultations (t = 5.51; p = 0.002) in 2019 and 2020. The occurrence of the covid-19 pandemic has caused a drop in activities at the adult dietary unit of the INSPPour comprendre l’impact de la covid-19 sur les activités sanitaires, notre étude s’est fixée comme objectif de déterminer les effets de la pandémie de COVID-19 sur les activités de l’unité diététique adulte de l’Institut National de Santé Publique. Nous avons réalisé une étude transversale. Elle a consisté à une comparaison des activités de l’unité de diététique adulte entre mars et juillet 2019 et mars et juillet 2020. Les rapports et registres de 2019 et de 2020 ont servi à la collecte des données sur le nombre de consultant et le nombre de consultation. Les données ont été analysées à partir des logiciels Rstudio studio© version 2021. Le test de Student a été utilisé pour la comparaison des moyennes avec α = 5%. Le nombre de consultants a connu une baisse en 2020 dont la plus importante a concerné le mois d’avril avec une réduction de 43 % des consultants. Au niveau des consultations les baisses étaient estimées à 39% en mars, 75% en avril, 73% en mai, 61% en juin et 100% en juillet. Il existait une différence significative entre les activités de consultants (t = 2,89 ; p = 0,020) et les consultations (t = 5,51 ; p = 0,002) de 2019 et 2020. La survenue de la pandémie à covid-19 a occasionné une baisse des activités à l’unité diététique adulte de l’INSP
Effets de la Pandémie de COVID-19 sur les Activités de l’Unité de Diététique Adulte de l’Institut National de Santé Publique Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
To understand the impact of covid-19 on health activities, our study set itself the objective of determining the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the activities of the adult dietary unit of the National Institute of Health Public. We carried out a cross-sectional study. It consisted of a comparison of the activities of the adult dietetics unit between March and July 2019 and March and July 2020. The reports and registers from 2019 and 2020 were used to collect data on the number of consultants and the number consultation. The data were analyzed using Rstudio studio© version 2021 software. The Student t test was used to compare the means with α = 5%. The number of consultants saw a drop in 2020, the largest of which occurred in April with a 43% reduction in consultants. In terms of consultations, the declines were estimated at 39% in March, 75% in April, 73% in May, 61% in June and 100% in July. There was a significant difference between consultant activities (t = 2.89; p = 0.020) and consultations (t = 5.51; p = 0.002) in 2019 and 2020. The occurrence of the covid-19 pandemic has caused a drop in activities at the adult dietary unit of the INSPPour comprendre l’impact de la covid-19 sur les activités sanitaires, notre étude s’est fixée comme objectif de déterminer les effets de la pandémie de COVID-19 sur les activités de l’unité diététique adulte de l’Institut National de Santé Publique. Nous avons réalisé une étude transversale. Elle a consisté à une comparaison des activités de l’unité de diététique adulte entre mars et juillet 2019 et mars et juillet 2020. Les rapports et registres de 2019 et de 2020 ont servi à la collecte des données sur le nombre de consultant et le nombre de consultation. Les données ont été analysées à partir des logiciels Rstudio studio© version 2021. Le test de Student a été utilisé pour la comparaison des moyennes avec α = 5%. Le nombre de consultants a connu une baisse en 2020 dont la plus importante a concerné le mois d’avril avec une réduction de 43 % des consultants. Au niveau des consultations les baisses étaient estimées à 39% en mars, 75% en avril, 73% en mai, 61% en juin et 100% en juillet. Il existait une différence significative entre les activités de consultants (t = 2,89 ; p = 0,020) et les consultations (t = 5,51 ; p = 0,002) de 2019 et 2020. La survenue de la pandémie à covid-19 a occasionné une baisse des activités à l’unité diététique adulte de l’INSP
Describing the Health Behavior of Treichville University Hospital's Physicians (Abidjan-CĂ´te D'Ivoire)
Background: Doctors should portray examples of health behavior for the population. Doctors are often confronted with financial and social problems that make it sometimes difficult to work in the public and private sectors. This pressure of the workload has repercussions on their health, behavior and family. The aim of our study was to describe physician health behavior.
Materials and methods: We conducted a descriptive cross-sectional study in sight and took part to the University Hospital of Treichville. Our sample consisted of 120 physicians selected randomly from different services.
Results: The physicians were mainly male (79%) and had an average age of 46 years. 53% of them were overweight. They had some activities outside of their services (83%) principally in private clinics (95%). 81. 7% of them were affirming not to spend enough time with their families.
Among the surveyed physicians, 67. 5% did not practice sports, 38.9% did not use any means of protection against mosquito bites in their homes. 48. 3% brush their teeth, but only in the morning, 41.7% had no vaccine record, 82.5% did not do any annual medical check-up, (25%) did not do their HIV screening test. Most of them adopted risky sexual behavior, meaning that they had multiple sexual partners (56.4%) and had sex with casual partners (53. 8%).
More than half of the physicians (55%) used to drink alcohol; among them, only 12.1% was planning to stop drinking. In the case of illness, 77. 5% would practice self-medication while 37.8% would often resort to traditional medicines. In addition, 46.7% of the physicians were declared to be bad in term of observing dosage and treatment duration.
Conclusion: These results underline the need to develop strategies for health promotion with regard to the physicians