79 research outputs found

    Account for the contribution of higher modes under system seismic resistance estimation by nonlinear static method

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    The article presents higher modes accounting method under estimation of system seismic resistance by nonlinear static method. As part of the study, in order to verify the proposed method for finding the inertial forces modified system a complex of dynamic and static calculations was performed. It is established that proposed inertial forces modified system can significantly reduce system seismic resistance lack. © 2019 IOP Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved

    Performance-based seismic evaluation methods for the estimation of inelastic deformation demands

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    The article presents experimental research and comparison of two performance-based seismic evaluation methods: Nonlinear static procedure (NSP)/pushover analysis (PoA) and nonlinear time history analysis. It is established that nonlinear static procedure is good enough for prediction of plastic hinges localization, but difference between methods results is more than 15 % with a lack of seismic resistance. © 2019 IOP Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved

    Volumes of polytopes in spaces of constant curvature

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    We overview the volume calculations for polyhedra in Euclidean, spherical and hyperbolic spaces. We prove the Sforza formula for the volume of an arbitrary tetrahedron in H3H^3 and S3S^3. We also present some results, which provide a solution for Seidel problem on the volume of non-Euclidean tetrahedron. Finally, we consider a convex hyperbolic quadrilateral inscribed in a circle, horocycle or one branch of equidistant curve. This is a natural hyperbolic analog of the cyclic quadrilateral in the Euclidean plane. We find a few versions of the Brahmagupta formula for the area of such quadrilateral. We also present a formula for the area of a hyperbolic trapezoid.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures, 58 reference

    Seismic resistance evaluation of high-rising structures under ductility level earthquake by nonlinear static method

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    Multimodal nonlinear static method for the high-rising structures' seismic resistance evaluation has been considered in this article. The object of the study is 80-meters high wind power plant. The method for account of the higher vibrations' modes and characteristic point search modified algorithm have been offered. For results verification of the systems under ductility level earthquake the nonlinear time history analysis has been performed. According to the comparative analysis the results difference between two methods does not exceed 12%. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Account for the contribution of higher vibration modes under seismic resistance estimation of system with elastomeric supports by nonlinear static method

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    The article presents higher vibration modes accounting method to evaluate system seismic resistance by nonlinear static method. As part of the study, in order to verify the proposed method for finding the inertial forces modified system series of dynamic and static calculations was performed. Proposed inertial forces modified system can be applied for seismic resistance estimation of system with elastomeric supports. The results difference varies within 12%. © 2020 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Коридоры для Евразийского экономического союза

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    Analysis of inner corridors of the national railway network in Kazakhstan, on the basis of which EurAsEC transport routes are formed, is provided. Along them the bulk of cargo and passenger transportation in all kinds of messages is carried out. It is noted that among the main problems there is a high degree of wear of tracks, significantly reducing trains' speed, as well as a large number of single-track sections, limiting the capacity of lines operated. The article indicates directions for development and improvement of the railway infrastructure requiring urgent investment.Анализ состояния внутренних коридоров национальной сети железных дорог Казахстана, на базе которых формируются транспортные маршруты ЕАЭС. По ним осуществляется основной объём перевозок грузов и пассажиров во всех видах сообщений. Отмечается, что среди главных проблем при этом высокая степень износа рельсовых путей, существенно снижающая скорости движения поездов, а также большое количество однопутных участков, ограничивающих пропускную способность эксплуатируемых линий. В статье обозначены направления развития и совершенствования железнодорожной инфраструктуры, требующие первоочередных инвестиционных вложений

    Emergence of HIV resistance to antiretroviral drugs in HIV-infected children

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    This research was aimed to reveal risk factors in the emergence of HIV drug resistance among children at risk of perinatal infection with different schemes of antiretroviral drug administration. Retrospective analysis of the out-patients' cards was performed for the HIV-infected children in Sverdlovsk district, who were tested by HIV genetic sequence analysis for antiretroviral resistance in 2009 - 2010. It was shown that HIV resistance in children, who received antiretroviral therapy only in the perinatal period, was detected in a few cases. Antiretroviral therapy scheme with administration of non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors appeared to be less robust to the emergence of drug resistance than the schemes with protease inhibitors. In case of HIV resistance to one drug, cross-resistance to the drugs of the same class appears.Целью работы явилось выявление факторов риска развития резистентности ВИН к антиретровирусным препаратам в зависимости от схем их применения у детей с перинатальной ВИЧ инфекцией. Проведен ретроспективный анализ амбулаторных карт ВИЧ-инфицированных детей Свердловской области, обследованных методом генетического секвенирования ВИЧ в 2009 - 2010 годах на устойчивость ВИЧ к антиретровирусным препаратам. Показано, что резистентность ВИЧ у детей, получавших АРВП только с профилактической целью в перинатальном периоде, выявляется в единичных случаях. Антиретровирусная терапия (АРВТ) с применением схемы, включающей ненуклеозидные ингибиторы обратной транскриптазы менее устойчива к развитию резистентности, чем схемы с ингибиторами протеазы. В случае возникновения устойчивости развивается перекрестная резистентность к другим препаратам зтого класса

    Analysis of results of questioning of students in organization and conduct on exam department of infectious diseases and clinical immunology

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    Self-evaluation of educational activity of the department is used as an important component of summarizing and planning process. Surveyfeedbackis a method to the consumers of the educational process. The results of the survey of students on the organization of the exam on the discipline.Самооценка учебной деятельности кафедры используется как важный компонент подведения итогов и планирования процесса. Анкетирование является методом обратной связи с потребителями учебного процесса. В работе представлены результаты анкетирования студентов по вопросам организации экзамена по дисциплине