31 research outputs found

    Musax : Museo Alfonso X El Sabio Murcia

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    Fondos de educaci贸n del Instituto Alfonso X

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    En la cub: Instituto Nacional de Ense帽anza Media Alfonso X el Sabi

    Empiema epidural asociado a abscesos paravertebrales y sublumbares en dos perros: diagn贸stico mediante tomografia computerizada y mielografia

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    Los empiemas epidurales son ac煤mulos de material purulento en el espacio epidural del canal vertebral. Se trata de una patolog铆a poco frecuente tanto en el perro como en el gato. En este art铆culo se describen los hallazgos cl铆nicos, pruebas diagn贸sticas, tratamiento y evoluci贸n de dos perros con empiema epidural destac谩ndose el uso de la tomograf铆a computerizada (TC) y su combinaci贸n con la inyecci贸n de contraste intratecal (mielo-TC)como m茅todo diagn贸stico. Esta t茅cnica permiti贸 identificar la localizaci贸n de la lesi贸n medular as铆 como las alteraciones paravertebrales, sublumbares y vertebrales asociadas al empiema. El origen de la infecci贸n no pudo ser determinado en ninguno de los casos, a pesar de que los signos radiol贸gicos y ecogr谩ficos apuntan a la migraci贸n de un cuerpo extra帽o como causante de la misma

    Mapping of neurokinin b in the cat brainstem

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    Abstract We studied the distribution of neurokinin B-immunoreactive cell bodies and fibers in the cat brainstem using an indirect immunoperoxidase technique. The highest density of immunoreactive fibers was found in the motor trigeminal nucleus, the laminar and alaminar spinal trigeminal nuclei, the facial nucleus, the marginal nucleus of the brachium conjunctivum, the locus coeruleus, the cuneiform nucleus, the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus, the postpyramidal nucleus of the raphe, the lateral tegmental field, the Ko篓lliker-Fuse nucleus, the inferior central nucleus, the periaqueductal gray, the nucleus of the solitary tract, and in the inferior vestibular nucleus. Immunoreactive cell bodies containing neurokinin B were observed, for example, in the locus coeruleus, the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus, the median division of the dorsal nucleus of the raphe, the lateral tegmental field, the pericentral nucleus of the inferior colliculus, the internal division of the lateral reticular nucleus, the inferior central nucleus, the periaqueductal gray, the postpyramidal nucleus of the raphe, and in the medial nucleus of the solitary tract. This widespread distribution of neurokinin B in the cat brainstem suggests that the neuropeptide could be involved in many different physiological functions. In comparison with previous studies carried out in the rat brainstem on the distribution of neurokinin B, our results point to a more widespread distribution of this neuropeptide in the cat brainstem. Keywords Neurokinin B AE Brainstem AE Cat AE Immunocytochemistry AE Mapping AE Tachykini

    Memoria del Patronato Alfonso el Sabio de matem谩ticas, f铆sica y qu铆mica : 1952-54.

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    Las Siete partidas

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    Formato PDF. 155 p

    General estoria, XXI-XXII (c. 1280)

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    Tecnolog铆a y desarrollo

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