23 research outputs found

    Das Private ist Politisch: Über öffentliche Eingriffe in privatisierte Gewaltverhältnisse

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    Im Focus des Artikels steht das Thema Partnergewalt und die Reflexion von darauf ausgerichteten Interventionen im sozialen Nahraum seitens der Sozialen Arbeit. Konkreter Bezugspunkt ist das Projekt "StoP - Stadtteile ohne Partnergewalt", das seit 2010 im Hamburger Stadtteil Steilshoop umgesetzt und begleitend beforscht wird (vgl. Stövesand 2007a, 2011). Dem Projekt zugrunde liegt ein Handlungskonzept, das systematisch den Ansatz der Gemeinwesenarbeit mit Erkenntnissen der feministischen Forschung zur Gewalt im Geschlechterverhältnis verknüpft. Zentral ist die Erfahrung, dass Frauenhäuser, Beratungsstellen und Täterprogramme allein nicht ausreichend sind und auch der Ort, wo die Gewalt konkret stattfindet, in diesem Fall ist das in der Regel die Wohnung, in den Blick genommen werden sollte. Ziel ist dabei die Förderung von nachbarschaftlicher Einmischungsbereitschaft sowie der Veröffentlichungsbereitschaft von Gewaltbetroffenen und Gewaltausübenden

    Associations between depressive symptoms and disease progression in older patients with chronic kidney disease: results of the EQUAL study

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    Background Depressive symptoms are associated with adverse clinical outcomes in patients with end-stage kidney disease; however, few small studies have examined this association in patients with earlier phases of chronic kidney disease (CKD). We studied associations between baseline depressive symptoms and clinical outcomes in older patients with advanced CKD and examined whether these associations differed depending on sex. Methods CKD patients (>= 65 years; estimated glomerular filtration rate <= 20 mL/min/1.73 m(2)) were included from a European multicentre prospective cohort between 2012 and 2019. Depressive symptoms were measured by the five-item Mental Health Inventory (cut-off <= 70; 0-100 scale). Cox proportional hazard analysis was used to study associations between depressive symptoms and time to dialysis initiation, all-cause mortality and these outcomes combined. A joint model was used to study the association between depressive symptoms and kidney function over time. Analyses were adjusted for potential baseline confounders. Results Overall kidney function decline in 1326 patients was -0.12 mL/min/1.73 m(2)/month. A total of 515 patients showed depressive symptoms. No significant association was found between depressive symptoms and kidney function over time (P = 0.08). Unlike women, men with depressive symptoms had an increased mortality rate compared with those without symptoms [adjusted hazard ratio 1.41 (95% confidence interval 1.03-1.93)]. Depressive symptoms were not significantly associated with a higher hazard of dialysis initiation, or with the combined outcome (i.e. dialysis initiation and all-cause mortality). Conclusions There was no significant association between depressive symptoms at baseline and decline in kidney function over time in older patients with advanced CKD. Depressive symptoms at baseline were associated with a higher mortality rate in men

    Republished: Wege aus der Gewalt gegen Frauen und Mädchen

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    Gewalt gegen Frauen und Mädchen stellt weltweit die häufigste Menschenrechtsverletzung dar. Margrit Brückners Buch bietet einen Überblick über die gesellschaftlichen Hintergründe, über Art und Ausmaß der Gewalt gegen Frauen und Mädchen sowie über konkrete Handlungsansätze. Neben der fundierten Auseinandersetzung mit grundlegenden Prinzipien feministischer Projektarbeit beinhaltet die Neuauflage Informationen zum aktuellen Gewaltschutzgesetz und zu innovativen Ansätzen im Bereich kommunalen Netzwerkarbeit.Violence against women and girls is the most common violation of human rights worldwide. Margit Brückner’s book gives an excellent overview of its social origins, its typical forms and extent, and provides a variety of concrete problem-solving strategies. The volume gives information about basic principles of feminist social work, current legislation for the protection of women and it also introduces innovative networks that have been established in local communities

    Gewalt und Macht im Geschlechterverhältnis

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    Neighbourhoods Mobilise the Troops - Community Organising, Violence and Governmentality

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    The article reflects on the difficult relation between community work against domestic violence and local crime prevention under the conditions of the neoliberal state that cuts down on social benefits and promotes self-help, active citizenship and self-responsibility instead while at the same time restoring the punishing state with its strict regime of law-and-order. The author describes a project Tarantula - she started herself while being a social worker in Hamburg, Germany. Tarantula was aimed at strengthening social networks and the neighbours' willingness to get involved in favour of affected women. Although conceptualized as an emancipatory approach referring to community organizing in the tradition of social movements it is questionable whether and how this can really work in the current situation. At present, the field of crime control is being reconfigured as a result of political and administrative decisions, which, for their part, are based on a new structure of social relations and cultural attitudes. The demolition of the 'welfare state' means the re-coding of the security policy that facilitates the development of interventionist techniques that govern and control individuals through their own ability to act