74 research outputs found

    Il rischio biologico da virus dell’epatite B e C (HBV e HCV): prevenzione specifica e sorveglianza sanitaria in ambiente ospedaliero alla luce del D.Lgs. 81/08.

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    Il rischio di infezione da patogeni a trasmissione ematica in ambiente sanitario è un fenomeno ben riconosciuto ed è riconducibile a tre modalità: nosocomiale propriamente detta (dall’ambiente ai pazienti oppure crociata tra pazienti); occupazionale (da paziente infetto ad operatore); da operatore infetto a paziente. Il presente lavoro affronta il problema rilevante di sanità pubblica determinato dai virus epatitici B (HBV) e C (HCV) trasmissibili per via ematica e definisce le raccomandazioni per contenere l’infezione da operatori infetti ai pazienti. In particolare, gli obiettivi specifici riguardano le eventuali condizioni in cui limitare le attività degli operatori sanitari infetti e stabilire la necessità di eseguire lo screening

    Risk assessment, and carcinogen mutagen for workers potentially exposed in the research laboratories of “Sapienza” University of Rome for Health Surveillance

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    The following work is meant to represent the evaluation of risk factors for the health of exposed workers, arising from the management of carcinogenic and mutagenic substances, through the use of algorithms. In some places of work as a research laboratory, it is more suitable a theoretical and practical methodology (algorithm) which allows a "timely" exposure assessment. The methodology developed and used is able to determine the level of risk of exposure due to a single agent and / or to more agents. Results obtained by the algorithm, have shown an higher exposure to 1 for formaldehyde (Lcanc = 1.32), while for acrylamide results obtained shows a lower exposure to 1 (Lcanc = 0.528). Although the overall exposure level of studied workers higher value to 1 (Lcanc= 1.848), the Occupational Medicine Centre of "Sapienza" - University of Rome, in agreement with the position taken by the Italian Society of Occupational Medicine and Industrial Hygiene applies health surveillance even in the presence of potential health risk reducing it among the general protection measures the health and safety of workers

    Requirements for cabin crew medical examinations and assessments

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    The aim of the current study is to review current regulations relatively to medical requirements necessary to achieve suitability to fly of the cabin crew. There are three classes of flight crew medical standards and licensing. A first class medical certificate is required for all pilots who perform professional flights or skydiving instructors. A second class medical certificate is required only for persons who do not perform professional flights, skydiving activities or any other professional activity related to aircraft piloting (cabin crew, holders of Light Aircraft Pilot’s Licence - LAPL, remote pilot operators). Finally, a third class medical certificate is required for workers engaged in air traffic control

    Gaetano Pieraccini: Public Health giant who created Italian Social Medicine

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    It’s well known all over the world that Italy is the birthplace of Bernardino Ramazzini (1633 - 1714), the real founder of occupational medicine, and that Italian doctors had a great importance in scientific and cultural development in occupational medicine. One of the most celebrated of them was Luigi Devoto, Professor of Medical Pathology at Pavia in 1901, who undertook a free course of Occupational medicine, creating in the same year the fortnightly journal "Work" - that became "Occupational medicine" since 1925 - and opening a Labour Clinic in Milan in 1910. In 1907 the first two Italian schools of occupational medicine arose in Milan and in Naples. In 1901 Giulio Yule Giglioli wrote the first systematic treatise about workers’ diseases. In this cultural background Gaetano Pieraccini grew and developed his original cultural approach to the field of occupational medicine, which got from him a new dimension: the Social Medicine

    Are bank employees stressed? job perception and positivity in the banking sector: an italian observational study

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    Background: The epidemiology of stress on bank workers in Europe is only at the introductory stages. This study investigated for the first time the association between occupational stress level in bank-employees using the BEST8, Karasek-Model and socio-demographic and working factors in Italy. Methods: The observational pilot study involved 384 employees. Three questionnaires were adopted to collect data: Karasek-Model, BEST8 (p < 0.001) and Positivity-Scale. Results: 25% of the sample belonged to high stress group. The workers more stressed were older with a commercial role and consumer of antidepressants/sedatives. Women were much more likely to agree with the perception of feeling unsafe in a possible robbery (OR = 2.42; 95% CI: 1.50-3.91) and with that sales requests were in conflict with one's own personal moral code (OR = 2.31; 95% CI: 1.38-3.87). Older employees declared feeling inadequate in the workplace (OR = 1.97; 95% CI: 1.07-3.65) and younger employees referred to be anxious about meeting financial budget goals. Workers who had a low positivity had a lower probability of adaptation (OR = 0.88; 95% CI: 0.83-0.93). Conclusions: The occupational stress level in the banking sector involves many aspects: gender, type of bank, role, personal morals, high job-demands, low level of decision-making. This study recommended that banks should implement strategic interventions for well-being of employees, and consequently for their productivity

    Gaetano pieraccini: Public health giant who created Italian social medicine

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    It\u2019s well known all over the world that Italy is the birthplace of Bernardino Ramazzini (1633 -1714), the real founder of occupational medicine, and that Italian doctors had a great importance in scientific and cultural development in occupational medicine. One of the most celebrated of them was Luigi Devoto, Professor of Medical Pathology at Pavia in 1901, who undertook a free course of Occupational medicine, creating in the same year the fortnightly journal "Work" -that became "Occupational medicine" since 1925 -and opening a Labour Clinic in Milan in 1910. In 1907 the first two Italian schools of occupational medicine arose in Milan and in Naples. In 1901 Guido Yule Giglioli wrote the first systematic treatise about workers\u2019 diseases. In this cultural background, Gaetano Pieraccini grew and developed his original cultural approach to the field of occupational medicine, which got from him a new dimension: the Social Medicine

    Saipem My Health Record: a model of an electronic health record for the management of workers' health

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    Introduction. Saipem is a contractor company in Oil and Gas industry. Saipem has developed an in-house medical department, whose main objective, apart the management of medical emergencies, is prevention, health protection and promotion. In order to make these principals available and applicable at all site worldwide Saipem decided to initiate and develop the implementation of e-medicine in its daily operations. Methods.The challenging goal of the Saipem Medical Service is to make available to all employees their health data, quickly, easily accessible and secure. The basis for achieving these objectives is the adoption of standards that allow the exchange of data between patient, public and private structures thus ensuring the interoperability of information. My Health Records (MHR) is the program that allows the visualization, consultation and sharing of health information and data that constitute the clinical and health history of each Saipem worker. My HR makes it possible to have secure and exclusive access to your healthcare profile, its portability and the consequent possibility to consult it and show it in case of need, even from remote extemporaneous stations from any device connected to the internet (PC, smartphone or tablet) . The digitization of health documents through MHR is aimed at ensuring a) faster and more direct communication between employer, medical staff and employee, b) immediate usability and portability of data c) the availability of a vast amount of data in a single space d) a reduction in costs through the dematerialization of the data Results.In order to assess the impact of MHR on the working population, Saipem has prepared to send a satisfaction questionnaire to approximately 6.000 employees in order to understand the impact on the working population and lead to even more innovative solutions. The purpose of the questionnaire is also to sensitize the user / employee in the autonomous and completely free of this application. The result are show and discussed. Conclusion. MHR was created to offer all Saipem employees the opportunity to access their health records. This project represents a model to be proposed to all Italian companies that, following the dictates of Legislative Decree 81/08, apply Health Surveillance to their workers. The advantages are represented by the dematerialization of the data, the relative cost saving (shipment of health documentation, reduction of hours / work dedicated to the expiry of visits, possibility for public health to use health data without repetition of clinical and instrumental tests, vaccinations, etc) and greater attention to all Italian workers, both EU and non-EU, with a definitely positive impact on Public Health. The strategy of the MHR launch is proving successful, and from 1 June 2017 to 1 June 2018 16,764 accesses were registered

    Legionellosi. Cos'e e come difendersi

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    Legionella e legionellosi sono termini che, per i profani della materia, richiamano problematiche e malattie, seppur molto gravi, comunque lontane nel tempo e nello spazio. L’immaginario comune le lega ai “Legionari”, e quindi a persone che viaggiano in paesi lontani e in condizioni di vita difficili. Quando invece si approfondisce l’argomento si scopre che Legionella è un batterio ampiamente diffuso in natura negli ambienti acquatici compresi, quindi, le reti cittadine di distribuzione dell’acqua potabile, gli impianti idrici dei singoli edifici, gli impianti di umidificazione, le piscine, le fontane decorative ecc., ovvero presente praticamente in ogni ambiente in cui noi viviamo. Pertanto, l’esposizione a Legionella è molto più facile di quello che si possa immaginare ed il rischio “legionellosi” è dipendente da una serie di fattori che attengono alla carica microbica di Legionella nella matrice acqua, alla estensione della contaminazione, alla virulenza del ceppo, alla intensità e persistenza della condizione di esposizione nonché alle condizioni di maggiore suscettibilità dell’ospite. Questo quaderno informativo ha l’intenzione di far conoscere, sinteticamente, ma in maniera completa, cos’è la legionellosi, dove e come si può contrarre e come si può prevenire il rischio di infezione. Ha lo scopo di fornire indicazioni utili a chi gestisce le strutture, i luoghi di lavoro e le relative attività di manutenzioni impiantistiche, e a tutte le altre figure coinvolte nel processo di valutazione e gestione dei rischi, compresi i lavoratori e gli utenti tutti delle strutture al fine di acquisire rapidamente le informazioni operative di base per prevenire e gestire i rischi legati all’esposizione a Legionella. In questo quaderno informativo ciascuno degli Autori e dei Collaboratori ha cercato di sintetizzare le proprie conoscenze ed esperienze attraverso un linguaggio schematico ed operativo, semplice, intuitivo e fruibile da chiunque, compresi i neofiti, senza però omettere le principali, Tutti possono e devono sentirsi coinvolti in questa attività di prevenzione e, l’unico strumento per ottenere da ciascuno la giusta consapevolezza che possa spingere a preservare la propria e altrui incolumità, è mettere in atto una continua, attenta e instancabile opera di informazione e formazione. Ciascun lettore, a seconda delle proprie esigenze, che possono essere organizzative, di controllo o di semplice fruizione, potrà prendere in considerazione la parte del quaderno che più riterrà utile. Si suggerisce a Tutti coloro che gestiscono una struttura o un edificio di distribuire copia di questo quaderno ai lavoratori, ai frequentatori assidui (Tirocinanti, Stagisti, Laureandi etc.) e in particolare ai propri collaboratori nella gestione della salute e sicurezza

    Preventive medicine center and health care for students of medicine and health professions at the Sapienza University of Rome: a research protocol

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    This project aims to develop a Center of Preventive Medicine and Health Care for the students of Medicine and Health profession at Sapienza University of Rome. At the beginning of the university career students, both residents and nonresident s, have to face several difficulties such as: starting smoking or the increase in cigarette consumption ; the independent management of their own health (especially for non residents consequently to the distance of the family doctor) ; unhealthy diet; tuberculosis (TB) biological risk during their university training. These aspects , especially if present at the same time, act as a source stress and adversely affect the quality of life and the academic performance. Specific aims of the project will be: implementing an ambulatory of Preventive Medicine; implementing a virtual ambulatory of general medicine; creating a website on the problems mentioned above. Data collected will be computerized to keep an electronic health record (HER) and to use the information for the purposes of scientific research. The Centre will act in close relationship with the Central Administration, with the Headmasters of the Medical Faculties, and in close collaboration with the Center of Occupational Medicine of Sapienza University

    Prevalence of major cardiovascular risk factors among oil and gas and energy company workers

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    Introduction. Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) remain the biggest cause of disability and premature death throughout the world. Aim. The aim of this study was to describe and determine the prevalence of major cardiovascular risk factors emerged at the first medical examination carried out by a group of an oil and gas contractor company workers in the observation period 2000-2010. Methods. An observational cross-sectional study was conducted on 1073 workers (mean age 41 years, SD = 9.5) presenting overweight BMI (body mass index) values, hypertension and cholesterol problems. Results. In particular, we found that workers > 45 years had significant higher risk to have obesity (OR = 3.8, CI 95% = 2.5-5.7), hypertension (OR = 2.7, CI 95% = 2.1-3.6), high blood fasting glucose (OR = 2.6, CI 95% = 1.2-5.5), high cholesterol (OR = 2.7, CI 95% = 2.0-3.6), high triglycerides (OR = 1.8, CI 95% = 1.4-2.4) compared to younger (< 45 years)
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