84 research outputs found

    Social indicators for businesses’ circular economy: multi-faceted analysis of employment as an indicator for sustainability reporting

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    In recent years, the introduction of the circular economy’s principles at the micro level is receiving attention in different domains of business literature. Although several studies have focused on the environmental or economic impacts of the adoption of the circular economy at a micro level, detailed analysis of the social aspects of the circular economy in businesses is necessary. From a triple bottom line perspective, social dimensions of the circular economy are one of the three pillars for sustainability accounting and reporting and must be considered in the relationship between firms and their stakeholders. Thus, the main objective of this study is to reflect on the social impact of the business circular economy at the micro level by analysing job generation. As one of this study’s contributions to the literature, it approaches the definition of different indicators inherent to different aspects of the employment in a circular economy framework. To reflect on the social metrics related to employment in circular businesses, this article summarises the results of semi-structured interviews collected in a regional case study in Spain and offers a schematic view of the multi-faceted analysis conducted

    POOL de casos tecnológicos-empresariales para el aprendizaje multidisciplinar

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    Esta publicación es el resultado de un proyecto de Innovación Docente de la Universidad de Zaragoza planteado para la elaboración multidisciplinar de casos de empresas a través de los cuales los alumnos puedan apreciar tanto los aspectos tecnológicos como las principales cuestiones inherentes a la dirección y organización de las empresas. A través de los cuatro casos de empresas aragonesas presentados en esta publicación, los estudiantes de diferentes áreas de conocimiento pueden aplicar una metodología de trabajo común en la que cada uno de los casos estudiados proporciona un núcleo de análisis semejante que puede ser aplicado para distintas asignaturas y en el desarrollo de competencias transversales. Los cuatro casos seleccionados describen empresas del sector vitivinícola (Sociedad Cooperativa Bodegas San V alero), del sector de la edificación (empresa Lobe, S. A.) del sector energético (empresa Teruel Pellets, S. L.) y del sector de transporte (empresa Vía Augusta, S. A.). Estas cuatro empresas han colaborado activamente en esta publicación, que ha sido posible gracias a su disponibilidad y a la valiosa aportación que los profesionales de las mismas han realizado en términos docentes. Los casos de estudio se articulan a través de un mismo esquema: a partir de una introducción general de aplicación común para distintas asignaturas y en la cual se proporciona al alumno la información y las herramientas básicas para que puedan comprender el caso, se describen los principales aspectos inherentes a la tecnología aplicada por cada empresa. A continuación, se ofrece la descripción de los procesos y/o productos de las empresas desde el punto de vista técnico y se describe el dimensionamiento de la planta o de la infraestructura de fabricación, etc. Finalmente, en un tercer apartado, se resumen las principales características económico/financieras de las empresas objeto de los casos, y se facilita información específica sobre el mercado en el que cada empresa opera, las cuestiones inherentes a su financiación, las principales cifras de negocio, etc. además de algunos datos económicos y financieros. Los casos se han elaborado para que los alumnos de grados no tecnológicos puedan comprender las cuestiones básicas de las tecnologías empleadas en cada sector analizado, y para que los alumnos de especializaciones tecnológicas y científicas puedan comprender la información más directamente centrada en los aspectos de dirección y organización, así como de contabilidad y finanzas de las empresas. La finalidad docente que se persigue con esta publicación es que alumnos de diferentes áreas de conocimiento y grados puedan disponer de una visión más completa de los agentes del mercado y aplicar las técnicas de aprendizaje por problemas y para mejorar sus destrezas específicas así como sus competencias transversales

    Financial institutions facing the challenge of the european taxonomy of sustainable investments and the circular economy disclosure

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    In the face of the European taxonomy of sustainable investments launched by the European Union, this paper analyses how entities within the banking sector inform about the circular economy to their stakeholders, to contribute to sustainability objectives. To this end, we have analysed the sustainability reports of a sample of Spanish financial institutions. Besides, the use of financial instruments for circular models such as renting has been analysed as a case study for a specific financial company

    LNG: an alternative fuel for road freight transport in Europe

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    Currently, energy consumption in the worldwide transport sector depends on 92.8% oil fuels. This dependency, among other problems, produces high levels of harmful emissions, which makes it necessary to increase the use of less polluting and more cost-effective alternative sources as natural gas. Furthermore, this alternative fuel must have autonomy, security and as optimal storage volume as the natural gas use in liquid state. This paper reviews the liquefied natural gas (LNG) use advantages over other fuels and analyses its introduction prospects in the transport sector in Europe, specifically in road freight transport. Natural gas (NG) technology for transportation is mature and extended through the compressed use (CNG) in urban light vehicles. However, CNG has not been attractive for extra-urban use mainly by the limited energy storage volume and difficulties for NG stations installation. For this problem, a LNG vehicle with the same fuel tank size could travel up to 2.4 times the distance compared with CNG. LNG in heavy-duty trucks reduces GHG emissions per kilometre up to 20% and almost 100% SOx and particulate matter, as well the noise in inner cities, compared to diesel trucks. An additional advantage is the operation cost savings that would give a LNG conversion payback between 1 and 3 years. The European Union has promoted the construction of LNG stations by the TEN-T programme and projects as the ‘LNG Blue Corridors’ in order to create a road network with LNG stations each 400 km. In addition, the world natural gas reserves would ensure the energy supply for the transport sector in Europe. Hence, the LNG for road freight transport is a potential alternative to replace the traditional fuels in the short to medium term

    ‘Circular patents’ and dynamic capabilities: new insights for patenting in a circular economy

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    This study investigates the intangible assets related to the circular economy, defined as ‘circular patents’, that are classified and measured to be bundled into the innovation capabilities of a firm. The impact of a business’s capabilities on its level of circular patent activism is empirically analysed in this study in a theoretical framework of dynamic capabilities. To this end, a model of the cause-and-effect relationship between the circular patents held by firms and their capabilities is designed using partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) and is tested using a sample of 120, 406 patents in 2216 Spanish companies. In this analysis, patents that can foster the sharing economy and the circular economy in sensu latu are also considered circular patents, in addition to waste patents and other green patents, offering an enhanced measurement of the intangible assets related to the circular economy. Based on these results, this study provides new insight of how accounting can enable or constrain the transition to a circular economy business model through the measurement and valuation of related intangible assets and the specific business’ capabilities in an environmental management framework. © 2022 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

    A multi-criteria sustainability assessment for biodiesel and liquefied natural gas as alternative fuels in transport systems

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    The incorporation of clean-fuel technologies has become essential for the sustainability of the transportation sector. Natural gas technology, especially the use of liquefied natural gas (LNG), has become a possible alternative to diesel oil in freight transport because of its acceptable autonomy and low fuel prices. For the introduction of this alternative fuel, freight companies need tools that allow them to perform an integrated assessment of relevant aspects related to environment, economy and social responsibility. This paper introduces a multi-criteria based methodology that integrates the key factors involved in the transport system: vehicles, infrastructure and fuels, and consideration of the three pillars of sustainability, as well as the reliability of technology, legislation and market issues. In particular, a case study for the impact assessment of LNG in comparison to hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) and diesel oil as regular long-haul freight transport fuels in Spain was developed. The information for the comparison process was obtained from peer-reviewed articles and reports from international and Spanish institutions, while the primary data was obtained through semi-structured in-depth interviews to the different stakeholders. A weighted sustainability index for each alternative was developed to integrate the data obtained through the analytic hierarchy process. The results indicate that LNG trucks would be an attractive option compared to diesel oil and HVO, provided that decision-makers give significant weight to social and environmental criteria, and that the government guarantees a legislative security to maintain the low taxes on natural gas. Integration of stakeholders allows making the most appropriate decision according to the objectives of the company. The application of the proposed methodology shows consistent results, which should ensure the success of a long-term alternative in the dynamic market for transportation fuels

    Liquefied natural gas: Could it be a reliable option for road freight transport in the EU?

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    Approximately one-quarter of the total greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions in Europe can be attributed to the transport sector, with petroleum-derived fuels dominating road transport. In the current environmental and economic context, the use of less polluting alternative fuels simultaneously providing security of supply and optimal energy storage is encouraged. Natural gas (NG) technology for transportation is mature and extended through the use of the compressed form in urban and light vehicles. The introduction of liquefied natural gas (LNG) could broaden the use of natural gas for longer distances due to its higher energy density. In addition, the use of LNG in heavy-duty vehicles reduces the GHG emissions per kilometer by up to 20% and eliminates almost 100% of the sulfur oxides and particulate matter while also reducing the noise in inner cities compared with the use of diesel trucks. This paper reviews the key environmental, technical and socioeconomic aspects of LNG deployment as alternative fuel for road freight transport. Although it is necessary to continue research to develop a reliable database to estimate the actual environmental impact of LNG, the main difficulties for its deployment are market-related. From this market perspective, the prospects for LNG introduction in the European scenario have also been analyzed. Ensuring price stability and reducing uncertainty for investments are keys. Steps taken to date for developing an open and transparent international NG market are paving the way. In addition, the installation of new LNG terminals would significantly contribute to the security of supply and meeting diversification targets. Finally, some projections for the LNG implementation in the Spanish road freight transport are introduced, concluding that the fuel switch in long-haul trucks could reduce GHG emissions by 12% and diesel fuel consumption by 42% in the long term

    La tecnología blockchain y su aplicación en el cambio de modelo económico

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    El mundo se encuentra sumido en una grave crisis climática provocada por el modeloeconómico lineal y su irracional consumo de recursos naturales desde su origen en laRevolución Industrial. Las consecuencias climáticas son graves y requieren de unaactuación inmediata. El Acuerdo de París, firmado por 195 territorios, pretende limitarel incremento de la temperatura 1’5 grados centígrados, para evitar terriblesconsecuencias en el planeta. Si se quiere cumplir con estos objetivos, es obligatorio uncambio de modelo económico.La economía circular puede ser ese motor de cambio necesario para desarrollar unsistema económico que sea sostenible con el medioambiente. El cambio de paradigmahacia la sostenibilidad es complejo, pero actualmente disponemos de herramientas tanpotentes como la tecnología blockchain, que es la misma que se emplea en lascriptomonedas. Esta tecnología tiene numerosas aplicaciones fuera del mundofinanciero que podrían permitir realizar la transición de modelo de un modo más fiable,autónomo y eficaz.<br /

    Firms'' capabilities management for waste patents in a circular economy

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    Purpose This study aims to define and measure the capabilities applied by firms to waste-related patents and their relations with the businesses economic performance to support decision-making towards a circular economy (CE). Design/methodology/approach A model of cause-and-effect relationships between firms'' waste-related patents and the firm'' capabilities was defined within the dynamic capabilities'' theoretical framework. Empirical results were obtained by applying partial least squares structural equation modelling to a sample of 2, 216 Spanish firms that hold 120, 406 patents. Findings Results revealed the importance of the innovation capabilities of firms related to patenting, such as collaborative innovation, persistence in patenting or the capabilities to collaborate with research institutes, as drivers of level of waste patents to improve the businesses economic performance. Research limitations/implications The systemic nature of the CE at the firm level suggests future research focused on the environmental divergence that appears when the innovation on waste fall outside the regular domain of its industry. Another topic to be investigated is related to the full text of patents that could improve the results of this study. Practical implications The definition of indicators to measure investments in the CE is complex, but it is necessary to assess progress in the closing of material loops at a micro level and to report the investments in waste-related patents in a circular model to the stakeholders involved in the economic management of the company. Originality/value Measuring CE-related patents and the specific capabilities needed for patenting in a circular framework is an understudied topic, and this study opens a specific line of inquiry enhancing the knowledge of CE within the dynamic capabilities'' theoretical framework

    “Medición del nivel de accountability de economía circular y sostenibilidad en el sector de fabricación de mobiliario industrial y shopfitting en España: Caso de estudio sectorial y de una empresa Aragonesa”

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    Este trabajo de investigación estudia la información no financiera que las empresas del sector de fabricación de muebles de oficina y establecimientos comerciales en España reportan. Específicamente, se analiza su adopción de prácticas de economía circular, así como su nivel de accountability y sostenibilidad, y como estos factores están relacionados con sus resultados económico-financieros.El estudio se divide en tres partes. La primera parte implica un análisis de los datos económico-financieros de las empresas seleccionadas para la muestra. La segunda parte se centra en la información no financiera proporcionada por las empresas, especialmente en lo que se refiere a su adopción de prácticas de economía circular y sostenibilidad. En la parte final, se realiza un caso de estudio para examinar el impacto que conlleva la implantación de este tipo de prácticas en una empresa en específico, y se lleva a cabo una entrevista para profundizar en la relevancia del papel de los stakeholders en la presentación de información no financiera.<br /