13 research outputs found

    ملک‌الاطبای گیلانی یا فیلسوف‌الدوله رشتی حکیم طب ایرانی

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    Background and Aim: Knowing the scientists and sages of Islamic Iran who are the spiritual assets of our vast country, undoubtedly helps to move in the direction of scientific and cultural progress of our country. Methods: This research is a review study that uses more than 10 books and articles and reputable scientific journals and search sites: PubMed, Magiran, SID, Google Scholar and was examined with the following keywords: "History of medicine in Ira", "Wise people who wrote in Persian", "physicians of the Qajar period", "Malek al-Ataba Gilani" and "Philsof-al-Dawlah Rashti". In this article, different dimensions of the scientific, cultural and social personality of Malek al-Ataba Gilani are mentioned. Ethical Considerations: In referring to the texts, honesty and fidelity (in quoting the used texts) and avoiding bias in inferring from the texts have been observed. Results: Hakim Malek al-Ataba Gilani is one of the great scientists of Iran in the 13th century AH. After years of studying and gaining scientific and practical skills in the presence of the sages and elders of his time, he was able to enter the court of Nasser al-Din Shah Qajar as a physician. "hefz al-sehe naseri" the most famous book of the Philsof-al-Dawlah Rashti is a valuable relic of this world with action, which is a complete course of acquaintance with the six essentials or "Setteh-e-zarurieh" and Lifestyle modification. Conclusion: There have been many sages and grandee in our country who, in order to move and progress faster in the scientific path of our country, we should get acquainted with their lives and works and learn valuable lessons from their manners like Philsof-Al-Dawlah who lived for 123 years and was physically and mentally healthy until the last years and days of his blessed life. Please cite this article as: Salehi S, Kolangi F, Sepehrikia S, Qaraaty M. Malik al-Ataba Gilani or Philsof-al-Dawlah Rashti Hakim of Persian Medicine. Tārīkh-i pizishkī, i.e., Medical History. 2022; 14(47): e20.زمینه و هدف: شناخت دانشمندان و حکیمان ایران اسلامی که سرمایه‌های معنوی کشور پهناور ما هستند، بی‌شک کمک‌کننده در جهت حرکت در مسیر پیشرفت علمی و فرهنگی کشورمان است. روش: این پژوهش یک مطالعه مروری است که با استفاده از بیش از 10 کتاب و مقاله در مجلات معتبر علمی و پایگاه‌های استنادی PubMed، Magiran، SID و Google Scholar و با واژگان کلیدی «تاریخ طب در ایران»، «حکمای پارسی‌نویس»، «پزشکان دوره قاجاریه»، «ملک‌الاطبای گیلانی» و «فیلسوف‌الدوله رشتی» مورد بررسی قرار گرفتند. در این مقاله به ابعاد مختلف شخصیت علمی، فرهنگی و اجتماعی ملک‌الاطبای گیلانی پرداخته ‌شده است. ملاحظات اخلاقی: در مراجعه به متون و همچنین در استناد به متون مورد استفاده صداقت و امانتداری حفظ شده است و پرهیز از جانبداری در استنباط از متون رعایت شده است. یافته‌ها: حکیم ملک‌الاطبای گیلانی یکی از دانشمندان بزرگ ایران در قرن 13 قمری است. او توانست پس از سال‌ها تحصیل و کسب مهارت علمی و عملی در محضر حکیمان و بزرگان زمان خویش به ‌عنوان طبیب وارد دربار ناصرالدین‌شاه قاجار شود و پس از مدتی با شایستگی که از خود نشان داد مورد توجه شاه قرار گرفت و پزشک مخصوص ناصرالدین‌شاه شد. حفظ‌الصحه ناصری، مشهورترین کتاب فیلسوف‌الدوله رشتی یادگار ارزشمندی از این عالم با عمل است که یک دوره کامل آشنایی با سته ضروریه و تدابیر حفظ‌الصحه است. نتیجه‌گیری: حکیمان و بزرگان علمی زیادی در کشورمان بوده‌اند که لازمه حرکت سریع‌تر در مسیر پیشرفت علمی کشورمان، آشنایی با زندگی و آثار آن‌ها و آموختن نکات ارزشمندی از شیوه زندگی آن‌ها است که این عالمان به آنچه خود می‌گفتند عامل هم بوده‌اند، مانند فیلسوف‌الدوله که 123 سال زیست و تا آخرین سال‌ها و روزهای عمر پربرکتش از نظر جسمی و ذهنی سالم و پرتوان بود

    The Growth Kinetics of <i>Salmonella</i> Enteritidis in Raw Ground Beef

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    Zinc and Copper with New Triazine Hydrazone Ligand: Two Novel Organic Complexes Enhanced Expression of Peptide Growth Factors and Cytokine Genes in Weaned V-Line Rabbit

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    Two novel transitional organic Zn/Cu complexes based on a new biocompatible bidentate triazine&ndash;hydrazone ligand (Thz) was designed, synthesized, and evaluated in this study. This study evaluated the effects of injecting 60 mg of Zn and 40 mg of Cu in three different forms, twice per week, for eight weeks on growth performance, expression of growth factors and cytokine genes, carcass yield, blood biochemicals, and intestinal morphology in weaned rabbits. The tested complexes were sulfate (Cu/ZnSO4), montmorillonite (Cu/Zn-Mnt), and triazine hydrazone (Cu/Zn-Thz). A total of 60 V-line weaned rabbits at four weeks of age were assigned to four treatments (n = 15), which were intramuscularly injected with 0.5 mL of either (1) saline (control) or saline containing (2) Cu/ZnSO4, (3) Cu/Zn-Mnt, or (4) Cu/Zn-Thz. Compared to the controls, the rabbits injected with Cu/Zn-Thz showed a higher (p &lt; 0.01) growth rate, carcass yield (p &lt; 0.05), and liver expression of insulin like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), growth hormone receptor (GHR), fibroblast growth factor-1 (FGF1), and transforming growth factor beta-1 (TGFB1) (p &lt; 0.05), as well as better jejunum morphometric variables (p &lt; 0.05). On the other hand, mRNA of FGF1, TGF1, TCIRG1, and adenosine deaminase (ADA) were higher expressed (p &lt; 0.05) in the spleen tissues of Cu/Zn-Mnt group. Collectively, the results indicated that our novel synthesized organic complexes of Zn/Cu-Thz proved to be a suitable feed supplement, as it increased rabbit productive performance through enhancing expression of peptide growth factors and cytokine genes

    Use of direct LAMP screening of broiler fecal samples for Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli in the positive flock identification strategy

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    Rapid identification of Campylobacter-positive flocks before slaughter, following freezing and heat treatment for the Campylobacter-positive carcasses at the slaughterhouses is an effective control strategy against foodborne campylobacteriosis. We evaluated a loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay for the direct screening of naturally contaminated chicken cloacal swabs for Campylobacter jejuni/Campylobacter coli to compare this assay with conventional quantitative culture methods. In a comparison study of 165 broilers, the LAMP assay showed 82.8% (48/58 by conventional culture) sensitivity, 100% (107/107) specificity, 100% (48/48) positive predictive value (PPV), and 91.5% (107/117) negative predictive value (NPV). In a comparison of 55 flocks, LAMP showed 90.5% (19/21) sensitivity, 100% (34/34) specificity, 100% (19/19) PPV, and 94.4% (34/36) NPV. In the cumulative total of 28 farm-level comparisons, LAMP showed 100% (12/12) sensitivity, 100% (16/16) specificity, 100% (12/12) PPV, and 100% (16/16) NPV. The LAMP assay required less than 90 min from the arrival of the fecal samples to final results in the laboratory. This suggests that the LAMP assay will facilitate the identification of C. jejuni/C. coli-positive broiler flocks at the farm level or in slaughterhouses before slaughtering, which would make it an effective tool in preventing the spread of Campylobacter contamination

    Impact of Dietary Betaine and Metabolizable Energy Levels on Profiles of Proteins and Lipids, Bioenergetics, Peroxidation and Quality of Meat in Japanese Quail

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    Three different diets were formulated with three levels of metabolizable energy (ME) (optimum; 2900, restricted; 2800 and low; 2700 kcal ME/kg diet) without or with (0 and 0.15%) betaine supplementation in 2 &times; 3 factorial design to evaluate the effect of six experimental diets on performance, proteins and lipids profiles, bioenergetics, peroxidation and meat quality of Japanese quail. Therefore, 360 quails allocated into six groups in a 23-day experiment. Dietary betaine and ME levels did not affect the performance, meat energy indices (ATP and AMP) and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels of Japanese quail meat. Dietary betaine and/or ME levels induced significant changes in serum triacylglycerol (TAG), total cholesterols (TC), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-c), very low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL-c), meat total lipids and cholesterol of Japanese quail. Optimum and restricted ME levels reduced total volatile basic nitrogen (TVBN) whereas dietary betaine increased ecosapentaenoic (EPA), docosahexaenoic acids (DHA) and glutamine concentrations in breast meat of Japanese quail. Dietary betaine and low energy diet improved cooking loss, thawing loss (ThL) and water holding capacity (WHC) in breast meat of Japanese quail. Conclusively, dietary betaine improved meat quality of Japanese quail fed diets containing either restricted or low ME by enrichments the meat with omega-3 fatty acids and reduction of lipids levels