72 research outputs found

    Equivariant Spherical CNN for Data Efficient and High-Performance Medical Image Processing

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    This work highlights the significance of equivariant networks as efficient and high-performance approaches for tomography applications. Our study builds upon the limitations of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), which have shown promise in post-processing various medical imaging systems. However, the efficiency of conventional CNNs heavily relies on an undiminished and proper training set. To tackle this issue, in this study, we introduce an equivariant network, aiming to reduce CNN's dependency on specific training sets. We evaluate the efficacy of equivariant CNNs on spherical signals for tomographic medical imaging problems. Our results demonstrate superior quality and computational efficiency of spherical CNNs (SCNNs) in denoising and reconstructing benchmark problems. Furthermore, we propose a novel approach to employ SCNNs as a complement to conventional image reconstruction tools, enhancing the outcomes while reducing reliance on the training set. Across all cases, we observe a significant decrease in computational costs while maintaining the same or higher quality of image processing using SCNNs compared to CNNs. Additionally, we explore the potential of this network for broader tomography applications, particularly those requiring omnidirectional representation


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    Oxynoemacheilus kermanshahensis is an endemic species of the family Nemacheilidae from the Karkheh River drainage of the Tigris basin. This study was conducted to provide the detailed osteological characters of this species, comparing it with those of other endemic species of the genus Oxynoemacheilus from inland water basins of Iran viz. O. kiabii, O. persa and O. bergianus. For this purpose, eight specimens of O. kermanshaensis were collected and cleaned and stained for the osteological examination. Then a detailed description of its skeletal structure was provided. The results showed that O. kermanshahensis can be distinguished from other three compared Oxynoemacheilus species on the basis of the connection pattern of the frontal and parietal, presence of a supratemporal commissure and orbital shelf, connection pattern of two prootics, possessing a maxilla with convex margin, having the more vertebrae, bearing the least number of the branched ray in the dorsal fin, presence of the five hypurals, possessing fine and thin neural and hemal spines and the shape of swim bladder capsule.Oxynoemacheilus kermanshahensis je endemska vrsta iz obitelji Nemacheilidae iz rijeke Karkheh koja pripada slivu rijeke Tigris. Ovim istraživanjem se prikazuju detaljne osteološke karakteristike ove vrste, uspoređujući je s drugim endemskim vrstama roda Oxynoemacheilus iz otvorenih voda Irana: O. kiabii, O. persa i O. bergianus. Za ovu svrhu osam primjeraka O. kermanshaensis je skupljeno, očišćeno i bojano za osteološka ispitivanja te je potom dat detaljan opis njihove skeletne strukture. Rezultati su pokazali da se O. kermanshahensis može razlikovati od ostale tri vrste preko veze frontalnog i parijetalnog dijela neurokranijuma, prisutnosti supratemporalnih usana kao i orbitalnog pojasa, vezom od dva prootica, posjedovanjem čeljusti s konveksnom marginom te više kralježaka i najmanjeg broja mekih žbica u dorzalnoj peraji, prisutnosti pet hipurala, posjedovanjem fine i tanke živčane i hemalne košćice te oblikom capsule plivajućeg mjehura

    The impact of Manjil and Tarik dams (Sefidroud River, southern Caspian Sea basin) on morphological traits of Siah Mahi Capoeta gracilis (Pisces: Cyprinidae)

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    It has been postulated that the building of the Manjil and Tarik dams on Sefidroud River has led to the body shape variation of Capoeta gracilis in up- and downstream populations due to the isolation. In this study, Geometric morphometric approach was used to explore body shape variations of Capoeta gracilis populations in up- and downstream Manjil and Tarik dams in Sefidroud River from south of the Caspian Sea basin. The shape of 90 individuals from three sampling sites was extracted by recording the 2-D coordinates of 13 landmark points. PCA, CVA, DFA and CA analysis were used to examine shape differences among the populations. The significant differences were found among the shape of the populations and these differences were observed in the snout, the caudal peduncle and head. The present study indicated the body shape differences in the populations of Capoeta gracilis in the Sefidroud River across the Manjil and Tarik dams, probably due to the dam construction showing anthropogenic transformation of rivers influences body shape in an aquatic organism

    Economic importance and GIS mapping of medicinal plants in Iran: A Case study of Darkesh

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    Iran with a wide diversity of wild medicinal plants (8,000 Medicinal plants) is increasingly becoming a valuable source of household income for many rural people. We showed that economic potential of the wild medicinal plant and their contribution to the local people’s livelihoods. This study identified the economic importance of medicinal plants and evaluated with Geographical Information System (GIS) tool to develop spatial maps covering medicinal plants prevalent in Darkesh area, Northern Khorasan, Iran. Then provide the coordinates of the identified area as your results. 10 medicinal plants belonging to 4 families were collected and its geographical distribution is illustrated in the GIS map. More than 50 species were collected and 10 species being the most frequently collected in this area. Most plants were collected in the form of whole plant. It was estimated that at least 18.000 USD are being annually traded in study area, the 10 species most frequently collected contributing most of the retail value. Results from this study indicate that the collection of certain medicinal plants could be increased livelihood for edge community of natural resources. Also, the geographical location of medicinal plants facilitates easy access of medicinal plant's natural habitat and would help to find out potential of medicinal plants in the study area.Keywords: Medicinal plants, Geographical distribution, GIS Mapping, Darkesh, Ira

    Barbus urmianus a new species from Urmia Lake basin, Iran (Teleostei: Cyprinidae)

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    Barbus urmianus from the Mahabad-Chai River in Urmia Lake basin, is distinguished from its congeners in the B. lacerta group by a well-developed middle pad of the lower lip, a shorter postdorsal length (25.2–42.0 vs. 46.4–60.7% SL), long anal fin (11.0–23.0 vs. 6.0–10.4% SL), short dorsal-fin base (9.2–15.6 vs. 16.1–22.6% SL), less scales in the caudal peduncle (14–23 vs. 25–35), and 64–85 scales on the lateral line (vs. 52–70)


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    In order to clarify the distribution pattern of Cobitis populations along the southern Caspian Sea basin, 97 specimens collected from five localities were morphologically examined. Univariate analysis of variance showed significant differences (P<0.05) among the means of the five groups for 28 of 33 standardized morphometric measurements and 7 of 10 meristic counts. In the linear discriminant function analysis (DFA) for morphometric characteristics, the overall assignment of individuals into their original groups was high (84.9%), indicating that these populations are highly divergent. The proportion of individuals correctly classified into their original groups were 77.4%, 77.3%, 100%, 100% and 89.5% for Cobitis sp. (Gisum River), Cobitis keyvani (Sefidroud River), C. keyvani (Tonekabon River), Cobitis faridpaki (Siahroud River) and C. keyvani (Talar River), respectively. Clustering based on Euclidean distances among these groups of centroids using UPGMA and principal components analysis (PCA) indicated that the southeastern Caspian spined loach populations are C. faridpaki and the south central ones are C. keyvani and an unknown population, Cobitis sp. is distinguished from the southwestern populations of the basin. Also the Tonekabon and Sefidroud Rivers were determined to be the two new habitats for C. keyvani in the region.Kako bi se razjasnila raspodjela populacije vrste Cobitis u južnom dijelu Kaspijskog jezera, morfološki je ispitano 97 jedinki te vrste, prikupljenih s pet različitih lokaliteta. Jednosmjerna analiza odstupanja pokazala je značajne razlike (P<0,05) između srednjih vrijednosti pet skupina u 28 od 33 standardiziranih morfometrijskih mjerenja, te 7 od 10 merističkih izračuna. Prilikom linearne diskriminantne funkcijske analize (DFA) prema morfometrijskim karakteristikama, ukupna podjela jedinki u njihove izvorne skupine bila je visoka (84,9%), što ukazuje na to da se te populacije znatno razlikuju. Udio pojedinačnih vrsta koje su ispravno klasificirane u svoje izvorne skupine bio je 77,4% kod vrste Cobitis sp. (rijeka Gisum), 77,3% kod vrste Cobitis keyvani (rijeka Sefidroud), 100% kod vrste C. keyvani (rijeka Tonekabon), 100% kod vrste Cobitis faridpaki (rijeka Siahroud) i 89,5% kod vrste C. keyvani (rijeka Talar). Grupiranjem na temelju euklidskih udaljenosti između ovih pet skupina centroida, koristeći rezultate UPGMA i analize glavnih sastavnica (PCA), utvrđeno je da C. faridpaki spadaju u jugoistočne kaspijske populacije vijuna, da C. keyvani spadaju u centralni južni dio jezera te da se nepoznata populacija, Cobitis sp., razlikuje od jugozapadnih populacija sliva Kaspijskog jezera. Rijeke Tonekabon i Sefidroud su dva nova staništa za vrstu C. keyvani u regiji

    Investigating the Correlation Between Organizational Culture and Organizational Commitment of Surgical Team Members: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Introduction: The present study aimed to determine the correlation between organizational culture and the organizational commitment of surgical team members.Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed on 200 surgical team members at hospitals affiliated with Iran Univesity of Medical Sciences in 2019. Cluster sampling and then classification with proportional allocation was performed to select samples. Three questionnaires of demographic information, Robbin's organizational culture, and Allen and Meyer's organizational commitment were used to collect data. Independent t-test, Pearson correlation coefficient, and analysis of variance were used to analyze the data.Results: The participants’ mean age in the study was 34.37±8.21 years, and they were mostly women (62.5%). The present study showed a significant and direct correlation between the operating room's organizational culture and the surgical team's organizational commitment (P<0.001, r=0.483). A significant relationship was found between organizational culture and gender (P=0.033), and the organizational culture mean score was higher in men than women. Also, there was a significant correlation between organizational commitment and work experience (P=0.048), as people with less work experience had higher organizational commitment.Conclusion: Considering the positive correlation between operating room organizational culture and surgical commitment of the surgical team, researchers believe creating an appropriate organizational culture in the operating room can help create organizational commitment in surgical team members