28 research outputs found

    Projected changes of rainfall seasonality and dry spells in a high greenhouse gas emissions scenario

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    In this diagnostic study we analyze changes of rainfall seasonality and dry spells by the end of the twenty-first century under the most extreme IPCC5 emission scenario (RCP8.5) as projected by twenty-four coupled climate models contributing to Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5). We use estimates of the centroid of the monthly rainfall distribution as an index of the rainfall timing and a threshold-independent, information theory-based quantity such as relative entropy (RE) to quantify the concentration of annual rainfall and the number of dry months and to build a monsoon dimensionless seasonality index (DSI). The RE is projected to increase, with high inter-model agreement over Mediterranean-type regions---southern Europe, northern Africa and southern Australia---and areas of South and Central America, implying an increase in the number of dry days up to 1Â month by the end of the twenty-first century. Positive RE changes are also projected over the monsoon regions of southern Africa and North America, South America. These trends are consistent with a shortening of the wet season associated with a more prolonged pre-monsoonal dry period. The extent of the global monsoon region, characterized by large DSI, is projected to remain substantially unaltered. Centroid analysis shows that most of CMIP5 projections suggest that the monsoonal annual rainfall distribution is expected to change from early to late in the course of the hydrological year by the end of the twenty-first century and particularly after year 2050. This trend is particularly evident over northern Africa, southern Africa and western Mexico, where more than 90% of the models project a delay of the rainfall centroid from a few days up to 2Â weeks. Over the remaining monsoonal regions, there is little inter-model agreement in terms of centroid changes

    Changing Relationship between the Tropical Easterly Jet and the Indian summer Monsoon Rainfall: Role of Indian Ocean Warming

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    1678-1683Using long-term observational and reanalysis products, we noticed that the strength of the Tropical Easterly Jet (TEJ) stream shows a weakening trend. Model sensitivity experiments with Atmospheric General Circulation Model (ECHAM5-AGCM) hypothesize that the weakening of the TEJ is mainly a result of the recent Indian Ocean warming and the associated with changes in the convection and circulation. Another notable feature is the weakening of the relationship between the TEJ strength and Indian summer monsoon rainfall (ISMR) in recent decades and sensitivity experiments with AGCM confirm the role of the recent Indian Ocean warming in weakening this relationship. Time series of both TEJ strength and ISMR shows a decreasing trend in recent decades. However, the rate of decrease in ISMR is less compared to the decrease in TEJ strength. This seems to be because of the increases in extreme rainfall events over the Indian landmass in recent decades which can compensate the decrease in total rainfall. It suggests that the local convective rainfall events become more frequent and hence, rainfall due to large scale circulation should decrease to maintain the decreasing trend of total rainfall over Indian landmass. In short, our results indicate that the unequal rate of decrease in the ISMR and the TEJ strength in the context of the recent Indian Ocean warming breaks up the relationship between the ISMR and TEJ