889 research outputs found

    Gender, war and militarism: making and questioning the links

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    The gender dynamics of militarism have traditionally been seen as straightforward, given the cultural mythologies of warfare and the disciplining of ‘masculinity’ that occurs in the training and use of men's capacity for violence in the armed services. However, women's relation to both war and peace has been varied and complex. It is women who have often been most prominent in working for peace, although there are no necessary links between women and opposition to militarism. In addition, more women than ever are serving in many of today's armies, with feminists rather uncertain on how to relate to this phenomenon. In this article, I explore some of the complexities of applying gender analyses to militarism and peace work in sites of conflict today, looking most closely at the Israeli feminist group, New Profile, and their insistence upon the costs of the militarized nature of Israeli society. They expose the very permeable boundaries between the military and civil society, as violence seeps into the fears and practices of everyday life in Israel. I place their work in the context of broader feminist analysis offered by researchers such as Cynthia Enloe and Cynthia Cockburn, who have for decades been writing about the ‘masculinist’ postures and practices of warfare, as well as the situation of women caught up in them. Finally, I suggest that rethinking the gendered nature of warfare must also encompass the costs of war to men, whose fundamental vulnerability to psychological abuse and physical injury is often downplayed, whether in mainstream accounts of warfare or in more specific gender analysis. Feminists need to pay careful attention to masculinity and its fragmentations in addressing the topic of gender, war and militarism

    Stapling and Section of the Nasogastric Tube during Sleeve Gastrectomy: How to Prevent and Recover?

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    Bariatric surgery has become an integral part of morbid obesity treatment with well-defined indications. Some complications, specific or not, due to laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) procedure have recently been described. We report a rare complication unpublished to date: a nasogastric section during great gastric curve stapling. A 44-year-old woman suffered of severe obesity (BMI 36.6 kg/m2) with failure of medical treatments for years. According to already published technique, a LSG was performed. Six hours postoperatively, a nurse removed the nasogastric tube according to the local protocol and the nasogastric tube was abnormally short, with staples at its extremity. Surgery was performed with peroperative endoscopy. In conclusion, this is the first publication of a nasogastric section during LSG. Therefore we report this case and propose a solution to prevent its occurrence. To avoid this kind of accident, we now systematically insert the nasogastric tube by mouth through a Guedel cannula. Then, to insert the calibrating bougie, we entirely withdraw the nasogastric tube

    Surgical management of lower extremity lymphedema: A comprehensive review

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    Lymphedema refers to the accumulation of protein-rich fluid in the interstitial spaces. This can occur secondary to congenital malformation of the lymphatic channels or nodes or as a result of an insult that damages appropriately formed channels and nodes. Stagnant, protein-rich lymph initiates an inflammatory response that leads to adipocyte proliferation, fibrous tissue deposition, and increased susceptibility to infections. The end result is permanent disfigurement and dermal changes. Early and accurate diagnosis is essential, since lymphedema is a chronic and progressive problem. When lymphedema affects the lower extremity, it is important to manage it in a way that preserves function and mobility. Early diagnosis also allows for a proactive rather than reactive approach to treatment and utilization of novel physiologic procedures, such as lymphovenous anastomosis and vascularized lymph node transfer. Such interventions slow down disease progression and reduce morbidity by allowing the surgeon to salvage the remaining functional lymphatic channels.Whenphysiologicproceduresfailorwhenfacedwithadelayedpresentation, the addition of excisional procedures can provide a more comprehensive treatment of this debilitating disease. The aim of this article is to review the most current concepts in the surgical management of lower extremity lymphedema

    Synthesizing attractors of Hindmarsh-Rose neuronal systems

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    In this paper a periodic parameter switching scheme is applied to the Hindmarsh-Rose neuronal system to synthesize certain attractors. Results show numerically, via computer graphic simulations, that the obtained synthesized attractor belongs to the class of all admissible attractors for the Hindmarsh-Rose neuronal system and matches the averaged attractor obtained with the control parameter replaced with the averaged switched parameter values. This feature allows us to imagine that living beings are able to maintain vital behavior while the control parameter switches so that their dynamical behavior is suitable for the given environment.Comment: published in Nonlinear Dynamic

    Exploration of the Equilibrium and Stability Properties of Spherical Tokamaks and Projection for MAST-U

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    In preparation for high fusion plasma performance operation of the newly operating spherical tokamak MAST-U, the equilibrium and stability properties of plasmas in the MAST database, as well as projections for MAST-U, are explored. The disruption event characterization and forecasting (DECAF) code is utilized to map disruptions in MAST, particularly with regard to vertical displacement events. Loss of vertical stability control was not found to be common in MAST, providing reassurance for MAST-U operation. MAST equilibria were reconstructed with magnetic diagnostics, adding kinetic diagnostics, or finally also adding magnetic pitch angle data. The reconstructions work well for MAST and the procedures are set up for MAST-U, including determination of the plasma current in the first MAST-U discharges. A 3D wall model of MAST-U has been constructed in the VALEN code, indicating that significant toroidal currents may be induced in the conducting structure. Rotation measurements may also be included in the reconstructions, and a test with the FLOW code of a rotating MAST plasma indicates a modest shift of the pressure contours off of the magnetic flux surfaces may be expected. Unstable resistive wall modes (RWMs) may constrain the performance of high pressure MAST-U plasmas. A machine learning (ML) assisted algorithm for stability calculation developed for the NSTX spherical tokamak has been applied to MAST plasmas. Improvements and expansion of the ML techniques continue, including semi-supervised learning techniques and a detection algorithm for unstable RWMs. Finally, projections of MAST-U plasma stability have been performed, indicating that a region of high pressure operational space exists in which the new passive stabilization plates act to stabilize ideal kink modes and RWMs may be stabilized by kinetic effects or active control

    Zinc whisker growth from electroplated finishes – a review

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    Electroplated zinc finishes have been associated with the electronics industry for many years as a result of their excellent corrosion resistance and relatively low cost. They are normally applied onto ferrous products to provide corrosion protection in a range of different environments. However, the formation of spontaneously grown whiskers on zinc-electroplated components, which are capable of resulting in electrical shorting or other damaging effects, can be highly problematic for the reliability of long life electrical and electronic equipment. The growth of zinc whiskers has been identified as the cause of some electrical and electronic failures in telecommunications and aerospace-based applications, with consequences ranging from mild inconvenience to complete system failures. Investigators have been striving to address the problems induced by whisker growth since 1940s. However, most research effort has been focused on tin whiskers, especially following European Union environmental legislation that restricted the use of lead (Pb), which when alloyed with tin (3–10% by weight) provided effective tin whisker mitigation. Compared with tin whisker research, much less attention has been paid to zinc whiskers. A number of mechanisms to explain zinc whisker growth have been proposed, but none of them are widely accepted and some are in conflict with each other. The aim of this paper is to review the available literature in regard to zinc whiskers, to discuss the reported growth mechanisms, to evaluate the effect of deposition parameters and to explore potential mitigation methods. This paper presents a chronologically ordered review of zinc whisker-related studies from 1946 to 2013. Some important early research, which investigated whisker growth in tin and cadmium, as well as zinc, has also been included

    A One Health overview, facilitating advances in comparative medicine and translational research.

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    Table of contentsA1 One health advances and successes in comparative medicine and translational researchCheryl StroudA2 Dendritic cell-targeted gorilla adenoviral vector for cancer vaccination for canine melanomaIgor Dmitriev, Elena Kashentseva, Jeffrey N. Bryan, David T. CurielA3 Viroimmunotherapy for malignant melanoma in the companion dog modelJeffrey N. Bryan, David Curiel, Igor Dmitriev, Elena Kashentseva, Hans Rindt, Carol Reinero, Carolyn J. HenryA4 Of mice and men (and dogs!): development of a commercially licensed xenogeneic DNA vaccine for companion animals with malignant melanomaPhilip J. BergmanA5 Successful immunotherapy with a recombinant HER2-expressing Listeria monocytogenes in dogs with spontaneous osteosarcoma paves the way for advances in pediatric osteosarcomaNicola J. Mason, Josephine S. Gnanandarajah, Julie B. Engiles, Falon Gray, Danielle Laughlin, Anita Gaurnier-Hausser, Anu Wallecha, Margie Huebner, Yvonne PatersonA6 Human clinical development of ADXS-HER2Daniel O'ConnorA7 Leveraging use of data for both human and veterinary benefitLaura S. TremlA8 Biologic replacement of the knee: innovations and early clinical resultsJames P. StannardA9 Mizzou BioJoint Center: a translational success storyJames L. CookA10 University and industry translational partnership: from the lab to commercializationMarc JacobsA11 Beyond docking: an evolutionarily guided OneHealth approach to drug discoveryGerald J. Wyckoff, Lee Likins, Ubadah Sabbagh, Andrew SkaffA12 Challenges and opportunities for data applications in animal health: from precision medicine to precision husbandryAmado S. GuloyA13 A cloud-based programmable platform for healthHarlen D. HaysA14 Comparative oncology: One Health in actionAmy K. LeBlancA15 Companion animal diseases bridge the translational gap for human neurodegenerative diseaseJoan R. Coates, Martin L. Katz, Leslie A. Lyons, Gayle C. Johnson, Gary S. Johnson, Dennis P. O'BrienA16 Duchenne muscular dystrophy gene therapyDongsheng DuanA17 Polycystic kidney disease: cellular mechanisms to emerging therapiesJames P. CalvetA18 The domestic cat as a large animal model for polycystic kidney diseaseLeslie A. Lyons, Barbara GandolfiA19 The support of basic and clinical research by the Polycystic Kidney Disease FoundationDavid A. BaronA20 Using naturally occurring large animal models of human disease to enable clinical translation: treatment of arthritis using autologous stromal vascular fraction in dogsMark L. WeissA21 Regulatory requirements regarding clinical use of human cells, tissues, and tissue-based productsDebra A. WebsterA22 Regenerative medicine approaches to Type 1 diabetes treatmentFrancis N. KaranuA23 The zoobiquity of canine diabetes mellitus, man's best friend is a friend indeed-islet transplantationEdward J. RobbA24 One Medicine: a development model for cellular therapy of diabetesRobert J. Harman
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