12 research outputs found

    Influence of iodized water on poultry production quality

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    The study was aimed to determine the possibility to substitute iodine in the poultry (broiler chics and laying hens) feed by iodized drinking waterVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

    Influence of phytogenic feed additive aviance on the growth of chicken broilers

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    In the year 2003-2004 reearch work was carried out in the Research Laboratory of Biological Diversity and Technologies of Vilnius Pedagogical University and on poultry farm "Vilniaus paukštynas", aiming to investigate an influence of Aviance, the feed additive of plant origin on the growth of Ross breed chicken broilers. The above-mentioned feed additive Aviance stimulated the growth of chicken broilers. It was observed that bodyweight of male chickens at the age of 42 days increased by 6.64 % and weight of female chickens increased 2.18 % in comparison with the control group. Average daily weight gain was improved in the trial group at all periods of growth and at 42 days was 4.48 % better compared with the control group. Feed conversion had also improved in the trial group and was 1.03 % better than in the control group. Parameters of blood were also improved in the trial group. Total amount of albumen and amount of nucleic acids in the blood of the chicken broilers in the trial group had increased. The researched phytogenic feed additive Aviance had a positive influence on the growth of chicken broilersVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

    Influence of phytogenic preparation "Biomin P.E.P-1000" and flavomicin-80 on the changes of total albumen in the blood of broiler chickens

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    Bibliogr. str. galeThe aim of the research is to investigate the influence of phytogenic preparation ,,Biomin P.E.P.-1000", which is of a natural origin, on the processes of albumen metabolism in the organism of broiler chickens. Biomin P.E.P-1000 positively stimulates the activity of the alimentary tract of broiler chickens as well as a composition of intestine micro flora, consequenty that conditions better digestion of nutrient substancesLietuvos veterinarijos akademijaVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

    The effects of the phytogenic feed additive Digestarom Geflügel Premium-1317 on the growth of chicken broilers

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    Bibliogr. str. galeThe tests were carried out in 2001 in the Biologic Variety and Technologies Testing Laboratory of Vilnius Pedagogical University in co-operation with the Public Company "Vilniaus paukštynas". The analysis covered the effects of the phytogenic feed additive Digestarom Geflügel Premium-1317 on the growth of chicken broilersVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

    The effect of natural feed additives on the productivity of laying hens

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    Bibliogr. str. galeIn 2002 the impact of the albuminous feed additive Lyprot SG-9 and the phytogenic feed additive Digestarom Geflügel Premium-1317 on the productivity of laying hens was studied at the Research Laboratory of Biological Diversity and Technologies of Vilnius Pedagogical University and a joint-stock company "Girelės Paukštynas"Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

    Влияние кормовых пробиотиков Yeasture и Bio Plus 2B в рационе для цыплят-бройлеров

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    The researches were carried out in the Research Laboratory of Biological Diversity and Technologies, Vilnius Pedagogical university and the poultry farm "Vilniaus paukštynas". The object of the researches - Ross four line combination chicken broilers. The possibilities of usage in the feed and influence on the growth of chicken broilers of probiotic preparations Yeasture and Bio Plus 2B were analysedAB „Vilniaus paukštynas“Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

    Influence of probiotics on the growth and feed conversion of broilers

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    The research was carried out in the Research Laboratory of Biological Diversity and Technologies, Vilnius PedagogicalUniversity, and on the "Vilniaus paukštynas" poultry farm. The object of the research was Ross four line combination chicken broilersAB „Vilniaus paukštynas“Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

    The influence of phytobiotics on the meat quality indices of chicken broilers

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    Bibliogr. str. galeThe effect of phytobiotics Biomin P.E.P.-1000 and Digestarom Geflugel Premium-1317 on the meat quality indices of chicken broilers was analysed. The data of the investigation lead to the conclusion that under the influence of Biomin P.E.P.-1000 and Digestarom Geflugel Premium-1317 the live weight of chickens of the experimental groups at the age of 42 days was higherVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij