595 research outputs found

    Engineering properties of polystyrene aggregate concrete

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    University of Technology, Sydney. Faculty of Engineering.The project reported in this thesis was concerned with the ultilization of re-cycled polystyrene granulates as lightweight aggregate for use in concrete. A manufacturing process for the conversion of polystyrene waste from the packaging industry into chemically coated expanded polystyrene aggregate was developed by Building Systems Technology (BST) Pty. Ltd. When the treated polystyrene aggregates are incorporated into fresh mortar or concrete they are uniformly and evenly distributed in the cement paste or the mortar matrix. The polystyrene aggregate produced by BST was used to establish the workability, strength, deformation, bond strength, and the functional properties of the concrete. The properties of the concretes made with the polystyrene aggregate were compared with concretes made with normal weight aggregates of equivalent mix proportions using General Purpose Portland (Type GP) cement. It was found that it is generally feasible to manufacture structural grade lightweight concrete from treated re-cycled polystyrene aggregate. No reduction was observed in the compressive and tensile strengths, and the modulus of elasticity of concretes made with the polystyrene aggregate, and cured in water over a period of about one year. The maximum cylinder compressive strength of concrete made with the treated polystyrene aggregate satisfied the strength requirement of medium strength structural reinforced concrete. This investigation has shown that structural grade polystyrene aggregate concrete having saturated surface-dry density of 1800 kg/m³ to 2400 kg/m³ can be produced with cylinder compressive strength up to 32 MPa. The test results have shown that, for a stress/strength ratio of 30% of the 28-day cylinder compressive strength, the creep strain of polystyrene aggregate concrete compares well with concrete made with normal weight aggregates. The functional properties such as impact resistance and freezing and thawing durability of concrete is improved when polystyrene aggregate is incorporated. From the conclusions derived, design recommendations are suggested. Limitations of the investigation and suggestions for future work are presented

    Antihemintic and Hematological Changes of Natural Plant Carica papaya Seed Extract against Gastrointestinal Nematode Hymenolepis nana

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    The purpose of this experiment was to study the anthelmintic activity of Carica papaya seeds against Hymenolepis nana in infected mice. In this experiment we use three groups (A, B, and C) of mice, group (A and B) were infected with eggs of Hymenolepis nana, PCV, Hb and W.B.C counts respectively. Group A mice were treated with Carica papaya seed extract (0.1ml ?mowe) blood and fecal samples were collected on day 0, 7 and 14 after administration of treatment to examine change in blood packed cell volume PCV Hb, W.B.C, fecal egg counts (FEC). Group C served as a no infected group (negative control). FEC of group A was lower than the control group, PCV, Hb and W.B.C increased after 7days then return to normal value after 14days. The histopathological study showed papaya repair the tissue of intestine and return the villa to normal value. The results recommended using the C.papaya as an aid to control gastrointestinal nematodes infection. Keywords: Anthelmintic activity Carica papaya, Hymenolepis nana, mice, gastrointestinal nematod

    Effect of Foliar Application of Seaweed Extract and Zincon Productivity of Dahlia hybrida cv. Albion

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    اجريت تجربة  سنادين على نبات الداليا . Dahlia hybridaL صنف  Albionفي محافظة بابل خلال الموسم الربيعي2017 لمعرفة تأثير الرش الورقي بكبريتات الزنك  بتراكيز (صفر، 30 ، 60 ملغم/ لتر-1) غم/ لتر والطحالب البحرية بالتراكيز ( صفر ، 50 ، 100 ملغم/ لتر-1) رشا على النباتات ثلاث مرات وتداخلهما في صفات النمو الخضري والزهري لنباتات الداليا. استعمل تصميم القطاعات التامة المعشاةRCBD وبثلاث مكرراتوقورنت المتوسطات باستعمال اختبار دنكن متعدد الحدود بمستوى احتمال 0.05،. وأشارت النتائج الى  التفوق المعنوي بالرش بالسماد الورقي كبريتات الزنك بتركيز 60 ملغم.لتر-1 والرش بالطحالب البحرية بتركيز 100 ملغم.لتر-1 لوحدها او بالتداخل في زيادة النمو الخضري والزهري وانتاج الدرنات. آن استخدام التركيز كبريتات الزنك بتركيز 60 ملغم/ لتر-1 والرش بالطحالب البحرية بتركيز 100 ملغم/ لتر-1 كانت له فروقات معنوية في ارتفاع النبات وعدد الافرع، وعدد الازهار للنبات الواحد وقطر الزهرةو الوزن الطري للزهرة والوزن الطري للدرنة و عدد الدرنات للنبات الواحد و الوزن الطري للحامل الزهري و الوزن الجاف للجزء الخضري قياسا بمعاملة المقارنة.وبلغت نسب الزيادة 115.16 و 6.33 و 12.0 و 15.53و 25.66 و 371.36  و 6.66  و 46.56   و 60.16 للصفات اعلاه على التوالي. نستنتج ان اضافة الاسمدة الورقية  بالرش بعنصر الزنك  والطحالب البحرية قد اعطى فروقات معنوية في جميع الصفات المدروسة.       An experiment for the  agricultural season 2017  was carried out in pots in the Autumn season to study the effect of application three levels of Sea Top  foliar  fertilizer (0, 50,and 100 gm.L-1) and Three levels of zinc (zinc sulfate) was ( 0, 30, and60 mg. L-1) with three times spraying  intervals every20 days  for  some of  the growth and yield parameters  of the Dahlia cv. Albion. The spray concentration of zinc sulfate at level of 60 mg / L-1 and Seaweed at a level of 100 mg / L -1 had significant differences in plant height,  number of branches ,number of flowers per plant, flower diameter, fresh weight of flower,fresh weight of the tuber , number of tubers per plant, fresh weight  of the stalk,and dry weight of the vegetative parts ,compared with the control treatment. The increase was 115.16, 6.33, 12.0, 15.53, 25.66, 371.36, 6.66, 46.56, and 60.16  for the above qualities respectively. We conclude, that the application of Seaweed Extract and Zinc improved the yield contributing factors that resulted in a significant increase in Productivity of Dahlia hybridayield

    Evidence for Past Subduction Earthquakes at a Plate Boundary with Widespread Upper Plate Faulting: Southern Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand

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    At the southern Hikurangi margin, New Zealand, we use salt marsh stratigraphy, sedimentology, micropaleontology, and radiocarbon dating to document evidence of two earthquakes producing coseismic subsidence and (in one case) a tsunami over the past 1000 yrs. The earthquake at 520-470 yrs before present (B.P.) produced 0.25 +/- 0.1 m of subsidence at Big Lagoon. The earthquake at 880-800 yrs B.P. produced 0.45 +/- 0.1 m of subsidence at Big Lagoon and was accompanied by a tsunami that inundated >= 360 m inland with a probable height of >= 3.3 m. Distinguishing the effects of upper plate faulting from plate interface earthquakes is a significant challenge at this margin. We use correlation with regional upper plate paleoearthquake chronologies and elastic dislocation modeling to determine that the most likely cause of the subsidence and tsunami events is subduction interface rupture, although the older event may have been a synchronous subduction interface and upper plate fault rupture. The southern Hikurangi margin has had no significant (M > 6.5) documented subduction interface earthquakes in historic times, and previous assumptions that this margin segment is prone to rupture in large to great earthquakes were based on seismic and geodetic evidence of strong contemporary plate coupling. This is the first geologic evidence to confirm that the southern Hikurangi margin ruptures in large earthquakes. The relatively short-time interval between the two subduction earthquakes (similar to 350 yrs) is shorter than in current seismic-hazard models.GNSEQC Biennial ProjectNew Zealand Natural Hazards Research Platform and Foundation for Research Science and TechnologyInstitute for Geophysic

    Extraction of glycoside compound from Salicorinia europeae L. and evaluation of its chemical properties and antibacterial activity

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            Saponin glycoside compound isolated from Salicorinia europeae L.(Salicornioideae:Chenopodiaceae), that proved by using specific test (haemolysis test,foam test and libermann bruchard test).TLC was used to detect the purity of this compound which give one spot,also IR-spectrum,UV-spectrum,Melting point,solubility were also used to detect the chemical properties of this compound.The antibacterial activity of extracted glycoside was examined against two clinical isolates[Escherichia coli and Staphylococcusaureus] using disk diffusion method.Cork Poorer method was used to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) for the extracted glycoside.The study showed that the MIC values of the compound was35,35,55 V/V% ,against clinical isolates Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosaespectively.  

    VEGF expression and microvascular density in relation to high-risk-HPV infection in cervical carcinoma – An immunohistochemical study

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    AbstractBackgroundThe poor outlook of cervical carcinoma, a human papillomavirus (HPV)-related cancer mandates the search for new treatment modalities. Therapeutic targeting of tumor vasculature is a promising strategy. The aim was to study angiogenesis in cervical carcinoma in terms of VEGF expression and assessment of microvascular density (MVD) in relation to HPV antigen expression.MethodsThirty paraffin blocks of cervical carcinoma were studied for the immune expression of VEGF and MVD utilizing CD34 monoclonal antibody. Statistical analysis of these immunophenotypes in relation to tumor type, grade and HPV antigen expression was performed.ResultsThis retrospective study comprised of 17 squamous cell carcinomas, 11 adenocarcinomas and two adenosquamous carcinomas. Eleven cases were low grade and 19 were high-grade cases. VEGF expression was detected in 100% of cases. The relation between carcinoma grade and VEGF expression and MVD was statistically significant. There was no relation between VEGF intensity and tumor type although more intense VEGF staining tended to occur in cervical adenocarcinomas. VEGF density was significantly lower in squamous cell carcinomas compared to adenocarcinomas. Mean MVD was 50.37±20.0. The relation between MVD and VEGF expression was statistically significant. HPV immune expression was detected in 93.33% of cases. The relation between HPV antigen expression and each of tumor histotype and grade was not statistically significant. There was a statistically significant relation between HPV antigen expression and each of MVD and VEGF intensity. Multivariate statistical analysis showed MVD as an independent predictor of carcinoma grade.ConclusionVEGF was expressed in 100% of studied cervical carcinoma. There was a statistically significant relation between VEGF expression and MVD. Since HPV antigen expression was significantly correlated with MVD and VEGF staining intensity, we provide evidence that HPV infection may augment tumor angiogenesis in cervical carcinoma. MVD emerged as an independent predictor of cervical carcinoma grade and hence of progressive behavior

    Extraction of glycoside compound from Salicorinia europeae L. and evaluation of its chemical properties and antibacterial activity

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            Saponin glycoside compound isolated from Salicorinia europeae L.(Salicornioideae:Chenopodiaceae), that proved by using specific test (haemolysis test,foam test and libermann bruchard test).TLC was used to detect the purity of this compound which give one spot,also IR-spectrum,UV-spectrum,Melting point,solubility were also used to detect the chemical properties of this compound.The antibacterial activity of extracted glycoside was examined against two clinical isolates[Escherichia coli and Staphylococcusaureus] using disk diffusion method.Cork Poorer method was used to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) for the extracted glycoside.The study showed that the MIC values of the compound was35,35,55 V/V% ,against clinical isolates Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosaespectively.  

    Hyperhomocysteinemia - An unidentified risk factor for stroke in our population

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    Introduction: Various studies show that moderate elevation of plasma homocysteine level has been associated with increased risk for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease. Objective: To observe the frequency of increased homocysteine level in ischemic stroke patients; and its association with other risk factors. Methodology: Observational pilot study was conducted on a sample of 75 ischemic stroke patients, enrolled regardless of their age, gender and comorbidities, at Ziauddin university hospital, Karachi. Fasting serum homocysteine, folate and vitamin B12 levels were measured. Results were interpreted using spss 20.0. Results and Discussion: Mean homocysteine level in our population was 19.51 (SD: 11.47)micromol/l. It was higher in groups with vitamin B12 and folic acid deficiency, difference being statistically significant (p=0.013 and 0.017, respectively). Males had greater propensity to hyperhomocysteinemia; the mean homocysteine value being higher, and the difference, statistically significant (p=0.010). Other factors that affect homocysteine levels were also evaluated, that is hypertension, increased cholesterol levels and smoking. There was no significant statistical difference in the homocysteine value between the groups of patients who had these risk factors and the groups that did not (p=0.747, 0.252 and 0.565, respectively). Conclusion: It was speculated that hyperhomocysteinemia is an imperative risk factor for stroke

    Between tradition and modernity: Girls' talk about sexual relationships and violence in Kenya, Ghana and Mozambique

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    This paper interrogates the influence of a tradition-modernity dichotomy on perspectives and practices on sexual violence and sexual relationships involving girls in three districts of Kenya, Ghana and Mozambique. Through deploying an analytical framework of positioning within multiple discursive sites, we argue that although the dichotomy misrepresents the complexity of contemporary communities, it is nonetheless deployed by girls, educational initiatives, and researchers in their reflections on girls’ sexual practices and sexual violence. The analysis examines variations between communities in patterns of and perspectives about sexual relationships, transactional sex and sexual violence. It illuminates ways in which features of ‘modernisation’ and ‘tradition’ both exacerbate and protect girls from violence. Across contexts, girls actively positioned themselves between tradition and modernity, while positioning others at the extreme poles. Education initiatives also invoked bipolar positions in their attempts to protect girls’ rights to education and freedom from violence. The paper concludes by considering the implications for educational intervention and the potential for the analytical framing to generate richer, more contextualised understandings about girls’ perspectives, experiences and ways of resisting sexual violence

    Preparation Simplified Culture for Culturing Blastocystis Hominis Parasite

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    Blastocystis hominis is an obligate and aerobic protozoa, a world waded distribution between human and animals. Anew simplified of culturing parasite is prepared. One hundred fresh positive stool samples were inoculated in tube containing a new media. This media contain simple compound like ringer solution, water rice cooked and don’t need serum add. Tubes were incubated at 37c°, culture's was examined after 24, 48 and 72hours, culture became positive after 24hr, and the number of parasite was (1830) while after 48hr was (1525) but after 72hr the numbers of parasite began decreasing and became (381.25). The multiform of parasite described but vacuolar and granular form more observed. This culture is a new, quick and easy method for culturing Blastocystis    homini also not require to add serum. Keywords: Blastocystis hominis, vacuolar, granular, culture media